Journal Articles
- "<i>Finding the Orphaned Irish Parts of Me</i>" at the New Cut: Defining Self-Identity Through Encountering an Archaeological Site more
- "3D Printing, the Internet and Patent Law – A History repeating?” more
- "An island of tranquillity" - Kritika: Essays on Intellectual Property—Volume I Peter Drahos , Gustavo Ghidini and Hanns Ullrich (eds) Edward Elgar, 2015 pp. 352 (Book review) more
- "Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe (vol 116, pg17231, 2019) more
- "Animal Bone" In Excavation of an Early Saxon settlement at Pitstone by M Phillips et al. more
- "Animal Bone" in J Lovell: Excavation of a Romano-British Farmstead at RNAS Yeovilton. more
- "Animal Bone" In The Investigation of an Early-Middle Iron Age Settlement and Field System at Topler’s Hill by M Luke more
- "Animal bones" in A. Mudd and T. Upson-Smith, Middle Iron Age and Late Iron Age/Early Roman enclosures at the former sports ground, Alma Road, Peterborough more
- "Animal Bones" In M. Rawlings, M.J. Allen and F. Healy, Investigation of the Whitesheet Down Environs 1989-90: Neolithic Causewayed Enclosure and Iron Age Settlement. more
- "At Pevensey doth a ruin’d Castle stand”: The Development of the Post-Norman Castle and its Decline’ more
- "Caring for Insiderness": Phenomenologically informed insights that can guide practice. more
- "Caring for insiderness": Phenomenologically informed insights that can guide practice. more
- "Charred Apples": In Bronze Age Burials and Settlement and an Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Claypit Lane, Westhampnett, West Sussex by A.M. Chadwick more
- "Choice" and place of delivery: A qualitative study of women in remote and rural Scotland more
- "Clone Wars": Episode II - The Next Generation: The Copyright Implications relating to 3D Printing and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Files more
- "Compassion as a Pedagogical Principle" in Reflections on the Shifting Shape of Journalism Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic [BU JOURNALISM EDUCATION RESEARCH GROUP] more
- "Convenient space" or "a tight squeeze": Insider views on the community pharmacy more
- "Cremated Bone": In Prehistoric and Roman Derby: Excavations at Littleover, Derby, 2003-4 more
- "Dignity is integral to nursing, not something you learn to 'deliver'". more
- "Don't speak until you are spoken to" and other lessons from the past. more
- "Dwelling-mobility": An existential theory of well-being more
- "Faunal Remains" In Bronze Age and Romano-British Sites South-East of Tewkesbury: Valuations and Excavations 1991-7 by G Walker, A Thomas and C Bateman more
- "Fordham for all to enjoy" - Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Volume 10 Hugh C. Hansen (Ed.) Hart Publishing, 2008 ISBN: 1841138274 /9781841138275, Hard cover, pp. 893 (Book Review) more
- '"Holy Crap! More Star Wars? More Star Wars? What if They're Crap?" Disney, Lucasfilm and Online Star Wars Fandom in the 21st Century' more