SmartPowerchair: To boldly go where a Powerchair has not gone before

Authors: Whittington, P., Dogan, H. and Phalp, K.

Journal: Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015

Pages: 233-242


A survey was conducted targeting a user community of people in powered wheelchairs (powerchairs) as the requirements elicitation phase of a proposed SmartPowerchair, using online and paper-based methods. Analysis of the survey results using graphs and statistics led to key findings. These showed that opening/closing curtains, windows, doors and operating heating controls were the most difficult tasks to perform from a powerchair and also that an integrated smartphone operated by either touch or head tracking would be the most useful to potential SmartPowerchair users. This research is supported by a usability evaluation case study of a pervasive assistive technology which revealed System Usability Scale (SUS) and NASA Task Load Index (TLX) results.

Source: Scopus