Dr Iain Green
- 01202 961598
- igreen at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0418-3524
- Deputy Head of Department of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Christchurch House C107, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Environmental sciences
- Toxicology
After gaining a BSc in Biology from the University of Portsmouth in 1992, Iain worked briefly as an industrial chemist before re-entering academia with Bournemouth University in 1993. The main focus of Iain’s research is the environmental effect of pollutants. His work has encompassed terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems and covers all levels of biology, from the cell to communities. Iain’s interest in pollution ecology was inspired as an undergraduate by the truly awesome and sadly late Dr. Dafydd Morgan-Huws, which was then further stoked by the work in the then School of Conservation Sciences. This led to the award of a PhD in 2003. More recently, Iain has being collaborating with a multidisciplinary team in the Environment & Threats Strategic Research Group at Bournemouth University, were he leads research into soil protection.
Iain is an environmental biologist with a wide range of research interests under this broad area. Pollution ecology is passion, particularly where heavy metals are involved, but Iain’s research also includes work on organic pollutants and microplastics. His work is often focused on invertebrates, which Iain finds a lot more interesting than organisms with backbones! Iain is also fascinated by soil biology, particularly the important role soil microbes play in ecosystem services and function, but also the role that soil biology and chemistry play in forensic science. Iain is currently supervising five PhD students, but welcomes approaches from potential students interested in his areas of research.
- Zeng, H., Zhang, P., Ye, H., Ji, Y., Hogstrand, C., Green, I., Xiao, J., Fu, Q. and Guo, Z., 2021. Waterborne zinc bioaccumulation influences glucose metabolism in orange-spotted grouper embryos. Environmental Pollution, 283.
- Tibbett, M., Green, I., Rate, A., De Oliveira, V.H. and Whitaker, J., 2021. The transfer of trace metals in the soil-plant-arthropod system. Science of the Total Environment, 779.
- Parker, B., Andreou, D., Green, I.D. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Microplastics in freshwater fishes: Occurrence, impacts and future perspectives. Fish and Fisheries, 22 (3), 467-488.
- Wei, L., Li, Y., Ye, H., Xiao, J., Hogstrand, C., Green, I., Guo, Z. and Han, D., 2021. Dietary Trivalent Chromium Exposure Up-Regulates Lipid Metabolism in Coral Trout: The Evidence From Transcriptome Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 12.
- Duddigan, S., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T. and Tibbett, M., 2021. Plant, soil and faunal responses to a contrived pH gradient. Plant and Soil.
- Duddigan, S., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T., Pawlett, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. and Tibbett, M., 2020. Evaluating heathland restoration belowground using different quality indices of soil chemical and biological properties. Agronomy, 10 (8), 1140.
- Tibbett, M., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I.D., Duddigan, S., De Oliveira, V.H., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Sizmur, T. and Diaz, A., 2019. Long-term acidification of pH neutral grasslands affects soil biodiversity, fertility and function in a heathland restoration. Catena, 180, 401-415.
- Dar, M.I., Naikoo, M.I., Khan, F.A., Rehman, F., Green, I.D., Naushin, F. and Ansari, A.A., 2017. An introduction to reactive oxygen species metabolism under changing climate in plants. Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Systems in Plants: Role and Regulation under Abiotic Stress. 25-52.
- Rowley, M.C., Estrada-Medina, H., Tzec-Gamboa, M., Rozin, A., Cailleau, G., Verrecchia, E.P. and Green, I., 2017. Moving carbon between spheres, the potential oxalate-carbonate pathway of Brosimum alicastrum Sw.; Moraceae. Plant and Soil, 412 (1-2), 465-479.
- Guo, Z., Zhang, W., Du, S., Green, I., Tan, Q. and Zhang, L., 2016. Developmental patterns of copper bioaccumulation in a marine fish model Oryzias melastigma. Aquatic Toxicology, 170, 216-222.
- Dar, M.I., Khan, F.A., Green, I.D. and Naikoo, M.I., 2015. The transfer and fate of Pb from sewage sludge amended soil in a multi-trophic food chain: a comparison with the labile elements Cd and Zn. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
- Green, I.D. and Walmsley, K., 2013. Time-response relationships for the accumulation of Cu, Ni and Zn by seven-spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) under conditions of single and combined metal exposure. Chemosphere, 93 (1), 184-189.
- Green, I.D., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2010. Factors affecting the concentration in seven spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) of Cd and Zn transferred through the food chain. Environmental Pollution, 158, 135-141.
- Moody, C. and Green, I.D., 2010. Assimilation of Cd and Cu by the Carnivorous Plant Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. fed Contaminated Prey. Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 1610-1616.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2008. Re-Creation of Heathland on Improved Pasture using Top Soil Removal and Sulphur Amendments: Edaphic Drivers and Impacts on Ericoid Mycorrhizas. Biological Conservation, 141, 1628-1635.
- Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2008. Differential Uptake, Partitioning and Transfer of Cd and Zn in the Soil−Pea Plant−Aphid System. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 450-455.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Benvenuto, M. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Are Ericoid Mycorrhizas a Factor in the Success of Calluna Vulgaris Heathland Restoration? Restoration Ecology, 14, 187-195.
- Green, I.D., Jeffries, C., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Contrasting Behaviour of Cadmium and Zinc in a Soil-Plant-Arthropod System. Chemosphere, 64, 1115-1121.
- Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 109, 175-178.
- Green, I.D., Merrington, G. and Tibbett, M., 2003. Transfer of cadmium and zinc from sewage sludge amended soil through a plant-aphid system to newly emerged adult ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 99, 171-178.
Journal Articles
- Fraser, T.D., Duddigan, S., Diaz, A., Green, I. and Tibbett, M., 2024. Optimizing pH for Soil Enzyme Assays Reveals Important Biochemical Functions in Low pH Soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24 (4), 6236-6247.
- Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Green, I.D., Jackson, M.C. and Andreou, D., 2024. Microplastic-stressor responses are rarely synergistic in freshwater fishes: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 947.
- Luu, H.T.T., Le, L.T. and Green, I.D., 2024. EFFECTS OF VERMICOMPOST ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF SPRING ONION (ALLIUM FISTULOSUM L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade), 69 (1), 31-44.
- Luu, H.T.T., Le, L.T., Huynh, N. and Green, I., 2023. Effect of spent coffee grounds and liquid worm fertilizer on the growth and yield of Brassica campestris L. Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, 26 (4), 390-397.
- Luu, T.-T.-H., Le, T.-L., Nguyen, V.-T., Nguyen, T.-D.-T. and Green, I., 2023. Effect of three types of growing media and vermicompost tea on the growth and individual weight of Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra Bailey). Tra Vinh University Journal of Science, 13 (4), 53-59.
- Parker, B., Andreou, D., Green, I.D., Pabortsava, K., Boardman, R.M., Pinder, A.C., Wright, R.M. and Britton, R., 2023. Low microplastic loads in riverine European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from southwest England during their marine–freshwater transition. Journal of Fish Biology, 103 (1), 194-198.
- Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Green, I.D., Amat-Trigo, F. and Andreou, D., 2023. Parasite infection but not chronic microplastic exposure reduces the feeding rate in a freshwater fish. Environmental Pollution, 320.
- Parker, B., Andreou, D., Pabortsava, K., Barrow, M., Green, I.D. and Britton, J.R., 2022. Microplastic loads within riverine fishes and macroinvertebrates are not predictable from ecological or morphological characteristics. Science of the Total Environment, 839.
- Parker, B., Britton, J.R., Pabortsava, K., Barrow, M., Green, I.D., Dominguez Almela, V. and Andreou, D., 2022. Distinct microplastic patterns in the sediment and biota of an urban stream. Science of the Total Environment, 838.
- Luu, T.T.H., Bui, D.K., Huynh, N., Le, T.L. and Green, I.D., 2022. Effect of the Cultivation Technology on the Yield of Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea). Korean Journal of Mycology, 50 (3), 161-171.
- Luu, H.T.T., Esteban, G.F., Butt, A.A. and Green, I.D., 2022. Effects of Copper and the Insecticide Cypermethrin on a Soil Ciliate (Protozoa: Ciliophora) Community. Protist, 173 (1).
- Demir, M., Ginige, T. and Green, I., 2021. Effectiveness of the United Kingdom Soil Protection Laws in Protecting the Ecosystem Service of Carbon Sequestration. Gdańsk Legal Studies, 3 (51), 108-126.
- Zeng, H., Zhang, P., Ye, H., Ji, Y., Hogstrand, C., Green, I., Xiao, J., Fu, Q. and Guo, Z., 2021. Waterborne zinc bioaccumulation influences glucose metabolism in orange-spotted grouper embryos. Environmental Pollution, 283.
- Tibbett, M., Green, I., Rate, A., De Oliveira, V.H. and Whitaker, J., 2021. The transfer of trace metals in the soil-plant-arthropod system. Science of the Total Environment, 779.
- Parker, B., Andreou, D., Green, I.D. and Britton, J.R., 2021. Microplastics in freshwater fishes: Occurrence, impacts and future perspectives. Fish and Fisheries, 22 (3), 467-488.
- Wei, L., Li, Y., Ye, H., Xiao, J., Hogstrand, C., Green, I., Guo, Z. and Han, D., 2021. Dietary Trivalent Chromium Exposure Up-Regulates Lipid Metabolism in Coral Trout: The Evidence From Transcriptome Analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 12.
- Duddigan, S., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T. and Tibbett, M., 2021. Plant, soil and faunal responses to a contrived pH gradient. Plant and Soil.
- Duddigan, S., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T., Pawlett, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. and Tibbett, M., 2020. Evaluating heathland restoration belowground using different quality indices of soil chemical and biological properties. Agronomy, 10 (8), 1140.
- Luu, H.T.T., Quintela-Alonso, P., Sendra, K., Green, I.D. and Esteban, G.F., 2020. Morphology and Phylogeny of the Ciliate Psilotricha silvicola n. sp. (Alveolata, Ciliophora) from Woodland Soils in the United Kingdom. Protist, 171 (4).
- Tibbett, M., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I.D., Duddigan, S., De Oliveira, V.H., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Sizmur, T. and Diaz, A., 2019. Long-term acidification of pH neutral grasslands affects soil biodiversity, fertility and function in a heathland restoration. Catena, 180, 401-415.
- Dar, M.I., Green, I.D. and Khan, F.A., 2019. Trace metal contamination: Transfer and fate in food chains of terrestrial invertebrates. Food Webs, 20.
- Guo, Z., Ni, Z., Ye, H., Xiao, J., Chen, L., Green, I. and Zhang, L., 2019. Simultaneous uptake of Cd from sediment, water and diet in a demersal marine goby Mugilogobius chulae. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 364, 143-150.
- Dar, M.I., Naikoo, M.I., Khan, F.A. and Green, I., 2018. Assessing the Feasibility of Sewage Sludge Applications for the Cultivation of Brassica Juncea L.: Metal Accumulation, Growth, Biochemical and Yield Responses. Environmental Science and Renewable Resources, 1 (1), 104.
- Griffin, R.L., Green, I. and Stafford, R., 2018. Accumulation of marine microplastics along a trophic gradient as determined by an agent-based model. Ecological Informatics, 45, 81-84.
- Diaz, A., Walls, S., Whitmarsh, D., Smith, M. and Green, I., 2018. Habitat Selection of Invasive Sika Deer Cervus nippon Living in a UK Lowland Heathland-Woodland-Grassland Mosaic: Implications for Habitat Conservation Management. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 17 (3), 1-15.
- Rowley, M.C., Estrada-Medina, H., Tzec-Gamboa, M., Rozin, A., Cailleau, G., Verrecchia, E.P. and Green, I., 2017. Moving carbon between spheres, the potential oxalate-carbonate pathway of Brosimum alicastrum Sw.; Moraceae. Plant and Soil, 412 (1-2), 465-479.
- Franklin, E., Evans, D., Thornton, A., Moody, C., Green, I. and Diaz, A., 2017. Exploring the predation of UK bumblebees (Apidae, Bombus spp.) by the invasive pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea: examining the effects of annual variation, seasonal variation, plant density and bumblebee gender. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11 (1), 79-88.
- Dar, M.I., Green, I.D., Naikoo, M.I., Khan, F.A., Ansari, A.A. and Lone, M.I., 2016. Assessment of biotransfer and bioaccumulation of cadmium, lead and zinc from fly ash amended soil in mustard-aphid-beetle food chain. Science of the Total Environment.
- Yang, D., Guo, Z., Green, I.D. and Xie, D., 2016. Effect of cadmium accumulation on mineral nutrient levels in vegetable crops: potential implications for human health. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (19), 19744-19753.
- Guo, Z., Zhang, W., Du, S., Green, I., Tan, Q. and Zhang, L., 2016. Developmental patterns of copper bioaccumulation in a marine fish model Oryzias melastigma. Aquatic Toxicology, 170, 216-222.
- Guo, Z., Zhang, W., Du, S., Zhou, Y., Gao, N., Zhang, L. and Green, I., 2016. Feeding reduces waterborne Cu bioaccumulation in a marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin. Environmental Pollution, 208, 580-589.
- Dar, M.I., Khan, F.A., Green, I.D. and Naikoo, M.I., 2015. The transfer and fate of Pb from sewage sludge amended soil in a multi-trophic food chain: a comparison with the labile elements Cd and Zn. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
- Bray, D.J., Green, I., Golicher, D. and Herbert, R.J.H., 2015. Spatial variation of trace metals within intertidal beds of native mussels (Mytilus edulis) and non-native Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas): Implications for the food web? Hydrobiologia, 757 (1), 235-249.
- Green, I.D., Evans, D. and Diaz, A., 2015. Modifying soil chemistry to enhance heathland recreation: a use for sulphur captured during oil refining. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 6 (5), 272-282.
- Green, I.D., Boughey, K. and Diaz, A., 2014. Potentially toxic metals in historic landfill sites: Implications for grazing animals. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225 (9).
- Green, I.D. and Walmsley, K., 2013. Time-response relationships for the accumulation of Cu, Ni and Zn by seven-spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) under conditions of single and combined metal exposure. Chemosphere, 93 (1), 184-189.
- Dean, C., Day, J., Gozlan, R.E., Green, I., Yates, B. and Diaz, A., 2013. Estimating the minimum salinity level for the control of New Zealand pygmyweed Crassula helmsii in brackish water habitats. Conservation Evidence, 10, 89-92.
- Njue, C.N., Cundy, A.B., Smith, M., Green, I.D. and Tomlinson, N., 2012. Assessing the impact of historical coastal landfill sites on sensitive ecosystems: A case study from Dorset, Southern England. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 114, 166-174.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Evans, D., 2011. Heathland Restoration Techniques: Ecological Consequences for Plant-Soil and Plant-Animal Interactions. ISRN Ecology, 2011.
- Green, I.D., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2010. Factors affecting the concentration in seven spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) of Cd and Zn transferred through the food chain. Environmental Pollution, 158, 135-141.
- Moody, C. and Green, I.D., 2010. Assimilation of Cd and Cu by the Carnivorous Plant Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. fed Contaminated Prey. Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 1610-1616.
- Green, I., 2010. Cadmium harms meat-eating plants. TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 29 (6), X-XI.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Keith, S., 2009. Effectiveness of restoration techniques in the face of climate change: a case study from the Dorset Heaths. Ecological Restoration, 27, 257-260.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2008. Re-Creation of Heathland on Improved Pasture using Top Soil Removal and Sulphur Amendments: Edaphic Drivers and Impacts on Ericoid Mycorrhizas. Biological Conservation, 141, 1628-1635.
- Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2008. Differential Uptake, Partitioning and Transfer of Cd and Zn in the Soil−Pea Plant−Aphid System. Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 450-455.
- Green, I.D., Stockdale, J., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Heathland restoration on former agricultural land: effects of artificial acidification on the availability and uptake of toxic metal cations. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 178, 287-295.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Benvenuto, M. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Are Ericoid Mycorrhizas a Factor in the Success of Calluna Vulgaris Heathland Restoration? Restoration Ecology, 14, 187-195.
- Green, I.D., Jeffries, C., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Contrasting Behaviour of Cadmium and Zinc in a Soil-Plant-Arthropod System. Chemosphere, 64, 1115-1121.
- Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 109, 175-178.
- Green, I.D., Merrington, G. and Tibbett, M., 2003. Transfer of cadmium and zinc from sewage sludge amended soil through a plant-aphid system to newly emerged adult ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata). Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 99, 171-178.
- Winder, L., Merrington, G. and Green, I.D., 1999. The Tri-trophic Transfer of Zn from the Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 229, 73-81.
- Merrington, M., Winder, L. and Green, I.D., 1997. The Bioavailability of Cd and Zn from Soils amended with Sewage Sludge to Winter Wheat and subsequently to the Grain Aphid Sitobion Avenae. The Science of the Total Environment, 205, 245-254.
- Merrington, G., Winder, L. and Green, I.D., 1997. The Uptake of Cd and Zn by the Bird Cherry Oat Aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) Feeding on Winter Wheat Grown on Sewage Amended Agricultural Soil. Environmental Pollution, 96, 111-114.
- Social and Scientific Uncertainties in Environmental Law. Intersentia.
- Green, I., Ginige, T., Demir, M. and Van Calster, P., 2020. Accumulation of Potentially Toxic Elements in Agricultural Soils. In: Pozzo, B. and Jacometti, V., eds. Environmental Loss and Damage in a Comparative Law Perspective: Attribution, Liability, Compensation and Restoration.. Intersentia, Cambridge.
- Dar, M.I., Naikoo, M.I., Green, I.D., Sayeed, N., Ali, B. and Khan, F.A., 2018. Heavy metal hyperaccumulation and hypertolerance in brassicaceae. Plants Under Metal and Metalloid Stress: Responses, Tolerance and Remediation. 263-276.
- Dar, M.I., Naikoo, M.I., Khan, F.A., Rehman, F., Green, I.D., Naushin, F. and Ansari, A.A., 2017. An introduction to reactive oxygen species metabolism under changing climate in plants. Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidant Systems in Plants: Role and Regulation under Abiotic Stress. 25-52.
- Camplin, R.J., Evans, D. and Green, I.D., 2016. Soil Fauna and Their Effects on Decomposition Within Coniferous and Deciduous Tree Soil Samples. In: Kars, H. and van den Eijkel, L., eds. Soil in Criminal and Environmental Forensics: Proceedings of the Soil Forensics Special, 6th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference, The Hague. Springer International Publishing, 263-273.
- Green, I.D. and Jeffries, C., 2003. Trace Metal Biomagnification in a Soil-Plant-Arthropod System: a Problem for the Agricultural Recycling of Sewage Sludge? In: Dhir, R.K., Newlands, M.D. and Dyer, T.D., eds. London: Thomas Telford, 291-300.
- Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2001. Implications of the Recycling of Sewage Sludge to the Agroecosystem: Zinc Transfer in the Soil-Plant-Arthropod System. In: Dhir, R.K., Mukesh, C., Limbachiya, M.C. and McCarthy, M.J., eds. London: Thomas Telford, 217-225.
- Ginige, T., Green, I. and Van Calster, P., 2019. Are UK Nature Conservation Laws Fit for Purpose? In: 7th European Environmental Law Forum annual conference - Environmental Law for Transitions to Sustainability - Circular economy, climate change, water resource management and sustainable biodiversity 28-30 August 2019 Utrecht, Netherlands. 7th European Environmental Law Forum annual conference Cambridge – Antwerp – Portland: intersentia.
- Bagwell, S., Green, I. and Herbert, R., 2018. Modelling synergistic effects of Pb and pyrene on the toxicokinetics and biochemistry of the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor. In: SETAC Europe 13th Special Science Symposium. Exploration of Effects Across Biological Levels: Challenges to Implement Scientific Approaches in Regulation 23-24 October 2018 Brussels, Belgium.
- Green, I., Ginige, T., Abdelkader, A., Demir, M. and Figen Doker, Y., 2018. Accumulation of PTEs in agricultural soils: A Case Study showing the inability of the current legal order and legislation to ensure sustainable food production. In: 6th European Environmental Law Forum annual conference - Environmental loss & damage: attribution, liability, compensation and restoration 12-14 September 2018 Como, Italy.
- Rowley, M.C., Estrada - Medina, H., Tzec - Gamboa, M., Rozin, A., Cailleau, G., Verrecchia, E.P. and Green, I.D., 2017. The Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway of Brosimum alicastrum Sw.; Moraceae. In: Goldschmidt 13-18 August 2017 Paris.
- Ginige, T.A., Ball, F., Lowenstein, M. and Green, I., 2016. Effectiveness of Public Engagement in Large Scale and local community Renewable Energy Projects. In: Third European Environmental Law Forum Conference 1-4 September 2015 Aix-Marseille Université. Aix-Marseille Université.
- Rowley, M., Estrada-Medina, H. and Green, I., 2014. Relación entre las condiciones edáficas locales, la tasa de crecimiento y el proceso oxalogénico del árbol de nuez maya en Haití y México para determinar las implicaciones para la agricultura local y la agroforestería local (Relationship between local soil conditions, the rate of growth and the potential oxalogenic process of the Maya Nut tree in Haiti and Mexico to determine the implications for local agriculture and agroforestry). In: 1er Simposio del Brosimum alicastrum, Árbol de usos múltiples de las selvas de Mexico y Centroamerica: Vinculación de los dueños del recursos naturales, la sociedad y la academia 13-14 March 2014 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
- Green, I., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2012. Changes over time in the chemistry of soil from heathland restored using sulphur compared to un-restored pasture. In: British Ecological Scoiety Annual Meeting 18-20 December 2012 University of Birmingham.
- Green, I.D., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2011. Soil microbial and ecosystem function in chemically restored lowland heath. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 12-14 September 2010 University of Sheffield, England.
- Green, I.D. and Ginige, T.A., 2011. Ecosystem Services, Agriculture and Trace Metals. In: Evidence Based Management of Ecosystems 14-16 September 2011 Univeristy of Bergen, Norway.
- Green, I.D., 2011. Trace metals in the soil-plant system and beyond. In: Metallophyte Plants: A theatened and unrealised resource hidden in our biodiversity 8-10 February 2011 University of Western Australia.
- Green, I.D., Tibbett, M., Diaz, A. and Smith, M.T.E., 2009. Does the soil microbiology of chemically restored lowland heath resemble that of native heaths? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 7-10 September 2009 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.
- Ginige, T.A. and Green, I.D., 2009. Accumulation of PTEs In Agricultural Soils: A Case Study Showing The Inability of The Current Legal Order And Legislation to Address Ecosystem Services. In: Nordic Environmental Law, Governance and Science Network Workshop: An ecosystem services approach in environmental regulation 11-13 November 2009 Koli (Joensuu), Finland.
- Moody, C. and Green, I.D., 2008. Trace metal transfer through a novel food chain: Cd and Cu transfer from insect to carnivorous plant. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College London, UK.
- Green, I.D., Shepherd, R., Tibbett, M., Diaz, A. and Smith, M.T.E., 2008. Heathland restoration by soil acidification – determining phytoavailable aluminium levels. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College London, UK.
- Diaz, A. and Green, I.D., 2008. Impacts of grazing by cattle and rabbits on the restoration of dry heathland on improved farmland. In: Sixth European Conference on Ecological Restoration. 8-12 September 2008 Ghent, Belgium..
- Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2007. The effect of sewage sludge application to an agricultural soil on the fecundity of the Rose Grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum). In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Newman, K. and Evans, D., 2007. Heathland creation. In: British Ornithology Union Scientific Meeting Habitat Creation and Restoration: The Way Forward 29 October 2007 Great Northern Hotel, Peterborough, UK.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Evans, D. and Buckland, P.C., 2007. Heathland creation techniques: ecological consequences for plant-soil and plant-animal interactions. In: 10th International Heathland Workshop 23 June-2 July 2007 Norway.
- Evans, D., Buckland, P.C., Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Smith, M.T.E., 2007. The effect of arson burn on ground beetle species. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Smith, B.M. and Carrington, L.P., 2006. Ecological Drivers in Mine Site Rehabilitation. In: Fourie, A.B. and Tibbett, M., eds. Mine Closure 2006 : Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure 13-15 September 2006 Perth, Western Australia. , 51-60 Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
- Smith, M.T.E., Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Evans, D., 2006. Macro and Micro Nutrient Competition Between Two Contrasting Species in an Establishing Pasture Sward. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2006 Oxford University, England.
- Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Uzal Fernandez, A. and Buckland, P.C., 2006. Heathland creation on improved grassland using sulphur: is there a conflict between optimal application rates for plant and animal communities? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2006 University of Oxford, UK.
- Smith, M.T.E., Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2005. How Do Nutrients Supplied in Sewage Sludge Affect Competition Between Plant Species with Contrasting Life History Strategies? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2005 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.
- Tibbett, M., Green, I.D. and Diaz, A., 2005. The Biomagnification of Cd and Zn by Cereal Aphids after the Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge. In: Lombi, E., ed. 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE) 3-7 April 2005 Adelaide, Australia. , 508-509 Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO.
- Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Do aphids biomagnify Cd and Zn as a defence against predation? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2005 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.
- Smith, M.T.E., Tibbett, M. and Green, I.D., 2004. Selection of Sludge Type and Amendment Rate to Maximise Plant Uptake of N After the Agricultural Recycling of Sewage Sludge. In: Lewis, D. and Gainns, L., eds. SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference 2004 Agriculture and the Environment: Water Framework Directive and Agriculture 24-25 March 2004 Edinburgh. SAC and SEPA.
- Green, I.D., Jeffries, C., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2004. Cadmium transfer through a soil-plant-aphid system to the larvae of the green lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea) after the amendment of soil with sewage sludge. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 7-9 September 2004 Lancaster University, UK.
- Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2002. Uptake and Partitioning of Cadmium and Zinc in Field Peas (Pisum sativum L.) and their Subsequent Transfer to the Pea Aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harr.) after the Agricultural Application of Sewage Sludge. In: Turetsky, M., Crowe, S., Prior, H. and Turner, G., eds. BIOGEOMON 2002, the 4th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour: Terrestrial Biogeochemical Responses to Global Change into the 21st century 17-21 August 2002 University of Reading. Reading, UK: University of Reading.
- Green, I.D., Winder, L., Merrington, G. and Tibbett, M., 2000. Tri-trophic transfer of zinc to newly emerged seven-spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) from sewage sludge amended soil. In: Eurosoil 2000 University of Reading, England.
- Merrington, G., Winder, L. and Green, I.D., 1996. The bioavailability of Cd and Zn to the bird-cherry oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding on wheat grown on sewage sludge amended agricultural soil. In: British Society of Soil Science Meeting 22-25 September 1996 University of Dundee, Scotland.
- Green, I.D., 2003. The Transfer and Fate of Cadmium and Zinc from Sewage Sludge Amended Agricultural Soil in an Arthropod Food Chain. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; School of Conservation Sciences.
- Ginige, T., Green, I., Demir, M., Cindrak, R., Bowen, H., Cope, R., McMullen, J. and Stafford, R., 2021. Environment Bill 2020: Smoke and Mirrors. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5801/cmpublic/Environment/memo/EB51.htm: Parliament. Published online.
PhD Students
- Hai Luu Thi Thuy, 2019. Biodiversity of Ciliated Protozoa in Soil Ecosystems and Assessment of Their Potential as Bio-indicators of Soil Quality
- Sarah Bagwell, 2019. Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Environmental Matrices of the Fleet Lagoon, UK and Toxicological Investigations using the Marine Polychaete Hediste diversicolor.
- Jaspreet Kaur, 2020. Critically analyse the application of Integrated Water Resources Management and surface water Governance in Punjab (India)
- Merve Demir, 2020. The Effectiveness of Soil Protection Legislation From an Ecosystem Services Perspective
- Qi Zhang, 2020. Investigation and reconstitution of Escherichia coli glucuronide transport system
- Ben Parker, 2021. Microplastics in freshwater fishes: from individual to community impacts
Profile of Teaching UG
- Cell Biology
- Environmental Pollution
- Independant Research Project
- Fundamentals of Environmental Science
- PhD in The transfer and fate of cadmium and zinc from sew (Bournemouth University, 2003)
- BSc (Hons) in Biology (University of Portsmouth, 1992)
- British Ecological Society, Member,
- British Society of Soil Science, Member,
- International Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry, Member,
- Linnean Society of London, Fellow,
- Royal Entomological Society, Member,
- Society of Biology (Chartered Biologist), Member,