Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat

Authors: Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A.

Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Volume: 109

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 175-178

ISSN: 0167-8809

DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2005.02.014


The effect of infestation by the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum on the concentration and mass partitioning of Cd and Zn was studied in wheat plants. Results show that infestation did not affect the concentration of either metal in the roots or shoots of wheat, but elevated concentrations in the ears. This appeared to result from the concentration of metal in the smaller ear mass of infested plants. Infestation did not significantly affect the mass partitioning of either metal in any part of the plant, some 10% of both metals being allocated to the roots. However, the two metals contrasted in their partitioning in the aerial parts of the plant, with ca. 60% of Cd mass partitioned in the shoots and ca. 67% of Zn mass partitioned in the ears. The possible effects of infestation on the transfer of Cd and Zn from the soil to cereal aphids are discussed. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Source: Scopus

Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat

Authors: Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A.


Volume: 109

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 175-178

ISSN: 0167-8809

DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2005.02.014

Source: Web of Science (Lite)

Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat

Authors: Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A.

Journal: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment

Volume: 109

Pages: 175-178

ISSN: 0167-8809

DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2005.02.014


The effect of infestation by the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum on the concentration and mass partitioning of Cd and Zn was studied in wheat plants. Results show that infestation did not affect the concentration of either metal in the roots or shoots of wheat, but elevated concentrations in the ears. This appeared to result from the concentration of metal in the smaller ear mass of infested plants. Infestation did not significantly affect the mass partitioning of either metal in any part of the plant, some 10% of both metals being allocated to the roots. However, the two metals contrasted in their partitioning in the aerial parts of the plant, with ca. 60% of Cd mass partitioned in the shoots and ca. 67% of Zn mass partitioned in the ears. The possible effects of infestation on the transfer of Cd and Zn from the soil to cereal aphids are discussed.


Source: Manual

Preferred by: Iain Green and Anita Diaz Isla

Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat

Authors: Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Díaz, Á.

Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.

Volume: 109

Issue: 1-2

Pages: 175-178

ISSN: 0167-8809

DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2005.02.014


The effect of infestation by the aphid Metopolophium dirhodum on the concentration and mass partitioning of Cd and Zn was studied in wheat plants. Results show that infestation did not affect the concentration of either metal in the roots or shoots of wheat, but elevated concentrations in the ears. This appeared to result from the concentration of metal in the smaller ear mass of infested plants. Infestation did not significantly affect the mass partitioning of either metal in any part of the plant, some 10% of both metals being allocated to the roots. However, the two metals contrasted in their partitioning in the aerial parts of the plant, with ca. 60% of Cd mass partitioned in the shoots and ca. 67% of Zn mass partitioned in the ears. The possible effects of infestation on the transfer of Cd and Zn from the soil to cereal aphids are discussed.

Source: Europe PubMed Central