Roger Brownsword

Professor Roger Brownsword

  • 01202 968751
  • rbrownsword at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Professor In Law
  • Executive Business Centre EB401, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
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As a researcher, writing about contracts and the common law, legal theory, bioethics, and the regulation of technology, Professor Brownsword's work is known around the world. Although most of his work has been published in the United Kingdom, he has also published papers in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States.

For more than twenty years, Professor Brownsword's has collaborated with Professor Deryck Beyleveld in developing a distinctive morally-driven approach to law. The foundations of this approach are set out in Law as a Moral Judgment (1986) and it is taken forward in Human Dignity in Bioethics and Biolaw (2001) and Consent in the Law (2007).

In the area of Contracts, Professor Brownsword has published a new edition of his overview of contracts, Contract Law: Themes for the Twenty-First Century (2006, OUP) and he is working on a Chitty supplementary volume on exclusion clauses.

In the area of regulation and technology, he published the following two books in 2008; Rights, Regulation and the Technological Revolution and Regulating Technologies (the latter co-edited with Professor Karen Yeung).

Journal Articles



  • Brownsword, R., 2023. Law, regulation, and technology: the bigger picture of good governance. Research Handbook on Law and Technology. 12-27.
  • Davis, H., 2023. Obtaining Information from an overmighty subject: the Parliamentary Experience. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Routledge.
  • Cronin, A., 2023. Corporate regulation by information: democratic deficit and overcoming the dangers of the new regulatory paradigm. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society, Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Abingdon, Oxon, England and New York, US: Routledge, 67-86.
  • Brownsword, R., 2023. AI and Fundamental Rights: The People, the Conversations, and the Governance Challenges. Law, Governance and Technology Series. 335-355.
  • Brownsword, R., 2023. Private Law, Technology and Governance. Data and Private Law. 19-34.
  • Mendis, D. and Hong, D., 2022. Informational Rights: Puzzles of Co-Production in 3D Printing. In: Borghi, M. and Brownsword, R., eds. Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society: Informational Rights and Informational Wrongs. Routledge.
  • Brownsword, R., 2022. Human Rights - What Hope? Human Dignity - What Scope? Ethics, Law and Society. 189-209.
  • Brownsword, R., 2021. Axiological Pluralism: Conflict in the Hospital, Resolution in the Courts. Ius Gentium. 125-148.
  • Brownsword, R., 2021. Political Disruption, Technological Disruption and the Future of EU Private Law. New Directions in European Private Law. 7-28.
  • Brownsword, R., 2021. Regulating Automated Healthcare and Research Technologies: First Do No Harm (to the Commons). The Cambridge Handbook of Health Research Regulation. 266-274.
  • Brownsword, R., 2019. Legal regulation of technology: Supporting innovation managing risk and respecting values. Science, Technology, and Society: New Perspectives and Directions. 109-137.
  • Brownsword, R., 2019. Smart transactional technologies, legal disruption, and the case of network contracts. The Cambridge Handbook of Smart Contracts, Blockchain Technology and Digital Platforms. 313-333.
  • Brownsword, R., 2019. Transformative technologies and responsive legal scholarship. 3D Printing and Beyond: Intellectual Property and Regulation. 137-157.
  • Brownsword, R., 2019. Teaching the law of contract in a world of new transactional technologies. Reimagining Contract Law Pedagogy: A New Agenda for Teaching. 112-128.
  • Brownsword, R., 2019. Law schools for lawyers, citizens, and people. The Law School - Global Issues, Local Questions. 26-40.
  • Brownsword, R. and Wale, J., 2018. Regulating in the Global Village: The Case of Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Tests. In: Symeonidou-Kastanidou, E., Kipouridou, K., Milapidou, M. and Vasileiou, M., eds. Medicine, Law and the Internet. Greece: Nomiki Bibliothiki S. A., XV-378.
  • Brownsword, R., 2017. Law, Liberty and Technology. The Oxford Handbook of Law, Regulation and Technology. Oxford University Press.
  • Brownsword, R., 2017. Field, Frame and Focus: Methodological Issues in the New Legal World. Rethinking Legal Scholarship A Transatlantic Dialogue. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brownsword, R., 2017. Stem cells, superman, and the report of the select committee. Genetics and Gene Therapy. 513-532.
  • Brownsword, R., 2017. Law as a Moral Judgment, the Domain of Jurisprudence, and Technological Management. Ethical Rationalism and the Law. 109-130.
  • Brownsword, R., 2016. 'Consent in Data Protection Law: Privacy, Fair Processing and Confidentiality', in Serge Gutwirth (ed.), Reinventing Data Protection?, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 83-110. Privacy in the Information Society: Volume II. 139-166.
  • Beyleveld, D. and Brownsword, R., 2016. Research participants and the right to be informed. Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean. 173-188.
  • Brownsword, R. and Wale, J., 2016. Compromise medicalisation. Pioneering Healthcare Law: Essays in Honour of Margaret Brazier. 292-304.
  • Brownsword, R., 2016. Cloning, zoning and the harm principle. First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics and Healthcare. 527-542.
  • Brownsword, R., 2016. Big Biobanks: Three Major Governance Challenges and Some Mini-constitutional Responses. Research Ethics Forum. 175-196.
  • Brownsword, R., 2016. Property in Human Tissue: Triangulating the Issue. Altruism Reconsidered: Exploring New Approaches to Property in Human Tissue. 93-104.
  • Brownsword, R., 2015. Human dignity from a legal perspective. The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 1-22.
  • Beyleveld, D. and Brownsword, R., 2015. Research participants and the right to be informed. Inspiring a Medico-Legal Revolution: Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean. 173-188.
  • Brownsword, R., 2015. Patents and intellectual property rights. The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. 354-367.
  • Brownsword, R., 2014. Regulatory Coherence—A European Challenge. Studies in European Economic Law and Regulation. 235-258.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Post-Technique : The New Social Contract Today. In: Campbell, D., Mulcahy, L. and Wheeler, S., eds. Changing Concepts of Contract. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 14-37.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. A Simple Regulatory Principle for Performance-Enhancing Technologies: Too Good to be True? Athletic enhancement, human nature and ethics: Threats and opportunities of doping technologies. Netherlands: Springer, 291-310.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Contracts in a Networked World. In: di Matteo, L., Zhou, Q., Saintier, S. and Rowley, K., eds. Commercial Contract Law: Transatlantic Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Contracts with Network Effects - Is the Time Now Right? In: Grundmann, S., ed. From Exchange to Cooperation—Networks and Long-Term Relationships in European Contract Law. Aldershot: Ashgate, 137-163.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Criminal Law, Regulatory Frameworks and Public Health. In: Coggon, J., Kessel, A. and Viens, A.M., eds. Criminal Law, Regulatory Frameworks and Public Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-41.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Simply Trying to Do the Right Thing. In: McCrudden, C., ed. Understanding Human Dignity. OUP, 470-490.
  • Brownsword, R., 2013. Regulating Biobanks: Another Triple Bottom Line. In: Pascuzzi, G., Izzo, U. and Macilotti, M., eds. Comparative Issues in the Governance of Research Biobanks: Property, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and the Role of Technology. Springer, 41-62.
  • Brownsword, R., 2012. Menschenwürde und Nanotechnologie: Zwei Perspektiven, zahlreiche Ethiken. In: Joerden, J., Hilgendorf, E. and Thiele, F., eds. Menschenwürde und Medizin. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1019-1032.
  • Brownsword, R., 2012. Regulating Brain Imaging: Questions of Privacy, Informed Consent and Human Dignity. In: Edwards, S.J.L., Richmond, S. and Rees, G., eds. I Know What You're Thinking: Brain imaging and mental privacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 223-244.
  • Brownsword, R., 2012. Crimes against humanity, simple crime, and human dignity. Humanity Across International Law and Biolaw. 87-114.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. Autonomy, Delegation, and Responsibility: Agents in Automatic Computing Environments. In: Hildebrandt, M. and Rouvroy, A., eds. Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing. Routledge, 64-84.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. Biobanks, Rights, and the Regulatory Environment. In: Faralli, C. and Galletti, M., eds. Biobanche e informazioni genetiche. Problemi etici e giuridici. Aracne, 85-111.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. Editorial Introduction. In: Micklitz, H., Niglia, L. and Weatherill, S., eds. The foundations of European private law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 3-9.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. Maps, Critiques, and Methodologies: Confessions of a Contract Lawyer. In: van Hoecke, M., ed. Methodologies of Legal Research. Hart Publishing, 133-153.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. The Theoretical Foundations of European Private Law: A Time to Stand and Stare. In: Micklitz, H., Niglia, L. and Weatherill, S., eds. The foundations of European private law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 159-174.
  • Brownsword, R., 2011. Maps, Methodologies, and Critiques: Confessions of a Contract Lawyer. Methodologies of Legal Research: Which Kind of Method for What Kind of Discipline?. 133-153.
  • Brownsword, R., 2010. The ancillary-care responsibilities of researchers: Reasonable but not great expectations. Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. 81-101.
  • Brownsword, R., 2010. General Considerations. In: Furmston, M., ed. Butterworths Common Law Series: The Law of Contract (4th ed). Butterworths, 1-253.
  • Brownsword, R., 2010. The Age of Regulatory Governance and Nanotechnologies. International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechnologies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 60-80.
  • Brownsword, R., 2010. The Ancillary-Care Responsibilities of Researchers: Reasonable but not Great Expectations. In: Harrington, J. and Stuttaford, M., eds. Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. Routledge, 81-101.
  • Brownsword, R. and Beyleveld, D., 2009. Complex Technology, Complex Calculations: Uses and Abuses of Precautionary Reasoning in Law. In: Duwell, M. and Sollie, P., eds. Evaluating New Technologies: Methodological Problems for the Ethical Assessment of Technological Developments. Springer, 175-190.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Consent in Data Protection Law: Privacy, Fair Processing, and Confidentiality. In: Gutwirth, S., Poullet, Y., de Hert, P., de Terwangne, C. and Nouwt, S., eds. Reinventing Data Protection?. Springer, 83-110.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Human Dignity, Ethical Pluralism, and the Regulation of Modern Biotechnologies. In: Murphy, T., ed. New Technologies and Human Rights. Oxford University Press, 19-84.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Network Contracts Revisited. In: Amstutz, M. and Teubner, G., eds. Networks Subtitle legal issues of multilateral co-operation. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 31-52.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Property in Human Tissue: Triangulating the Issue. In: Steinmann, M., Sykora, P. and Wiesing, U., eds. Altruism Reconsidered Subtitle Exploring New Approaches to Property in Human Tissue. Ashgate Publishing, 93-104.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Regulating Transactions: Good Faith and Fair Dealing. In: Howells, G. and Schulze, R., eds. Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law. Munich: Sellier, European Law, 87-113.
  • Brownsword, R., 2009. Rights, Responsibility and Stewardship: Beyond Consent. In: Widdows, H. and Mullen, C., eds. The Governance of Genetic Information: Who Decides?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 99-125.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Cloning, zoning and the harm principle. First Do No Harm: Law, Ethics and Healthcare. 527-542.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Knowing me, knowing you - Profiling, privacy and the public interest. Profiling the European Citizen: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. 345-363.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Biobank governance: Property, privacy and consent. Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property: Current Problems in Politics, Science and Technology. 11-25.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Genetic Engineering, Free Trade, and Human Rights: Global Standards and Local Ethics. In: Wuger, D. and Cottier, T., eds. Genetic Engineering and the World Trade System (World Trade Forum). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 287-314.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Bioethics : Bridging From Morality to Law? In: Freeman, M., ed. Law and Bioethics. Oxford University Press, 12-30.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Contract, Consent, and Civil Society: Private Governance and Public Imposition. In: Odell, P. and Willett, C., eds. Global Governance and the Quest for Justice. Hart Publishing, 5-37.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Fundamental Questions: Suisse Atlantique Revisited. In: Mitchell, P. and Mitchell, C., eds. Landmark Cases in the Law of Contract. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 299-320.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Knowing Me, Knowing You - Profiling, Privacy and the Public Interest. In: Hildebrandt, M. and Gutwirth, S., eds. Profiling the European Citizen. New York: Springer, 362-382.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Regulating Technologies: Tools, Targets, and Thematics. In: Yeung, K., ed. Regulating technologies. Oxford: Hart, 3-22.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. So What Does the World Need Now? Reflections on Regulating Technologies. In: Yeung, K., ed. Regulating technologies. Oxford: Hart, 23-48.
  • Brownsword, R. and Yeung, K., 2008. Regulating Technologies: Tools, Targets and Thematics. Regulating Technologies: Legal Futures, Regulatory Frames and Technological Fixes. 4-22.
  • Brownsword, R., 2008. Suisse Atlantique Société d’Armament SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale (1966). Landmark Cases in the Law of Contract. 299-320.
  • Brownsword, R., 2007. Red lights and rogues: Regulating human genetics. The Regulatory Challenge of Biotechnology: Human Genetics, Food and Patents. 39-62.
  • Brownsword, R., 2007. Ethical Pluralism and the Regulation of Modern Biotechnology. Biotechnologies and International Human Rights. 45-70.
  • Brownsword, R., 2005. Biotechnology and Rights: Where are We Coming From and Where are We Going? In: Klang, M. and Murray, A., eds. Human rights in the digital age. London: GlassHouse.
  • Brownsword, R., 2005. Human rights - what hope? Human dignity - what scope? Ethics, Law and Society: Volume I. 189-209.
  • Brownsword, R., 2005. Introduction: Global Governance and Human Rights. Global Governance and the Quest for Justice: Volume IV: Human Rights. 1-7.
  • Brownsword, R., 2004. Introduction: Human Rights and Global Governance. Human rights. Oxford: Hart.
  • Brownsword, R., 2004. What the World Needs Now: Techno-Regulation, Human Rights and Human Dignity. Human Rights. Oxford: Hart.
  • Brownsword, R., 2003. After Investors: Interpretation, Expectation and the Implicit Dimension of the "New Contextualism". In: Campbell, D., Collins, H. and Wightman, J., eds. Implicit dimensions of contract : discrete, relational, and network contracts. Oxford: Hart Publishers.
  • Brownsword, R. and Furmston, M., 2003. General considerations. The law of contract. London: LexisNexis.
  • Brownsword, R. and Beyleveld, D., 2003. Is Patent Law Part of the EC Legal Order? In: Baumgartner, C. and Mieth, D., eds. Patente am Leben? : ethische, rechtliche und politische Aspekte der Biopatentierung. Paderborn: Mentis.
  • Brownsword, R., 2001. Freedom of Contract, Human Rights and Human Dignity. In: Friedmann, D. and Barak-Erez, D., eds. Human rights in private law. Oxford: Hart.
  • Brownsword, R., 2001. Privity of Contract: Beyond Promissory Principle and Protective Pragmatism. In: Kincaid, P., ed. Privity : private justice or public regulation. Aldershot; Burlington USA: Ashgate/Dartmouth.
  • Brownsword, R., 2001. Supporting Small Businesses to Deal with Legal Issues in E-Commerce. In: Stanford-Smith, B. and Chiozza, E., eds. E-work and E-commerce : novel solutions and practices for a global networked economy. Amsterdam; Washington, DC: IOS Press.

External Responsibilities