Towards a Green Blockchain: A Review of Consensus Mechanisms and their Energy Consumption

Authors: Bada, A.O., Damianou, A., Angelopoulos, C.M. and Katos, V.

Journal: Proceedings - 17th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOS 2021

Pages: 503-511

DOI: 10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00083


Organizations all over the world are under pressure to reduce their use of non-renewable energy sources and carbon emissions into the atmosphere due to its increasing negative impact on the ongoing climate crisis. Blockchain is a disruptive technology popularised by its use in Bitcoin, which has subsequently been adopted for various use cases. However, recently Blockchain has started attracting negative attention due to its propensity for high energy consumption depending on the adopted consensus mechanism. In this work, we explore the need for green (sustainable) Blockchain by comprehensively reviewing the various existing consensus mechanisms and their energy consumption to present a framework that will contribute towards developing more sustainable and environment friendly Blockchain-enabled systems.

Source: Scopus

Towards a Green Blockchain: A Review of Consensus Mechanisms and their Energy Consumption

Authors: Bada, A.O., Damianou, A., Angelopoulos, C.M. and Katos, V.


Pages: 503-511

ISSN: 2325-2936

DOI: 10.1109/DCOSS52077.2021.00083

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Towards a Green Blockchain: A Review of Consensus Mechanisms and their Energy Consumption

Authors: Bada, A.O., Damianou, A., Angelopoulos, C.M. and Katos, V.

Conference: 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS)

Pages: 503-511

ISBN: 9781665439299

ISSN: 2325-2936


Organizations all over the world are under pressure to reduce their use of non-renewable energy sources and carbon emissions into the atmosphere due to its increasing negative impact on the ongoing climate crisis. Blockchain is a disruptive technology popularised by its use in Bitcoin, which has subsequently been adopted for various use cases. However, recently Blockchain has started attracting negative attention due to its propensity for high energy consumption depending on the adopted consensus mechanism. In this work, we explore the need for green (sustainable) Blockchain by comprehensively reviewing the various existing consensus mechanisms and their energy consumption to present a framework that will contribute towards developing more sustainable and environment friendly Blockchain-enabled systems.

Source: BURO EPrints