Professor Paula Callus
- 01202 965865
- pcallus at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2007-9310
- Head Of Computer Animation Department
- Weymouth House W249, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Rega, I., Medrado, A. and Callus, P., 2024. Young artivists, social change and media literacy: Shifting the field through South-to-South connections in Kenya and Brazil. Global Studies of Childhood, 14 (4), 433-447.
- Callus, P. and Sloan, S., 2024. Reimaging Space through anthropology, architecture and animation. Animation Practice, Process and Production.
- Gingrich, O. and Callus, P., 2022. Remediated Sites The Lumen Prize Virtual Gallery as Site of Memory and Digital Assemblage. Leonardo, 55 (5), 475-481.
- Callus, P., 2018. Animating African History: Digital and Visual Trends. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History.
- Callus, P., 2017. Remediations of Nonfiction: Animation, Interactivity and Documentary from Africa. Critical Interventions.
- Callus, P. and Potter, C., 2017. Michezo Video: Nairobi’s gamers and the developers who are promoting local content. Critical African Studies, 9 (3), 302-326.
- Callus, P., 2015. Animation, fabrication, photography: Reflections upon the intersecting practices of sub-Saharan artists within the moving image. African Arts, 48 (3), 58-69.
- Callus, P., 2013. Book review: Animating Difference: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Films for Children. Animation: an interdisciplinary journal, 8 (3), 301-304.
- Callus, P., 2013. Animating Difference: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Films for Children. ANIMATION-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 8 (3), 301-304.
- Callus, P., 2012. Reading Animation through the Eyes of Anthropology: A Case Study of sub-Saharan African Animation. Animation: an interdisciplinary journal, 7 (2), 113-130.
- Callus, P., 2010. Animation as a socio-political commentary: an analysis of the animated films of Congolese director Jean Michel Kibushi. Journal of African Media Studies, 2, 55-71.
- Callus, P., 2024. Not all women: intersectional representations of women and motherhood. In: Oyebode-Westerhuis, B., ed. Ngozi Ajah Schommers: tracing of time and place.. Amsterdam: TSA & bo-art projects.
- Gore, C. and Callus, P., 2021. Indigo Reimagined: Textiles as Narratives of Gendered Labour. In: Oloko, P., ed. Peju Layiwola's Indigo Reimagined Rethinking Àdìṛe Yoruba Fashion and Textile Modernity. Institute of African and Diaspora Studies, University of Lagos, 93-108.
- Callus, P., 2019. Shifting Cultural Capital: Kenyan Arts in Digital Spaces. In: Taura, N., ed. Digital Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa. Palgrave.
- Callus, P., 2018. The rise of Kenyan political animation: tactics of subversion. In: Tejumola, O. and Limb, P., eds. Taking African Cartoons Seriously: Politics, Satire, and Culture.. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.
- Callus, P., 2016. Animation in Morocco: New Generations. Animation in the Middle East: Practice and Aesthetics from Baghdad to Casablanca. London: I.B. tauris.
- Callus, P., 2010. Reflections on animation… An interview by Paula Callus with J.M. Kibushi. Through African Eyes: Conversations with the Directors. New York: African Film Festival Inc.
- Callus, P., 2018. Coded Mythologies: New Media and Gaming in Kenya. In: KPA KPA KPA: Design Concepts from the African Continent 18 May 2018 Victoria and Albert Museum.
- Callus, P., 2015. The Rise of Kenyan Political Animation: Tactics of Subversion. In: ASA (African Studies Association) 19-24 November 2014 Indianapolis, US.
- Callus, P., 2014. Sub-Saharan Animation: The Internet as a Living Digital Archive. In: "Arts Council of the African Studies Association 19-22 March 2014 USA, New York.
- Callus, P., 2010. Reading animation through the eyes of anthropology. In: ACUB Animation Symposium 30 March 2010.
- Callus, P., 2010. Sub-Saharan Africa Animation: Cases of Subversivity. In: SOAS, University of London Anthropology of Media Seminar 3 February 2010 SOAS, London.
- Efstathiou, S. and Callus, P., 2010. Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology. In: Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education - Greek Mythology June 2010 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
- Callus, P., 2009. An Overview of the History of African Animation. In: A3 Genesis, Kenya , Association of Animation Artistes Kenya 15 August 2009 British Council, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Callus, P., 2009. Aspects of Sub-Saharan Animation. In: Guest Lecture for Aspects of African Film and Video 17 March 2009 SOAS, London.
- Esthathiou, S. and Callus, P., 2009. Using animation as a tool in Primary School Education. In: Animation as a tool in Primary School Education March-April 2009 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
- Callus, P., 2008. African Animation - Overview and Workshops. In: Africa at the Pictures, London African Film Festival 7 December 2008 The October Gallery, Holborn, London.
- Callus, P., 2008. Guest Speaker on African Animation. In: Cambridge African Film Festival 22 November 2008 Centre of African Studies, Cambridge, England.
- Callus, P., 2008. African Animation Screenings - Children's Programme and Adult Programme. In: Curated Screenings for Africa in Motion, Film Festival, Edinburgh 31 October 2008 FilmHouse, Edinburgh, Scotland. Africa In Motion.
- Callus, P. and Esthathiou, S., 2008. Using Animation as a learning tool in Primary Education. In: Using Animation as a learning tool in Primary Education 2008 Hillview Primary School, Bournemouth, England.
Internet Publications
- Callus, P., 2017. Animating the DRC: Interview with Congolese Animator Jean-Michel Kibushi. Documentary Educational Resources. Available from: http://www.der.org/community/news.php.
- Callus, P., 2008. Creative Comment and Critique: Animation filmmaking in Africa. Africa in Motion. Available from: http://www.africa-in-motion.org.uk/category/resources/articles/.
- Callus, P.. Animated Networks in Morocco. Available from: http://moroccancinema.exeter.ac.uk/en/2017/06/animated-networks-in-morocco/.
- Callus, P.. Animating the DRC: Interview with Congolese Animator Jean-Michel Kibushi. Available from: http://der.org/community/news/animating-the-drc-interview-with-congolese-animator-jean-michel-kibushi.
- Callus, P.. Animated Networks in Morocco. http://moroccancinema.exeter.ac.uk/en/2017/06/animated-networks-in-morocco/.
- Callus, P., 2016. Animation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trajectories of Ideas and Practices. PhD Thesis. Art and Archeology Department, SOAS, University of London.
- Callus, P., 2009. Curated African Animation Screenings and Talk. Mermaid Arts Centre, Ireland. 25 May 2009.
- Callus, P., Davis, T., Callus, P. and Rega, I.. Chembamba kina siri kubwa. Installation. In/Visible Margins. Lees Gallery, Bournemouth University. 1 December 2018-28 February 2019.
Profile of Teaching PG
- Moving Image Theory and Practice
- Computer Animation Techniques
- Personal Inquiry
- Research and Development Computer Animation
- Visual and Critical Studies
Profile of Teaching UG
- Moving Image Theory 1
- Moving Image Theory 2
- Innovations
- Aesthetic and Techniques
- Major Project and Report
- Computer Animation Arts Specialist Production
- Computer Animation Specialist Production
- Non-Fiction Animation
Invited Lectures
Subversive Animation and Documentary, Bournemouth University, 12 Mar 2019 more
Guest Lecture to Journalism Students on Art & Activism theme -
The Visual Articulations of Politics in Nigeria, St Anthony’s college, University of Oxford, 28 Feb 2019 more
Invited Speaker at CSAE Conference: Nigeria in Transition, hosted at St Anthony’s college, University of Oxford -
RCA - Discourse Analysis and Animated Documentary, RCA (Royal College of Arts), London, 31 Jan 2017 more
Guest Lecturer for the RCA Documentary Animation Postgraduate Degree -
Social and political engagement in SubSaharan ani, African Studies Centre, University of Oxford, 25 Feb 2016 more
African Studies Seminar
- In a Pot of Hot Soup: An online 3D interactive gallery (Public Engagement with Research Fund, 01 Mar 2022). Awarded
- Reanimating Contested Spaces (ReSpace): Designing Participatory Civic Education for and with Young People in Kosovo and Rwanda (AHRC, 01 Sep 2019). Awarded
- CoaAST, Coastal Aural archive of Space and Time (Arts and Humanities Research Council, GCRF, 17 Feb 2019). Awarded
- Artop: The Visual Articulations of Poltiics in Nigeria (AHRC, 27 Dec 2018). Awarded
- The Children of the Revolution: Animating the Lives of ex-FARC Child Soldiers to Promote Reconciliation ((BU Global Challenges Research Fund, 01 Apr 2018), 01 Apr 2018). Awarded
External Responsibilities
- Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Curator (2022), https://www.soas.ac.uk/gallery/in-a-pot-of-hot-soup/
- Lumen Prize: International Award for Art and Technology, International Selectors Committee (2021-2022), https://www.lumenprize.com/
Internal Responsibilities
- ATHENA SWAN Departmental Representative and Committee Member, ATHENA SWAN
- Global Challenges Research Committee Member, GCRF (Global Challenges Research) Committee
- Co-Head of Research, NCCA
- Global Challenges Research Committee Member, Global Challenges Research Committee
- Research Output Champion, REF UOA34
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- Animation Journal, Postpublication review, 01 Jan 2013
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- Art Exhibition: In a Pot of Hot Soup (31 Mar 2022-01 Sep 2022)
- GCRF: Changing the Story - Animation Workshops with youth in Prishtina Kosovo (07 Apr 2019-11 Apr 2019)
- E-Voices: Kenya Animation Workshop and Exhibition (20 Aug 2018-24 Aug 2018)
Conference Presentations
- CSAE Conference: Nigeria in Transition, The Visual Articulations of Politics in Nigeria, 28 Feb 2019, St Anthony’s college, University of Oxford
- KPA KPA KPA : Design Concepts for the African Continent, Coded Mythologies: New Media and Gaming in Kenya, 18 May 2018, Victoria and Albert Museum
- Design Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa: Post-Western Perspectives, TACTICS OF TRANSGRESSION COMPLICITY AND AUTONOMY IN THE MOVING IMAGE, 28 Nov 2015, London College of Fashion
- PoW Design Futures Symposium, Tactical Narratives in Digital Media, 28 Nov 2015, London College of Fashion
- ASA November 2014 (African Studies Association, Indianapolis), 19 Nov 2014, Indianapolis, US
- ACASA March 2014 (Arts Council of African Studies Association, New York), 19 Mar 2014, Brooklyn Museum
- London Film and Media Conference, 2013, 29 Jun 2013, University of London
- Higher Education Academy Fellowship in Teaching & Education (Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy Fellowship (reference number: PR150795), 2018)
- PhD in Art and Archeology (SOAS, University of London, 2016)
- MA in Anthropology of Media (SOAS, University of London, 2005)
- MA in Computer Animation (Bournemouth University, 2001)
- BA (Hons) in Communications and Psychology (University of Malta, 1995)
Website Links
- Affiliated with the AHRC funded project ArtoP, https://artop.bmth.ac.uk/
- http://bournemouth.academia.edu/PaulaCallus
- http://paulacallus.blogspot.co.uk/