Force mapping

Authors: Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.

Journal: Proceedings - Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2004

Pages: 204-210


In this paper, a new technique, force mapping, is developed for the representation of surfaces at different levels of detail. A force map records the applied forces and their distributions. By applying these forces on a relatively simple surface and deforming it, a detailed surface is created. This technique can be used for surface compression, reconstruction and editing. As an alternative to displacement mapping, our method benefits from the fact that physical properties are integrated into a geometric surface explicitly.

Source: Scopus

Force mapping

Authors: Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.


Pages: 204-210

DOI: 10.1109/TPCG.2004.1314472

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Force mapping

Authors: Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.

Conference: Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, Proceedings

Dates: 8-10 June 2004

Pages: 204-210

DOI: 10.1109/TPCG.2004.1314472


A new technique, force mapping, is developed for the representation of surfaces at different levels of detail. A force map records the applied forces and their distributions. By applying these forces on a relatively simple surface and deforming it, a detailed surface is created. This technique can be used for surface compression, reconstruction and editing. As an alternative to displacement mapping, our method benefits from the fact that physical properties are integrated into a geometric surface explicitly

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Jian Chang and Jian Jun Zhang

Force Mapping.

Authors: Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.

Journal: TPCG

Pages: 204-210

Publisher: IEEE Computer Society

DOI: 10.1109/TPCG.2004.1314472

Source: DBLP