Dukki Hong

Dr Dukki Hong

  • dhong at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Lecturer in Law
  • WH
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Dr Dukki Hong is Lecturer in Law and a member of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM). He joined Bournemouth University in 2023.

Before joining Bournemouth University, he obtained his doctorate degree (Bournemouth University, UK), LL.M (University College London, UK), and BA Law (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea).


Dukki's primary research area is copyright law and emerging technologies in the creative and entertainment industries. He researches and teaches various subjects in this area, including video game laws, deepfakes, and copyright aspects of Korean pop culture development (known as K-culture or Hallyu). Currently, he is interested in exploring the copyright implications of video game cloning and copyright policies around the exploitation of User-Generated Content (UGC) relating to video games.

Dukki obtained a PhD in intellectual property law at Bournemouth University. More specifically, he conducted research on copyright and design rights implications of 3D printing and product design under the supervision of Prof Dinusha Mendis and Dr Tania Humphries-smith.

Dukki participated in various externally funded projects as a research assistant to Prof. Dinusha Mendis. These encompass, for example, a 4-year research project funded by the European Union Intellectual Property Office on the key enforcement judgments relating to intellectual property rights in 14 EU Member States. More recently, he participated as a Post-doctoral research assistant in a research project funded by IFLA/KnowledgeRights21 on open norms and copyright in seven jurisdictions.


  • Mendis, D. and Hong, D., 2022. Informational Rights: Puzzles of Co-Production in 3D Printing. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Routledge.
  • Hong, D. and Bradshaw, S., 2019. Digital trade mark infringement and 3D printing implications: What does the future hold? 3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation. 99-114.

