Dynamic modeling and simulation of a rotating single link flexible robotic manipulator subject to quick stops
Authors: Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S.
Journal: Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Volume: 60
Issue: 7-8
Pages: 475-482
ISSN: 0039-2480
DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1544
Abstract:Single link robotic manipulators are extensively used in industry and research operations. The main design requirement of such manipulators is to minimize link dynamic deflection and its active end vibrations, and obtain high position accuracy during its high-speed motion. To achieve these requirements, accurate mathematical modeling and simulation of the initial design, to increase system stability and precision and to obtain very small amplitudes of vibration, should be considered. In this paper the modeling of such a robotic arm with a rigid guide and a flexible extensible link subject to quick stops after each complete revolution is considered and its dynamical behavior analyzed. The extensible link that rotates with constant angular velocity has one end constrained to a predefined trajectory. The constrained trajectory allows trajectory control and obstacle avoidance for the active end of the robotic arm. The dynamic evolution of the system is investigated and the flexural response of the flexible link analyzed under the combined effect of clearance and flexibility. © 2014 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
Source: Scopus
Preferred by: Mihai Dupac
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Rotating Single Link Flexible Robotic Manipulator Subject to Quick Stops
Authors: Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S.
Volume: 60
Issue: 7-8
Pages: 475-482
ISSN: 0039-2480
DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1544
Source: Web of Science (Lite)
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Rotating Single Link Flexible Robotic Manipulator Subject to Quick Stops
Authors: Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S.
Journal: Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Volume: 60
Issue: 7-8
Pages: 475-482
ISSN: 0039-2480
DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2013.1544
Abstract:Single link robotic manipulators are extensively used in industry and research operations. The main design requirement of such manipulators is to minimize link dynamic deflection and its active end vibrations, and obtain high position accuracy during its high speed motion. To achieve these requirements, accurate mathematical modeling and simulation of the initial design, to increase system stability and precision and to obtain very small amplitudes of vibration, should be considered.
In this paper the modeling of such robotic arm with a rigid guide and a flexible extensible link subject to quick stops after each complete revolution is considered and its dynamical behavior analyzed. The extensible link which rotates with constant angular velocity has one end constrained to a predefined trajectory. The constrained trajectory allows trajectory control and obstacle avoidance for the active end of the robotic arm. The dynamic evolution of the system is investigated and the flexural response of the flexible link analyzed under the combined effect of clearance and flexibility..
Source: Manual
Preferred by: Siamak Noroozi