Nyarwi Ahmad
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  • Ahmad, N., 2017. Political Marketing Management of Parliament under the Presidential Government System: A Lesson Learn from the Indonesia House of Representative Post-New Order Soeharto. Journal of Political Marketing, 16 (2), 71-94.
  • Ahmad, N., 2016. The Internet, Social Media, and Knowledge Production and Development of Political Marketing. In: Ritesh Chugh, ed. Harnessing Social Media as a Knowledge Management Tool. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, 177-209.
  • Ahmad, N., 2014. The Social Media Usage and the Transformation of Political Marketing and Campaigning of the Emerging Democracy in Indonesia: Case Study of the 2012 Gubernatorial Election of the Special Region of the Capital City Jakarta. Social Media in Politics: Case Studies on the Political Power of Social Media. Springer.
  • Ahmad, N., 2014. Professionalization campaigning of Indonesian political parties and the parliamentary and the presidential candidates of these parties facing the 2014 parliamentary and presidential elections. In: the 6th Annual Postgraduate Conference 22-23 January 2014 Bournemouth University, UK.
  • Ahmad, N., 2013. The Political Marketing and the Future of Indonesian Democracy: Assessing Its Inherent Critiques, Challenges and Opportunities. In: Paper for International Conference on the Indonesian Development (ICID) 12-13 September 2013 ISS-The Hague, Netherland.
  • Ahmad, N., 2013. Political Marketing Management of the Indonesian Parliament : Assessing the Political Marketing Management Approach and Its Challenges of the Indonesian House of Representative (2009-2014). In: Paper for panel on “Transformational Communication and the New Asia” organized by Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), the 22nd Annual International Conference 4-7 July 2013 Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • Ahmad, N., 2013. The Rise of Integrated-Participatory Political Marketing (IPPM) of the Contemporary Local Election in Indonesia: A Case Study of Political Marketing Model of Jokowidodo-Basuki Tjahaya Purnama during the 2012 Governatorial Election of Special Region of Jakarta, Indonesia. In: Communication Politique Comparée 14-15 June 2013 Palais Luxemburg, Paris.
  • Ahmad, N., 2013. From Mass Mediated-Political Marketing to Mixed Mediated-Political Marketing: The Rise of Social Media as Political Marketing Tools During The 2012 Governatorial Election of Special Region of Jakarta, Indonesia. In: nternational Conference of the PSA UK 24-27 March 2013 Cardiff University.