Mariana Rodriguez Consoni

Dr Mariana Rodriguez Consoni

  • mconsonirubio at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Lecturer in Digital Marketing Management
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Mariana joined Bournemouth University Business School in 2023 as a Lecturer in Marketing Management. She brings a rich background in academia, having taught Business Finance and International Business at the University of Aberdeen for four years. Mariana also possesses diverse teaching experience from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, where she taught Technology in Tourism, Marketing, and Economy of Leisure & Tourism.

Mariana's research primarily focuses on the implications of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in digital marketing and work-life boundaries, consumer behaviour, sustainability with a focus on marketing and tourism, and business intelligence in tourism and hospitality.

At Bournemouth University, Mariana teaches a range of subjects, including Tourism and Technology, Principles of Marketing, and Branding & Integrated Communications. She also supervises undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, as well as PhD students.

Mariana holds a PhD in Management Studies from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland; and Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from Bournemouth University...


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Sustainable cities and communities

"Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Climate action

"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts"

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Journal Articles

  • Rodriguez Consoni, M., 2019. The phenomenon of work and non-work boundaries in the Age of Information. Granite Journal, 4-13.
  • Rodriguez Consoni, M. and Correa, C., 2014. E-marketing strategies in accommodation facilities: case study of the Blue Tree Hotels network. Turismo y Desarrollo : Revista de Investigación en Turismo y Desarrollo Local, 7.




  • Rodriguez Consoni, M., 2022. A Sociomaterial approach to the enactment of work/non-work boundaries: a case study of academics in the UK Higher Education. PhD Thesis. University of Aberdeen, Business School, Business Management Department.
  • Rodriguez Consoni, M., 2016. Business Intelligence in hotel chains in Brazil. Master's Thesis. University of Sao Paulo, Tourism Department.


Profile of Teaching PG

  • Research Project (Digital Marketing)

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Principles of Marketing
  • Branding & Integrated Communication (Unit Leader)
  • Dissertation

Invited Lectures

  • Internationalisation of Tourism Academic Career, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 05 Jun 2024 more
  • AI in Marketing, San Silvestre School, Peru, 04 Apr 2024 more


  • Health Innovation Fund (National Institute of Health Research (NIHR), 01 Oct 2023). Awarded

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • Tourism Review, Anonymous peer review, 10 Jan 2024
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Anonymous peer review, 01 Apr 2019

Conference Presentations

  • BAM2023 Conference, A sociomaterial approach to the enactment of academics’ work/non-work boundaries in the UK Higher Education, 04 Sep 2023, University of Sussex, Brighton
  • School of Social Sciences Seminars, Academics' work/non-work boundaries: challenges and opportunities triggered by the COVID-19 lockdowns, 01 Oct 2022, Scotland
  • Granite Symposium, The phenomenon of work and non-work boundaries in the Age of Information, 28 Mar 2019, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
  • The Visitor Economy – Strategies and Innovations, Business Intelligence at ibis Latin America hotels, 04 Sep 2017, Bournemouth University, UK
  • Semana da Ciência & SIICUSP 2015, Business Intelligence in hotel chains in Brazil, 13 Oct 2015, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Fórum ABRATUR-15: Internacionalização da Pesquisa em Turismo no Brasil, A new concept of tourism, 08 Jun 2015, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


  • PGCE in Higher Education (Bournemouth University, 2024)
  • PhD in Management Studies (University of Aberdeen, 2022)
  • MSc in Tourism Development (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016)
  • BSc (Hons) in Leisure & Tourism (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2013)
  • BSc (Hons) in Hotel Management (University Sao Fransisco, Brazil, 2008)


  • Higher Education Academy, Associate Fellow (2019-),