Anita Diaz Isla

Professor Anita Diaz Isla

  • Professor
  • Christchurch House C108, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Anita is a conservation ecologist who enthusiastically supports wildlife conservation by integrating her research and professional practice activities with mentoring student partners co-creating new knowledge. Anita has a core research interest in conserving the wildlife of cultural habitats such as heathlands, meadows and woods. Their rich biodiversity is a result of centuries of traditional farming-based societies affecting key ecological feed-back processes including grazing and pollination. Anita is intrigued by how wildlife responds to newer human land uses, for example, nature-based tourism and carbon capture.

Her research projects include collaboration with the National Trust and other wildlife conservation organisations forging an innovative landscape-scale conservation vision for the internationally important Purbeck Heaths. Students have integral roles in the project, co-creating long term monitoring of ecological change. Similarly Anita’s collaborations with the University of Leon and Pyrenean Institute of Ecology in Spain provide student co-researchers with different perspectives on wildlife conservation of mountain meadow ecosystems in the face of climate and cultural change...


Journal Articles

  • Duddigan, S., Hales-Henao, A., Bruce, M., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2024. Restored lowland heathlands store substantially less carbon than undisturbed lowland heath. Communications Earth and Environment, 5 (1).
  • Fraser, T.D., Duddigan, S., Diaz, A., Green, I. and Tibbett, M., 2024. Optimizing pH for Soil Enzyme Assays Reveals Important Biochemical Functions in Low pH Soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
  • Carroll, T., Stafford, R., Gillingham, P.K., Bullock, J.M., Brown, D., Brown, M., Walls, R.M. and Diaz, A., 2023. Correlated biodiversity change between plant and insect assemblages resurveyed after 80 years across a dynamic habitat mosaic. Ecol Evol, 13 (6), e10168.
  • Ridding, L.E., Spake, R., Newton, A.C., Keith, S.A., Walls, R.M., Diaz, A., Eigenbrod, F. and Bullock, J.M., 2023. Historical data reveal contrasting habitat amount relationships with plant biodiversity. Ecography, 2023 (2).
  • Diaz, A., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Hodder, K. and Calvo, L., 2023. Editorial: Conserving cultural ecosystems: the biodiversity and ecosystem service provision of semi-natural anthropogenic ecosystems versus natural ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11.
  • Newton, A.C. et al., 2021. Operationalising the concept of ecosystem collapse for conservation practice. Biological Conservation, 264.
  • Duddigan, S., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T. and Tibbett, M., 2021. Plant, soil and faunal responses to a contrived pH gradient. Plant and Soil, 462 (1-2), 505-524.
  • Winch, K., Stafford, R., Gillingham, P., Thorsen, E. and Diaz, A., 2021. Diversifying environmental volunteers by engaging with online communities. People and Nature, 3 (1), 17-31.
  • Ridding, L.E., Newton, A.C., Keith, S.A., Walls, R.M., Diaz, A., Pywell, R.F. and Bullock, J.M., 2021. Inconsistent detection of extinction debts using different methods. Ecography, 44 (1), 33-43.
  • Downey, H., Diaz, A. et al., 2021. Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2 (1).
  • Lovegrove, A.T., Newton, A.C., Evans, P.M., Diaz, A., Davy, L. and Newbould, P.J., 2020. Changes in vegetation structure and composition of a lowland mire over a sixty-five-year interval. Ecology and Evolution, 10 (24), 13913-13925.
  • Duddigan, S., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I., Diaz, A., Sizmur, T., Pawlett, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K. and Tibbett, M., 2020. Evaluating heathland restoration belowground using different quality indices of soil chemical and biological properties. Agronomy, 10 (8 August).
  • Tibbett, M., Gil-Martínez, M., Fraser, T., Green, I.D., Duddigan, S., De Oliveira, V.H., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Sizmur, T. and Diaz, A., 2019. Long-term acidification of pH neutral grasslands affects soil biodiversity, fertility and function in a heathland restoration. Catena, 180, 401-415.
  • Pedreschi, D., Cantarello, E., Diaz, A., Golicher, D., Korstjens, A.H., Gillingham, P., Hardouin, E.A., Stewart, J.R. et al., 2019. Challenging the European southern refugium hypothesis: Species-specific structures versus general patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among small mammals. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28 (2), 262-274.
  • Potter, C., De Vere, N., Jones, L.E., Ford, C.R., Hegarty, M.J., Hodder, K.H., Diaz, A. and Franklin, E.L., 2019. Pollen metabarcoding reveals broad and species-specific resource use by urban bees. PeerJ, 2019 (2).
  • Carroll, T., Gillingham, P.K., Stafford, R., Bullock, J.M. and Diaz, A., 2018. Improving estimates of environmental change using multilevel regression models of Ellenberg indicator values. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (19), 9739-9750.
  • Woodley, S. and Diaz, A., 2018. The Effects of Cervus nippon on Two Key Ecological Drivers Controlling Populations of Plebejus argus on Heaths: Larval Food Sources and Mutualistic Ants. Archives of Current Research International, 12 (1), 1-11.
  • Diaz, A., Walls, S., Whitmarsh, D., Smith, M. and Green, I., 2018. Habitat Selection of Invasive Sika Deer Cervus nippon Living in a UK Lowland Heathland-Woodland-Grassland Mosaic: Implications for Habitat Conservation Management. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 17 (3), 1-15.
  • Franklin, E., Evans, D., Thornton, A., Moody, C., Green, I. and Diaz, A., 2017. Exploring the predation of UK bumblebees (Apidae, Bombus spp.) by the invasive pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea: examining the effects of annual variation, seasonal variation, plant density and bumblebee gender. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11 (1), 79-88.
  • Smith, B.M., Diaz, A. and Winder, L., 2017. Grassland habitat restoration: Lessons learnt from long term monitoring of Swanworth Quarry, UK, 1997-2014. PeerJ, 2017 (11).
  • Hill, J., Thomas, G., Diaz, A. and Simm, D., 2016. Borderland spaces for learning partnership: opportunities, benefits and challenges. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 40 (3), 375-393.
  • Kragh, G., Stafford, R., Curtin, S. and Diaz, A., 2016. Environmental volunteer well-being: Managers' perception and actual well-being of volunteers. F1000Research, 5.
  • Green, I.D., Evans, D. and Diaz, A., 2015. Modifying soil chemistry to enhance heathland recreation: a use for sulphur captured during oil refining. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 6 (5), 272-282.
  • Dean, C., Day, J., Gozlan, R.E. and Diaz, A., 2015. Grazing Vertebrates Promote Invasive Swamp Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) Abundance. Invasive Plant Science and Management.
  • Green, I.D., Boughey, K. and Diaz, A., 2014. Potentially toxic metals in historic landfill sites: Implications for grazing animals. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225 (9).
  • Diaz, A., Keith, S.A., Bullock, J.M., Hooftman, D.A.P. and Newton, A.C., 2013. Conservation implications of long-term changes detected in a lowland heath plant metacommunity. Biological Conservation, 167, 325-333.
  • Uzal, A., Walls, S., Stillman, R.A. and Diaz, A., 2013. Sika deer distribution and habitat selection: The influence of the availability and distribution of food, cover, and threats. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59 (4), 563-572.
  • Bröderbauer, D., Weber, A. and Diaz, A., 2013. The design of trapping devices in pollination traps of the genus Arum (Araceae) is related to insect type. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 172 (3), 385-397.
  • Uzal, A., Stillman, R.A., Diaz, A. and Walls, S., 2013. Sika deer distribution and habitat selection: the influence of the availability and distribution of food, cover, and threats. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 1-10.
  • Bröderbauer, D., Weber, A. and Diaz, A., 2013. The design of trapping devices in pollination traps of the genus Arum (Araceae) is related to insect type. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.
  • Dean, C., Day, J., Gozlan, R.E., Green, I., Yates, B. and Diaz, A., 2013. Estimating the minimum salinity level for the control of New Zealand pygmyweed Crassula helmsii in brackish water habitats. Conservation Evidence, 10, 89-92.
  • Bröderbauer, D., Diaz, A. and Weber, A., 2012. Reconstructing the origin and elaboration of insect-trapping inflorescences in the araceae. American Journal of Botany, 99 (10), 1666-1679.
  • Newton, A.C., Walls, R.M., Golicher, D., Keith, S.A., Diaz, A. and Bullock, J.M., 2012. Structure, composition and dynamics of a calcareous grassland metacommunity over a 70-year interval. Journal of Ecology, 100 (1), 196-209.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Evans, D., 2011. Heathland Restoration Techniques: Ecological Consequences for Plant-Soil and Plant-Animal Interactions. ISRN Ecology, 2011.
  • Green, I.D., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2010. Factors affecting the concentration in seven spotted ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata L.) of Cd and Zn transferred through the food chain. Environmental Pollution, 158, 135-141.
  • Rey Benayas, J.M., Newton, A., Diaz, A. and Bullock, J.M., 2009. Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis. Science, 325, 1121-1124.
  • Newton, A.C., Stewart, G.B., Myers, G., Diaz, A., Lake, S., Bullock, J.M. and Pullin, A.S., 2009. Impacts of grazing on lowland heathland in north-west Europe. Biological Conservation, 142 (5), 935-947.
  • Smith, B.M., Diaz, A., Daniels, R., Winder, L. and Holland, J., 2009. Regional and ecotype traits in lotus corniculatus L., with reference to restoration ecology. Restoration Ecology, 17, 12-23.
  • Carrington, L.P. and Diaz, A., 2009. An Investigation into the Effect of Soil and Vegetation on the Successful Creation of a Hay Meadow on a Clay-Capped Landfill. Restoration Ecology.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Keith, S., 2009. Effectiveness of restoration techniques in the face of climate change: a case study from the Dorset Heaths. Ecological Restoration, 27, 257-260.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Keith, S., 2009. Restoration in the face of climate change; a case study of the Dorset Heaths. Ecological Restoration, 27, 257-260.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Tibbett, M., 2008. Re-Creation of Heathland on Improved Pasture using Top Soil Removal and Sulphur Amendments: Edaphic Drivers and Impacts on Ericoid Mycorrhizas. Biological Conservation, 141, 1628-1635.
  • Newton, A., Stewart, G.B., Diaz, A., Golicher, D. and Pullin, A.S., 2007. Bayesian Belief Networks as a Tool for Evidence-Based Conservation Management. Journal for Nature Conservation, 15, 144-160.
  • Green, I.D., Stockdale, J., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Heathland restoration on former agricultural land: effects of artificial acidification on the availability and uptake of toxic metal cations. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 178, 287-295.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Benvenuto, M. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Are Ericoid Mycorrhizas a Factor in the Success of Calluna Vulgaris Heathland Restoration? Restoration Ecology, 14, 187-195.
  • Diaz, A., Amoin, M.A. and Gibernau, M., 2006. The Effectiveness of Some Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation in Arum Maculatum and A. Italicum (Araceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 150, 323-328.
  • Green, I.D., Jeffries, C., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2006. Contrasting Behaviour of Cadmium and Zinc in a Soil-Plant-Arthropod System. Chemosphere, 64, 1115-1121.
  • Diaz, A., Hughes, S., Putman, R., Mogg, R. and Bond, J.M., 2006. A genetic study of sika (Cervus nippon) in the New Forest and in the Purbeck region, southern England: is there evidence of recent or past hybridization with red deer (Cervus elaphus)? Journal of Zoology, 270, 227-235.
  • Hannaford, J., Pinn, E.H. and Diaz, A., 2006. The Impact of Sika Deer Grazing on the Vegetation and Infauna of Arne Saltmarsh. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 53, 56-62.
  • House, C., May, V. and Diaz, A., 2005. 15. Sika Deer trampling and saltmarsh creek erosion: Preliminary investigation. Proceedings in Marine Science, 7 (C), 189-193.
  • Diaz, A., Pinn, E. and Hannaford, J., 2005. 14. Ecological impacts of Sika Deer on Poole Harbour saltmarshes. Proceedings in Marine Science, 7 (C), 175-188.
  • Diaz, A. and Kite, G.C., 2005. Why be a rewarding trap? The evolution of floral rewards in Arum (Araceae), a genus characterised by saprophilous pollination systems. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 88, 257-268.
  • Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Effects of aphid infestation on Cd and Zn concentration in wheat. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 109, 175-178.
  • Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Are Sulfurous Soil Amendments (S0, Fe(II)SO4, Fe(III)SO4) an Effective Tool in the Restoration of Heathland and Acidic Grassland after Four Decades of Rock Phosphate Fertilization? Restoration Ecology, 13, 83-91.
  • Smith, B.M., Diaz, A., Winder, L. and Daniels, R., 2005. The Effect of Provenance on the Establishment and Performance of Lotus Corniculatus in a Restoration Environment. Biological Conservation, 125, 37-46.
  • Gibernau, M., Macquart, D. and Diaz, A., 2003. Pollen Viability and Longevity in Two Species of Arum. Aroideana, 26, 27-32.
  • Warren, J., Wilson, F. and Diaz, A., 2002. Competitive relationships in a fertile grassland community – does size matter? Oecologia, 132, 125-130.
  • Diaz, A. and Kite, G.C., 2002. A Comparison of the Pollination Ecology of Arum Maculatum and Arum Italicum in England. Watsonia, 24, 171-181.
  • Warren, J. and Diaz, A., 2001. A Two-Pollinator Model for the Evolution of Floral Complexity. Evolutionary Ecology, 15, 157-166.
  • Mendez, M. and Diaz, A., 2001. Flowering Dynamics in Arum italicum (Araceae): Relative Role of Inflorescence Traits, Flowering Synchrony, and Pollination Context on Fruit Initiation. American Journal of Botany, 88, 1774-1780.
  • Diaz, A., 2000. Can plant palatability trials be used to predict the effect of rabbit grazing on the flora of ex-arable land? AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 78 (3), 249-259.
  • Diaz, A. and Macnair, M.R., 1999. Pollen tube competition as a mechanism of prezygotic reproductive isolation between Mimulus nasutus and its presumed progenitor M. guttatus. New Phytologist, 144 (3), 471-478.
  • Ollerton, J. and Diaz, A., 1999. Evidence for stabilising selection acting on flowering time in Arum maculatum (Araceae): The influence of phylogeny on adaptation. Oecologia, 119 (3), 340-348.


  • Morley, D., Marchbank, P., Steyger, T., Taylor, L., Diaz, A. and Calleja, P., 2020. Designing and Supporting Extraordinary Work Experience. In: Jamil, M.G., ed. Applied Pedagogies in Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, 135-162.
  • Morley, D.A., Diaz, A., Blake, D., Burger, G., Dando, T., Gibbon, S. and Rickard, K., 2018. Student experience of real-time management of peer working groups during field trips. Enhancing Employability in Higher Education through Work Based Learning. 133-150.
  • Diaz, A., 2012. Crassula helmsii (T. Kirk) Cockayne (New Zealand pygmyweed). A Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species. 37-46.
  • Diaz, A., Pinn, E.H. and Hannaford, J., 2005. Ecological Impacts of Sika Deer on Poole Harbour Saltmarshes. In: Humphreys, J. and May, V.J., eds. The ecology of Poole Harbour. Elsevier.
  • House, C., May, V.J. and Diaz, A., 2005. Sika Deer Trampling and Saltmarsh Creek Erosion: Preliminary Investigation. In: Humphreys, J., ed. The ecology of Poole Harbour. Elsevier.
  • Diaz, A., 2002. The Effect of Rabbits on the Biodiversity of Farmland in Set-Aside. In: Frame, J., ed. Conservation pays? : reconciling environmental benefits with profitable grassland systems : proceedings of the joint British Grassland Society / British Ecological Society Conference held 15-17 April 2002 University of Lancaster. Reading: BGS.
  • Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2002. The Use of Sulphurous Soil Amendments in Acid Grassland Restoration. In: Frame, J., ed. Conservation pays? : reconciling environmental benefits with profitable grassland systems : proceedings of the joint British Grassland Society / British Ecological Society Conference held 15-17 April 2002 University of Lancaster. Reading: BGS.


  • Diaz, A. and Brown, M., 2017. Students & Citizen Science -Matching surveyors & methods. In: Embedding Citizen Science into Wildlife Conservation Management 21 March 2016 Bournemouth University.
  • Diaz, A. et al., 2016. Co-creating effective student-staff research communities of practice in environmental conservation: a cross-university Student Environment Research Team (SERT). In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 30 August-2 September 2016 The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) i 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR.
  • Kragh, G., Stafford, R., Curtin, S. and Diaz, A., 2016. Understanding motivations of citizen scientists. In: First International ECSA Conference 2016: Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy 19-21 May 2016 Berlin, Germany.
  • Kragh, G., Stafford, R., Curtin, S. and Diaz, A., 2015. Understanding volunteers in ecology: relationships between motivation, well-being and project outcomes. In: BES Annual Meeting 13-16 December 2015 Edinburgh, UK.
  • Kragh, G., Stafford, R., Curtin, S. and Diaz, A., 2015. Understanding participants in citizen science: relationships between motivation, well-being and project outcomes. In: Science for the environment 1-2 October 2015 Aarhus, Denmark.
  • Green, I.D., Diaz, A. and Tibbett, M., 2011. Soil microbial and ecosystem function in chemically restored lowland heath. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 12-14 September 2010 University of Sheffield, England.
  • Uzal Fernandez, A., Kenward, R.E., Hodder, K.H., Newton, A. and Diaz, A., 2010. River Frome catchment WP5 case study: a community-based approach to ecosystem valuation. In: Meeting and Workshop on Decision Support from Predictive Modelling. Transactional Environmental Support System. TESS 6-8 October 2010 Tallin, Estonia.
  • Diaz, A., 2009. Femme Fatale: the benefits and costs of trap pollination. In: Xth International Aroid Conference 8-10 July 2009 Nancy, France.
  • Diaz, A., Uzal Fernandez, A., Stillman, R.A. and Walls, S.S., 2009. Landscape scale habitat use by sika deer. In: British Ecological Society –Deer Initiative workshop: The ecology and management of deer in wooded landscapes. 20 May 2009 Bournemouth University (Studland Village Hall), UK.
  • Green, I.D., Tibbett, M., Diaz, A. and Smith, M.T.E., 2009. Does the soil microbiology of chemically restored lowland heath resemble that of native heaths? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 7-10 September 2009 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.
  • Uzal Fernandez, A., Diaz, A., Walls, S.S. and Stillman, R.A., 2009. How does landscape structure affect Sika deer (Cervus nippon) distribution in lowland heath mosaics? In: Mammal Society Easter Conference 18-19 April 2009 University of Winchester.
  • Green, I.D., Shepherd, R., Tibbett, M., Diaz, A. and Smith, M.T.E., 2008. Heathland restoration by soil acidification – determining phytoavailable aluminium levels. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College London, UK.
  • Diaz, A. and Green, I.D., 2008. Impacts of grazing by cattle and rabbits on the restoration of dry heathland on improved farmland. In: Sixth European Conference on Ecological Restoration. 8-12 September 2008 Ghent, Belgium..
  • Diaz, A., Peck, M. and Mariscal, A., 2008. Appraisal of rapid assessment techniques for evaluating Andean cloud-forest habitat quality and presence of charismatic (flagship) mammals. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College, London.
  • Jessett, J., Diaz, A. and Peck, M., 2008. Camera trapping as a tool for rapid assessment of incidence of mammals in Ecuadorian cloudforest. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College, London.
  • Brown, M., Rainbow, R., Mariscal, A., Miranda-Moyana, N. and Diaz, A., 2008. Factors affecting the abundance of bromeliads in the Reserva Biologica Los Cedros, NW Ecuador. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 3-5 September 2008 Imperial College, London, UK.
  • Uzal Fernandez, A., Diaz, A., Stillman, R.A. and Walls, S.S., 2007. Predicting Sika deer impacts on animal and plant communities; a comparison of ecological models. In: 1st International Conference on Genus Cervus 14-17 September 2007 Fiera di Primiero, Trentino, Italy.
  • Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2007. The effect of sewage sludge application to an agricultural soil on the fecundity of the Rose Grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum). In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Newman, K. and Evans, D., 2007. Heathland creation. In: British Ornithology Union Scientific Meeting Habitat Creation and Restoration: The Way Forward 29 October 2007 Great Northern Hotel, Peterborough, UK.
  • Diaz, A., 2007. Evolution on the dark side: benefits and costs of trap pollination. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Evans, D. and Buckland, P.C., 2007. Heathland creation techniques: ecological consequences for plant-soil and plant-animal interactions. In: 10th International Heathland Workshop 23 June-2 July 2007 Norway.
  • Carrington, L.P. and Diaz, A., 2007. An investigation into the effect of substrate on the successful creation of a hay meadow on a clay capped landfill. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
  • McDonald, R. and Diaz, A., 2007. Establishing the effects of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) abundance on the habitat quality of lowland heath. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Evans, D., Buckland, P.C., Diaz, A., Green, I.D. and Smith, M.T.E., 2007. The effect of arson burn on ground beetle species. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 10-12 September 2007 University of Glasgow, UK.
  • Diaz, A., 2007. Trap pollination: evolutionary benefits and costs. In: ECOFLOR 1-3 February 2007 Granada, Spain..
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Smith, B.M. and Carrington, L.P., 2006. Ecological Drivers in Mine Site Rehabilitation. In: Fourie, A.B. and Tibbett, M., eds. Mine Closure 2006 : Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Mine Closure 13-15 September 2006 Perth, Western Australia. , 51-60 Australian Centre for Geomechanics.
  • Diaz, A., Green, I.D., Uzal Fernandez, A. and Buckland, P.C., 2006. Heathland creation on improved grassland using sulphur: is there a conflict between optimal application rates for plant and animal communities? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2006 University of Oxford, UK.
  • Diaz, A., 2006. Above-ground processes for ecosystem function of communities on rehabilitated mines. In: The Biology Covers and Design Workshop 12 September 2006 University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia..
  • Diaz, A., 2006. Heathland Creation. In: 9th National Heathland Conference: Changing landscapes 8-10 August 2006 King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
  • Tibbett, M., Green, I.D. and Diaz, A., 2005. The Biomagnification of Cd and Zn by Cereal Aphids after the Agricultural Use of Sewage Sludge. In: Lombi, E., ed. 8th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE) 3-7 April 2005 Adelaide, Australia. , 508-509 Adelaide, Australia: CSIRO.
  • Green, I.D., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2005. Do aphids biomagnify Cd and Zn as a defence against predation? In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 5-7 September 2005 University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield.
  • Diaz, A., 2005. Heathland and acid grassland restoration on improved agricultural land. In: European Heathland Conference 14-18 September 2005 Belgium.
  • Diaz, A., Hughes, S., Putman, R., Bond, J.M. and Mogg, R., 2005. A genetic study of sika (Cervus nippon) in the New Forest and in the Isle of Purbeck, Southern England: is there evidence of recent or past hybridisation with red deer? In: Ecological Genetics Conference April 2005 Edge Hill University, Manchester, England.
  • Green, I.D., Jeffries, C., Tibbett, M. and Diaz, A., 2004. Cadmium transfer through a soil-plant-aphid system to the larvae of the green lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea) after the amendment of soil with sewage sludge. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 7-9 September 2004 Lancaster University, UK.
  • Diaz, A., 2004. Heathland restoration. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 7-9 September 2004 Lancaster University, England.
  • Diaz, A., 2004. Lure and trap pollination. In: IXth International Aroid Society Conference. November 2004 Kuching , Borneo.
  • Diaz, A., 2004. Evolution of pollination systems in Arum. In: Royal Entomological Society Symposium on Insect Pollination. 1 December 2004 London.
  • Diaz, A., 2004. Ecological consequences of a species re-introduction: Alpine marmots and Iris latifolia in the Pyrenees. In: Ecological Genetics Conference 29-31 March 2004 University of Leicester.
  • Porteous, R. and Diaz, A., 2003. Hybridisation in the genus Arum. In: Ecological Genetics Conference April 2003 University of Edinburgh, UK.
  • Porteous, R. and Diaz, A., 2003. A genetic study of Arum italicum and A. maculatum. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 9-11 September 2003 University of Manchester.
  • Diaz, A., 2002. Rewarding trap pollination systems in Arum. In: Royal Entomological Society Symposium on Insect Pollination. November 2002 University of Exeter.



  • PhD in The evolution of pollination systems in Mimulus (University of Exeter, 1994)