Reimaging Space through anthropology, architecture and animation

Authors: Callus, P. and Sloan, S.

Journal: Animation Practice, Process and Production

Publisher: Intellect Publishers

ISSN: 2042-7883


This article delves into the exploration of space, memory, and identity through the lens of animation practices. Grounded in the notion that diverse individuals perceive and interact with spaces in distinct ways, the paper scrutinizes the significance of space and place, intertwined with their social and cultural connotations, in the context of history, grand narratives, and personal/shared memory. Focusing on the AHRC funded ReSpace project, conducted in Rwanda, Kosovo, and the UK, the article highlights the utilization of animation as a catalyst for dialogue, critical thinking, and agency among youth. Through art-based workshops and interdisciplinary methods encompassing animation, architecture, and anthropology, the project aimed to unravel and reimagine specific sites, particularly in post- conflict regions, challenging prevailing assumptions about pre and post-war societal realities and the legacies of colonialism. Here the article presents a retrospective analysis of animations co-created by the youth participants, and revisits the interdisciplinary methodologies employed, shedding light on the unique articulations of histories and memory that conventional research methods fail to capture. It delves into the potential of animation practices in activating distinct sets of knowledge, echoing anthropologist Tim Ingold's (2013) notion of 'thinking through making.' Moreover, it contemplates the role of reimagined spatial concepts, as depicted through drawings and animations, in facilitating an epistemic decolonization when integrated into interdisciplinary practices.

Source: Manual