Mihai Dupac

Dr Mihai Dupac

  • Principal Academic In Engineering Design
  • Poole House P329, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Dr. Mihai Dupac obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the West University of Timisoara, Romania, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, at Auburn University (https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/auburn-university), AL, in the United States.

Six PhD students graduated under his supervision based on the research funding and collaborations with AECC (Anglo European College of Chiropractic), Bournemouth Hospital, and Hydreco Hydraulics. He was acting as an examiner/chair for more than 10 PhD/MPhil examinations and transfers. He is the author of more than 100 publications and 4 books in the field of engineering namely Statics with Matlab, Springer, 2013, Advanced Dynamics: Analytical and Numerical Calculations with Matlab, Springer, 2012, Machine Component Analysis with Matlab, Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2019, and Engineering Applications: Analytical and Numerical Calculation with MATLAB, Wiley, 2021.

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA - UK), a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (MatSciNet, US), a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME - USA), and an Honorary Researcher at the University of Craiova (Faculty of Mechanics), Romania (2020-2021)...



Dr. Dupac research interests are in the area of computational modelling and simulation in engineering concerned with the development of new computational methods that arise from the discretization of computational science and engineering problems. He enjoys a computational approach dealing with the development of simulation models that describe the behaviour of complex engineering (nonlinear dynamics, mechanisms and mechanical vibrations) or bioengineering systems. This type of research related to the computational development of mathematics including the state of the art of mathematical simulations and high-performance computing (backed up by intelligent algorithms) applied to engineering science (and its theoretical physics core) gave him tremendous satisfaction and excellent opportunities to work and communicate with scientists in many other fields.

As a research scholar at Space Research Institute (in US) he was working for NASA to study metallurgical properties of a levitated and heated droplet of molten metal in microgravity. More precisely the work was related to the modelling and simulation of the magneto-hydro-dynamic effects of a levitated and heated droplet using Maxwell and Navier-Stokes equations, and their effects on droplet stability.

An important part of his work was with the numerical simulation of physical processes in the field of engineering mechanics, more exactly with the study of Hamiltonian systems which under certain conditions keep unchanged momentum and energy related to system symmetry and symplectic form...


Journal Articles

  • Dupac, M., 2023. Mathematical modeling and simulation of the inverse kinematic of a redundant robotic manipulator using azimuthal angles and spherical polar piecewise interpolation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 209, 282-298.
  • Dupac, M., 2020. 3D Curve Generation Using Spherical Polar Piecewise Interpolation in CAD and CAM. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Achievements and Solutions in Mechanical Engineering II (896), 224-228.
  • Noroozi, S., Rahman, A.G.A., Eng, H.C., Dupac, M., Ong, Z.C., Khoo, S.Y. and Kong, K.K., 2019. A novel investigation into the application of non-destructive evaluation for vibration assessment and analysis of in-service pipes. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 34 (4), 413-428.
  • Abuowda, K., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Godfry, P., 2019. A dynamic model and performance analysis of a stepped rotary flow control valve. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 233 (9), 1195-1208.
  • Abuowda, K., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Godfrey, P., 2019. Model based driving analysis for a novel stepped rotary flow control valve. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52 (12), 549-554.
  • Dupac, M., 2019. A combined polar and Cartesian piecewise trajectory generation and analysis of a robotic arm. Computational and Mathematical Methods.
  • Aslani, N., Noroozi, S., Davenport, P., Hartley, R., Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2018. Development of a 3D workspace shoulder assessment tool incorporating electromyography and an inertial measurement unit—a preliminary study. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 56 (6), 1003-1011.
  • Dupac, M., 2018. Kinematics and dynamics motion planning by polar piecewise interpolation and geometric considerations. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 67, 19-24.
  • Dupac, M., 2018. Smooth trajectory generation for rotating extensible manipulators. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (6), 2281-2286.
  • Dupac, M., 2018. A path planning approach of 3D manipulators using zenithal gnomic projection and polar piecewise interpolation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
  • Aslani, N., Noroozi, S., Hartley, R., Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2016. Assesment of key parameters on the performance of the deltoid muscle in reverse shoulder arthroplasty-A modeling and simulation-based study. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 16 (5).
  • Hawkins, J., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2016. Development of a Wearable Sensor System for Dynamically Mapping the Behavior of an Energy Storing and Returning Prosthetic Foot. Measurement Science Review, 16 (3), 174-182.
  • Noroozi, S., Rahman, A.G.A., Dupac, M., Ong, Z.C., Mohd Al-Attas, M.B.S. and Davenport, P., 2016. Condition monitoring and diagnostics of an extruder motor and its gearbox vibration problem. Insight: Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 58 (2), 101-107.
  • Breen, A.C., Dupac, M. and Osborne, N., 2015. Attainment rate as a surrogate indicator of the intervertebral neutral zone length in lateral bending: An in vitro proof of concept study. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, 23 (1).
  • Biggins, D., Crowley, E., Bolat, E., Dupac, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Enhancing university student engagement using online multiple choice questions and answers. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 71-76.
  • Kong, K.K., Noroozi, S., Rahman, A.G.A., Dupac, M., Eng, H.C., Ong, Z.C., Khoo, S.Y. and Vinney, J.E., 2014. Non-destructive testing and assessment of dynamic incompatibility between third-party piping and drain valve systems: An industrial case study. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 29 (2), 154-163.
  • Dupac, M., 2014. Dynamical Analysis of a Constrained Flexible Extensible Link with Rigid Support and Clearance. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 52 (3), 665-676.
  • Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S., 2014. Dynamic modeling and simulation of a rotating single link flexible robotic manipulator subject to quick stops. Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 60 (7-8), 475-482.
  • Rahman, A.G.A., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M., Al-Attas, S.M.S.M. and Vinney, J., 2013. A hybrid approach for non-destructive assessment and design optimisation and testing of in service machinery. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 28 (1), 44-57.
  • Cardew George, Noroozi, S., Vinney, J. and Dupac, M., 2013. Optimal Group Configurations of Fibre Materials Based on Inclusion Modelling. MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS FOR SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS II, Key Engineering Materials, 543, 414-418.
  • Dupac, M., 2013. A Virtual Prototype of a Constrained Extensible Crank Mechanism: Dynamic Simulation and Design. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics, 227 (3), 201-210.
  • Aloumi, A., Noroozi, S., Eves, B. and Dupac, M., 2013. The impact of color contrast on the perception of complexity–simplicity of design product. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1 (4), 233-254.
  • Vinney, J., Noroozi, S., Rahman, A.G.A., Sewell, P., Zhi Chao, O., Kuan, K.K. and Dupac, M., 2012. Analysis of Composite Prosthetic Energy-Storing-and-Returning (ESR)feet: A comparison between FEA and the experimental analysis. International Journal of COMADEM, 15 (3), 19-28.
  • Dupac, M. and Furley, G., 2012. Improving pump efficiency by modifying the size and shape of the anti pre-rotation vane. Transactions of FAMENA, 36 (1), 45-54.
  • Dupac, M., 2012. An object-oriented approach for mechanical components design and visualization. Engineering with Computers, 28 (2), 95-107.
  • Dupac, M., 2012. The Dynamics of an Extensible Link with one and two Moving Ends. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 39 (1), 48-54.
  • Rahman, A.G.A., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Vinney, J., 2012. A hybrid approach for non-destructive assessment and design optimisation and testing of in service machinery. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation.
  • Dupac, M., 2010. Soil erosion and degradation based on sand particles transport caused by wind blowing. Natural Resource Modeling, 23, 121-137.
  • Dupac, M. and Beale, D.G., 2010. Dynamic analysis of a flexible linkage mechanism with cracks and clearance. Mechanisms and Machine Theory, 45, 1909-1923.
  • Iancu, I., Colhon, M. and Dupac, M., 2010. A Fuzzy Controller with Various T-norms Applied in Robot Navigation. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, 5, 882-891.
  • Dupac, M. and Beale, D.G., 2010. Numerical analysis of surface oscillation of a levitated droplet using particle method. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, 9 (PART A), 451-459.
  • Popirlan, C.-I. and Dupac, M., 2009. An Optimal Path Algorithm for Autonomous Searching Robots. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 36, 37-48.
  • Dupac, M. and Constantinescu, N., 2008. 3D Steganography Models. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 35, 97-102.
  • Popirlan, C.-I. and Dupac, M., 2008. Mobile Agent Virtual Reality Modeling of Searching Robots. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 35, 139-148.
  • Popirlan, C. and Dupac, M., 2007. A Mobile Agents approach for 3D elastic medium modeling and visualization. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 34, 115-123.
  • Dupac, M., 2007. Manifolds and Symplectic Manifolds Trajectories Generation and Visualization. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 34, 100-106.
  • Dupac, M. and Dan Marghituu, B., 2006. Open kinematic chains with multiple impacts. 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2006, ICSV 2006, 1, 835-842.
  • Dupac, M. and Marghitu, D.B., 2006. Nonlinear dynamics of a flexible mechanism with impact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 289, 952-966.
  • Bakhtiyarov, S., Dupac, M. and Overfelt, R.A., 2006. Shape Recovery of a Levitated Aspherical Droplet from 2D Image Information. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 123, 463-467.
  • Dupac, M., 2006. Particle-based Magnetohydrodynamics Modeling and Visualization: Part I - Theoretical Model. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 30, 33-43.
  • Dupac, M., 2006. Particle-based Magnetohydrodynamics Modeling and Visualization: Part II - Numerical Simulation. Annals of University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 30, 44-53.
  • Dupac, M., Beale, D.G. and Overfelt, R.A., 2005. Three-dimensional Lumped Mass/Lumped Spring Modeling and Nonlinear Behavior of a Levitated Droplet. Nonlinear Dynamics, 42 (1), 25-42.
  • Bakhtiyarov, S., Inal, O.T., Dupac, M., Guo, B. and Overfelt, R.A., 2005. A New image analysis method for shape prediction of a levitated aspherical droplet. Journal of Future Engineering and Technology, 1, 67-73.
  • Dupac, M., Marghitu, D.B. and Beale, D.G., 2004. Lumped Mass Modelling and Chaotic Behavior of an Elastic Levitated Droplet. Nonlinear Dynamics, 27, 311-326.
  • Bakhtiyarov, S.I., Dupac, M., Overfelt, R.A. and Teodorescu, S.G., 2004. On Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Molten Metals by Inductive Technique. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 126, 468-471.
  • Dupac, M. and Dupac, M.A., 2003. Modeling and Simulation of a Brake System Subject to a Dynamic Normal Force: Part II – Numerical Simulation and Results. Annals of University of Craiova, Seria Mecanica, 1, 67-78.
  • Dupac, M. and Dupac, M.A., 2003. Modeling and Simulation of a Brake System Subject to a Dynamic Normal Force: Part I – Theoretical Model. Annals of University of Craiova, Seria Mechanica, 1, 57-66.
  • Dupac, M., 1997. Another Proof of the Krishnaprasad-Berenstein's Theorem. General Mathematics, 5, 157-160.
  • Craioveanu, M.-E. and Dupac, M., 1997. Some Remarks on the Lie-Trotter Integrator. Annals of Al. I. Cuza University, XLIII, 259-268.



  • Dupac, M., 2015. Spatial Impact of a Beam Attached to a Sliding Structure. In: Font-Llagunes, J.M., ed. Proceedings of ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics June 29 - July 2, 2015, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Artes Gráficas Torres S.L., Huelva 9, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Catalonia, Spain: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 577-584.
  • Dupac, M., 2015. Supporting Distance and Flexible Education – Challenges in the Design and Development of online Learning Resources'. In: Helfert, M., Restivo, M.T., Zvacek, S. and Uhomoibhi, J., eds. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. Portugal: SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, 491-496.
  • Dupac, M., 2015. A Theoretical Framework for Supporting a Novel Design Development Process: An Interactive Semantic-based Approach in Computer Assisted Parametric Design. Proceedings of CAD'15, London, UK, 2015. London: CAD 2015, 38-41.
  • Dupac, M., 2014. Trajectory Planning for a Rotating Extensible Robotic Manipulator: Design for Collision Avoidance and Accurate Position Placement. In: Iványi, P. and Topping, B.H.V., eds. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Stirlingshire, UK: Civil-Comp Press.
  • Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S., 2013. Dynamic Analysis of a Constrained Rotating Flexible Extensible Link with Semi-Periodic Impact. In: Z. Dimitrovová, de Almeida, J.R. and Goncalves, R., eds. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems. Portugal: APMTAC, 1-9.
  • Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Rahman, A.G.A., 2012. Dynamic Design Verification (DDV) of vertical pump using, combined Modal Analysis (MA), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) & Operation Deflection Shape (ODS). Recent Researches in Applied Mechanics: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. WSEAS, 18-23.
  • Noroozi, S., Rahman, A.G.A., Dupac, M. and Vinney, J., 2012. Dynamic characteristics of prosthetic feet: A comparison between modal parameters of walking, running and sprinting foot. In: Jaroslav Beran, Martin Bílek, Monika Hejnova and Petr Zabka, eds. Advances in Mechanisms Design. Springer Netherlands, 339-344.
  • Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S., 2011. FEM modeling and dynamical behavior of a flexible cracked linkage mechanism with clearance. In: Naprstek, J., Horacek, J., Okrouhlík, M., Marvalova, B., Verhulst, F. and Sawicki, J., eds. Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011. Springer, 275-280.
  • Iancu, I., Ghindeanu, M. and Dupac, M., 2010. A Takagi-Sugeno Type Controller for Mobile Robot Navigation. In: Grigoriu, M., Mladenov, V., Bulucea, C.A., Martin, O. and Mastorakis, N., eds. Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, CI '10; Bucharest; Romania;. US: WSEAS Press, 29-35.
  • Dupac, M. and Popirlan, C.-I., 2010. Web Technologies for Modelling and Visualization in Mechanical Engineering. In: Kordic, V., ed. Modeling Simulation and Optimization - Tolerance and Optimal Control: Web Technologies for Modelling and Visualization in Mechanical Engineering. Vienna, Austria: IN-TECH.
  • Popirlan, C.-I. and Dupac, M., 2009. A Mobile Agents Approach for searching Robots Virtual Reality Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the 20th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, MS 2009; Banff, AB; Canada; 6 July 2009 through 8 July 2009; Code 79193. Anaheim, CA, USA: ACTA Press, 123-129.
  • Dupac, M. and Beale, D.G., 2009. Numerical Analysis of Surface Oscillation of a Levitated Droplet Using Particle Method. ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2009; Lake Buena Vista, FL; United States; 13 November 2009 through 19 November 2009; Code 80879. ASME, 451-439.
  • Popirlan, C.-I. and Dupac, M., 2008. A web-visualization approach for 3D elastic medium modeling and simulation. Proceedings of the 19th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Anaheim, CA, USA: ACTA Press, 322-327.
  • Dupac, M., 2008. A Meshfree Modeling and Simulation of Sand Transportation and Topographical Formation caused by Wind Blowing. In: Grigoriadis, K., ed. Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2008): Symposia: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBB), Environmental Modelling and Simulation (EMS), Modern Nonlinear Theory (MNT). ACTA Press.
  • Popirlan, C.-I. and Dupac, M., 2008. A web-base approach for 3D mechanism components generation and visualization. In: De Felice, F., ed. Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2008. Calgary, Canada: ACTA Press.
  • Dupac Mihai and Chandi, B., 2007. A Study of Noise Reduction by Damping Layer Materials. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Brake Colloquium, Session: Effect of Brake Pad and Insulator Designs. SAE.
  • Dupac, M., 2007. Mechanism Components Generation and Visualization Using Mathematical Functions. Proceedings of the ASME 2007 Early Career Technical Conference, Engineering Center, Florida International University.. ASME.
  • Dupac Mihai, 2006. 3D Modeling and Simulation of Deformable Elastic Body - Rigid Body Interaction. AIDC 2006: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Communications. RCAI, 8-18.
  • Marghitu Dan and Dupac, M., 2006. Open Kinematic Chains with Multiple Impacts. ICSV13: Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2006, ICSV 2006. Vienna, Austria: Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, 835-842.
  • Dupac Mihai, 2004. A Voronoi Technique for Computing the Radius of Interaction in Particle Method: Application for a Levitated Droplet. AIDC 2004: Proceedings of 4th AIDC International Conference. RCAI, 86-94.
  • Dupac, M., Bakhtiyarov, S. and Overfelt, R.A., 2003. Volume Computation of a Levitated Aspherical Droplet From 2-D Image Information. 2003 ASME: Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress; Washington, DC.; United States; 15 November 2003 through 21 November 2003; Code 63046. ASME, 59-64.
  • Dupac, M., 2003. Surface Reconstruction from 2-D Image Information with Large Missing Parts. AIDC' 2003: Proceedings of 3rd AIDC International Conference. AIDC, 97-104.
  • Bakhtiyarov, S., Dupac, M., Overfelt, R.A. and Teodorescu, S.G., 2002. Fluid Flow Effect in Electrical Conductivity Measurements of Molten Metals by Inductive Technique. In: Rohatgi, U.S., Mewes, D., Betaille, J. and Rhodes, I., eds. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED: Proceedings of the 2002 ASME Joint U.S.-European Fluids Engineering Conference; Montreal, Que.; United States; 14 July 2002 through 18 July 2002; Code 60264. ASME, 21-24.
  • Dupac, M., Marghitu, D.B. and Crocker, M.J., 2002. Vibrations of Mechanism with Impact and Flexible Links. Proceedings of Ninth International Congress on Sound and Vibration. ICSV9, 679-687.
  • Teodorescu, S.G., Dupac, M., Bakhtiyarov, S. and Overfelt, R.A., 2001. Numerical Simulations of Fluid Flow During Electromagnetic Stirring of Metals. Proceedings, Rheology and Fluid Mechanics of Non-Linear Materials. ASME.
  • Dupac, M., Marghitu, D.B. and Beale, D.G., 2001. The dynamics of a Flexible Levitated Droplet. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference - 18th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise; Pittsburgh, PA; United States; 9 September 2001 through 12 September 2001; Code 60881. ASME, 1219-1226.
  • Dupac, M., 1999. Some remarks on reconstructing polyhedra. Proceedings of Second International Conference of Mathematics Scientific Society. SSM, 51-57.
  • Puta, M. and Dupac, M., 1997. Mechanical Integrators, Poisson Integrators. The Seminar of Geometry and Topology, 1997, West University of Timisoara, Romania. West University of Timisoara: The Seminar of Geometry and Topology, 1-30.


  • Abuowda, K., Dupac, M., Noroozi, S. and Godfrey, P., 2022. Mathematical-based control method and performance analysis of a novel hydromechatronics driving system micro-independent metering. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 45 (4), 2443-2459.
  • Dupac, M., 2019. Mathematical Based Control Method & Performance Analysis of A Novel Hydromechatronics Driving System Micro-Independent Metering. In: CMMSE 2019 - International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Methods in Science & Engineering 30 June-6 July 2019 Rota Cadiz Spain.
  • Abuowda, K., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Godfrey, P., 2019. Algorithm Design for the Novel Mechatronics Electro-Hydraulic Driving System: Micro-Independent Metering. Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM 2019, 7-12.
  • Montalvao, D. and Dupac, M., 2018. Students' views and correlation regarding performance and attendance for a first year Engineering cohort. 3rd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education, CISPEE 2018.
  • Montalvão, D., Dupac, M., Amafabia, D.A.M., David-West, O. and Haritos, G., 2018. On reducing uncertainty on the Elliptical Plane modal identification method. MATEC Web of Conferences, 211.
  • Abuowda, K., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Godfrey, P., 2018. Sensor-less control of a novel stepped hydraulic flow control valve. In: 15th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, CM 2018/MFPT 2018 10-12 September 2018 Nottingham, UK. 15th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, CM 2018/MFPT 2018, 83-91.
  • Dupac, M., 2017. On numerical methods in kinematics and dynamics motion planning: the use of polar piecewise interpolation. In: Bagdasar, O., Birlutiu, A. and Popa, I.-L., eds. Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics 31 July-4 August 2017 Alba Iulia, Romania. , 47-49.
  • Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2017. Quick 3D trajectory planning for rotating extensible manipulators using piecewise polynomial interpolation. In: Arias, I., Blanco, J.M., Clain, S., Flores, P., Lourenço, P., Ródenas, J.J. and Tur, M., eds. Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 3-5 July 2017 Valencia, Spain, 3-5 July, 2017. , 1944-1949 Valencia, Spain: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
  • Rahman, A.G.A., Al-Attas, S.M.S.M., Noroozi, S. and Dupac, M., 2017. Condition monitoring of a compressor motor unit: An investigation of abnormal high pitch noise. WCCM 2017 - 1st World Congress on Condition Monitoring 2017.
  • Hawkins, J., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2017. An investigation of the effect of boundary conditions on the mechanical characteristics of an energy storing and returning prosthetic foot subject to non-destructive testing. WCCM 2017 - 1st World Congress on Condition Monitoring 2017.
  • Hawkins, J., Sewell, P. and Dupac, M., 2016. Understanding the design variables that contribute to the response of a prosthetic foot: Part i - Rig design. 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Optimization, MEDO 2016.
  • Hawkins, J., Sewell, P. and Dupac, M., 2016. Understanding the design variables that contribute to the response of a prosthetic foot: Part II - Rig validation. 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Optimization, MEDO 2016.
  • Bolat, E., Dogan, H., Biggins, D., Dupac, M. and Crowley, E., 2016. Empowering University Students Through Online Multiple Choice Questions. In: Chova, L.G., Martinez, A.L. and Torres, I.C., eds. 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi) 14-16 November 2016 Valencia, Spain. , 4187-4193 IATED-INT ASSOC TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION A& DEVELOPMENT, LAURI VOLPI 6, VALENICA, BURJASSOT 46100, SPAIN.
  • Breen, A. and Dupac, M., 2016. Passive Control of Intervertebral Motion in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees. In: 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain 31 October-3 November 2016 Singapore.
  • Dupac, M., 2016. Piecewise modelling and simualtion of a rotating extensible manipulator link for base placement and path smoothness. In: 16th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering 4-9 July 2016 Rota, Cadiz, Spain. , 1347-1356.
  • Breen, A.C. and Dupac, M., 2016. Evaluation of angular kinematics of lower limb amputees using quantitative fluoroscopic imaging. ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 4, 6539-6546.
  • Breen, A.C. and Dupac, M., 2015. Evaluation of stump and socket kinematics of lower limb amputees using quantitative fluoroscopic imaging: a case study. In: Öztürk, B., ed. BIOENG'15, Bioengineering Congerence 25-26 November 2015 Istanbul - Turkey. BIOENG ’15/ II. INTERNATIONAL BIOENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 114-122 DAKAM PUBLISHING.
  • Breen, A.C., Dupac, M. and Osborne, N., 2015. Measuring Intervertebral Stability In Vivo: Exploring the Criterion Validity of the Initial Attainment Rate. In: The Society for Back Pain Research (SBPR) Annual General Meeting: Biological Factors in Nonspecific Back Pain 5-6 November 2015 Bournemouth.
  • Biggins, D., Crowley, E., Bolat, E., Dupac, M. and Dogan, H., 2015. Using Peerwise to improve engagement and learning. In: The European Conference on Education 1-5 July 2015 Brighton, United Kingdom. , 585-602 Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
  • Biggins, D., Crowley, E., Bolat, E., Dogan, H. and Dupac, M., 2015. Using Peerwise to Improve Engagement and Learning. In: The European Conference on Education 1-5 July 2015 Brighton, UK.
  • Hawkins, J., Noroozi, S., Dupac, M. and Sewell, P., 2015. An Investigation of the Ground Contact Point and Sagittal Plane Displacement of Energy Storage and Return (ESR) Composite Lower-Limb Prosthetic Feet during Running. In: International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics (ISPO) World Congress 2015 22-25 June 2015 Lyon, France. Abstract Book - ISPO World Congress 2015, 18.
  • Breen, A.C., Dupac, M., Noroozi, S. and Osborne, N., 2014. A pre-operational study magnification measurement and error estimation of residual tibia kinematics within below knee prosthetics. , 927-930 CRC Press/Balkema.
  • Dupac, M. and Noroozi, S., 2012. Modeling and simulation of a slider crank mechanism with a flexible extensible link. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 8, 175-180.
  • Dupac, M. and Biswas, C., 2007. A study of noise reduction by damping layer materials. SAE Technical Papers.
  • Dupac, M. and Biswas, C., 2007. A study of noise reduction by damping layer materials. SAE Technical Papers.
  • Dupac, M., 1997. An algorithm for finding the convex hull of the non- Euclidean metrics. In: The first conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers September 1996 Bucharest, Romania.



  • Bolat, E. et al., 2016. Digital Me, Pop-up Photo Exhibition. Photo. Digital Me. Sovereign Shopping Centre, Boscombe, Bournemouth. 5 November 2016.

PhD Students

  • Ahmed Aloumi, 2013. The Effect of Colour Contrast Combinations on the Simplicity and Complexity of Design
  • James Hawkins, 2015. Dynamic Characteristics of Composite Energy-Storing and Returning (ESR) Prosthetic Feet
  • Alex Breen, 2016. Kinematics of the below-knee prosthesis: a study of the femoral-tibial-prosthesis kinetic chain and its relevance to low back pain
  • Alister du Rose. Normal biomechanics of the lumbar spine: A quantitative fluoroscopy and surface electromyography study
  • Karem Abuowda. Design of a Valve Pump - Investigating the new generation of controls systems for new hydraulic actuator systems.
  • Navid Aslani. Investigating the ideal Deltoid Tension in Reverse Shoulder Replacements

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Statics and Dynamics
  • Engineering Principles
  • Computational Engineering
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Design Tools
  • Mechanical Systems Design (Unit Leader)


  • Investigating the next generation of controls systems for novel hydraulic actuator systems (Hydreco + BU, 01 Sep 2016). In Progress
  • Co-creating a Multiple Choice Question repository with students and for all students (Bournemouth University, Fusion Investment Fund, FIF strand: Co-creation and co-production, 30 Nov 2014). Completed
  • Investigating the ideal Deltoid Tension in Reverse Shoulder Replacements (Royal Bournemouth NHS hospital and Bournemouth University, 15 Jan 2014). Awarded
  • Kinematics of the below-knee prosthesis: a study of the femoral-tibial-prosthesis kinetic chain and its relevance to low back pain (Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) and Bournemouth University, 05 Jun 2012). Awarded
  • Dynamic characteristics of composite energy-storing-and-returning (ESR) prosthetic feet (Bournemouth University, 02 Jan 2012). Completed

External Responsibilities

  • American Mathematical Society (AMS), Reviewer (2014-)

Internal Responsibilities

  • Deputy Leader (UOA), Department of Design and Engineering
  • Output Champion (REF), Department of Design and Engineering

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Meccanica, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Nonlinear Dynamics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • INSIGHT - Non-Destructive Testing & Condition Monitoring (BINDT), Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • International Journal of Control, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Strojniski Vestnik - - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • JZUS-A (Applied Physics & Engineering) - Journal of Zhejiang University, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Anonymous peer review, 01 Dec 2015
  • IMECE - Proceedings, 01 Dec 2015
  • Mathematical Reviewes, Postpublication review, 01 Dec 2015

Conference Presentations

  • 19th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Mathematical based control method and performance analysis of a novel hydromechatronics driving system Micro-Independent Metering, 30 Jun 2019, Rota, Cadiz, Spain
  • 18th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, A combined polar and Cartesian piecewise trajectory generation and analysis of a rotating manipulator, 09 Jul 2018, Rota, Cadiz, Spain
  • 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, 3D trajectory generation for rotating extensible manipulators using zenithal gnomic projection and polar piecewise interpolants, 04 Jul 2017, Rota, Cadiz, Spain.
  • Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE),, Quick 3D trajectory planning for rotating extensible manipulators using piecewise polynomial interpolation, 03 Jul 2017, Valencia, Spain
  • ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Spatial Impact of a Beam Attached to a Sliding Structure, 29 Jun 2015, Barcelona, Spain
  • CAD Conference and Exposition 2015, A Theoretical Framework for Supporting a Novel Design Development Process: An Interactive Semantic-based Approach in Computer Assisted Parametric Design, 22 Jun 2015, London, UK
  • CSEDU 2015, Supporting Distance and Flexible Education: Challenges in the Design and Development of Online Learning Resources, 23 May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Trajectory Planning for a Rotating Extensible Robotic Manipulator: Design for Collision Avoidance and Accurate Position Placement, 02 Sep 2014, Naples, Italy
  • 11th Biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), Dynamic Analysis of a Constrained Rotating Flexible Extensible Link with Semi-Periodic Impact, 09 Sep 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (TAM '12), Dynamic Design Verification (DDV) of vertical pump using, combined Modal Analysis (MA), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) & Operation Deflection Shape (ODS)., 07 Mar 2012, Athens, Greece
  • 10th biennial International Conference on Vibration Problems ICoVP2011, FEM modeling and dynamical behavior of a flexible cracked linkage mechanism with clearance, 05 Sep 2011, PRAGUE, Czech Republic

Attended Training

  • Supervisory Development Training for Established Supervisors, 01 May 2019
  • PGCert in Education Practice, 01 Oct 2013, Post Graduate Certificate in Education Practice
  • PGCE in Research Supervision, 01 Sep 2012


  • Fellow of the IMA in FIMA (Fellow of the IMA) (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020)
  • FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy) in Education (HEA, 2014)
  • PGCE in Education Practice (2014)
  • PGCE in Research Supervision (2012)
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2005)
  • PhD in Mathematics (1998)


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education Practice/ Vice-Chancellor's Staff Awards Ceremony 2014 (Bournemouth University, 2014)


  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Member (2004-),