Computer Assisted Relief Generation-A Survey

Authors: Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J., Zhang, J.J., Belyaev, A. and Seidel, H.-P.

Journal: Computer Graphics Forum

eISSN: 1467-8659

ISSN: 0167-7055

Source: Scopus

Computer assisted relief generation - A survey

Authors: Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J., Zhang, J.J., Belyaev, A. and Seidel, H.P.

Journal: Computer Graphics Forum

Volume: 31

Issue: 8

Pages: 2363-2377

eISSN: 1467-8659

ISSN: 0167-7055

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03185.x


In this paper, we present an overview of the achievements accomplished to date in the field of computer-aided relief generation. We delineate the problem, classify different solutions, analyse similarities, investigate developments and review the approaches according to their particular relative strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, we describe remaining challenges and point out prospective extensions. In consequence, this survey is addressed to both researchers and artists, through providing valuable insights into the theory behind the different concepts in this field and augmenting the options available among the methods presented with regard to practical application. © 2012 The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Source: Scopus

Computer Assisted Relief Generation-A Survey

Authors: Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J., Zhang, J.J., Belyaev, A. and Seidel, H.-P.


Volume: 31

Issue: 8

Pages: 2363-2377

eISSN: 1467-8659

ISSN: 0167-7055

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03185.x

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Computer Assisted Relief Generation - a Survey

Authors: Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.

Journal: Computer Graphics Forum

Volume: 31

Issue: 8

Pages: 2363-2377

ISSN: 0167-7055

DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03185.x


In this paper we present an overview of the achievements accomplished to date in the field of computer aided relief generation. We delineate the problem, classify the different solutions, analyze similarities, investigate the evelopment and review the approaches according to their particular relative strengths and weaknesses. In consequence this survey is likewise addressed to researchers and artists through providing valuable insights into the theory behind the different concepts in this field and augmenting the options available among the methods presented with regard to practical application.

Source: Manual

Preferred by: Jian Chang and Jian Jun Zhang

Computer Assisted Relief Generation - a Survey

Authors: Kerber, J., Wang, M., Chang, J. and Zhang, J.J.

Journal: Computer Graphics Forum

Volume: 31

Issue: 8

Pages: 2363-2377

ISSN: 0167-7055


In this paper we present an overview of the achievements accomplished to date in the field of computer aided relief generation. We delineate the problem, classify the different solutions, analyze similarities, investigate the evelopment and review the approaches according to their particular relative strengths and weaknesses. In consequence this survey is likewise addressed to researchers and artists through providing valuable insights into the theory behind the different concepts in this field and augmenting the options available among the methods presented with regard to practical application.

Source: BURO EPrints