Emily Brooks

Emily Brooks

  • 01202 961815
  • ebrooks at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BGB410, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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Emily Brooks BA(Hons), PGDip, RMN, PGcert, is a Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing at Bournemouth University. She is a registered mental health nurse and has worked in a variety of mental health settings including, CAMHS, Perinatal Services, Inpatient, and Community settings. Emily also has a background of teaching, working in public, private, mainstream, and special educational need settings. Within this, she has specialised in teaching drama to support people to overcome personal, social, and educational barriers. In nursing education, Emily is exploring how mental health simulation practice can support student learning and understanding.

Emily has worked in the prison environment as a mental health nurse, caring for people with severe, and enduring mental and physical health conditions, to individuals who require short term interventions. She is skilled at supporting individuals to develop strategies, enabling them to manage their mental health and realise their full potential. Presently, Emily is researching how drama projects can support rehabilitation for men in prison...



PhD study exploring the use of drama-projects in prison for those with experience of substance use.

Journal Articles



Profile of Teaching UG

  • Nursing Practice and Nursing Skills
  • Applied Healthcare Sciences
  • Acute and Long-Term Health Challenges
  • Therapeutic Communication & Interpersonal Skills for Nursing
  • Improving Safety & Quality of Care
  • Nursing Theory and Application
  • Nursing Practice and Nursing Skills

External Responsibilities

  • University of Suffolk, External Examiner (2024-)

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Zombie Apocalypse - A Major Incident Simulation Exercise (20 Mar 2024-21 Mar 2024)

Conference Presentations

  • Fusion Learning Conference 2023, Fusion Learning Conference 2023, 05 Jul 2023, Bournemouth University

Attended Training

  • Understanding Prison Healthcare – Accredited Level 6 (15 points)
  • Support to Breastfeeding OSCE


  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education Practice (2023)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (Bournemouth University, 2021)
  • BA (Hons) in Performing Arts and Dance (University of Chichester, 2014)
  • TEFL in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (The TEFL Academy Bournemouth, 2014)


  • PG Cert Award of Commendation (Bournemouth University, 2023)
  • Teaching Fellowship (Bournemouth University, 2023)