P146 Ultra-short term heart rate variability and combat-related traumatic injury- is there an association? Findings from the ADVANCE study, UK.
Authors: Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A., Bull, A., Fear, N., Cullinan, P., Khattab, A. and Boos, C.
Conference: Society of Social Medicine and Population Health
Dates: 6-8 September 2023
Source: Manual
DEFER P146 Ultra-short term heart rate variability and combat-related traumatic injury- is there an association? Findings from the ADVANCE study, UK.
Authors: Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A., Bull, A., Fear, N., Cullinan, P., Khattab, A. and Boos, C.
Conference: Society of Social Medicine and Population Health
Source: BURO EPrints