Rabeea Maqsood

Rabeea Maqsood

  • rmaqsood at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • PGR
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Journal Articles

  • Dyball, D., Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A.N., Cullinan, P., Bull, A.M.J., Boos, C.J. and Fear, N.T., 2025. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters associated with an indicator of heart rate variability: The ADVANCE cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 375, 86-92.
  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A.N., Khattab, A., Bull, A.M.J., Fear, N.T. and Boos, C.J., 2024. Validity of Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Derived from Femoral Arterial Pulse Waveform in a British Military Cohort. Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback, 49 (4), 619-627.
  • Maqsood, R., Khattab, A. et al., 2024. Exploratory analysis of spontaneous versus paced breathing on heart rate variability in veterans with combat-related traumatic injury. PM and R, 16 (10), 1079-1087.
  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A., Khattab, A., Bull, A., Fear, N. and Boos, C., 2024. Intra- and Inter-Rater Reliability of Linear and Nonlinear Measures of Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Following Combat-Related Traumatic Injury. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 29 (5).
  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A.N., Khattab, A., Clark, C., Bull, A.M.J., Fear, N.T. and Boos, C.J., 2024. The Influence of Physical and Mental Health Mediators on the Relationship Between Combat-Related Traumatic Injury and Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability in a U.K. Military Cohort: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Military Medicine, 189 (3-4), E758-E765.
  • Maqsood, R., Khattab, A., Bennett, A.N. and Boos, C.J., 2023. Reliability of carotid-femoral arterial waveforms for the derivation of ultra-short term heart rate variability in injured British servicemen: An inter-rater reliability study. PLoS ONE, 18 (9 September).
  • Maqsood, R., Khattab, A., Bennett, A.N. and Boos, C.J., 2023. Association between non-acute Traumatic Injury (TI) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 18 (1 January).
  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A.N., Bull, A.M.J., Fear, N.T., Cullinan, P., Khattab, A. and Boos, C.J., 2023. Relationship between combat-related traumatic injury and ultrashort term heart rate variability in a UK military cohort: findings from the ADVANCE study. BMJ Military Health.
  • Maqsood, R., Khattab, A., Bennett, A.N. and Boos, C.J., 2022. Association between non-acute traumatic injury (TI) and heart rate variability (HRV) in adults: A systematic review protocol. PLoS ONE, 17 (8 August).
  • Maqsood, R., Buckingham, S. and Morrissey, K., 2020. A U-shaped association between depression and vigorous physical activity: A cross-sectional study in a cohort of police officers and staff in England. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being,, 6 (2), 48-55.


  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A., Khattab, A., Bull, A., Fear, N. and Boos, C., 2023. Comparative effect of paced and unpaced breathing on heart rate variability in individuals with combat injury. In: European Federation of Autonomic Society 5-6 October 2023 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Maqsood, R., Schofield, S., Bennett, A., Bull, A., Fear, N., Cullinan, P., Khattab, A. and Boos, C., 2023. P146 Ultra-short term heart rate variability and combat-related traumatic injury- is there an association? Findings from the ADVANCE study, UK. In: Society of Social Medicine and Population Health 6-8 September 2023 University of Newcastle.


  • Maqsood, R., Bennett, A. and Boos, C., 2022. Derivation of ultra-short term heart rate variability using carotid-femoral arterial waveforms in injured British military servicemen. In: London Trauma Conference.
  • Maqsood, R., Khattab, A., Bennett, A. and Boos, C., 2022. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) as a measure of autonomic function in non-acute traumatic injury (TI): a systematic review, meta-analysis, and GRADE assessment of HRV outcomes. In: Trauma Care Conference 2022.
  • Maqsood, R., 2020. P61 Prevalence of depression and its association with vigorous physical activity (VPA) in the English police force: a quantitative secondary data analysis of the airwave dataset.