Davide Parrilli

Professor Davide Parrilli

  • Professor In Regional Economic Development
  • Executive Business Centre EB408, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
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Full Professor of Regional Economic Development and Coordinator of the PhD in 'Econs & Mgmt' . His areas of research specialization are:

• SME Clusters and industrial districts

• Regional innovation systems and business innovation modes

• Global value chains and global innovation networks

• Social capital and migration

MDP publishes in top-ranked journals such as Research Policy, Technovation, Regional Studies, European Planning Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Small Business Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Review of International Political Economy, among others. D has also published a number of volumes for Elgar, Routledge and Palgrave-Macmillan.

MDP has supervised/ing various PhD theses:

* The role of intermediaries in regional innovation systems: Spain (Alberdi, 2014)

* Business innovation modes in transition economies: Belarus (Apanasovich, 2014)

* Social capital and innovation in Spain and Italy ( D’Ambrosio, 2015)

* Openness and innovation across regional innovation systems in Spain (Unzalu, 2016)...


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Reduced inequalities

"Reduce inequality within and among countries"

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Sustainable cities and communities

"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"

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Climate action

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"

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Journal Articles

  • Parrilli, M.D., Korosteleva, J. and Mickiewicz, T., 2025. Ethnic diversity in SME business teams: generating employment growth through digitalisation, innovation, and exporting. Small Business Economics.
  • Hansen-Addy, A.E., Parrilli, D.M. and Tingbani, I., 2024. The impact of trade facilitation on African SMEs’ performance. Small Business Economics, 62 (1), 105-131.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2024. Cluster policy: the challenging and complex horizon in the 2020s. European Planning Studies, 32 (9), 1868-1884.
  • Hansen-Addy, A.E., Parrilli, M.D. and Tingbani, I., 2024. The impact of the regulatory business environment on SMEs' funding choices in developing countries: Evidence from Africa. International Journal of Finance and Economics.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Balavac-Orlić, M. and Radicic, D., 2023. Environmental innovation across SMEs in Europe. Technovation, 119.
  • Hervas-Oliver, J.L., Parrilli, M.D. and Sempere-Ripoll, F., 2021. SME modes of innovation in European catching-up countries: The impact of STI and DUI drivers on technological innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 173.
  • Hervas-Oliver, J.-L., Parrilli, M.D., Rodriguez-Pose, A. and Sempere-Ripoll, F., 2021. The drivers of SME innovation in the regions of the EU. RESEARCH POLICY, 50 (9).
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Radicic, D., 2021. STI and DUI innovation modes in micro-, small-, medium- and large-sized firms: distinctive patterns across Europe and the U.S. European Planning Studies, 29 (2), 346-368.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Radicic, D., 2021. Cooperation for innovation in liberal market economies: STI and DUI innovation modes in SMEs in the United Kingdom. European Planning Studies, 29 (11), 2121-2144.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Balavac, M. and Radicic, D., 2020. Business innovation modes and their impact on innovation outputs: Regional variations and the nature of innovation across EU regions. Research Policy, 49 (8).
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2019. Clusters and internationalization: the role of lead firms’ commitment and RIS proactivity in tackling the risk of internal fractures. European Planning Studies, 27 (10), 2015-2033.
  • Aragón Amonarriz, C., Iturrioz, C., Narvaiza, L. and Parrilli, M.D., 2019. The role of social capital in regional innovation systems: Creative social capital and its institutionalization process. Papers in Regional Science, 98 (1), 35-51.
  • D’Ambrosio, A., Montresor, S., Parrilli, M.D. and Quatraro, F., 2019. Migration, communities on the move and international innovation networks: an empirical analysis of Spanish regions. Regional Studies, 53 (1), 6-16.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Montresor, S. and Trippl, M., 2019. A new approach to migrations: communities-on-the-move as assets. Regional Studies, 53 (1), 1-5.
  • Apanasovich, N., Alcalde-Heras, H. and Parrilli, M.D., 2017. A new approach to business innovation modes: the ‘Research, Technology and Human Resource Management (RTH) model’ in the ICT sector in Belarus. European Planning Studies, 25 (11), 1976-2000.
  • Apanasovich, N., Alcalde Heras, H. and Parrilli, M.D., 2016. The impact of business innovation modes on SME innovation performance in post-Soviet transition economies: The case of Belarus. Technovation, 57-58, 30-40.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Alcalde Heras, H., 2016. STI and DUI innovation modes: Scientific-technological and context-specific nuances. Research Policy, 45 (4), 747-756.
  • Parrilli,, M.D. and Gonzalez-Pernia, J.L., 2015. STI–DUI learning modes, firm–university collaboration and innovation. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40 (3), 475-492.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Aranguren, M.J., de la Maza, X., Vendrell, F. and Wilson, J., 2014. Nested Methodological Approaches for Cluster Policy Evaluation: An Application to the Basque Country. Regional Studies, 48 (9), 1547-1562.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Zabala, J.M., 2014. Interrelated diversification and internationalization: critical drives of global industries. Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 145 (1), 71-101.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Alberdi, X. and Gibaja, J.J., 2014. Evaluación de la fragmentación en los Sistemas Regionales de Innovación: Una tipología para el caso de España. Investigaciones Regionales, 28, 7-35.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Nadvi, K. and Yeung, H.W., 2013. Local and Regional Development in Global Value Chains, Production Networks and Innovation Networks: A Comparative Review and the Challenges for Future Research. European Planning Studies, 21 (7), 967-988.
  • Parrilli, M., Elola, A. and Rabellotti, R., 2013. The Resilience of Clusters in the Context of Increasing Globalization: The Basque Wind Energy Value Chain. European Planning Studies, 21 (7), 989-1006.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2013. Unveiling the black-box of innovation: a methodological tool for the analysis of the efficiency of regional innovation systems. Journal of Strategic Management Education, 9 (1).
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2013. The new complexity of local production and the enlightened role of industrial policy: The Basque Country Case. European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, 5 (1).
  • Parrilli, M. and Elola, A., 2012. The strength of science and technology drivers for SME innovation. Small Business Economics: an international journal, 39 (4), 897-907.
  • Parrilli, M., Aranguren, M.J. and Larrea, M., 2010. The Role of Interactive Learning to Close the “Innovation Gap” in SMEBased Local Economies: A Furniture Cluster in the Basque Country and its Key Policy Implications. European Planning Studies, 18 (3), 351-370.
  • Parrilli, M., 2009. Collective efficiency, policy inducement and social embeddedness: Drivers for the development of industrial districts. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 21 (1), 1-24.
  • Parrilli, M. and Sacchetti, S., 2008. Linking learning with governance in networks and clusters: key issues for analysis and policy. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 20 (4), 387-408.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2007. SME Survival Clusters in Developing Countries (With Case Studies). Management Online Review (MORE).
  • Parrilli, M., 2004. Integrating the national industrial system: the new challenge for Chile. Review of International Political Economy, 11 (5), 905-925.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2004. A Stage and Eclectic Approach to Industrial District Development: Two Policy Keys for ‘Survival’ Clusters in Developing Countries. European Planning Studies, 12 (8), 1115-1130.


  • Parrilli, M.D., Fitjar, R.D. and Rodríguez-Pose, A., 2016. Innovation drivers and regional innovation strategies.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2014. The competitiveness of clusters in globalized markets. London: Routledge.
  • Parrilli, M., 2012. Innovation, Global Change and Territorial Resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2012. Interactive learning for innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  • Parrilli, M., 2011. Territorios innovadores y competitivos. Madrid & Barcelona: Marcial Pons.
  • Parrilli, M., 2010. Innovacion y Aprendizaje: lecciones para el diseño de politicas. Bilbao: Innobasque.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2008. High technology, productivity and networks. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2007. SME cluster development. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2005. Industrializzazione, Sviluppo ed Organizzazioni Internazionali. Ferrara: Tecom Project-CARID-Universitá di Ferrara.


  • Hervas-Oliver, J.L. and Parrilli, M.D., 2017. Networks of clusters within global value chains: The case of the European ceramic tile districts in Spain and Italy. Local Clusters in Global Value Chains: Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation. 175-192.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Hervas-Oliver, J.L., 2017. Network of clusters within GVCs: the case of the European ceramic tile districts in Spain and Italy. In: De Marchi, V., Di Maria, E. and Gereffi, G., eds. Local clusters in global value chains. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 175-192.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Sisti, E. and Zubiaurre, A., 2015. Cluster evolution in a globalized economy. Resilient territories. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 11-35.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2015. Territorios competitivos. In: Compes, R. and Alvarez-Coque, J.M., eds. Redes de innovacion y desarrollo local para el medio rural. Madrid: Magrama-Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Aranguren, M.J. and Larrea, M., 2012. Firm heterogeneity and trajectories of learning. In: Parrilli, M.D. and Asheim, B.T., eds. Interactive learning for innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Asheim, B.T., 2012. Innovation and learning in current competitive markets. In: Parrilli, M.D. and Asheim, B.T., eds. Interactive learning for innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 1-30.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2012. Heterogeneous social capitals: a new window of opportunity for local economies. In: Parrilli, M.D., Cooke, P.N. and Curbelo, J.L., eds. Innovation, global change and terrritorial resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Lazzeretti, L., 2012. New focus of economic reactivation in Spain: creative industries in the Basque Country. In: Parrilli, M.D., Cooke, P.N. and Curbelo, J.L., eds. Innovation, global change and territorial resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2011. Conductos de conocimiento global y flujos de conocimiento tácito. In: Parrilli, M.D., Curbelo, J.L. and Alburquerque, F., eds. Territorios competitivos e innovadores. Madrid and Barcelona: Marcial Pons, 131-152.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Lazzeretti, L., 2011. Las industrias creativas de Florencia y San Sebastián: una visión general. Territorios innovadores y competitivos. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 285-298.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Alburquerque, F. and Curbelo, J.L., 2011. Introduction. In: Parrilli, M.D., Curbelo and Alburquerque, eds. Territorios innovadores y competitivos. Madrid y Barcelona: Marcial Pons, 11-33.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2010. Innovación DUI: el motor secreto del crecimiento en la CAPV. Innovacion y Aprendizaje: lecciones para el diseño de politicas. Bilbao: Innobasuqe, 20-41.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Aguado, R., 2010. La cadena de valor de la innovación. In: Parrilli, M.D., ed. Innovacion y Aprendizaje. Bilbao: Innobasque, 206-226.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Elola, A., 2010. Perfiles de innovacion STI y DUI. In: Parrilli, M.D., ed. Innovacion y Aprendizaje. Bilbao: Innobasque, 248-265.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Aranguren, M.J. and Larrea, 2010. La heterogeneidad de las empresas y sus trayectorias de aprenzaje. Innovacion y aprendizaje. Bilbao: Innobasque, 302-323.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Garcia, R., 2009. Industrial districts in Latin America: the role of local learning for endogenous development. In: Becattini, G., Bellandi, M. and De Propris, L., eds. Handbook of Industrial Districts. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Aranguren and Larrea, 2008. A tripartite innovation frameworks for SME-based economies. In: Johansson, I., ed. Institutions for generation and knowledge flows. Uddevalla, Sweden: University West.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Aranguren, M.J. and Larrea, M., 2007. El papel de los procesos de aprendizaje comarcales en las políticas regionales de competitividad e innovación. In: Mujika, A., ed. Las regiones del conocimiento. Bilbao: University of Deusto.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Bianchi, P., 2006. The Italian experience in promoting entrepreneurship. Developing Entrepreneurship in Latin America and Worldwide. Washington: Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Parrilli, M.D. and Artola, N., 2006. The development of the dairy cluster in Boaco and Chontales, Nicaragua. In: Pietrobelli, C. and Rabellotti, R., eds. Upgrading to compete. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 43-71.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2006. Cluster trajectories in Central America. In: Pitelis, C., Sugden, R. and Wilson, J., eds. Clusters and globalisation: the development of urban and regional economies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Bianchi, P. and Labory, S., 2006. Development Policies for Small firms in Developing Countries. In: BIanchi, P. and Labory, S., eds. International Handbook of industrial policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Parrilli, M.D., 2003. Le Piccole e Medie Imprese Latinoamericane nell’Era della Globalizzazione: Approcci di Politica per lo Sviluppo Industriale a Confronto. Politiche industriali in una economia aperta. Milano: Angeli.


  • Parrilli, M.D. and Orlic, E., 2018. The Marine and Maritime Sector and its value chain in Dorset. Poole: Bournemouth Borough Council.
  • Parrilli, M.D., Elola, A., Alvarez, E. and Rabellotti, R., 2012. Análisis de La Cadena de Valor de la Industria Eólica y su conexión con el Conjunto de Empresas Eólicas Vascas. San Sebastian: Orkestra - Basque Institute of Competitiveness.

PhD Students

  • Babatunde Akinmade, 2022. GSP Preferences, efficiency, poverty reduction and global value chains, (In progress)
  • Yo Han Kim, 2025. Tourism gentrification and social capital in Korea, (In progress)
  • Cynthia Ilouno, 2026. SME finance and innovation in Nigeria, (In progress)
  • Yo Han Kim. Gentrification and social capital in small town: the case of Korea, (In progress)
  • Natalja Apanasovich, 2014. Business innovation modes in transition economies: evidence from Belarus
  • Xabier Alberdi, 2014. The fragmentation of regional innovation systems: evidence from Spanish regions
  • Anna D'Ambrosio, 2015. Migration and social capital: evidence from Italy and Spain
  • Unzalu, Heiko, 2016. Openness and Innovation: evidence from Spanish regions
  • Malaver, Florentino, 2017. The heterogeneity of Business Innovation: evidence from Colombia
  • Sisti Eduardo, 2018. Social capital and cluster evolution: evidence from Spain
  • Andrew Hansen-Addy, 2021. SME finance and innovation: empirical evidence from Ghana
  • Yitian Lu, 2021. The University role in the promotion of DUI innovation: evidence from China

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Sustainable Regional Development
  • SMEs and Entrepreneurial Finance

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Industry, Regions and the Environment
  • Economics for Accounting and Finance
  • Economics for Business Studies
  • History of Economic Thought

Invited Lectures

  • DUI Innovation in Catching-up Countries and Region, Gottingen University, Gottingen, 22 Nov 2024 more
  • Social capital and regional economic development, Bath University, Faculty of Management, 15 Mar 2024 more
  • Social capital and migration, University of WInchester, 06 Mar 2024 more
  • Industrial districts and social transformations, University of Florence, 17 Nov 2023 more
  • Eco-innovation across European Macro-Regions, Aston Business School, 16 Dec 2022 more
  • "Cluster policies in the 2020s", Padua, 23 Sep 2022 more
  • Environmental innovation across SMEs in Europe, Padua, 20 Apr 2022 more
  • The role of clusters for economic resilience, Washington, 20 Jan 2021 more
  • SMEs in global value chains, Florence, 29 Oct 2020 more
  • Clusters, Innovation and Competitiveness: reflecti, Lugo, Spain, 06 Sep 2019 more
  • Clusters: pro and cons, University of Florence, Florence, 03 May 2018 more
  • Regional development in global value chains, Immanuel Kant Baltic University, Kaliningrad, 19 Feb 2018 more
  • The importance of DUI in business innovaiton modes, University of Milan, Milan, 09 Nov 2017 more
  • Clusters, global value chains and regional innovat, University of Szeged, Szeged, 09 May 2016 more
  • SMEs and innovation in Europe and Central Asia, Minsk, 24 Apr 2015 more
  • The role of social capital in resilient territorie, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 29 Nov 2013 more
  • Clusters and global value chains: Some reflections, University Menendez Pelayo, Valencia, Spain, 16 Oct 2013 more
  • Interelated Diversification & Internationalization, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 18 May 2013 more
  • Disentangling the relation between learning modes, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway, 11 Dec 2012 more
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Evora, Evora, Portugal, 31 Oct 2012 more
  • Creative industries and renewable energies, Faro, 05 Jul 2012 more
  • Creative industries and renewable energies, Florence, University of Florence, 30 Mar 2012 more
  • EU Lessons on Districts and Clusters for Latin Am., ILO Santiago, Chile, 18 Nov 2009 more
  • Local learning: industrial districts in Latin Am, Abo Akademy, Turku, Finland, 20 Sep 2008 more
  • Local learning in clusters in Europe and Lat Am, Conference Centre, Montevideo, Uruguay, 30 Jul 2008 more


  • Poole marine cluster supply chain analysis (Poole Council, 16 Jan 2018). In Progress
  • SME finance in developing countries: the case of Ghana (GIMPA Institute - Ghana, 01 Oct 2017). In Progress
  • "Clusters in global value chains: the role of regional innovation systems" (SPRI - Basque Government, 01 Jun 2011). Completed
  • Euskadi Innova (SPRI - Basque Government, 14 Feb 2009). Completed
  • PICTURE (EU - Interreg Programme, 28 Sep 2006). Completed
  • "European-Latin American Network for Learning and Research on SMEs and Industrial Development Policies" (EU-ALFA Programme, 01 Sep 2004). Completed
  • innovation Policy and Business Innovation Centres in Italy (Inter-American Development Bank, 30 Apr 2003). Completed
  • Obstacles and Opportunities for the Development of SMEs in Chile (Ministry of Economy - Government of Chile, 03 Sep 2001). Completed

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • "Regional growth strategy in the UK" (18 Nov 2024)
  • Supply Chain Futures Competition (05 Nov 2024)


  • SFHEA in Education and Learning (Higher Education Academy, 2018)
  • PhD in Economics and Industrial Development Policy (University of Birmingham, 2005)
  • MPhil in Development Studies (IDS-University of Sussex, 1996)
  • MSc in Economics (University of Turin (CORIPE), 1994)
  • PGCE in Economic Journalism (University of Verona, 1992)
  • BA (Hons) in Philosophy (University of Bologna, 1990)
