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Journal Articles
- Dominguez Almela, V., Nolan, E.T., Winter, E.R. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Dietary contributions of the alien zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha in British freshwater fish suggest low biological resistance to their invasion. Hydrobiologia, 849 (10), 2253-2265.
- Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Movements of common bream Abramis brama in a highly connected, lowland wetland reveal sub-populations with diverse migration strategies. Freshwater Biology, 66 (7), 1410-1422.
- Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Acoustic telemetry reveals strong spatial preferences and mixing during successive spawning periods in a partially migratory common bream population. Aquatic Sciences, 83 (3).
- Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Detection range and efficiency of acoustic telemetry receivers in a connected wetland system. Hydrobiologia, 848 (8), 1825-1836.
- Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Dual-isotope isoscapes for predicting the scale of fish movements in lowland rivers. Ecosphere, 12 (4).
- Winter, E.R. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Individual variability in stable isotope turnover rates of epidermal mucus according to body size in an omnivorous fish. Hydrobiologia, 848 (2), 363-370.
- Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Predicting the factors influencing the inter- and intraspecific survival rates of riverine fishes implanted with acoustic transmitters. Journal of Fish Biology, 97 (4), 1209-1219.
- Winter, E.R., Nyqvist, M. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Non-lethal sampling for stable isotope analysis of pike Esox lucius: how mucus, scale and fin tissue compare to muscle. Journal of Fish Biology, 95 (3), 956-958.
- Winter, E.R., Nolan, E.T., Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Estimating stable isotope turnover rates of epidermal mucus and dorsal muscle for an omnivorous fish using a diet-switch experiment. Hydrobiologia, 828 (1), 245-258.
- Winter, E., 2020. The movement ecology of common bream Abramis brama in a highly connected wetland using acoustic telemetry. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Science and Technology.