Robert Britton

Professor Robert Britton

  • Professor
  • Christchurch House C113, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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I am an aquatic ecologist who specialises in fish ecology. My research interests cover the impacts on aquatic fauna of anthropogenic stressors, including invasive alien species (including parasites), habitat loss and climate change. I work on issues ranging from the ecological consequences of biological invasions through to the predicting the impacts of climate change on fish life history traits. I generally apply empirical approaches, including stable isotope analysis and aquatic telemetry and population genetics.

Outputs of my work have included the development of risk management schemes for invasive species, analysis and evaluation of invasive fish eradication programmes and increased understandings of invasion patterns and processes. I work on a range of natural systems (e.g. River Severn, Norfolk Broads, River Frome) and experimental systems using more controlled conditions.

Subjects of recent publications include predicting the impact of climate change on the growth and distribution of cyprinid fishes, the use of biocontrol to manage invasive fish populations and how invasive fish and parasites affect food web structure...



Journal Articles

  • Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Green, I.D., Jackson, M.C. and Andreou, D., 2024. Microplastic-stressor responses are rarely synergistic in freshwater fishes: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 947.
  • Soto, I., Britton, J.R. et al., 2024. Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science. Biological Reviews, 99 (4), 1357-1390.
  • Amat-Trigo, F., Tarkan, A.S., Andreou, D., Aksu, S., Bolland, J.D., Gillingham, P.K., Roberts, C.G., Yeldham, M.I.A. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Variability in the summer movements, habitat use and thermal biology of two fish species in a temperate river. Aquatic Sciences, 86 (3).
  • Zhang, Y., Li, J., Chen, F., Li, Y., Dai, S. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Density-dependent trophic consequences of invasive mrigal carp on native mud carp in Chinese fresh waters. Freshwater Biology, 69 (7), 1016-1026.
  • Zhang, Y., Li, J., Li, Y., Tarkan, A.S., Liu, C. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Trophic niche diversity and redundancy across trophic positions in a subtropical river fish assemblage. Hydrobiologia, 851 (10), 2417-2428.
  • Yeldham, M.I.A., Britton, J.R., Crundwell, C., Davies, P., Dodd, J.R., Nunn, A.D., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2024. Emigration of post-spawned twaite shad Alosa fallax, an anadromous and iteroparous fish, in a highly fragmented river. Journal of Fish Biology, 104 (6), 1860-1874.
  • Kurtul, I., Tarkan, A.S., Sarı, H.M., Haubrock, P.J., Soto, I., Aksu, S. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Exploring invasiveness and versatility of used microhabitats of the globally invasive Gambusia holbrooki. Science of the Total Environment, 925.
  • Zhang, Y., Li, J., Li, Y., Tarkan, A.S., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Trophic niche variation and overlap between invasive mrigal carp and native mud carp in southern China. Biological Invasions, 26 (5), 1521-1534.
  • Haubrock, P.J., Andreou, D., Britton, J.R. et al., 2024. Biological invasions are a population-level rather than a species-level phenomenon. Global Change Biology, 30 (5).
  • Davies, P., Britton, J.R., Andreou, D., Crundwell, C., Dodd, J.R., Lepais, O., Nunn, A.D., Sabatino, S., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2024. Tracking repeat spawning anadromous fish migrations over multiple years in a fragmented river suggests philopatry and sex-linked variation in space use. Aquatic Sciences, 86 (2).
  • Warren, B.I.C., Pinder, A.C., Parker, B., Tarkan, A.S. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Trophic relationships of translocated and indigenous chub Squalius cephalus populations with trophically analogous fishes. Hydrobiologia, 851 (5), 1291-1303.
  • Britton, J.R. and Tarkan, A.S., 2024. Gordon H. Copp: An obituary. J Fish Biol.
  • Gillingham, P.K., Britton, J.R., Jones, G., Miller-Rushing, A., Stafford, R. and Slater, H., 2024. Climate change adaptation for biodiversity in protected areas: An overview of actions. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 289.
  • Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Piper, A.T., Roberts, C.G., Wright, R.M. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Variability in the duration and timing of the estuarine to freshwater transition of critically endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla. Aquatic Sciences, 86 (1).
  • Nolan, E.T., Hindes, A.M., Bolland, J.D., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Tarkan, A.S. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river. Hydrobiologia.
  • Vayona, A., Demetriou, G., Hartwell, H., Britton, R. and Gillingham, P., 2024. A consumer attributions-based approach for investigating the effect of corporate greenwashing on wishcycling. Sustainable Development.
  • Tarkan, A.S., Kurtul, I., Błońska, D., Robert Britton, J. and Haubrock, P.J., 2024. Resolving the issues of translocated species in freshwater invasions. NeoBiota, 93, 177-186.
  • Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Piper, A.T., Gutmann Roberts, C., Wright, R.M. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Environmental influences on the phenology of immigrating juvenile eels over weirs at the tidal limit of regulated rivers. Hydrobiologia.
  • Stakėnas, S., Gregory, S.D., Britton, J.R., Marsh, J.E., Tarkan, A.S., Zięba, G., Wesley, K.J. and Copp, G.H., 2024. Tracking the invasive and euryhaline pikeperch Sander lucioperca in the lower River Thames using acoustic telemetry indicates no movements into areas of relatively high salinity. Journal of Fish Biology.
  • Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Piper, A.T., Gutmann Roberts, C., Wright, R.M. and Britton, J.R., 2024. Correction: Environmental influences on the phenology of immigrating juvenile eels over weirs at the tidal limit of regulated rivers (Hydrobiologia, (2024), 10.1007/s10750-024-05596-1). Hydrobiologia.
  • Latorre, D., Britton, J.R. et al., 2023. A review and meta-analysis of the environmental biology of bleak Alburnus alburnus in its native and introduced ranges, with reflections on its invasiveness. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33 (4), 931-975.
  • Britton, J.R. et al., 2023. Global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by recreational anglers: considerations for developing more resilient and sustainable fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33 (4), 1095-1111.
  • Britton, J.R., 2023. Contemporary perspectives on the ecological impacts of invasive freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 103 (4), 752-764.
  • Britton, J.R., Andreou, D., Lopez-Bejar, M. and Carbajal, A., 2023. Relationships of scale cortisol content suggest stress resilience in freshwater fish vulnerable to catch-and-release angling in recreational fisheries. Fisheries Research, 266.
  • Kurtul, I., Tarkan, A.S. and Britton, J.R., 2023. Promoting the use of non-lethal sample collection for analysing the trophic relationships of inshore flatfish populations using stable isotope analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 290.
  • Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Piper, A.T., Gutmann Roberts, C., Wright, R.M. and Britton, J.R., 2023. Effects of preservation by ethanol on δ13C and δ15N of three tissues of the critically endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Fish Biology, 103 (1), 179-182.
  • Davies, P., Robert Britton, J., Castro-Santos, T., Crundwell, C., Dodd, J.R., Nunn, A.D., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2023. Tracking anadromous fish over successive freshwater migrations reveals the influence of tagging effect, previous success, and abiotic factors on upstream passage over barriers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 80 (7), 1110-1125.
  • Parker, B., Andreou, D., Green, I.D., Pabortsava, K., Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Wright, R.M. and Britton, R., 2023. Low microplastic loads in riverine European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from southwest England during their marine–freshwater transition. Journal of Fish Biology, 103 (1), 194-198.
  • Tarkan, A.S., Britton, J.R. et al., 2023. Phenotypic responses to piscivory in invasive gibel carp populations. Aquatic Sciences, 85 (3).
  • Emiroğlu, Ö., Aksu, S., Başkurt, S., Britton, J.R. and Tarkan, A.S., 2023. Predicting how climate change and globally invasive piscivorous fishes will interact to threaten populations of endemic fishes in a freshwater biodiversity hotspot. Biological Invasions, 25 (6), 1907-1920.
  • Baltazar-Soares, M. et al., 2023. Seascape genomics reveals limited dispersal and suggests spatially varying selection among European populations of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Evolutionary Applications, 16 (6), 1169-1183.
  • Castagné, P., Britton, R. et al., 2023. Patterns of genetic variation in native and non-native populations of European catfish Silurus glanis across Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32 (6), 2127-2147.
  • Britton, J. et al., 2023. Preventing and controlling non-native species invasions to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss. Environmental Reviews = Dossiers environnement.
  • Yeldham, M.I.A., Britton, J.R., Crundwell, C., Davies, P., Dodd, J.R., Nunn, A.D., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2023. Individual repeatability in the timing of river entry indicates the strong influence of photoperiod in the spawning migrations of iteroparous twaite shad Alosa fallax. Hydrobiologia, 850 (7), 1619-1634.
  • Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Green, I.D., Amat-Trigo, F. and Andreou, D., 2023. Parasite infection but not chronic microplastic exposure reduces the feeding rate in a freshwater fish. Environmental Pollution, 320.
  • Amat-Trigo, F., Andreou, D., Gillingham, P.K. and Britton, J.R., 2023. Behavioural thermoregulation in cold-water freshwater fish: Innate resilience to climate warming? Fish and Fisheries, 24 (1), 187-195.
  • Karakuş, U., Tarkan, A.S., Yalçin-Özdilek, Ş., Top-Karakuş, N., Partal, N. and Britton, J.R., 2023. Interactions of invasive pumpkinseed with a riverine endemic fish indicate trophic overlap but minimal consequences for somatic growth and condition. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Kurtul, I., Tarkan, A.S. and Britton, J.R., 2023. Inter-tissue variability in the stable isotope values of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus). KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS.
  • Aksu, S., Britton, J.R. et al., 2023. High trophic similarity between non-native common carp and gibel carp in Turkish freshwaters: Implications for management. Aquaculture and Fisheries.
  • Cooke, S.J., Britton, J.R. et al., 2022. Technoscience and the modernization of freshwater fisheries assessment and management. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 28.
  • Lowe, C.D., Britton, J.R. et al., 2022. A novel method for identifying coded tags recorded on aquatic acoustic monitoring systems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194 (11).
  • Parker, B., Andreou, D., Pabortsava, K., Barrow, M., Green, I.D. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Microplastic loads within riverine fishes and macroinvertebrates are not predictable from ecological or morphological characteristics. Science of the Total Environment, 839.
  • Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Pabortsava, K., Barrow, M., Green, I.D., Dominguez Almela, V. and Andreou, D., 2022. Distinct microplastic patterns in the sediment and biota of an urban stream. Science of the Total Environment, 838.
  • Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J. and Dominguez Almela, V., 2022. Novel trophic subsidies from recreational angling transform the trophic ecology of freshwater fishes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (9), 2373-2385.
  • Antognazza, C.M., Sabatino, S.J., Britton, R.J., Hillman, R.J., Aprahamian, M., Hardouin, E.A. and Andreou, D., 2022. Hybridization and genetic population structure of Alosa population in the United Kingdom. Journal of Fish Biology, 101 (2), 408-413.
  • Simmons, O.M., Britton, J.R., Gillingham, P.K., Nevoux, M., Riley, W.D., Rivot, E. and Gregory, S.D., 2022. Predicting how environmental conditions and smolt body length when entering the marine environment impact individual Atlantic salmon Salmo salar adult return rates. Journal of Fish Biology, 101 (2), 378-388.
  • Baltazar-Soares, M., Pinder, A.C., Harrison, A.J., Oliver, W., Picken, J., Britton, J.R. and Andreou, D., 2022. A noninvasive eDNA tool for detecting sea lamprey larvae in river sediments: Analytical validation and field testing in a low-abundance ecosystem. Journal of Fish Biology, 100 (6), 1455-1463.
  • Dominguez Almela, V., Nolan, E.T., Winter, E.R. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Dietary contributions of the alien zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha in British freshwater fish suggest low biological resistance to their invasion. Hydrobiologia, 849 (10), 2253-2265.
  • Marsh, J.E., Cove, R.J., Britton, J.R., Wellard, R.G., Bašić, T. and Gregory, S.D., 2022. Density-dependence and environmental variability have stage-specific influences on European grayling growth. Oecologia, 199 (1), 103-117.
  • Davies, P., Britton, J.R., Nunn, A.D., Dodd, J.R., Bainger, C., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2022. Individual movement variation in upstream-migrating sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in a highly fragmented river. Freshwater Biology, 67 (4), 643-656.
  • Kurtul, I., Tarkan, A.S., Sarı, H.M. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Climatic and geographic variation as a driver of phenotypic divergence in reproductive characters and body sizes of invasive Gambusia holbrooki. Aquatic Sciences, 84 (2).
  • Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Piper, A.T., Roberts, C.G., Wright, R.M. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Non-lethal sampling for the stable isotope analysis of the critically endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla: how fin and mucus compare to dorsal muscle. Journal of Fish Biology, 100 (3), 847-851.
  • Dominguez Almela, V., Palmer, S.C.F., Andreou, D., Gillingham, P.K., Travis, J.M.J. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Predicting the influence of river network configuration, biological traits and habitat quality interactions on riverine fish invasions. Diversity and Distributions, 28 (2), 257-270.
  • Warren, B.I.C., Pinder, A.C. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Age and growth rates of a translocated chub Squalius cephalus chalk-stream population with comparison to indigenous riverine populations in England. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2022-January (423).
  • Green, N., Andreou, D., Bentley, M., Stebbing, P., Hart, A. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Mechanical male sterilisation in invasive signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus: persistence and functionality in captive and wild conditions. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2022-January (423).
  • de Carvalho, A.R., Imbert, A., Parker, B., Euphrasie, A., Boulêtreau, S., Britton, J.R. and Cucherousset, J., 2021. Microplastic in angling baits as a cryptic source of contamination in European freshwaters. Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
  • Newton, A.C. et al., 2021. Operationalising the concept of ecosystem collapse for conservation practice. Biological Conservation, 264.
  • De Santis, V., Quadroni, S., Britton, R.J., Carosi, A., Gutmann Roberts, C., Lorenzoni, M., Crosa, G. and Zaccara, S., 2021. Biological and trophic consequences of genetic introgression between endemic and invasive Barbus fishes. Biological Invasions, 23 (11), 3351-3368.
  • Dominguez Almela, V., South, J. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Predicting the competitive interactions and trophic niche consequences of a globally invasive fish with threatened native species. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90 (11), 2651-2662.
  • Dominguez Almela, V., Palmer, S.C.F., Andreou, D., Gillingham, P.K., Travis, J.M.J. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Predicting the outcomes of management strategies for controlling invasive river fishes using individual-based models. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (11), 2427-2440.
  • Tarkan, A.S., Karakuş, U., Top-Karakuş, N., Keskin, E., Ünal, E.M. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Invasion of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus is facilitated by phenotypic plasticity across its invasion gradient. Biological Invasions, 23 (10), 3201-3214.
  • Davies, P., Britton, J.R., Nunn, A.D., Dodd, J.R., Bainger, C., Velterop, R. and Bolland, J.D., 2021. Cumulative impacts of habitat fragmentation and the environmental factors affecting upstream migration in the threatened sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31 (9), 2560-2574.
  • Antognazza, C.M., Britton, J.R., De Santis, V., Kolia, K., Turunen, O.A., Davies, P., Allen, L., Hardouin, E.A., Crundwell, C. and Andreou, D., 2021. Environmental DNA reveals the temporal and spatial extent of spawning migrations of European shad in a highly fragmented river basin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31 (8), 2029-2040.
  • Britton, J.R. and Nolan, E.T., 2021. Comparative angler catch rates of native versus alien piscivorous fish in an invaded river fishery. Fisheries Research, 240.
  • Marsh, J.E., Cove, R.J., Britton, J.R., Wellard, R.G., House, A. and Gregory, S.D., 2021. Medium-term environmental changes influence age-specific survival estimates in a salmonid population. Freshwater Biology, 66 (8), 1530-1545.
  • Simmons, O.M., Gregory, S.D., Gillingham, P.K., Riley, W.D., Scott, L.J. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Biological and environmental influences on the migration phenology of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in a chalk stream in southern England. Freshwater Biology, 66 (8), 1581-1594.
  • Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Acoustic telemetry reveals strong spatial preferences and mixing during successive spawning periods in a partially migratory common bream population. Aquatic Sciences, 83 (3).
  • Parker, B., Andreou, D., Green, I.D. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Microplastics in freshwater fishes: Occurrence, impacts and future perspectives. Fish and Fisheries, 22 (3), 467-488.
  • Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Detection range and efficiency of acoustic telemetry receivers in a connected wetland system. Hydrobiologia, 848 (8), 1825-1836.
  • Davies, G.D. and Robert Britton, J., 2021. Consistency in the life history traits of four invasive pseudorasbora parva populations in Southern England. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 37 (2), 295-302.
  • Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Dual-isotope isoscapes for predicting the scale of fish movements in lowland rivers. Ecosphere, 12 (4).
  • Antognazza, C.M. et al., 2021. Application of eDNA metabarcoding in a fragmented lowland river: Spatial and methodological comparison of fish species composition. Environmental DNA, 3 (2), 458-471.
  • De Santis, V., Delmastro, G.B., Vanetti, I., Britton, J.R. and Zaccara, S., 2021. Species composition of introduced and natural minnow populations of the Phoxinus cryptic complex in the westernmost part of the Po River Basin (north Italy). Biological Invasions, 23 (3), 657-668.
  • De Santis, V., Gutmann Roberts, C. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Trophic consequences of competitive interactions in freshwater fish: Density dependent effects and impacts of inter-specific versus intra-specific competition. Freshwater Biology, 66 (2), 362-373.
  • Zaccara, S., Quadroni, S., De Santis, V., Vanetti, I., Carosi, A., Crosa, G., Britton, J.R. and Lorenzoni, M., 2021. Genetic and phenotypic displacement of an endemic Barbus complex by invasive European barbel Barbus barbus in central Italy. Biological Invasions, 23 (2), 521-535.
  • Winter, E.R. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Individual variability in stable isotope turnover rates of epidermal mucus according to body size in an omnivorous fish. Hydrobiologia, 848 (2), 363-370.
  • Cooke, S.J., Pinder, A.C., Britton, J.R. et al., 2021. A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 253.
  • Rohtla, M., Britton, J.R. et al., 2021. Review and Meta-Analysis of the Environmental Biology and Potential Invasiveness of a Poorly-Studied Cyprinid, the Ide Leuciscus idus. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 29 (4), 512-548.
  • Kao, Y.C., Britton, J.R. et al., 2020. Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale. Nature Communications, 11 (1).
  • Andreou, D., Hardouin, E.A., Stewart, J.R., Britton, J.R. et al., 2020. Vicariance in a generalist fish parasite driven by climate and salinity tolerance of hosts. Parasitology, 147 (14), 1658-1664.
  • Ruiz-Navarro, A., Jackson, M.C., Almeida, D. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Influence of nutrient enrichment on the growth, recruitment and trophic ecology of a highly invasive freshwater fish. Aquatic Ecology, 54 (4), 1029-1039.
  • Haubrock, P.J., Balzani, P., Britton, J.R. and Haase, P., 2020. Using stable isotopes to analyse extinction risks and reintroduction opportunities of native species in invaded ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 10 (1).
  • Gutmann Roberts, C. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Spawning strategies in cypriniform fishes in a lowland river invaded by non-indigenous European barbel Barbus barbus. Hydrobiologia, 847 (19), 4031-4047.
  • Simmons, O.M., Britton, J.R., Gillingham, P.K. and Gregory, S.D., 2020. Influence of environmental and biological factors on the overwinter growth rate of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr in a UK chalk stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 29 (4), 665-678.
  • Závorka, L., Lassus, R., Britton, J.R. and Cucherousset, J., 2020. Phenotypic responses of invasive species to removals affect ecosystem functioning and restoration. Global Change Biology, 26 (10), 5693-5704.
  • Winter, E.R., Hindes, A.M., Lane, S. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Predicting the factors influencing the inter- and intraspecific survival rates of riverine fishes implanted with acoustic transmitters. Journal of Fish Biology, 97 (4), 1209-1219.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R. and Britton, J.R., 2020. From scientific obscurity to conservation priority: Research on angler catch rates is the catalyst for saving the hump-backed mahseer Tor remadevii from extinction. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30 (9), 1809-1815.
  • Green, N., Britton, J.R., Bentley, M., Stebbing, P. and Andreou, D., 2020. Dominance, reproductive behaviours and female mate choice in sterilised versus non-sterilised invasive male crayfish. Aquatic Ecology, 54 (3), 813-822.
  • Gozlan, R.E., Britton, J.R. et al., 2020. Native drivers of fish life history traits are lost during the invasion process. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (16), 8623-8633.
  • Davies, P. et al., 2020. Novel insights into the marine phase and river fidelity of anadromous twaite shad Alosa fallax in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30 (7), 1291-1298.
  • Garcia, D.A.Z., Tonella, L.H., Alves, G.H.Z., Vidotto-Magnoni, A.P., Benedito, E., Britton, J.R. and Orsi, M.L., 2020. Seasonal and habitat variations in diet of the invasive driftwood catfish Trachelyopterus galeatus in a Neotropical river basin, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 36 (3), 329-338.
  • Lucy, F.E., Britton, J.R., Maggs, C. et al., 2020. Horizon scan of invasive alien species for the island of Ireland. Management of Biological Invasions, 11 (2), 155-177.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R., Britton, J.R. and Cooke, S.J., 2020. COVID-19 and biodiversity: The paradox of cleaner rivers and elevated extinction risk to iconic fish species. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30 (6), 1061-1062.
  • Nyqvist, M.J., Cucherousset, J., Gozlan, R.E., Beaumont, W.R.C. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Dispersal strategies of juvenile pike (Esox lucius L.): Influences and consequences for body size, somatic growth and trophic position. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 29 (2), 377-383.
  • Dominguez Almela, V., Palmer, S.C.F., Gillingham, P.K., Travis, J.M.J. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Integrating an individual-based model with approximate Bayesian computation to predict the invasion of a freshwater fish provides insights into dispersal and range expansion dynamics. Biological Invasions, 22 (4), 1461-1480.
  • Gutmann Roberts, C., Bašić, T., Britton, J.R., Rice, S. and Pledger, A.G., 2020. Quantifying the habitat and zoogeomorphic capabilities of spawning European barbel Barbus barbus, a lithophilous cyprinid. River Research and Applications, 36 (2), 259-279.
  • Dickey, J.W.E., Britton, J.R. et al., 2020. On the RIP: Using Relative Impact Potential to assess the ecological impacts of invasive alien species. NeoBiota, 55, 27-60.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R., Bower, S.D. and Britton, J.R., 2020. Length-weight relationships of two conservation-concern mahseers (Teleostei: Cyprinidae: Tor) of the river Cauvery, Karnataka, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12 (10), 16257-16261.
  • Gregory, S.D., Britton, J.R., Gillingham, P.K. et al., 2019. Atlantic salmon return rate increases with smolt length. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76 (6), 1702-1712.
  • Winter, E.R., Nyqvist, M. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Non-lethal sampling for stable isotope analysis of pike Esox lucius: how mucus, scale and fin tissue compare to muscle. Journal of Fish Biology, 95 (3), 956-958.
  • Zaccara, S., Quadroni, S., De Santis, V., Vanetti, I., Carosi, A., Britton, R. and Lorenzoni, M., 2019. Genetic and morphological analyses reveal a complex biogeographic pattern in the endemic barbel populations of the southern Italian peninsula. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (18), 10185-10197.
  • Nolan, E.T., Gutmann Roberts, C. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Predicting the contributions of novel marine prey resources from angling and anadromy to the diet of a freshwater apex predator. Freshwater Biology, 64 (8), 1542-1554.
  • Britton, J.R., Gutmann Roberts, C., Amat Trigo, F., Nolan, E.T. and De Santis, V., 2019. Predicting the ecological impacts of an alien invader: Experimental approaches reveal the trophic consequences of competition. Journal of Animal Ecology, 88 (7), 1066-1078.
  • Radinger, J. et al., 2019. Effective monitoring of freshwater fish. Fish and Fisheries, 20 (4), 729-747.
  • Peyton, J., Britton, J.R. et al., 2019. Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island. Biological Invasions, 21 (6), 2107-2125.
  • De Santis, V., Gutmann Roberts, C. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Influences of angler subsidies on the trophic ecology of European barbel Barbus barbus. Fisheries Research, 214, 35-44.
  • Pinder, A.C. et al., 2019. Mahseer (Tor spp.) fishes of the world: status, challenges and opportunities for conservation. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 29 (2), 417-452.
  • Boets, P., Britton, R.J., Pegg, J. et al., 2019. Intra- and intercontinental variation in the functional responses of a high impact alien invasive fish. Biological Invasions, 21 (5), 1751-1762.
  • Zaccara, S., Quadroni, S., Vanetti, I., Carosi, A., La Porta, G., Crosa, G., Britton, R. and Lorenzoni, M., 2019. Morphologic and genetic variability in the Barbus fishes (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) of Central Italy. Zoologica Scripta, 48 (3), 289-301.
  • Nolan, E.T. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Spatial variability in the somatic growth of pikeperch Sander lucioperca, an invasive piscivorous fish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 28 (2), 330-340.
  • Bolland, J.D., Nunn, A.D., Angelopoulos, N.V., Dodd, J.R., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Britton, J.R. and Cowx, I.G., 2019. Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation. Fisheries Research, 212, 183-187.
  • Pinder, A.C., Harrison, A.J. and Robert Britton, J., 2019. Temperature effects on the physiological status and reflex impairment in European grayling Thymallus thymallus from catch-and release angling. Fisheries Research, 211, 169-175.
  • Gutmann Roberts, C., Hindes, A.M. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Factors influencing individual movements and behaviours of invasive European barbel Barbus barbus in a regulated river. Hydrobiologia, 830 (1), 213-228.
  • Winter, E.R., Nolan, E.T., Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Estimating stable isotope turnover rates of epidermal mucus and dorsal muscle for an omnivorous fish using a diet-switch experiment. Hydrobiologia, 828 (1), 245-258.
  • Bašić, T., Copp, G.H., Edmonds-Brown, V.R., Keskin, E., Davison, P.I. and Britton, J.R., 2019. Trophic consequences of an invasive, small-bodied non-native fish, sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus, for native pond fishes. Biological Invasions, 21 (1), 261-275.
  • Britton, J.R., 2019. Empirical predictions of the trophic consequences of non-native freshwater fishes: A synthesis of approaches and invasion impacts. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19 (6), 529-539.
  • Bašić, T., Britton, J.R., Rice, S.P. and Pledger, A.G., 2019. Does sand content in spawning substrate result in early larval emergence? Evidence from a lithophilic cyprinid fish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 28 (1), 110-122.
  • Rytwinski, T., Britton, J.R. et al., 2019. The effectiveness of non-native fish removal techniques in freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review. Environmental Reviews, 27 (1), 71-94.
  • Antognazza, C.M., Britton, J.R., Potter, C., Franklin, E., Hardouin, E.A., Gutmann Roberts, C., Aprahamian, M. and Andreou, D., 2019. Environmental DNA as a non-invasive sampling tool to detect the spawning distribution of European anadromous shads (Alosa spp.). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29 (1), 148-152.
  • Nolan, E.T., Britton, J.R. and Curtin, S., 2019. Angler Behaviors and Motivations for Exploiting Invasive and Native Predatory Fishes by Catch-and-Release: A Case Study on the River Severn Catchment, Western England. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24 (5), 463-479.
  • Hall, A.E., Herbert, R.J., Britton, R.J., Boyd, I. and George, N., 2019. Shelving the coast with vertipools: Retrofitting artificial rock pools on coastal structures as mitigation for coastal squeeze. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6 (JUL).
  • Top, N., Karakuş, U., Tepeköy, E.G., Britton, J.R. and Tarkan, A.S., 2019. Plasticity in habitat use of two native Ponto-Caspian gobies, Proterorhinus semilunaris and Neogobius fluviatilis: Implications for invasive populations. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Hall, A.E., Herbert, R.J.H., Britton, J.R. and Hull, S.L., 2018. Ecological enhancement techniques to improve habitat heterogeneity on coastal defence structures. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 210, 68-78.
  • Gutmann Roberts, C. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Quantifying trophic interactions and niche sizes of juvenile fishes in an invaded riverine cyprinid fish community. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27 (4), 976-987.
  • Roberts, C.G. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Trophic interactions in a lowland river fish community invaded by European barbel Barbus barbus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). Hydrobiologia, 819 (1), 259-273.
  • Azevedo-Santos, V.M., Brambilla, E.M., Coelho, P.N. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Length–weight relationships of two catfish species from the Guareí River basin, São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34 (4), 1019-1020.
  • Závorka, L., Lang, I., Raffard, A., Evangelista, C., Britton, J.R., Olden, J.D. and Cucherousset, J., 2018. Importance of harvest-driven trait changes for invasive species management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16 (6), 317-318.
  • Sheath, D.J., Dick, J.T.A., Dickey, J.W.E., Guo, Z., Andreou, D. and Robert Britton, J., 2018. Winning the arms race: Host-parasite shared evolutionary history reduces infection risks in fish final hosts. Biology Letters, 14 (7).
  • Pinder, A.C., Manimekalan, A., Marcus Knight, J.D., Krishnankutty, P., Robert Britton, J., Philip, S., Dahanukar, N. and Raghavan, R., 2018. Resolving the taxonomic enigma of the iconic game fish, the hump-backed mahseer from the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot, India. PLoS ONE, 13 (6).
  • Garcia, D.A.Z., Britton, J.R., Vidotto-Magnoni, A.P. and Orsi, M.L., 2018. Introductions of non-native fishes into a heavily modified river: rates, patterns and management issues in the Paranapanema River (Upper Paraná ecoregion, Brazil). Biological Invasions, 20 (5), 1229-1241.
  • Bašić, T., Britton, J.R., Cove, R.J., Ibbotson, A.T. and Gregory, S.D., 2018. Roles of discharge and temperature in recruitment of a cold-water fish, the European grayling Thymallus thymallus, near its southern range limit. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
  • Cucherousset, J., Horky, P., Slavík, O., Ovidio, M., Arlinghaus, R., Boulêtreau, S., Britton, R., García-Berthou, E. and Santoul, F., 2018. Ecology, behaviour and management of the European catfish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 28 (1), 177-190.
  • Gregory, S.D., Armstrong, J.D. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Is bigger really better? Towards improved models for testing how Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolt size affects marine survival. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (3), 579-592.
  • Gordon, T.A.C., Britton, J.R. et al., 2018. Fishes in a changing world: learning from the past to promote sustainability of fish populations. Journal of Fish Biology, 92 (3), 804-827.
  • Hardouin, E.A., Andreou, D., Zhao, Y., Chevret, P., Fletcher, D.H., Britton, J.R. and Gozlan, R.E., 2018. Reconciling the biogeography of an invader through recent and historic genetic patterns: the case of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva. Biological Invasions, 1-15.
  • Britton, J.R., Ruiz-Navarro, A., Verreycken, H. and Amat-Trigo, F., 2018. Trophic consequences of introduced species: Comparative impacts of increased interspecific versus intraspecific competitive interactions. Functional Ecology, 32 (2), 486-495.
  • Azevedo-Santos, V.M., Coelho, P.N., Brambilla, E.M., Lima, F.P., Nobile, A.B. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Length–weight relationships of four fish species from the upper Paraná River basin, Southeastern Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 34 (1), 237-239.
  • Britton, J.R. and Busst, G.M.A., 2018. Stable isotope discrimination factors of omnivorous fishes: influence of tissue type, temperature, diet composition and formulated feeds. Hydrobiologia, 808 (1), 219-234.
  • Nyqvist, M.J., Cucherousset, J., Gozlan, R.E. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Relationships between individual movement, trophic position and growth of juvenile pike (Esox lucius). Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 27 (1), 398-407.
  • Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Tissue-specific turnover rates of the nitrogen stable isotope as functions of time and growth in a cyprinid fish. Hydrobiologia, 805 (1), 49-60.
  • Casimiro, A.C.R., Garcia, D.A.Z., Vidotto-Magnoni, A.P., Britton, J.R., Agostinho, Â.A., De Almeida, F.S. and Orsi, M.L., 2018. Escapes of non-native fish from flooded aquaculture facilities: The case of Paranapanema river, southern Brazil. Zoologia, 35.
  • Tarkan, A.S., Karakus, U., Tepekoy, E.G., Top, N., Ozdilek, S.Y., Partal, N. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Trophic interactions of two ponto-caspian gobies in the Turkish part of their native range. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18 (11), 1279-1286.
  • Green, N., Bentley, M., Stebbing, P., Andreou, D. and Britton, R., 2018. Trapping for invasive crayfish: Comparisons of efficacy and selectivity of baited traps versus novel artificial refuge traps. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2018-January (419).
  • Karakuş, U., Top, N., Tepeköy, E.G., Britton, J.R. and Tarkan, A.S., 2018. Life history characteristics of the potentially invasive Ponto-Caspian goby Neogobius fluviatilis in natural lakes from its native range (Black Sea region of Turkey). Marine and Freshwater Research, 69 (10), 1544-1556.
  • Top, N., Karakuş, U., Tepeköy, E.G., Britton, J.R. and Tarkan, A.S., 2018. Plasticity in life history traits of the native Proterorhinus semilunaris suggests high adaptive capacity in its invasive range. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2018-January (419).
  • Nolan, E.T. and Britton, J.R., 2018. Diet of invasive pikeperch Sander lucioperca: Developing non-destructive tissue sampling for stable isotope analysis with comparisons to stomach contents analysis. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 418.
  • Guo, Z., Sheath, D., Amat Trigo, F. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Comparative functional responses of native and high-impacting invasive fishes: impact predictions for native prey populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 26 (4), 533-540.
  • Evangelista, C., Lecerf, A., Britton, J.R. and Cucherousset, J., 2017. Resource composition mediates the effects of intraspecific variability in nutrient recycling on ecosystem processes. Oikos, 126 (10), 1439-1450.
  • Bašić, T., Britton, J.R., Rice, S.P. and G. Pledger, A., 2017. Impacts of gravel jetting on the composition of fish spawning substrates: Implications for river restoration and fisheries management. Ecological Engineering, 107, 71-81.
  • Al-Shorbaji, F., Roche, B., Britton, R., Andreou, D. and Gozlan, R., 2017. Influence of predation on community resilience to disease. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86 (5), 1147-1158.
  • Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Comparative trophic impacts of two globally invasive cyprinid fishes reveal species-specific invasion consequences for a threatened native fish. Freshwater Biology, 62 (9), 1587-1595.
  • Jackson, M.C., Evangelista, C., Zhao, T., Lecerf, A., Britton, J.R. and Cucherousset, J., 2017. Between-lake variation in the trophic ecology of an invasive crayfish. Freshwater Biology, 62 (9), 1501-1510.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Wesley, K.J. and Davison, P.I., 2017. Non-native fish dispersal as a contaminant of aquatic plant consignments – A case study from England. Management of Biological Invasions, 8 (3), 437-442.
  • Dick, J.T.A. et al., 2017. Invader Relative Impact Potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (4), 1259-1267.
  • Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Consistent patterns of trophic niche specialization in host populations infected with a non-native copepod parasite. Parasitology, 144 (7), 945-953.
  • Rees, E.M.A., Edmonds-Brown, V.R., Alam, M.F., Wright, R.M., Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Cowx, I.G., 2017. Socio-economic drivers of specialist anglers targeting the non-native European catfish (Silurus glanis) in the UK. PLoS ONE, 12 (6).
  • Gutmann Roberts, C., Bašić, T., Amat Trigo, F. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Trophic consequences for riverine cyprinid fishes of angler subsidies based on marine-derived nutrients. Freshwater Biology, 62 (5), 894-905.
  • Laverty, C., Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. et al., 2017. Assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species based on their functional responses and abundances. Biological Invasions, 19 (5), 1653-1665.
  • Davison, P.I., Copp, G.H., Créach, V., Vilizzi, L. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Application of environmental DNA analysis to inform invasive fish eradication operations. Science of Nature, 104 (3-4).
  • Guo, Z., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus Biology and Management Across Their Native and Invasive Ranges: Promoting Conservation by Knowledge Transfer. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 25 (1), 84-99.
  • Guo, Z., Liu, J., Lek, S., Li, Z., Zhu, F., Tang, J., Britton, R. and Cucherousset, J., 2017. Coexisting invasive gobies reveal no evidence for temporal and trophic niche differentiation in the sublittoral habitat of Lake Erhai, China. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 26 (1), 42-52.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Guo, Z., Ronni Edmonds-Brown, V., Pegg, J., Vilizzi, L. and Davison, P.I., 2017. Trophic consequences of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus for native pond fishes. Biological Invasions, 19 (1), 25-41.
  • Pinder, A.C., Velterop, R., Cooke, S.J. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Consequences of catch-and-release angling for black bream Spondyliosoma cantharus, during the parental care period: Implications for management. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (1), 254-262.
  • Zieritz, A., Gallardo, B., Baker, S.J., Britton, J.R., van Valkenburg, J.L.C.H., Verreycken, H. and Aldridge, D.C., 2017. Changes in pathways and vectors of biological invasions in Northwest Europe. Biological Invasions, 19 (1), 269-282.
  • Casimiro, A.C.R., Garcia, D.A.Z., Costa, A.D.A., Britton, J.R. and Orsi, M.L., 2017. Impoundments facilitate a biological invasion: Dispersal and establishment of non-native armoured catfish Loricariichthys platymetopon (Isbrückler & Nijssen, 1979) in a neotropical river. Limnologica, 62, 34-37.
  • Médoc, V., Firmat, C., Sheath, D.J., Pegg, J., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Parasites and Biological Invasions: Predicting Ecological Alterations at Levels From Individual Hosts to Whole Networks. , 1-54.
  • Britton, J.R., Berry, M., Sewell, S., Lees, C. and Reading, P., 2017. Importance of small fishes and invasive crayfish in otter Lutra lutra diet in an English chalk stream. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2017-January (418).
  • Trigo, F.A., Roberts, C.G. and Britton, J.R., 2017. Spatial variability in the growth of invasive european barbel Barbus Barbus in the River Severn basin, revealed using anglers as citizen scientists. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Ruiz-Navarro, A., Gillingham, P.K. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Predicting shifts in the climate space of freshwater fishes in Great Britain due to climate change. Biological Conservation, 203, 33-42.
  • Davies, G.D. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Assessment of non-native fish dispersal from a freshwater aquaculture site. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 23 (5), 428-430.
  • Sheath, D.J., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Interactions of warming and exposure affect susceptibility to parasite infection in a temperate fish species. Parasitology, 143 (10), 1340-1346.
  • Phang, S.C., Stillman, R.A., Cucherousset, J., Britton, J.R., Roberts, D., Beaumont, W.R.C. and Gozlan, R.E., 2016. FishMORPH - An agent-based model to predict salmonid growth and distribution responses under natural and low flows. Scientific Reports, 6.
  • Hamidan, N., Jackson, M.C. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Diet and trophic niche of the endangered fish Garra ghorensis in three Jordanian populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 25 (3), 455-464.
  • Jackson, M.C., Grey, J., Miller, K., Britton, J.R. and Donohue, I., 2016. Dietary niche constriction when invaders meet natives: evidence from freshwater decapods. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85 (4), 1098-1107.
  • Bašić, T. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Characterizing the trophic niches of stocked and resident cyprinid fishes: consistency in partitioning over time, space and body sizes. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (14), 5093-5104.
  • Britton, J.R. and Andreou, D., 2016. Parasitism as a Driver of Trophic Niche Specialisation. Trends in Parasitology, 32 (6), 437-445.
  • Jackson, M.C., Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Guo, Z., Stakėnas, S., Gozlan, R.E., Godard, M.G., Roussel, J.M. and Copp, G.H., 2016. Do non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus affect the growth, diet and trophic niche breadth of native brown trout Salmo trutta? Hydrobiologia, 772 (1), 63-75.
  • Fletcher, D.H., Gillingham, P.K., Britton, J.R., Blanchet, S. and Gozlan, R.E., 2016. Predicting global invasion risks: A management tool to prevent future introductions. Scientific Reports, 6.
  • Al-Shorbaji, F., Roche, B., Gozlan, R., Britton, R. and Andreou, D., 2016. The consequences of reservoir host eradication on disease epidemiology in animal communities. Emerging Microbes and Infections, 5.
  • Antognazza, C.M., Andreou, D., Zaccara, S. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Corrigendum to Loss of genetic integrity and biological invasions result from stocking and introductions of Barbus barbus: Insights from rivers in England [Ecology and Evolution (2016), 6,5: 1280-1292. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1906]. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (10), 3439.
  • Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2016. High variability in stable isotope diet-tissue discrimination factors of two omnivorous freshwater fishes in controlled ex situ conditions. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219 (7), 1060-1068.
  • Murray, G.P.D., Stillman, R.A. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Habitat complexity and food item size modify the foraging behaviour of a freshwater fish. Hydrobiologia, 766 (1), 321-332.
  • Ruiz-Navarro, A., Gillingham, P.K. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Shifts in the climate space of temperate cyprinid fishes due to climate change are coupled with altered body sizes and growth rates. Global Change Biology.
  • Gallardo, B., Zieritz, A., Adriaens, T., Bellard, C., Boets, P., Britton, J.R., Newman, J.R., van Valkenburg, J.L.C.H. and Aldridge, D.C., 2016. Trans-national horizon scanning for invasive non-native species: a case study in western Europe. Biological Invasions, 18 (1), 17-30.
  • Pinder, A.C., Hopkins, E., Scott, L.J. and Britton, J.R., 2016. Rapid visual assessment of spawning activity and associated habitat utilisation of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758) in a chalk stream: Implications for conservation monitoring. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
  • Antognazza, C.M., Andreou, D., Zaccara, S. and Britton, R.J., 2016. Loss of genetic integrity and biological invasions result from stocking and introductions of Barbus barbus: Insights from rivers in England. Ecology and Evolution.
  • Davison, P.I., Créach, V., Liang, W.J., Andreou, D., Britton, J.R. and Copp, G.H., 2016. Laboratory and field validation of a simple method for detecting four species of non-native freshwater fish using eDNA. Journal of Fish Biology.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Efficacy of angler catch data as a population and conservation monitoring tool for the flagship mahseer fishes (Tor spp.) of Southern India. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Efficacy of angler catch data as a population and conservation monitoring tool for the flagship Mahseer fishes (Tor spp.) of Southern India. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25 (6), 829-838.
  • Britton, J.R., Tran, T.N.Q. and Ruiz-Navarro, A., 2015. Synergistic effects of propagule pressure and trophic subsidies overcome biotic resistance to a non-native fish. Biological Invasions, 17 (11), 3125-3131.
  • Zaccara, S., Trasforini, S., Antognazza, C.M., Puzzi, C., Britton, J.R. and Crosa, G., 2015. Morphological and genetic characterization of Sardinian trout Salmo cettii Rafinesque, 1810 and their conservation implications. Hydrobiologia, 760 (1), 205-223.
  • Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Head morphology and piscivory of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, predict their probability of infection by the invasive parasitic nematode Anguillicoloides crassus. Freshwater Biology, 60 (10), 1977-1987.
  • PEGG, J., ANDREOU, D., WILLIAMS, C.F. and BRITTON, J.R., 2015. Temporal changes in growth, condition and trophic niche in juvenile Cyprinus carpio infected with a non-native parasite. Parasitology.
  • Busst, G.M.A., Bašic, T. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Stable isotope signatures and trophic-step fractionation factors of fish tissues collected as non-lethal surrogates of dorsal muscle. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 29 (16), 1535-1544.
  • Hickley, P., Britton, J.R., Macharia, S., Muchiri, S.M. and Boar, R.R., 2015. The introduced species fishery of Lake Naivasha, Kenya: Ecological impact vs socio-economic benefits. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 22 (4), 326-336.
  • Sheath, D.J., Williams, C.F., Reading, A.J. and Robert Britton, J., 2015. Parasites of non-native freshwater fishes introduced into england and wales suggest enemy release and parasite acquisition. Biological Invasions, 17 (8), 2235-2246.
  • Busst, G.M.A. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Quantifying the growth consequences for crucian carp Carassius carassius of competition from non-native fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 24 (3), 489-492.
  • Evangelista, C., Britton, R.J. and Cucherousset, J., 2015. Impacts of invasive fish removal through angling on population characteristics and juvenile growth rate. Ecology and Evolution, 5 (11), 2193-2202.
  • Al-Shorbaji, F.N., Gozlan, R.E., Roche, B., Robert Britton, J. and Andreou, D., 2015. The alternate role of direct and environmental transmission in fungal infectious disease in wildlife: ThreatsS for biodiversity conservation. Scientific Reports, 5.
  • Zaccara, S., Trasforini, S., Antognazza, C.M., Puzzi, C., Britton, J.R. and Crosa, G., 2015. Morphological and genetic characterization of Sardinian trout Salmo cettii Rafinesque, 1810 and their conservation implications. Hydrobiologia.
  • Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R. and Britton, J.R., 2015. The legendary hump-backed mahseer Tor sp. of India’s River Cauvery: an endemic fish swimming towards extinction? Endangered Species Research, 28, 11-17.
  • Hamidan, N. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Reproductive ecology of Garra ghorensis, a critically endangered fish in Jordan. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 98 (5), 1399-1409.
  • Pinder, A., Raghavan, R. and Britton, J.R., 2015. The legendary hump-back mahseer Tor spp. of India’s River Cauvery: an endemic fish swimming towards extinction? Endangered Species research.
  • Jackson, M.C., Ruiz-Navarro, A. and Britton, J., 2015. Population density modifies the ecological impacts of invasive species. Oikos.
  • Tran, T.N.Q., Britton, J. and et al., 2015. Patterns of trophic niche divergence between invasive and native fishes in wild communities are predictable from mesocosm studies. Journal of Animal Ecology.
  • Basic, T. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Utility of fish scales from stock assessment surveys in stable isotope analysis for initial assessments of trophic relationships in riverine fish communities. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, 31 (2), 296-300.
  • Ruiz-Navarro, A., Britton, J.R., Jackson, M.C., Davies, G.D. and Sheath, D., 2015. Reproductive ecology and diet of a persistent Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque, 1820) population in the UK. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY, 31 (1), 201-203.
  • Simon, A., Gozlan, R.E., Britton, J.R., van Oosterhout, C. and Haenfling, B., 2015. Human induced stepping-stone colonisation of an admixed founder population: the spread of topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) in Europe. AQUATIC SCIENCES, 77 (1), 17-25.
  • Basic, T., Britton, J.R., Jackson, M.C., Reading, P. and Grey, J., 2015. Angling baits and invasive crayfish as important trophic subsidies for a large cyprinid fish. AQUATIC SCIENCES, 77 (1), 153-160.
  • Liu, C., Chen, Y. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Influences of environmental and chemical parameters on the spatial growth patterns of four riverine cyprinid fishes. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Pegg, J., Andreou, D., Williams, C.F. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Head morphology and piscivory of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, predict their probability of infection by the invasive parasitic nematode Anguillicoloides crassus. Freshwater Biology.
  • Davies, G.D. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Assessing the efficacy and ecology of biocontrol and biomanipulation for managing invasive pest fish. Journal of Applied Ecology.
  • Liu, C.L., Chen, Y.F., He, D.K., Fletcher, D. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Otolith microstructure reveals consequences for juvenile growth of fractional spawning in an invasive goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) population. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
  • Roy, H., Britton, J. and et al., 2014. Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain. Global Change Biology, 20, 3859-3871.
  • Hamidan, N. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Reproductive ecology of Garra ghorensis, a critically endangered fish in Jordan. Environmental Biology of Fishes.
  • Pegg and Britton, J.R., 2014. Fisheries studies should consider the effects of fish parasites. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 10 (3), 477-478.
  • Busst, G.M. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Quantifying the growth consequences for crucian carp Carassius carassius of competition from non-native fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
  • Busst, G.M. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Precision of the age-length increments of three cyprinids: effects of fish number and sub-sampling strategy. Journal of Fish Biology, 84, 1926-1939.
  • Oyugi, D.O., Mavuti, K.M., Aloo, P.A., Ojuok, J.E. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Fish habitat suitability and community structure in the equatorial Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 727 (1), 51-63.
  • Rees, E.M.A., Britton, J.R., Godard, M.J., Crooks, N., Miller, J.I., Wesley, K.J. and Copp, G.H., 2014. Efficacy of tagging european catfish silurus glanis (L., 1758) released into ponds. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30 (1), 127-129.
  • Gozlan, R.E., Burnard, D., Britton, J.R. and Andreou, D., 2014. Evidence of female preference for hidden sex signals in distant fish species. Behavioural Ecology, 25 (1), 53-57.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R. et al., 2014. European non-native species in aquaculture risk analysis scheme - a summary of assessment protocols and decision support tools for use of alien species in aquaculture. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R. et al., 2014. A preliminary evaluation of the European Non-native Species in Aquaculture Risk Assessment Scheme applied to species listed on Annex IV of the EU Alien Species Regulation. Fisheries Management and Ecology.
  • Davies, G.D. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Influences of population density, temperature and latitude on the growth of invasive topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
  • Hamidan, N. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Age and growth rates of the critically endangered fish Garra ghorensis can inform their conservation management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • Orsi, M.L. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Long-term changes in the fish assemblage of a neotropical hydroelectric reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology, 84 (6), 1964-1970.
  • Jackson, M.C. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Divergence in the trophic niche of sympatric freshwater invaders. Biological Invasions, 16 (5), 1095-1103.
  • Zaccara, S., Crosa, G., Binelli, G., Vanetti, I., Harper, D.M., Mavuti, K.M., Balarin, J.D. and Britton, J.R., 2014. Genetic and morphological analyses indicate high population mixing in the endangered cichlid Alcolapia flock of East Africa. Conservation Genetics, 15 (2), 429-440.
  • Britton, J.R. and Blackburn, R., 2014. Application and utility of using otolith weights in the ageing of three flatfish species. FISHERIES RESEARCH, 154, 147-151.
  • Azevedo Zoccal Garcia, D., Luís Orsi, M., Robert Britton, J., Simões de Almeida, F. and Teresa Silva e Souza, A., 2014. Invasion characteristics of Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii (Holmberg, 1893) in the lower Paranapanema River, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
  • Zaccara, S., Antognazza, C.M., Buonerba, L., Britton, R. and Crosa, G., 2014. Human-mediated contact zone between endemic and invasive Barbus species (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) in a regulated lowland river: genetic inferences and conservation implications. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 81 (4), 571-583.
  • Garcia, D.A.Z., Almeida, F.S., Silva e Souza, T., Britton, J.R. and Orsi, M.L., 2014. Invasion characteristics of Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii (Holmberg, 1893) in the lower Paranapanema River, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30 (5), 1041-1044.
  • Britton, J.R. and Gozlan, R.E., 2013. Geo-politics and freshwater fish introductions: How the Cold War shaped Europe's fish allodiversity. Global Environmental Change, 23 (6), 1566-1574.
  • Jackson, M.C., Allen, R., Pegg, J. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Do trophic subsidies affect the outcome of introductions of a non-native freshwater fish? Freshwater Biology, 58 (10), 2144-2153.
  • Jackson, M.C. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Variation in the trophic overlap of invasive Pseudorasbora parva and sympatric cyprinid fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22 (4), 654-657.
  • Vilizzi, L., Copp, G.H. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Age and growth of European barbel Barbus barbus (Cyprinidae) in the small, mesotrophic River Lee and relative to other populations in England. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems.
  • Murray, G.P.D., Stillman, R.A., Gozlan, R.E. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Experimental Predictions of The Functional Response of A Freshwater Fish. Ethology, 119, 1-11.
  • Britton, J.R. and Gozlan, R.E., 2013. European concerns over GM salmon. Nature, 498 (7453), 171.
  • Britton, J.R. and Gozlan, R.E., 2013. European concerns over GM salmon. Nature, 498 (7453), 171.
  • Williams, C.F., Britton, J.R. and Turnbull, J.F., 2013. A risk assessment for managing non-native parasites. Biological Invasions, 15 (6), 1273-1286.
  • Davies, G.D., Gozlan, R.E. and Robert Britton, J., 2013. Can accidental introductions of non-native species be prevented by fish stocking audits? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23 (3), 366-373.
  • Hamidan, N. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Length-weight relationships for three fish species (Capoeta damascina, Garra rufa, and Nemacheilus insignis) native to the Mujib Basin, Jordan. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 29 (2), 480-481.
  • Britton, J.R., 2013. Introduced parasites in food webs: New species, shifting structures? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (2), 93-99.
  • Nyqvist, M.J., Gozlan, R.E., Cucherousset, J. and Robert Britton, J., 2013. Absence of a Context-General Behavioural Syndrome in a Solitary Predator. Ethology, 119 (2), 156-166.
  • Britton, J.R., 2013. Introduced parasites in food webs: new species, shifting structures? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28 (2), 93-99.
  • Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Pegg, J., 2013. Spatial variation in the somatic growth rates of European barbel Barbus barbus: A UK perspective. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 22 (1), 21-29.
  • Gozlan, R.E., Burnard, D., Andreou, D. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Understanding the threats posed by non-native species: public vs. conservation managers. PLoS One, 8 (1), e53200.
  • Davies, G.D., Gozlan, R.E. and Robert Britton, J., 2013. Can accidental introductions of non-native species be prevented by fish stocking audits? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • Jackson, M.C. and Britton, J.R., 2013. Variation in the trophic overlap of invasive Pseudorasbora parva and sympatric cyprinid fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
  • Rees, E.M.A., Britton, J.R., Copp, G.H., Godard, M.J., Crooks, N., Miller, J.I. and Wesley, K.J., 2013. Efficacy of tagging European catfish Silurus glanis (L., 1758) released into ponds. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
  • Britton, J. and Gozlan, R., 2013. How many founders for a biological invasion? Predicting introduction outcomes from propagule pressure. Ecology.
  • Reading, A.J., Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D., Shinn, A.P. and Williams, C.F., 2012. Introduction and spread of non-native parasites with Silurus glanis L. (Teleostei: Siluridae) in UK fisheries. Journal of Helminthology, 86 (4), 510-513.
  • Britton, J.R. and Orsi, M.L., 2012. Non-native fish in aquaculture and sport fishing in Brazil: Economic benefits versus risks to fish diversity in the upper River Paraná Basin. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22 (3), 555-565.
  • Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Baker, D. and Williams, C.F., 2012. Do lower feeding rates result in reduced growth of a cyprinid fish infected with the Asian tapeworm? Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 21 (2), 172-175.
  • Beardsley, H. and Britton, J.R., 2012. Recruitment success in a roach Rutilus rutilus population of a hydrologically stable chalk river: Relative influences of temperature and flow. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 21 (2), 168-171.
  • Beardsley, H. and Britton, J.R., 2012. Contribution of temperature and nutrient loading to growth rate variation of three cyprinid fishes in a lowland river. Aquatic Ecology, 46 (1), 143-152.
  • Jackson, M.C., Donohue, I., Jackson, A.L., Britton, J.R., Harper, D.M. and Grey, J., 2012. Population-level metrics of trophic structure based on stable isotopes and their application to invasion ecology. PLoS ONE, 7 (2).
  • Nyqvist, M.J., Gozlan, R.E., Cucherousset, J. and Britton, J.R., 2012. Behavioural syndrome in a solitary predator is independent of body size and growth rate. PLoS ONE, 7 (2).
  • Oyugi, D.O., Cucherousset, J., Baker, D.J. and Britton, J.R., 2012. Effects of temperature on the foraging and growth rate of juvenile common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Thermal Biology, 37 (1), 89-94.
  • Britton, J.R., 2012. Testing strength of biotic resistance against an introduced fish: Inter-specific competition or predation through facultative piscivory? PLoS One, 7 (2).
  • Simon, A., Britton, J.R., Gozlan, R.E., van Oosterhout, C., Volckaert, F.A.M. and Hänfling, B., 2011. Invasive Cyprinid fish in Europe originate from the single introduction of an admixed source population followed by a complex pattern of spread. PLoS One, 6 (6).
  • Pegg, J., Williams, C., Cucherousset, J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. What are the consequences of infection by the introduced parasite Philometroides sanguineus for threatened crucian carp Carassius carassius populations in England? Ecology Of Freshwater Fish.
  • Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Grey, J. and Gozlan, R.E., 2011. Determining the strength of exploitative competition from an introduced fish: roles of density, biomass and body size. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 20, 74-79.
  • Oyugi, D.O., Harper, D.M., Britton, J.R., Ntiba, M.J., Kisia, S.M. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Management implications of the response of two tilapiine cichlids to long-term changes in lake level, allodiversity and exploitation in an equatorial lake. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment.
  • Cucherousset, J., Acou, A., Blanchet, S., Britton, J.R., Beaumont, W.R.C. and Gozlan, R.E., 2011. Fitness consequences of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in European eels. Oecologia.
  • Oyugi, D.O., Cucherousset, J., Ntiba, M.J., Kisia, S.M., Harper, D.M. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Life history traits of an equatorial carp Cyprinus carpio population in relation to thermal influences on invasive populations. Fisheries Research, 110, 92-97.
  • Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. and Williams, C.F., 2011. Pathological and ecological host consequences of infection by an introduced fish parasite. PLoS One, 6.
  • Oyugi, D.O., Cucherousset, J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Temperature-dependent feeding interactions between two invasive fishes competing through interference and exploitation. Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries.
  • Oyugi, D.O., Cucherousset, J., Baker, D.J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Temperature effects on the growth and foraging of juvenile common carp Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Thermal Biology.
  • Orsi, M.L. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Length-weight relationships of 15 fishes of the Capivara Reservoir (Paranapanema Basin, Brazil). Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
  • Pegg, J. and Britton, J.R., 2011. Effects of inter- and intra-specific competition on the growth rates of juvenile European barbel Barbus barbus used in the stock enhancement of UK fisheries. Fisheries Research, 112, 8-12.
  • Britton, J.R. and Pegg, J., 2011. Ecology of European barbel Barbus barbus: implications for river, fishery and conservation management. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 19, 321-330.
  • Britton, J.R., Pegg, J. and Gozlan, R.E., 2011. Quantifying imperfect detection in an invasive pest fish and the implications for conservation management. Biological Conservation, 144, 2177-2181.
  • Britton, J.R., Copp, G.H. and Gozlan, R.E., 2011. Managing non-native fish in the environment. Fish and Fisheries, 12, 256-274.
  • Gherardi, F., Britton, J.R., Mavuti, K.M., Pacini, N., Grey, J., Tricarico, E. and Harper, D.M., 2011. A review of allodiversity in Lake Naivasha, Kenya: Developing conservation actions to protect East African lakes from the negative impacts of alien species. Biological Conservation, 144, 2585-2596.
  • Britton, J.R., Copp, G.H., Brazier, M. and Davies, G.D., 2011. A modular assessment tool for managing introduced fishes according to risks of species and their populations, and impacts of management actions. Biological Invasions, 13, 2847-2860.
  • Gozlan, R.E. et al., 2010. Pan-continental invasion of Pseudorasbora parva: towards a better understanding freshwater fish invasions. Fish and Fisheries.
  • Cucherousset, J., Britton, J.R., Beaumont, W.R.C., Nyqvist, M., Sievers, K. and Gozlan, R.E., 2010. Determining the effects of species, environmental conditions and tracking method on the detection efficiency of portable PIT telemetry. Journal of Fish Biology, 76 (4), 1039-1045.
  • Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Brazier, M., 2010. Towards the successful control of the invasive Pseudorasbora parva in the UK. Biological Invasions, 12, 125-131.
  • Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Harrod, C., 2010. Trophic interactions and consequent impacts of the invasive fish Pseudorasbora parva in a native aquatic foodweb: a field investigation in the UK. Biological Invasions, 12, 1533-1542.
  • Gozlan, R.E., Britton, J.R., Cowx, I.G. and Copp, G.H., 2010. Current knowledge on non-native freshwater fish introductions. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 751-786.
  • Cucherousset, J., Britton, J.R., Beaumont, W.R.C., Nyqvist, M., Sievers, K. and Gozlan, R.E., 2010. Localising fish using PIT telemetry: determining the role of species, environmental conditions and tracking method. Journal of Fish Biology, 76, 1039-1045.
  • Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Davies, G.D., Godard, M.J. and Copp, G.H., 2010. Non-native fishes and climate change: predicting species responses to warming temperatures in a temperate region. Freshwater Biology, 55, 1130-1141.
  • Zieba, G., Copp, G.H., Davies, G.D., Stebbing, P., Wesley, K. and Britton, J.R., 2010. Recent releases and dispersal of non-native fishes in England and Wales, with emphasis on sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus. Aquatic Invasions.
  • Britton, J.R., Harper, D.M. and Oyugi, D.O., 2010. Is the fast growth of an equatorial Micropterus salmoides population explained by high water temperature?? Ecology Of Freshwater Fish, 19, 228-238.
  • Britton, J.R., Harper, D.M., Oyugi, D.O. and Grey, J., 2010. The introduced Micropterus salmoides in an equatorial lake: a paradoxical loser in an invasion meltdown scenario? Biological Invasions.
  • Britton, J.R., 2010. Scale circuli patterns differentiate between hatchery-reared and wild Rutilus rutilus during evaluation of fish stockings. Journal of Fish Biology, 77, 2454-2459.
  • Britton, J.R., Jackson, M.C., Muchiri, S.M., Tarras-Wahlberg, H., Harper, D.M. and Grey, J., 2009. Status, Ecology and Conservation of an Endemic Fish, Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoenesis, in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Aquatic Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems, 19, 487-496.
  • Hewlett, N.R., Snow, J. and Britton, J.R., 2009. The role of management practices in fish kills in recreational lake fisheries in England and Wales. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 16, 248-254.
  • Britton, J.R., 2009. Book Review: Reconciling Fisheries with Conservation: Proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress. Freshwater Biology, 54, 635-636.
  • Grey, J., Graham, C., Britton, J.R. and Harrod, C., 2009. Stable isotope analysis of archived roach (Rutilus rutilus) scales for retrospective study of shallow lake responses to nutrient reduction. Freshwater Biology, 54, 1663-1670.
  • Copp, G.H., Britton, J.R., Cucherousset, J., Garcia-Bethou, E., Kirk, R., Peeler, E. and Stakenas, S., 2009. Voracious invader or benign feline? A review of the environmental biology of European catfish Silurus glanis in its native and introduced ranges. Fish and Fisheries, 10, 252-282.
  • Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Brazier, M., 2009. Eradication of the Invasive Pseudorasbora Parva Results in Increased Growth and Production of Native Fishes. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish, 18, 8-14.
  • Britton, J.R., Jackson, M.C. and Harper, D.M., 2009. Ligula intestinalis (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) in Kenya: a field investigation into host specificity and behavioural alterations. Parasitology, 136, 1367-1373.
  • Britton, J.R., Davies, G.D. and Brazier, M., 2008. Contrasting Life History Traits of Invasive Topmouth Gudgeon (Pseudorasbora Parva) in Adjacent Ponds in England. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 24, 694-698.
  • Caffrey, J.M., Acevedo, S., Gallagher, K. and Britton, J.R., 2008. Chub (Leuciscus cephalus): a new potentially invasive fish species in Ireland. Aquatic Invasions, 3, 201-209.
  • Britton, J.R., Brazier, M., Davies, G.D. and Chare, S.I., 2008. Case Studies on Eradicating the Asiatic Cyprinid Pseudorasbora Parva From Fishing Lakes in England to Prevent Their Riverine Dispersal. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18, 867-876.
  • Britton, J.R. and Harper, D.M., 2008. Juvenile Growth of Two Tilapia Species in Lakes Naivasha and Baringo, Kenya. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish, 17, 481-488.
  • Ibanez, A.L., Britton, J.R. and Cowx, I.G., 2008. Relationship Between Scale Growth Checks, Circuli Formation Rate and Somatic Growth in Rutilus Rutilus (L.) a Fish Farm-Reared Cyprinid. Journal of Fish Biology, 72, 1023-1034.
  • Bolland, J.D., Britton, J.R. and Cowx, I.G., 2007. Lifetime Consequences of Variable 0 Year Group Length in Riverine Populations of Chub Leuciscus Cephalus (L.). Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 1810-1819.
  • Britton, J.R. and Davies, G.D., 2007. Length-Weight Relationships of the Invasive Topmouth Gudgeon (Pseudorasbora Parva) in Ten Lakes in the UK. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23, 624-626.
  • Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Sedgwick, R. and Page, R., 2007. Investigating the Catch Returns and Growth Rate of Wels Catfish, Silurus Glanis, Using Mark-Recapture. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14, 263-268.
  • Nunn, A.D., Harvey, J.P., Britton, J.R., Frear, P.A. and Cowx, I.G., 2007. Fish, Climate and the Gulf Stream: The Influence of Abiotic Factors on the Recruitment Success of Cyprinid Fishes in Lowland Rivers. Freshwater Biology, 52, 1576-1586.
  • Britton, J.R. and Davies, G.D., 2007. First U.K. Recording in the Wild of the Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys Nobilis. Journal of Fish Biology, 70, 1280-1282.
  • Britton, J.R., 2007. Reference Data for Evaluating the Growth of Common Riverine Fishes in the UK. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23, 555-560.
  • Britton, J.R., Boar, R.R., Grey, J., Foster, J., Lugonzo, J. and Harper, D.M., 2007. From Introduction to Fishery Dominance: The Initial Impacts of the Invasive Carp Cyprinus Carpio in Lake Naivasha, Kenya, 1999 to 2006. Journal of Fish Biology, 71, 239-257.
  • Britton, J.R. and Davies, G.D., 2006. First Record of the White Catfish Ameiurus Catus in Great Britain. Journal of Fish Biology, 69, 1236-1238.
  • Pinder, A.C., Davies, G.D., Brazier, M. and Britton, J.R., 2006. A Case Study of the Population Ecology of a Topmouth Gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) Population in the UK and the Implication for Native Fish Communities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17, 749-759.
  • Britton, J.R. and Harper, D.M., 2006. Length-Weight Relationships of Fish Species in the Freshwater Rift Valley Lakes of Kenya. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 22, 334-336.
  • Brazier, M. and Britton, J.R., 2006. Eradicating the invasive topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva, from a recreational fishery in Northern England. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 13, 329-335.
  • Davies, G.D. and Britton, J.R., 2006. Ornamental species of the genus Acipenser: new additions to the ichthyofauna of the UK. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 13, 207-210.
  • Britton, J.R., Pegg, J., Shepherd, J.S. and Toms, S., 2006. Revealing the Prey Items of the Otter Lutra Lutra in South West England Using Stomach Contents Analysis. Folia Zoologica, 55, 167-174.
  • Musk, R., Britton, J.R. and Axford, S.N., 2006. The Effect of Subjective Fish Scales Ageing on Growth and Recruitment Analyses: A Case Study from the UK. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 36, 81-84.
  • Copp, G.H., Carter, M.G., England, J. and Britton, J.R., 2006. The Re-Occurrence of the White Sucker Catostomus Commersonii in the River Gade (Hertfordshire). London Naturalist, 85, 115-119.
  • Britton, J.R., Shepherd, J.S., Toms, S. and Simpson, V., 2005. Presence of Carp, Cyprinus carpio, in the Diet of the Otter, Lutra Lutra. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 12, 221-223.
  • Pinder, A.C., Gozlan, R.E. and Britton, J.R., 2005. Dispersal of the Invasive Topmouth Gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva in the UK: a Vector for an Emergent Infectious Disease. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 12, 411-414.
  • Britton, J.R. and Shepherd, J.S., 2005. Biometric Data to Facilitate the Diet Reconstruction of Piscivorous Fauna. Folia Zoologica, 54, 193-200.
  • Britton, J.R. and Harper, D.M., 2005. Assessing the True Status of Labeo Cylindricus in Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 30, 203-205.
  • Britton, J.R. and Harper, D.M., 2005. Preliminary Investigations into the Age and Growth of a Large Mouth Bass Population in an Equatorial Lake. Journal of East African Natural History, 94, 363-369.
  • Britton, J.R. and Harper, D.M., 2005. Assessing the true status of the fish species Labeo cylindricus (Peters 1868) (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 30 (2), 203-205.
  • Taylor, A.A.L., Britton, J.R. and Cowx, I.G., 2004. Does the Stock Density of Stillwater Catch and Release Fisheries Affect the Growth Performance of Introduced Cultured Barbel? Journal of Fish Biology, 65, 308-313.
  • Britton, J.R., Cowx, I.G. and Peirson, G., 2004. Sources of Error in the Ageing of Stocked Cyprinids. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 11, 415-417.
  • Hickley, P., Muchiri, S.M., Britton, J.R. and Boar, R.R., 2004. Discovery of Carp, Cyprinus Carpio, in the Already Stressed Fishery of Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 11, 139-142.
  • Britton, J.R., Axford, S.N., Cowx, I.G. and Frear, P.A., 2004. An Overview of Recruitment Patterns of Roach Rutilus Rutilus (L.) Between 1969 and 2001 in the Rivers of England and their Influence on Population Abundance. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4, 91-102.
  • Hickley, P., Muchiri, S.M., Boar, R.R., Britton, J.R., Adams, C., Gichuru, N. and Harper, D.M., 2004. Habitat Degradation and Subsequent Fishery Collapse in Lakes Naivasha and Baringo, Kenya. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, 4, 503-517.
  • Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Feltham, M.J., Wilson, B.R., Britton, J.R., Harvey, J.P. and Cowx, I.G., 2003. The Use of a Monte Carlo Simulation Model to Estimate the Impact of Great Cormorants at an Inland Fishery in England Cormorant. Ecology & Management: Vogelwelt, 124, 309-317.
  • Wilson, B.R., Feltham, M.J., Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Britton, J.R., Harvey, J.P. and Cowx, I.G., 2003. Increasing Confidence in Impact Estimates – The Monte Carlo Approach. Cormorant Ecology & Management: Vogelwelt, 124, 375-387.


  • Vimercati, G., Britton, R., Evans, T., Measey, J., Mohanty, N.P. and Volery, L., 2023. The impact of invasive alien vertebrates on native insects. Biological Invasions and Global Insect Decline. 189-223.
  • Gozlan, R.E. and Britton, J.R., 2015. Sustainable freshwater fisheries: The search for workable solutions. Freshwater Fisheries Ecology. 616-621.
  • Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Feltham, M.J., Wilson, B.R., Cowx, I.G., Harvey, J.P. and Britton, J.R., 2008. The relationship between cormorant and fish populations at a fishery system in England: an overview. Interaction Between Fish and Birds: Implications for Management. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 28-42.
  • Britton, J.R., Cowx, I.G., Harvey, J.P., Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Feltham, M.J. and Wilson, B.R., 2003. Key Factor Analysis to Assess Cormorant Depredation on Inland Fisheries in the UK. Interactions Between Fish and Birds: Implications for Management. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 14-27.
  • Wilson, B.R., Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Feltham, M.J., Cowx, I.G., Harvey, J.P. and Britton, J.R., 2003. A quantitative assessment of the impact of goosander, Mergus merganser,on salmonid populations in two upland river systems in England and Wales. Interaction Between Fish and Birds: Implications for Management. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 119-138.
  • Britton, J.R., Cowx, I.G., Harvey, J.P., Davies, J.M., Holden, T., Feltham, M.J. and Wilson, B.R., 2002. Compensatory Responses of Fish Populations in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake to Heavy Depredation Pressure by Cormorants and the Implications for Management. Management and Ecology of Lake and Reservoir Fisheries. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 170-183.


  • Taylor, A.A.L., Britton, J.R. and Cowx, I.G., 2004. Does the stock density of stillwater catch and release fisheries affect the growth performance of introduced cultured barbel? Journal of Fish Biology, 65 (SUPPL. A), 308-313.



  • Hall, A., Britton, J.R., Thomas, B., Herbert, R. and Hull, S., 2017. Can ecological enhancement be used to improve artificial structures within marine protected areas? In: Marine Protected Areas. Science, Policy & Management, Poole 15-17 May 2017.


  • Tarkan, A.S., Kurtul, I., Blonska, D., Britton, J.R. and Haubrock, P., 2024. Resolving the issues of translocated native species in freshwater invasions.
  • Britton, J.R., Andreou, D., Lopez-Bejar, M. and Carbajal, A., 2022. Relationships of scale cortisol content suggests stress resilience in freshwater fish vulnerable to catch-and-release angling in recreational fisheries.

PhD Students

  • Anastasia Vayona, 2024. Human-in-the-Circular-Loop: A consumer attributions-based approach for investigating the effect of enterprise greenwashing on wishcycling, (In progress)
  • Peter Davies
  • Victoria Dominguez Almela, 2020. Predicting the invasiveness of alien fishes: modelling invasion dynamics to inform management programmes
  • Olivia Simmons, 2021. Predicting the implications of changes in migration phenology for the conservation of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

Invited Lectures

  • Annual conference, Cape St Francis, South Africa, 26 Jun 2018 more


  • ECO-CODING: Creating a centre for DNA Meta-barcoding Ecology at BU (HEIF (Higher Education Innovation Fund), 31 Jul 2016). Awarded
  • Predicting responses to climate warming of freshwater communities in temperate regions (CLIMACOMM) (Marie Curie, 01 Oct 2014). In Progress

Conference Presentations

  • European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Impacts of gravel jetting on spawning substrates of lithophilic fish species, 22 Aug 2016, Germany
  • Freshwater Invasives – Networking for Strategy (FINS-II), Best practice in aquatic biosecurity: the GB experience, 11 Jul 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
  • IFM Specialist Conference 2016: Farming and Fisheries, Impacts of gravel jetting on spawning substrates of lithophilic fish species, 10 May 2016, Penrith, England
  • 10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2016), Quantifying the trophic consequences of parasitism through the application of stable isotope metrics and mixing models, 03 Apr 2016, Tokyo


  • PhD in Fisheries Science (University of Hull, 1999)
  • BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology (University of Hull, 1995)


  • British Ecological Society, Member,
  • Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Member,
  • Society of the Environment (CEnv), Chartered Environmentalist,