Stefan Kleipoedszus qualified as a Social Pedagogue from the Leuphana University in Lüneburg (Germany) and has since than worked as a researcher for the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the University of London, a Social Worker in Child Protection Teams in the Southwest of England, a manager of statutory social work Teams and a Principal Social Worker before joining Bournemouth University in 2015. At Bournemouth University Stefan is the Deputy Head of Department for Social Sciences and Social Work..
His research covers the reintegration of women prisoners into employment, prevent juvenile delinquency, Children’s Homes and Social Pedagogy. Currently Stefan who is also a PhD Candidate at Centre for Seldom Heard Voices: Marginalisation and Societal Integration at Bournemouth University is involved in research on Decision Making in Social Work, online safety of children and Secure Children's homes. In current and previous research projects Stefan has applied qualitative and quantitative research methods and has in depth knowledge about the use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software (Atlas Ti, NVivo), SPSS, MATLAB and the statistical programming language R.
Knowledge Strategies for making safeguarding decisions in Social Work
Who Listens? The experiences of being listened to for children in out of home care.
Trauma Informed Care. Professional Responses to Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Implementing Social Pedagogy in English Residential Child Care
Together with colleagues from Newcastle and Leeds Becket Universities, Stefan is researching the field of secure accommodation for children and young people. Most recently, we undertook research about the experiences of staff working in secure with the aim of identifying factors that can help with recruitment and retention. For this research, we used Lego Serious Play as a method to engage with practitioners.
Together with colleagues from the Science and Technology Faculty at Bournemouth University Stefan is doing research into the development and dissemination of an educational computer game called CyGamBit. CyGamBIT is designed to engage young people on current and emerging online threats that provides young people with the knowledge they need to stay safe online. Young people, educators and parents/guardians were all involved in the development of CyGamBIT, which covers the primary areas of concerns for all parties, and allows for their often contrasting priorities to be addressed in a shared learning experience.
Journal Articles
- Andow, C., Kleipoedszus, S., Dunn, R., Wake, N., Arthur, R., Shafi, A. and Gibson, D., 2024. Re-Designing Secure Children’s Homes Through a Child-First Lens. Societies, 14 (11).
- Andow, C., Kleipoedszus, S., Arthur, R., Dunn, R. and Wake, N., 2023. Re-imagining secure children’s home design to improve outcomes for children. Emerald Open Res, 5 (12).
- Pritchard, C., Kleidpoedszuz, S. and Hansen, L., 2021. Population-based Study of Septicaemia and Intestinal Infection Disease Deaths in America and Twenty Developed Countries 2013-15: Indicative of Poor Food production and Handling? Journal of Medical Discovery, 6 (1), 1-8.
- Kleipoedszus, S., 2019. Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in England. Jugendhilfe, 57 (1), 6-12.
- Clark, A., Cameron, C. and Kleipoedszus, S., 2014. Sense of place in children’s residential care homes: perceptions of home? Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 13 (2).
- Kleipoedszus, S. and Leanne, 2019. My Child was taken into care. In: Hughes, M., ed. A Guide to Statutory Social Work Interventions. The Lived Experience. London: Red Globe Press, 95-107.
- Kleipoedszus, S., 2011. Communication and Conflict: An important part of social pedagogic relationships. In: Cameron, C. and Moss, P., eds. Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People Where Care and Education Meet. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 125-140.
- Cameron, C., Petrie, P., Wigfall, V. and Kleipoedszus, S., 2011. Final Report of the Social Pedagogy Pilot Programme: development and implementation. Thomas Coram Research Unit.
- Kleipoedszus, S., 2024. Knowledge Strategies for making Safeguarding decisions in Social Work. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
- Simulated Child Protection Conference, 2017. Film.
Profile of Teaching PG
- Law and Social Policy for Social Work with Children and Families
- The Child’s Journey
- Parenting Capacity for Social Work with Children and Families
- Working with Risk and Complexity for Child and Family Social Workers
- Models, Methods and Approaches for Social Work Intervention for Child and Family Social Work
- Models, Methods and Approaches for Social Work Intervention (MA)
Profile of Teaching UG
- Models, Methods and Approaches for Social Work Intervention (BA Hons)
Conference Presentations
- Global Festival of Learning Europe, 16 Apr 2018, Berlin/ Germany
- PGCE in Educational Practice (Bournemouth University, 2017)
- MA in Social Pedagogy (Leuphana University Lüneburg, 2003)
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow (2017-),
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow (2017-),
- British Association of Social Workers, Member (2011-),
- Network of European Schools of Social Work (SocNet98)