Cause-related marketing advertising formats on nonprofit websites does a company’s donation-amount offer in nonprofit display ads drive purchase intention?

Authors: Ndasi, W., Bolat, E. and Roushan, G.

Journal: Journal of Advertising Research

Volume: 61

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-302

eISSN: 1740-1909

ISSN: 0021-8499

DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2021-012


Advertisers and marketing professionals target nonprofit web and social media visitors with digital cause-related marketing display advertisements. This study compares two digital cause-related marketing advertising formats—advertisements with an explicit donation amount and an online cause-sponsorship advertising format—in terms of their impact on consumers’ purchase intention as well as gender differences. Survey results of 538 U.K. consumers indicate that the overall purchase intention toward explicit donation amount advertising formats is stronger than toward the online cause-sponsorship format, regardless of whether the perceived donation amounts are low or high. Contrary to expectation, gender differences in purchase intention did not show significance across all advertising formats.

Source: Scopus

Cause-Related Marketing Advertising Formats on Nonprofit Websites Does a Company's Donation-Amount Offer In Nonprofit Display Ads Drive Purchase Intention?

Authors: Ndasi, W., Bolat, E. and Roushan, G.


Volume: 61

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-302

eISSN: 1740-1909

ISSN: 0021-8499

DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2021-012

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Cause-Related Marketing Advertising Formats on Nonprofit Websites. Does a Company’s Donation-Amount Offer In Nonprofit Display Ads Drive Purchase Intention?61

Authors: Ndasi, W., Bolat, E. and Roushan, G.

Journal: Journal of Advertising Research

Volume: 61

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-302

Publisher: The Advertising Research Foundation

ISSN: 0021-8499


Today, advertisers and marketing professionals target non-profit web and social media visitors with digital cause-related marketing (CRM) display advertisements. This study compares two digital CRM advertising formats, the advertisements with an explicit donation amount (EDA) and an online cause sponsorship (OCS) advertising format in terms of their impact on consumers’ purchase intention as well as the gendered differences. Survey results of 538 UK consumers indicate that the overall purchase intention towards EDA advertising formats is stronger than towards the OCS format, irrespective of whether the perceived donation amounts are low or high. Contrarily to expectation, gendered differences in purchase intention did not show significance across all advertising formats.

Source: Manual

Cause-Related Marketing Advertising Formats on Nonprofit Websites. Does a Company’s Donation-Amount Offer In Nonprofit Display Ads Drive Purchase Intention?

Authors: Ndasi, W., Bolat, E. and Roushan, G.

Journal: Journal of Advertising Research

Volume: 61

Issue: 3

Pages: 289-302

ISSN: 0021-8499


Today, advertisers and marketing professionals target non-profit web and social media visitors with digital cause-related marketing (CRM) display advertisements. This study compares two digital CRM advertising formats, the advertisements with an explicit donation amount (EDA) and an online cause sponsorship (OCS) advertising format in terms of their impact on consumers’ purchase intention as well as the gendered differences. Survey results of 538 UK consumers indicate that the overall purchase intention towards EDA advertising formats is stronger than towards the OCS format, irrespective of whether the perceived donation amounts are low or high. Contrarily to expectation, gendered differences in purchase intention did not show significance across all advertising formats.

Source: BURO EPrints