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Jonathan Cole

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Journal Articles

  • Rossini, P.M., Cole, J., Paulus, W., Ziemann, U. and Chen, R., 2025. 1924–2024: First centennial of EEG. Clinical Neurophysiology, 170, 132-135.
  • Olausson, H., Marshall, A., Nagi, S.S. and Cole, J., 2024. Slow touch and ultrafast pain fibres: Revisiting peripheral nerve classification. Clinical Neurophysiology, 163, 255-262.
  • Tankisi, H., Versace, V., Kuppuswamy, A. and Cole, J., 2024. The role of clinical neurophysiology in the definition and assessment of fatigue and fatigability. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, 9, 39-50.
  • Cole, J. and Ratcliffe, M., 2022. Illness, Injury, and the Phenomenology of Loss A Dialogue. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 29 (9-10), 150-174.
  • Case, L.K., Cole, J. et al., 2021. Innocuous pressure sensation requires A-type afferents but not functional ΡΙΕΖΟ2 channels in humans. Nature Communications, 12 (1).
  • Miall, R.C., Afanasyeva, D., Cole, J.D. and Mason, P., 2021. The role of somatosensation in automatic visuo-motor control: a comparison of congenital and acquired sensory loss. Experimental Brain Research, 239 (7), 2043-2061.
  • Nagi, S.S., Cole, J. et al., 2019. An ultrafast system for signaling mechanical pain in human skin. Science Advances, 5 (7).
  • Renault, A.G., Auvray, M., Parseihian, G., Miall, R.C., Cole, J. and Sarlegna, F.R., 2018. Does proprioception influence human spatial cognition? A study on individuals with massive deafferentation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (AUG).
  • Cole, J., 2016. Perspectives on embodiment and prosthetic incorporation in those with spinal cord injury: Comment on "The embodiment of assistive devices-from wheelchair to exoskeleton" by M. Pazzaglia and M. Molinari. Physics of Life Reviews, 16, 176-177.
  • Torres, E.B., Isenhower, R.W., Nguyen, J., Whyatt, C., Nurnberger, J.I., Jose, J.V., Silverstein, S.M., Papathomas, T.V., Sage, J. and Cole, J., 2016. Toward precision psychiatry: Statistical platform for the personalized characterization of natural behaviors. Frontiers in Neurology, 7 (FEB).
  • Torres, E.B., Cole, J. and Poizner, H., 2014. Motor output variability, deafferentation, and putative deficits in kinesthetic reafference in Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8 (OCT).
  • Mishu, M.C., Dubey, V.N., Hickish, T. and Cole, J., 2014. Mathematical Modelling of Different Types of Body Support Surface for Pressure Ulcer Prevention. International Journal of Medical, Pharmaceutical Science and Engineering, 8 (5), 209-214.