Jamie Fletcher
- 01202 965713
- fletcherj at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Senior Lecturer in Law
- Weymouth House W404, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Fletcher, J. and Marriott, J., 2014. Beyond the Market: The Role of Constitutions in Health Care System Convergence in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 42 (4), 455-474.
- Fletcher, J. and Marriott, J., 2014. By Any Means Necessary? The Constitutionalisation of Healthcare in the United States, United Kingdom and Brazil. The Affordable Care Act Decision Philosophical and Legal Implications. Routledge.
Internet Publications
- Szopa, K., Fletcher, J. and Stockton-Brown, M., 2022. ‘Moving Towards an Agendered Perpetrator, Time For Change to the Sexual Offences Act 2003’. Stars Dorset Blog. Available from: http://www.starsdorset.org/Blog/sexual-offences-act-2003.
- Szopa, K. and Fletcher, J.. The Future of Abortion Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights in Light of Dobbs.
External Media and Press
- Investigation and prosecution of rape, Home Affairs Committee, 17 Jun 2021. https://committees.parliament.uk/work/1160/investigation-and-prosecution-of-rape/publications/