Professor Jens Holscher
- Professor
- Executive Business Centre EB410, Bournemouth University, 89 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EB
- Keywords:
- Business and management
- Economics
- Finance
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Jens Hӧlscher is an economist. Before coming to Bournemouth he taught at the Universities of Berlin, Swansea, Birmingham, Chemnitz and Brighton. He held Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Halle (Institute of Economic Research IWH), Perugia, East Europe Institute Regensburg, Danube University, Bonn (ZEI), Bolzano-Bozen, Frankfurt (Viadrina), New Brunswick in Cairo, Almaty (KIMEP and KBTU) and the Centre of Economic Research at the Deutsche Bundesbank. In Bournemouth he acted as Head of Department for over 6 years and Trustee of the Board of Governors for 2 years.He is interested in institutional and transition economics, both areas in which he published widely. He is the co-editor of Palgrave's (Macmillan's Global Publishing) book series "Studies in Economic Transition". His latest completed third party funded project sponsored by the Open Society Foundation was entitled "Wealth, Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition societies" and another one was entitled “Variety of institutional settings and socio-economic inequalities in the process of European integration“ was funded by the EU’s Jean Monnet Programme... The latest awards have been granted by the ESRC for a project on 'Access to Finance for SMEs' and by Poole Borough Council on 'Poole Marine Supply Chain Management. His inaugural public lecture at Barclay's HQ in Poole on Brexit attracted a large audience and won considerable media interest.
- Chu, T.T., Hölscher, J. and McCarthy, D., 2020. The impact of productive and non-productive government expenditure on economic growth: an empirical analysis in high-income versus low- to middle-income economies. Empirical Economics, 58 (5), 2403-2430.
- Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2019. Does Accession to the European Union Affect Firms’ Productivity? IZA Policy Papers.
- Howard-Jones, P., Hölscher, J. and Radicic, D., 2017. Firm productivity in the Western Balkans: The impact of European union membership and access to finance. Economic Annals, 62 (215), 7-51.
- Hölscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2017. State Aid in the New EU Member States. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (4), 779-797.
- Holscher, J., 2015. Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Holscher, J., Perugini, C. and Collie, S., 2015. Inequality, credit and financial crises. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1-31.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Journal Articles
- Holscher, J. and Howard- Jones, P., 2022. The Influence of the Washington Consensus Programme on the Transitional Economies of Eastern Europe – a firm level analysis. Economic Annals.
- Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2020. The Influence of the Washington Consensus Programme on the Transitional Economies of Eastern Europe – a firm level analysis. Economic Annals, LZXV, 9-44.
- Hölscher, J., 2020. European Monetary Union: Euro — Quo vadis? Wirtschaftsdienst, 100 (9), 651.
- Chu, T.T., Hölscher, J. and McCarthy, D., 2020. The impact of productive and non-productive government expenditure on economic growth: an empirical analysis in high-income versus low- to middle-income economies. Empirical Economics, 58 (5), 2403-2430.
- Holscher, J., Postula, M., Alinska, A. and Klepacki, J., 2019. Correlation Between Fiscal Rules and Sustainable Development of the Visegrad Group Countries. PROBLEMY ZARZADZANIA-MANAGEMENT ISSUES, 17 (3), 33-53.
- Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2019. Does Accession to the European Union Affect Firms’ Productivity? IZA Policy Papers.
- Hayward, R. and Hölscher, J., 2017. The Forward-Discount Puzzle in Central and Eastern Europe. Comparative Economic Studies, 59 (4), 472-497.
- Holscher, J., 2017. The effects of Brexit on the EU, the UK and Dorset – a migrant’s account. BAFES Working Papers, 1-11.
- Howard-Jones, P., Hölscher, J. and Radicic, D., 2017. Firm productivity in the Western Balkans: The impact of European union membership and access to finance. Economic Annals, 62 (215), 7-51.
- Holscher, J. and Horsch, A., 2017. Finanzwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen für KMU. ZfKE, Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 65 (1/2), 1-9.
- Hölscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2017. State Aid in the New EU Member States. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (4), 779-797.
- Djalilov, K. and Holscher, J., 2016. Regulations, market power and stability in the banking sector of transition countries. LIMES Plus: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 77-94.
- Djalilov, K. and Hölscher, J., 2016. Regulations, Market Power and Stability in the Banking Sector of Transition Countries. e-BANGI : Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 77-95.
- Holscher, J. and Tomann, H., 2016. Das institutionelle Design der EU nach der Finanzkrise (The institutional design of the EU after the financial crisis). Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftspolitik, 96 (6), 393-396.
- Djalilov, K. and Hölscher, J., 2016. Comparative analyses of the banking environment in transition countries. Economic Annals, 61 (208), 7-25.
- Ragnitz, J., Heimpold, G., Hölscher, J., Land, R. and Schroeder, K., 2015. Twenty-five years of german unity - a success story? Wirtschaftsdienst, 95 (6), 375-394.
- Holscher, J., Perugini, C. and Collie, S., 2015. Inequality, credit and financial crises. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1-31.
- Holscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2014. Ten Years after Accession: State Aid in Eastern Europe. European State Aid Quarterly, 13 (2), 305-309.
- Hölscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2014. Ten years after Accession: State Aid in Eastern Europe. European State Aid Law Quarterly.
- Busch, B., Grömling, M., Ritzberger-Grünwald, D., Hishow, O.N. and Hölscher, J., 2014. Eastward enlargement of the EU: Ten years on [EU-Osterweiterung: Eine Bilanz nach zehn Jahren]. Wirtschaftsdienst, 94, 311-334.
- Hoelscher, J., 2013. Pro-poor Growth and Liberalization in Developing Economies-The Case of Nepal, Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, Routledge, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, and New York. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, 37 (1), 137-138.
- Holscher, J., Acharya, S. and Perugini, C., 2012. Trade liberalisation and inequalities in Nepal: A CGE analysis. Economic Modelling, 29, 2543-2557.
- Hoelscher, J., 2012. The Age of Equality: The Twentieth Century in Economic Perspective. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, 36 (4), 629-630.
- Holscher, Perugini, C. and Pompei, F., 2011. Wage inequality, labour market flexibility and duality in Eastern and Western Europe. Post-Communist Economies, 23 (3), 271-310.
- Holscher, Damiani, M. and Pompei, F., 2011. Labour market inequalities and the role of institutions. European Journal of Comparative Economics, 8 (2), 163-173.
- Holscher, J., Marelli, E. and Signorelli, M., 2010. China and India in the global economy. Economic Systems, 34, 212-217.
- Hölscher, J. and Signorelli, M., 2010. Symposium: China and India in the world market. Economic Systems, 34 (3), 211.
- Deng, C., Bai, B., Zeng, L. and Hölscher, J., 2010. Research on the IPO underpricing of the Hong Kong growth enterprise market. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 7 (3), 105-114.
- Bai, B. and Hölscher, J., 2009. Banking reform in China. , 45-65.
- Chuang, D.H. and Hölscher, J., 2009. The changing financial system in Taiwan. , 215-233.
- Hölscher, J. and Stephan, J., 2009. Competition and antitrust policy in the enlarged European Union: A level playing field? Journal of Common Market Studies, 47 (4), 863-889.
- Hölscher, J., 2009. 20 Jahre wirtschaftstransformation - Fortschritte und fehlschläge. Wirtschaftsdienst, 89 (5), 287-292.
- Holscher, J., 2009. Russian translation appeared as summary. Mir Peremen.
- Holscher, 2009. 20 Years of Economic Transformation - Successes and Failures. Economic Service - Journal for Economic Policy, 89 (5), 287-293.
- Holscher, J., 2009. 20 Years of Economic Transition: Successes and Failures,. The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 3-17.
- Holscher, J., 2009. Twenty years of economic transition: Successes and failures. Comparative Economic Studies, 5, 3-18.
- Holscher, J., Bachan, R. and Stimpson, A., 2008. Oil demand in China: an econometric approach. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 3, 54-70.
- Holscher, J., 2007. Effects of European competition policy reform for Central East Europe. Intellectual Economics and Social Cohesion, Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 40-45.
- Holscher, J. and Stephan, J., 2007. Effects of European competition policy reform for Central East Europe ? an institutional perspective. Intellectual Economics and Social Cohesion, 1.
- Holscher, J., 2006. Income Distribution and Convergence in the Transition Process. Comparative Economic Studies, 48 (2), 302-325.
- Hölscher, J. and Jarmuzek, M., 2005. Overvalued or undervalued euroland entry? Post-Communist Economies, 17 (2), 235-250.
- Hölscher, J. and Stephan, J., 2004. Competition policy in Central Eastern Europe in the light of EU accession. Journal of Common Market Studies, 42 (2), 321-345.
- Wong, T. and Hölscher, J., 2004. Are the CEECs ready for the ERM II? Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2 (4), 30-48.
- Holscher, J. and Stephan, J., 2003. Merger control and competition policy in Central East Europe in view of EU accession. ICFAI Journal of International Business Law, 2, 55-72.
- Hölscher, J. and Bachan, R., 2002. Income dynamics and stability in the transition process: General reflections applied to the Czech Republic. Acta Oeconomica, 52 (4), 421-442.
- Holscher, J., 2001. Exchange rate strategies of new EU entrants.
- Hölscher, J., 2000. Macroeconomic instability in post-communist countries. ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 110 (461), F241-F243.
- Holscher, J., 1999. Macroeconomic Aspects of Entrepreneurship in Central-East Europe. Journal for East European Management Studies, Vol. 4.
- Holscher, J., 1999. Macroeconomic Aspects of Entrepreneurship in Central-East Europe. Journal for East European Management Studies, 4 (4), 323-330.
- Hölscher, J., 1999. The economics of German unification:: An introduction. ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 109 (456), F511-F513.
- Hölscher, J., 1999. The social market economy:: Theory and ethics of the economic order. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATIONALOKONOMIE, 69 (2), 215-216.
- Holscher, J., 1998. Formování trznehospodárskych systemu ve strední a vychodní Evrope. Mezinárodní vztahy.
- Hölscher, J., 1997. Economic dynamism in transition economies: Lessons from Germany. Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, 9 (2), 173-181.
- Grahl, J., Weisfeld, H., Holscher, J., Jacobsen, A. and Tomann, H., 1997. Conditions of economic development in Central and Eastern Europe, vol 2, Economic development and institutional change, vol 3, Field studies on transition, vol 4, Elements of a development strategy (vol 107, pg 815, 1997). ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 107 (444), 1603.
- Holscher, J., 1996. Russian economic reform - Leitzel,J. ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 106 (438), 1428-1430.
- Holscher, J., 1996. Winds of change: Economic transition in central and eastern Europe - Gros,D, Steinherr,A. ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 106 (439), 1799-1801.
- Holscher, J., 2015. Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hölscher, J., 2014. Poland and the Eurozone. Springer.
- Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace. London: Pickering & Chatto.
- Hölscher, J. and Klaes, M., 2014. Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace A Reappraisal. London: Pickering & Chatto.
- Hölscher, J., 2007. Germany's Economic Performance. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Gabrisch, H. and Hölscher, J., 2006. Successes and Failures of Economic Transition. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gabrisch, H. and Hölscher, J., 2006. The successes and failures of economic transition: The European experience.
- Hölscher, J. and Tomann, H., 2005. Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Riese, H., Hölscher, J. and Tomann, H., 2004. Money, Development and Economic Transformation. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Hölscher, J., 2001. 50 Years of the German Mark. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Holscher, J., Owen Smith, E. and Pugh, G., 2001. 50 Years German Mark - Essays in Honour of Stephen F. Frowen.
- Hölscher, J., 2000. Financial Turbulence and Capital Markets in Transition Countries. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Hölscher, J. and Hochberg, A., 1998. East Germany's Economic Development. Palgrave/Macmillan.
- Hölscher, J.G.A., Hölscher, J. and Holscher, J., 1997. The German Currency Union of 1990. Palgrave/Macmillan.
- Frowen, S.F. and Hölscher, J.G.A., 1997. The German Currency Union of 1990. Palgrave/Macmillan.
- Hölscher, J., 1994. Entwicklungsmodell Westdeutschland. Aspekte der Akkumulation in der Geldwirtschaft.. Duncker & Humblot Berlin.
- Howard-Jones, R. and Holscher, J., 2021. Brexit: The Lure of the Neoliberal Thought Collective. In: Andreff, W., ed. Comparative Economic Studies in Europe. Studies in Economic Transition. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2017. Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banks of Central Eastern Europe and in the Countries of the former Soviet Union. In: Horsch, A. and Sysoyeva, L., eds. Financial Institutions and Financial Regulation - New Developments in the European Union and Ukraine. Cuvillier Verlag Goettingen.
- Djalilov, K. and Hölscher, J., 2017. Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banks of Central Eastern Europe and in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union. In: Horsch, A. and Sysoyeva, L., eds. Financial Institutions and Financial Regulation – New Developments in the European Union and Ukraine. Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, 39-58.
- Hölscher, J., 2016. Comment: Keynes and Hayek - Some remarks on capital. Hayek: Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect. 251-255.
- Hartwell, C., 2015. Property Rights. In: Holscher, J., ed. Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Springer.
- Holscher, J. and Holscher, J., 2015. Competition Policy. Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, 245-261.
- Djalilov, K. and Hölscher, J., 2015. Dynamics of risk, concentration and effiency in banking sectors of transition economies. Development and Financial Reform in Emerging Economies. 99-107.
- Hölscher, J. and Klaes, M., 2015. Introduction: Standing the test of time: Maynard Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace, a century on. 1-6.
- Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2014. Dynamics of Risk, Concentration, and Efficiency in Transition Economies. In: Ruziev, K., ed. Development and Financial Reform in Emerging Economies. Pickering & Chatto.
- Holscher, J. and Hayward, R., 2014. the carry trade and Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis in the CEE and CIS. Poland and the Eurozone,. Macmillan’s Global Publishing.
- Holscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2013. Unabhängige Subventionskontrolle und staatliche Beihilfen in der erweiterten Europäischen Union. Unabhangige staatliche Institutionen in der Demokratie. Duncker & Humblot, 273-296.
- Holscher, J., Nulsch,, N. and Stephan, S., 2012. State Aid in the Enlarged European Union. Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics. Belgrade.
- Hölscher, J., 2011. Twenty years of economic transsition. Future prospects. 20 Years of Transformation: Achievements, Problems and Perspectives. 209-220.
- Holscher, J., 2011. 20 lat transformacji gospodarczej - sukcesy i porażk. 20 lat transformacji. Nova Publishers.
- Holscher, J., 2010. Deutschland und die Europäische Union als optimale Währungsräume-Krönungsthese versus Endogenitätstheorie. 20 Jahre Deutsche Einheit ? Von der Transformation zur europäischen Integration. Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), 35-42.
- Holscher, J., 2010. Keynes is back. China and the Global Financial Crisis - A Comparison with Europe. The World of Transformations.
- Holscher, J. and Chuang, D., 2008. The changing financial system in Taiwan. The changing financial system in Taiwan. Springer.
- Holscher, J. and Bai, B., 2008. Accounting and financial system reform in transition and developing economies. Banking Reform in China. Springer.
- Holscher, J., 2006. Money and Credit Market Integration in an enlarging Eurozone: Methodological Issues. European Economic Policies. Metropolis,.
- Bohl, M.T. and Hölscher, J., 2005. Hayek's 'free money movement' and the evolution of monetary order in historical perspective. Entrepreneurship, Money and Coordination: Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution. 150-155.
- Holscher, J. and Loewendahl, H., 2002. Anglo-German post-war economic relations and comparative performance. In: Noakes, J., Wende, P. and Wright, J., eds. Britain and Germany in Europe 1949-1990. Oxford University Press.
- Holscher, J. and Herten, S., 2001. Capital and credit-based development: lessons from the experience of industrial countries for transition economies in central East Europe. In: Frowen, S.F. and McHugh, F.P., eds. Financial Competition, Risk and Accountability: British and German Experiences. Palgrave Macmillan, 225-251.
- Holscher, J., 2001. European Monetary Integration. Exchange rate strategies of new EU entrants. Edward Elgar.
- Holscher, J., Smith, E.O. and Pugh, G., 2001. The DM undervaluation and West Germany’s economic performance. In: Holscher, J., ed. 50 Years of the German Mark: Essays in Honour of Stephen F. Frowen. Palgrave, 125-154.
- Lange, T. and Pugh, G., 1998. Catching up with the west: The achievements and limitations of creative destruction. 141-165.
- Holscher, J., Keynes and Hayek, 1997. Hayek - the Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect. Some Remarks On Capital. Macmillan Press, St Martin Press.
- Holscher, J. and Köhler, C., 1997. The German Currency Union of 1990 - A Critical Assessment,. . Privatisation and Private Property. Macmillan Press, St Martin's Press.
- Holscher, J. and Stephan, J., 1997. On Political Economy of Transformation: Country Studies. Export-Oriented Development and Income Creation. Metropolis.
- Holscher, J., 1990. Krisenmanagement und Wirtschaftswunder - Die Überwindung der Zahlungskrise 1950/51. Krisenmanagement und Wirtschaftswunder - Die Überwindung der Zahlungskrise 1950/51. Geldpolitik und ökonomische Entwicklung - Ein Symposion, Regensburg.
- Holscher, J., Lüken-Klaßen and Mathilde, 1990. Mythos Wirtschaftswunder. Süß, Werner. Übergänge.
- Holscher, J., 2023. The Successes and Failures of Economic. In: International Doctoral Summer School 27-29 June 2023 Estonia.
- Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2018. Brexit: The lure of the Neoliberal Thought Collective. In: Brexit 4 October 2018 Dorset. BAFES Working Papers Bournemouth University.
- Holscher, J., Postula, M., Alińska, A. and Klepacki, J., 2018. The impact of fiscal rules on sustainable development of the Visegrad Group countries. In: research seminar 20 March 2018 Bournemouth.
- Holscher, J., 2017. The Effects of Brexit on the EU, UK and Dorset - A Migrant's Account. In: Inaugural Lecture 18 October 2017 Barclays, Poole.
- Holscher, J. and Hayward, R., 2017. Carry Trade, Sudden Stops and Instability in Emerging Markets. In: The Future of Europe - Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspctive 17-19 December 2016 Warsaw, Poland.
- Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2016. Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banks of Central-Eastern Europe and in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union. In: Banking in Transition Countries 17-20 October 2016 Sumy, Ukraine. , 1-26.
- Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2016. Market power, regulation and stability in the banking sector of transition countries. In: Comparative Economic Development in the Long Run 8-10 September 2016 Regensburg, Germany.
- Howard-Jones, P., Radicic, D. and Holscher, J., 2016. The Impact of European Union Membership and loan financing on the performance of firms in the Balkan states. In: Comparative Economic Development in the Long Run 8-10 September 2016 Regensburg, Germany.
- Holscher, J. and Djalilov, K., 2015. DOES LOAN FINANCE HELP TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF SME’S: EVIDENCE FROM BANGLADESH AND INDIA. In: World congress of comparative economic studies 24 June-27 October 2015 Budapest.
- Holscher, J., 2015. Antecedents of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banks of Central-Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union Countries. In: Global conference of comparative economic studies 24-27 October 2015 Budapest.
- Holscher, J. and Howard-Jones, P., 2015. THE IMPACT OF LOAN FINANCING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SME’S FROM NON-EU TRANSITIONAL COUNTRIES. In: World congress of compararative economic studies 24 June-27 October 2015 Budapsest.
- Holscher, J., Collie, S. and Perugini, C., 2013. Inequality, deregulation, credit growth and crisis. In: Pacific Rim conference 24-26 April 2013 Seoul, Korea.
- Holscher, J., 2012. Azerbaijan in Transition. In: Azerbaijan in Transition 25 May-25 October 2012 Rome. Rome: Instituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Rome.
- Holscher, J., Nulsch, N. and Stephan, J., 2010. State Aid in the enlarged European Union: A Review. In: German Economic Association, Comittee for Institutional Economics and Economic Systems 23-25 September 2012 Jena. Discussion Paper, 1-37 Halle, Germany: Halle Institute for Economic Research.
- Hochberg, A., 1998. Lessons from German unification for European integration? A conceptual approach. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 185-198.
- Smith, E.O., 1998. Economic aspects of German unification: Lessons for European integration. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 166-184.
- Waldner, W., 1998. Private property and the transformation process. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 92-106.
- Kaser, M., 1998. The eastern Lander as a transition economy. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 53-78.
- Holscher, J. and Stephan, J., 1998. The 'German model' in decline. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 20-36.
- Coop, J. and Vis, R., 1998. Problems of the Welfare State and the new German Lander. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 109-119.
- Paque, K.H., 1998. From miracle to crisis? The German economy at the end of the twentieth century. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 3-19.
- Huther, M., 1998. Economic policy for the new German Lander: Supply-side economics needed. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 37-49.
- Bastian, J., 1998. The institutional architecture of an Alliance for Jobs. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 120-140.
- Herzog, M., 1998. Determinants of entrepreneurial success in East Germany. EAST GERMANY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE UNIFICATION, 79-91.
Scholarly Editions
- Benecki, R., Hölscher, J. and Jarmuzek, M.. FISCAL TRANSPARENCY AND POLICY RULES IN POLAND.
- The Effects of Brexit on the EU, UK and Dorset - A Migrant's Account, 2017. Video.
- Holscher, J., 2023. BBC Interview. BBC. Published.
- Holscher, J., 2008. Obituary: Stephen Frowen: Anglo-German Economist. The Indipendent. Published.
PhD Students
- Fiona Vidler. Fiona Vidler 2022 onwards: Productivity in the Light of Access to Finance and Corruption in Transitional Economies, (In progress)
- Emmanuel Silva (completed), 2016. Essays in Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Kolawole Albright (2nd, completed), 2017. An examination of bank use of credit derivatives to mitigate risk
- Elfrida Elswood (2nd, completed), 2018. The impact of Tax and Governance on Profitability of Inward Investment in Asian Countries
- Than Tuan Chu (completed), 2018. On the composition of government spending and economic growth: an empirical analysis of cross-national economic growth and lessons for Vietnam
- Azadeh Pazouki (completed). Oil Price Volatility and Government Spending behaviour in OPEC Countries
- Babatunde Akinade (2nd, completed). Essays in Trade Policy
- Dr. Jörg Hering (completed). The Information Content of Narrative Disclosures in Financial Statements
Profile of Teaching PG
- Research Project
- Portfolio Construction and Theory
Profile of Teaching UG
- Global Markets, Development & Labour
Invited Lectures
The effects of Brexit on the EU, the UK and Dorset, Freiberg University, Germany, 09 Jul 2019 more
ERASMUS visit -
Determinants of CSR in Transition Countries, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 10 May 2017 more
Samarkand State University (Uzbekistan) invited Professor Jens Hölscher and Dr Khurshid Djalilov to deliver a research presentation -
Emerging Markets and Transition Economics, Belgrade University, Serbia, 27 May 2016 more
University of Belgrade, Serbia, Balkans tour, presentation of new book -
Emerging Markets and Transition Economics, Pristina, Kosovo, 25 May 2016 more
Pristina, Kosovo, Balkans tour, presentation of new book -
Emerging Markets and Transition Economics, Skopje, Macedonia, 24 May 2016 more
Skopje, Macedonia, Balkans tour, presentation of new book -
Emerging Market and Transition Economics, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina, 22 May 2016 more
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Balkans tour, presentation of new book -
Emerging Markets and Transition Economics, Split University, Croatia, 19 May 2016 more
Split University, Croatia, Balkans tour, presentation of new book -
Emerging Markets and Transition Economics, Pula, Croatia, 16 May 2016 more
Pula University, Croatia, part of Balkans tour, presentation of new book
- Poole Marine Cluster Supply Chain Analysis (Borough of Poole, 16 Feb 2018). Completed
- Brexit: Next Steps for Businesses and Trade Policy (Economic and Social Research Council, 09 Nov 2017). Completed
- Access to Finance for SMEs (ESRC, 01 Aug 2014). Completed
- Finance for SMEs (ESRC, 06 Nov 2013). Completed
- The slow way to European social and economic cohesion: In search of (Jean Monnet Programme, 01 Oct 2012). Completed
- Variety of institutional settings and socio-economic inequalities in the (Jean Monnet Programme, 01 Oct 2012). Completed
- Poverty and Life Satisfaction in Transition Societies (Open Society Foundation, 04 May 2011). Completed
External Responsibilities
- Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, External Examiner (2019-)
- University of Lincoln, External Examiner (2018-)
- Economic Annals, member of editorial board (2016-),
- University of Wales validated course at Management Development Institute Singapore, Tashkent, external examiner (2015-2016)
- University of Westminster, External Examiner (2015-2018)
- University of Bolzano - Bozen, Visiting Professor (2014)
- University of Derby, external examiner (2013-2015)
- University of Portsmouth, external examiner (2013-2017)
- Halle Institute for Econmic Research (IWH), Germany, Visiting Research Professor (2012-2016)
- University of Reading, external examiner (2008-2012)
- Palgrave/Macmillan, editor (1998-),; Studies in Economic Transition
Public Engagement & Outreach Activities
- fiscal policy (17 Nov 2022)
- radio interview (03 Nov 2022)
- economic policy (17 Oct 2022-17 Nov 2022)
- Narrowing the gaps: 30 years after the transition started and 14 years after enlargement – where are we on convergence? (25 Jan 2018-26 Jan 2018)
- The Effects of Brexit on the EU, the UK and Dorset – A migrants account (18 Oct 2017)
- Peer Reviewer (09 Dec 2015-30 Sep 2019)
- member of ESRC Peer Review College (09 Feb 2015)
- PhD Scholarhips reviewer
- Brexit: Next Steps for Businesses and Trade Policy
- invited seminars
- CABS Deans and Director's Development Programme (3DP) 2019
Conference Presentations
- Paper Development Workshop - Special Issue Journal of Business Ethics, Environmental dynamism, corporate social responsibility and bank performance: Evidence from transition countries, 11 Jul 2019, Regensburg, Germany
- PhD in Economics (Free University Berlin, 1993)
- MSc in Economics (Free University Berlin, 1989)
- Bankkaufmannn in finance (Lindener Volksbank eG, Hanover, 1984)
- Deans and Directors Development Programme (3DP) (Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS), 2019)
- Member of Peer Review College (Economic and Social Research Council, 2015)
- Higher Education Academy, Senior Fellow (2016-),
- Chartered Association of Business Schools, Member (2013-),
- CHUDE (Conference of Heads of University Departments of Economics), member (2013-2019),
- European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), Member, Ex Vice President, President, Treasurer,
- German Economic Association, Committee for Institutional Economics and Economic Systems, Fellow,
- Managing Economic Transition
Website Links
- TV Interview,
- TV Interview,
- interview on budget,
External Media and Press
- Bitcoin, BBC South, 21 Aug 2018.
- Cryptocurrency, BBC South Today, 15 Aug 2018.
- EU’s shock plot to slap huge tariffs on UK goods as Brexit punishment will spark TRADE WAR, Daily Express, 09 Mar 2018.
- Brexit and ECJ, Express, 09 Mar 2018.
- Brexit: financial services jobs 'already going abroad' Darren Slade echodaz, Daily Echo, 07 Mar 2018.
- Brexit and Japan Trade with the UK, Sputniknews.
- Brexit, youtube.
- Brexit, Bournemouth Echo.