Dr Alina E Dolea
- Head of Department - Humanities and Law
- Weymouth House W408, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Alina Dolea is Associate Professor in Strategic Communication and Public Diplomacy. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and her research is situated at the intersection of public diplomacy, nation branding, migration, media and communication studies, with a focus on discourse. She is particularly interested in the role non-state actors have come to play in public diplomacy, reproducing, but also contesting and disrupting the state’s strategic communication. She is currently focusing on diasporas and emotions, exploring the opportunities as well as the consequences of their transnational existence for public diplomacy as 2022-2024 Research Fellow of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.
She is interested in supervising PhD students in any of these areas.
Alina was Fulbright Senior Scholar 2015-2016 and visited USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism between November 2015 and March 2016. She was also Visiting Scholar at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), during May-October 2015, researching public diplomacy in Switzerland (through the Swiss Scientific exchange program for new member states as part of Swiss Contribution to EU)...
Alina was awarded the Top Faculty Award (with César Jiménez-Martínez) of the ICA Public Diplomacy Interest Group at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (Toronto, Canada, 2023).
She received the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) 2015 PhD Award for Excellent Doctoral Theses for her PhD theses ”Country promotion as a public issue in Romania after 1989 – A social constructivist and interdisciplinary approach”.
She also received "Best paper" (with Diana Ingenhoff) at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research 2016 (Fribourg, Switzerland) and a certificate for one of the “Best Faculty Papers in PR” at the 64th Annual Conference of International Communication Association, PR Division (Seattle, USA, 2014).
She is the author of ”Twenty years of (re)branding post-communist Romania. Actors, discourses, perspectives - 1990-2010” (Editura Institutul European, 2015) and co-author of “Branding Romania. Cum (ne) promovăm imaginea de țară”(How we promote our country image) (Curtea Veche Publishing, 2009). She published the first article on the institutionalization of Romanian government PR in Public Relations Review.
Alina is one of the founders of the Public Diplomacy Interest Group within ICA, was elected Chair for 2018-2020 and served for an additional Chair mandate for 2020-2022.
- Dolea, A.E., 2024. Diaspora diplomacy, emotions, and disruption: A conceptual and analytical framework. CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy.
- Dolea, A.E. and Suciu, A., 2024. Ethnicity, Identity, and Branding in Postcommunist Romania. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication.
- Jimenez-Martinez, C. and Dolea, A., 2024. Threats, truths and strategies: The overlooked relationship between protests, nation branding and public diplomacy. NATIONS AND NATIONALISM, 30 (1), 39-55.
- Dolea, A., 2023. The invisible luggage of the displaced: emotions, trauma and public diplomacy. PLACE BRANDING AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY, 19 (2), 242-247.
- Kaneva, N., Dolea, A. and Manor, I., 2023. Public diplomacy and nation branding in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine War. PLACE BRANDING AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY, 19 (2), 185-189.
- Dolea, A., 2022. Transnational diaspora diplomacy, emotions and COVID-19: the Romanian diaspora in the UK. PLACE BRANDING AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY, 18 (1), 12-14.
- Manor, I., Jimenez Martinez, C. and Dolea, E.-A., 2021. An asset or a hassle? The public as a problem for public diplomats. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Blog: University of Leiden. Available from: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/hjd/news/2021/blog-post---an-asset-or-a-hassle-the-public-as-a-problem-for-public-diplomats.
- Dolea, E.-A., Manor, I. and Jiménez‑Martínez, C., 2021. Protests and national images: the public as an emerging problem in public diplomacy. Blog of USC Center on Public Diplomacy. Available from: https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/blog/protests-and-national-images-public-emerging-problem-public-diplomacy.
- Dolea, A., Ingenhoff, D. and Beju, A., 2021. Country images and identities in times of populism: Swiss media discourses on the ‘stop mass immigration’ initiative. International Communication Gazette, 83 (4), 301-325.
- Dolea, E., 2019. Immigration in party manifestos: threat or resource? in UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research (Bournemouth University). Available from: http://www.electionanalysis.uk/uk-election-analysis-2019/section-5-policy-and-strategy/immigration-in-party-manifestos-threat-or-resource/.
- Dolea, E., 2018. The Impact of Migration on the Construction of Romania's Country Image: Two Intersecting Public Problems. In: Beciu, C., Ciocea, M., Madroane, I.D. and Carlan, A.I., eds. Debating Migration as a Public Problem: National Publics and Transnational Fields. Peter Lang.
- Dolea, A., 2018. Public diplomacy as co-constructed discourses of engagement. The Handbook of Communication Engagement. 331-345.
- Pamment, J., Dolea, A. and Ingenhoff, D., 2017. The European refugee crisis: organisational responses and communication strategies. Journal of Communication Management, 21 (4), 322-325.
- Dolea, E., 2015. The Need for Critical Thinking in Country Promotion: Public diplomacy, nation branding and public relations. In: L'Etang, J., McKie, D., Snow, N. and Xifra, J., eds. The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations. Routledge.
- Dolea, A., 2015. Strategic communication and ethics: The case of the Romanian touristic brand. Communication Ethics in a Connected World: Research in Public Relations and Organisational Communication. 153-174.
- Dolea, E., 2015. Twenty years of (re)branding post-communist Romania. Actors, discourses, perspectives - 1990-2010. Institutul European.
- Dolea, A., 2012. Institutionalizing government public relations in Romania after 1989. Public Relations Review, 38 (3), 354-366.
- Dolea, A., Tarus, A. and Guțu, D., 2009. Branding Romania cum (ne) promovăm imaginea de țară. Bucharest: Curtea Veche Publishing.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Peace, justice and strong institutions
"Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"
Partnership for the Goals
"Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development"