Dr Martyn Polkinghorne
- 01202 965632
- polkinghornem at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5727-3785
- Associate Professor
- Dorset House D131, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Dr Martyn Polkinghorne has a PhD in Knowledge Management and Decision Making using Artificial Intelligence and is recognised as being the developer of the first commercially available intelligent ship autopilot system.
At Bournemouth University, he is Associate Professor for Business and Management operating from within the Business School and is based in the Department of People and Organisations (PAO). He was previously in the Department of Marketing, Strategy and Innovation (MSI). Until recently, he was seconded to the Centre for Fusion Learning Innovation and Excellence within the Vice-Chancellor's Office to lead on academic innovation across the university as an Education Excellence Theme Leader.
Martyn is Director of the Help to Grow Management Programme. He was previously the Head of Education for the Department of People and Organisations (P&O) and before that he was the Head of Education for the Department of Leadership, Strategy and Organisations (LSO) in the Business School with responsibility for the business and management portfolio of undergraduate courses...
Martyn was also previously a Visiting Fellow in the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences assisting them with external relationships and funding applications.
Martyn has held a university-wide role supporting both academic innovation, and also the development of academic and professional service staff through the Advance HE accredited TeachBU initiative which offers Fellowship. He is an Advance HE Principal Fellow and a UKCGE Recognised Research Supervisor.
Martyn was previously Knowledge Transfer Programmes Centre Manager for Bournemouth University and the Head of Innovation and Start-up programmes at the University of Plymouth.
Following an earlier career delivering business support and knowledge transfer solutions to the public and private sectors, Martyn's current research interests include doctoral supervision, project management, decision making, small business issues and the role of 'recursive abstraction' as a qualitative analysis technique.
My current research interests include:
• Doctoral Supervision
• Project Management Research
• Business and Management Research
- Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2024. Supporting Educational Projects in Pakistan: Operationalizing UN Sustainable Development Goal 4. In: Leal Filho, W., Ng, T., Iyer-Raniga, U., Ng, A. and Sharifi, A., eds. SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 1-23.
- O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M., Chapleo, C. and Cownie, F., 2024. Contemporary Branding Strategies for Higher Education. Encyclopedia, 4 (3), 1292-1311.
- Harvey, O., Casey, C., Polkinghorne, M., Trenoweth, S., Knight, F., Helstrip, J. and Taylor, J., 2024. Qualitative Pilot Interventions for the Enhancement of Mental Health Support in Doctoral Students. Psych., 6, 426-437.
- Knight, F., Taylor, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Doctoral Student Experience: The Supervisors’ Perspective. Education Sciences, 14 (1).
- Kurtuk, I.C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Optimising Decision-Making: Devising a Framework Applicable to Project Management Practitioners. , 53-69.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Considering the Impact of a Founder’s Own Characteristics on Business Growth Strategy. , 157-174.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2024. Postgraduate Research Culture: Providing a Positive Learning Environment and Experience. , 375-390.
- Taylor, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. Confessions of a Monopoly: The Covert Decision Making of the Early BBC. Journalism and Media, 4 (4), 1065-1078.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. Unraveling Interconnections: Analyzing the Impact of a Founder’s Characteristics on Business Growth Strategy. Businesses, 3 (3), 475-488.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J., Lamont, C. and Roushan, G., 2023. Evaluating Student Learning Gain: A Case Study Based Upon Group-Work. Business Management and Change, 21 (1), 10-29.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. The Impact of Founder Characteristics on CEO - Succession in UK IPOs. Business Management & Finance, 2 (1), 1-8.
- Polkinghorne, M., Bobeva, M. and Shahid, S., 2023. Managing Sustainable Projects: Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data Using the Recursive Abstraction Method. Sage Research Methods: Business, 1-26.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J., Knight, F. and Stewart, N., 2023. Doctoral Supervision: A Best Practice Review. Encyclopedia, 3 (1), 46-59.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2022. Understanding Student Learning Gain: Using Student-Staff Partnerships within Higher Education to Inform the Continuous Improvement Process. Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives, 23, 3-17.
- O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Investigating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Business Education: Using Learning Gain as a Measure to Compare Two Cohorts of Marketing Students. Businesses, 2 (2), 214-227.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Recursive Abstraction Method for Analysing Qualitative Data. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopaedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2022. Implications of COVID-19 on Researcher Development: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities. Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption: Evaluating Academic Innovations in Higher Education during COVID-19. 173-188.
- Clarke, R., Polkinghorne, M., Gilani, P. and Farquharson, L., 2022. Driving Economic Growth: Examining the Role of Leadership within SME Innovation. , 63-80.
- Leidner, S., Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2022. Evaluating Student Learning Gain: A Study to Consider How Teaching Online During the Covid-19 Pandemic Affected Student Learning. , 3-20.
- Ayatakshi-Endow, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Okafor, U., 2022. It’s Not Just Physical: Gender and Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. , 81-110.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2021. Continuous Improvement in Education: Understanding the Effectiveness of our Business and Management Teaching. Journal of Business Management & Change, 19 (2), 4-20.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2021. Seeking an educational Utopia: an alternative model for evaluating student Learning Gain. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (6), 857-869.
- Polkinghorne, M., O'Sullivan, H., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2019. An innovative framework for higher education to evaluate learning gain: a case study based upon the discipline of marketing. Studies in Higher Education, 46 (9), 1740-1755.
- Manville, G., Karakas, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Petford, N., 2019. Supporting open innovation with the use of a balanced scorecard approach: a study on deep smarts and effective knowledge transfer to SMEs. Production Planning and Control, 30 (10-12), 842-853.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2019. Switching on the BBC: Using Recursive Abstraction to Undertake a Narrative Inquiry-Based Investigation Into the BBC’s Early Strategic Business and Management Issues. SAGE Research Methods Cases, Part 2, 1-20.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2017. Considering the marketing of higher education: the role of student learning gain as a potential indicator of teaching quality. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 27 (2), 213-232.
- Manville, G., Petford, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. A Knowledge Management Case Study in Partnership and Relationship Impact: Towards a First Class Third Sector. In: 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) 3-4 September 2009 Vicenza, Italy.
- Polkinghorne, M.N., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, B.S., 1997. Intelligent ship control with online learning ability. COMPUTING & CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 8 (5), 196-200.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1996. Operational performance of an initial design of self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot. In: IEE International Conference on Control Engineering 1996 Exeter. , 1:586-1:591.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N., Burns, R.S. and Winwood, D., 1994. The implementation of fixed rulebase fuzzy logic to the control of small surface ships. International federation of automatic control (IFAC). Control Engineering Practice, 3, 321-328.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Quality education
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all"
Decent work and economic growth
"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"
Journal Articles
- O’Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and O’Sullivan, M., 2024. Understanding Success: An Initial Investigation Considering the Alignment of University Branding with the Expectations of Future Students. Administrative Sciences, 14 (10).
- O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M., Chapleo, C. and Cownie, F., 2024. Contemporary Branding Strategies for Higher Education. Encyclopedia, 4 (3), 1292-1311.
- Harvey, O., Casey, C., Polkinghorne, M., Trenoweth, S., Knight, F., Helstrip, J. and Taylor, J., 2024. Qualitative Pilot Interventions for the Enhancement of Mental Health Support in Doctoral Students. Psych., 6, 426-437.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2024. Postgraduate Research Culture: Providing a Positive Learning Environment and Experience. , 375-390.
- Knight, F., Taylor, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Doctoral Student Experience: The Supervisors’ Perspective. Education Sciences, 14 (1).
- Kurtuk, I.C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Optimising Decision-Making: Devising a Framework Applicable to Project Management Practitioners. , 53-69.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Considering the Impact of a Founder’s Own Characteristics on Business Growth Strategy. , 157-174.
- Taylor, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. Confessions of a Monopoly: The Covert Decision Making of the Early BBC. Journalism and Media, 4 (4), 1065-1078.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. Unraveling Interconnections: Analyzing the Impact of a Founder’s Characteristics on Business Growth Strategy. Businesses, 3 (3), 475-488.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J., Lamont, C. and Roushan, G., 2023. Evaluating Student Learning Gain: A Case Study Based Upon Group-Work. Business Management and Change, 21 (1), 10-29.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2023. The Impact of Founder Characteristics on CEO - Succession in UK IPOs. Business Management & Finance, 2 (1), 1-8.
- Polkinghorne, M., Bobeva, M. and Shahid, S., 2023. Managing Sustainable Projects: Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data Using the Recursive Abstraction Method. Sage Research Methods: Business, 1-26.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J., Knight, F. and Stewart, N., 2023. Doctoral Supervision: A Best Practice Review. Encyclopedia, 3 (1), 46-59.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2022. Understanding Student Learning Gain: Using Student-Staff Partnerships within Higher Education to Inform the Continuous Improvement Process. Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives, 23, 3-17.
- O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Investigating the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Business Education: Using Learning Gain as a Measure to Compare Two Cohorts of Marketing Students. Businesses, 2 (2), 214-227.
- Clarke, R., Polkinghorne, M., Gilani, P. and Farquharson, L., 2022. Driving Economic Growth: Examining the Role of Leadership within SME Innovation. , 63-80.
- Ayatakshi-Endow, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Okafor, U., 2022. It’s Not Just Physical: Gender and Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. , 81-110.
- Leidner, S., Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2022. Evaluating Student Learning Gain: A Study to Consider How Teaching Online During the Covid-19 Pandemic Affected Student Learning. , 3-20.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2021. Continuous Improvement in Education: Understanding the Effectiveness of our Business and Management Teaching. Journal of Business Management & Change, 19 (2), 4-20.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2021. Seeking an educational Utopia: an alternative model for evaluating student Learning Gain. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45 (6), 857-869.
- Polkinghorne, M., O'Sullivan, H., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2019. An innovative framework for higher education to evaluate learning gain: a case study based upon the discipline of marketing. Studies in Higher Education, 46 (9), 1740-1755.
- Manville, G., Karakas, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Petford, N., 2019. Supporting open innovation with the use of a balanced scorecard approach: a study on deep smarts and effective knowledge transfer to SMEs. Production Planning and Control, 30 (10-12), 842-853.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2019. Switching on the BBC: Using Recursive Abstraction to Undertake a Narrative Inquiry-Based Investigation Into the BBC’s Early Strategic Business and Management Issues. SAGE Research Methods Cases, Part 2, 1-20.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2017. Considering the marketing of higher education: the role of student learning gain as a potential indicator of teaching quality. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 27 (2), 213-232.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2011. Knowledge Management in Partnerships. The Partner, 2011, 74-77.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2011. Knowledge Transfer Partnership: SMD and Bournemouth University. The Partner, 2011, 105-107.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2011. Effective Knowledge Management is so Important to Businesses. Institute of Knowledge Transfer - Exchange, Winter, 17.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Can we measure knowledge transfer? IKT Exchange, Autumn, 14.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Forgotten Dimensions of Knowledge Transfer. University Business Magazine, 21, 42-43.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Cereal success. Food and Drink Technology, 9, 2-3.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. How can graduate skills reflect the needs of business and industry? Short article. The House Magazine: the parliamentary weekly, 32, 34.
- Bennett, J., Polkinghorne, M., Pearce, J. and Hudson, M., 1999. Technology transfer for SME's (modified reprint). Engineering Management Journal, 9, 75-80.
- Bennett, J., Polkinghorne, M., Pearce, J. and Hudson, M., 1999. Technology transfer for SMEs. Engineering Management Journal, 9 (2), 75-80.
- Bennett, J., Polkinghorne, M. and Pearce, J., 1998. Technology transfer for SMEs. Manufacturing Engineer, 77, 139-143.
- Anderson, J.A. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. A rough start in life. Manufacturing Engineer, 77, 161-164.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Editorial - special section on marine control. Control theory and applications, IEE Proceedings D, 144, 109.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, R.S., 1997. Intelligent ship control with online learning ability. Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 8, 196-200.
- Burrows, R.J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Scheduling without tears. Manufacturing Engineer, 76, 129-132.
- Richter, R., Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M.N. and Nurse, P., 1997. Predictive ship control using a fuzzy-neural autopilot. Ship Control Systems Symposium, Proceedings, 1, 161-172.
- Polkinghorne, M.N., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, B.S., 1997. Intelligent ship control with online learning ability. COMPUTING & CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 8 (5), 196-200.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Fuzzy logic autopilot for small boats. Electrotechnology, 7, 14-16.
- Polkinghorne, M.N., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1996. Operational performance of an initial design of self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot. IEE Conference Publication, 586-591.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1995. Control with intelligence. Offshore Research Focus, 106.
- Polkinghorne, M.N., Roberts, G.N., Burns, R.S. and Winwood, D., 1995. The implementation of fixed rulebase fuzzy logic to the control of small surface ships. Control Engineering Practice, 3 (3), 321-328.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N., Burns, R.S. and Winwood, D., 1994. The implementation of fixed rulebase fuzzy logic to the control of small surface ships. International federation of automatic control (IFAC). Control Engineering Practice, 3, 321-328.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1994. Fuzzy logic autopilot. Offshore Research Focus, 102.
- Fusion Learning Conference Proceedings 2023. Bournemouth University: FLIE.
- Polkinghorne, M. et al., 2023. Fusion Learning Conference 2023 - Proceedings. Poole, Dorset, UK, BH12 5BB: Bournemouth University.
- Allen, S. et al., 2022. Fusion Learning Conference 2021 - Supplement. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Allen, S. et al., 2022. Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022 - Proceedings. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Allen, S., Bobeva, M., Budka, M., Clarke, S., Darby, I., Devis-Rozental, M., Holley, D., Iannuzzi, L., Phillips, P., Böckle, E., Polkinghorne, M., Quinney, C., Stewart, N., Tait, D., Taylor, D., Thurston, J., Watson, A. et al., 2022. Fusion Learning Conference 2021. Poole, Dorset, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2015. Two Blue Hats Student Guide to Analysing Qualitative Interview Data Using Recursive Abstraction. UK: Kindle Direct Publication in Association with Two Blue Hats Ltd.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2015. Imagine...: A Thought Book To Help Young Children Go To Sleep. UK: Kindle Direct Publication in Association with Two Blue Hats Ltd.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2015. A Graphical Description of Basic Research Philosophies. UK: Kindle Direct Publication in Association with Two Blue Hats Ltd.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships 2009 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. 2008 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Kilburn, D., 2007. Developing the Tools to Enable Business Growth and Development: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships 2007 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2001. How to Assess Your Risks (Fast Track for Management). Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2000. How to assess your risks. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- How to plan new activities. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1998. Innovation in action: TCS Regional Seminar '98 on Innovation and Technology Transfer. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Understanding simple neural networks. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Understanding risk management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Understanding project management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Self-organising fuzzy logic for control: intelligent autopilot case study. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Applications of advanced marine control. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Applications of advanced marine control. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Devis-Rozental, C., O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and Rose Clarke, S., 2024. Life Gain: Using a Co-creation Approach to Developing the Socio-emotional Intelligence of a Foundation Year Student Cohort. In: Jamil, M.G., O'Connor, C. and Shelton, F., eds. Co-Creation for Academic Enhancement in Higher Education.. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 233-249.
- Polkinghorne, M., McIntyre-Bhatty, T. and Roushan, G., 2024. A Tailored Co-creation Approach to Contextualising the Student Voice in Higher Education. In: Jamil, M.G., O'Connor, C. and Shelton, F., eds. Co-Creation for Academic Enhancement in Higher Education. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 67-86.
- Liu, Y. and Polkinghorne, M., 2024. Considering the Impact of a Founder’s Own Characteristics on Business Growth Strategy. Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives. cham: Springer, 157-174.
- Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2024. Supporting Educational Projects in Pakistan: Operationalizing UN Sustainable Development Goal 4. In: Leal Filho, W., Ng, T., Iyer-Raniga, U., Ng, A. and Sharifi, A., eds. SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Cham: Springer, 1-23.
- Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2024. Exploring Success Factors Underpinning the Delivery of UN SDG-4 Quality Education Projects in Pakistan. Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics. 227-244.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Recursive Abstraction Method for Analysing Qualitative Data. In: Buhalis, D., ed. Encyclopaedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Thurston, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Students as Researchers. In: Drake, W., Roushan, G. and Polkinghorne, M., eds. Proceedings of the Fusion Learning Conference 2021. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2022. Implications of COVID-19 on Researcher Development: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities. Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption: Evaluating Academic Innovations in Higher Education during COVID-19. 173-188.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Establishing a Developmental Strategy - A knowledge transfer Case Study. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of Knowledge Transfer to Small and Medium Sized Businesses: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., Rowles, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development a Differentiation Strategy - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Day, J., Hollocks, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development of Distinctive Software Solutions - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Cownie, F., Milton, P. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development of an e-Marketing & IT Strategy - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., McIntyre, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Re-branding and Innovative Distribution Networking - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development of an Effective Contract Review Mechanism - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Ghosh, S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development of a Knowledge Capturing Methodology - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2009 ed. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gabrys, B., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Commercial application of computational intelligence - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2008 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Ball, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2008. Developing a system to capture patient meal orders - a knowledge transfer case study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2008 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roach, J. and Stock, N., 2008. Developing the technology to improve safety in nursing and care homes – A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2008 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Jones, M., Main, A. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Developing & exploiting new market opportunities. In: Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., eds. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2007 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Reynolds, T., Polkinghorne, M., Tabeshfar, K. and Velay, X., 2007. Introducing design processes & processes. In: Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., eds. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. 2007 ed.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2007. Editorial. Applications of knowledge transfer to small and medium sized businesses. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Leavey, C., Polkinghorne, M., Sutton, R. and Burrows, R.J., 1999. An intelligent decision support system for specialist product design. In: Roberts, G.N. and Tubb, C.A.J., eds. Proceedings of WESIC '99 - Workshop on European Scientific and Industrial Collaboration: Promoting Advanced Technologies in Manufacturing. Mechatronics Research Centre, University of Wales College Newport, 317-326.
- Leavey, C., Polkinghorne, M., Sutton, R. and Pearce, J., 1999. Towards an intelligent design to manufacture process for bespoke product development. IMC 15: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Ulster , 1998. University of Ulster, 253-251.
- Bennett, J.P.H., Polkinghorne, M. and Pearce, J.F., 1998. Quantifying the effectiveness of an academic-industry technology transfer initiative in a low prosperity region of the UK. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Management of Technology, Orlando, Florida 1998. International Conference on Management of Technology, 16-20.
- Leavey, C., Burrows, R.J., Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. CE marking within a manufacturing SME: trials and tribulations. IMC 15: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Ulster , 1998. University of Ulster, 565-574.
- Wood, R., Polkinghorne, M., Grieve, D. and Burns, R.S., 1998. Implications of machine force testing to the product design process. IMC 15: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, Ulster , 1998. University of Ulster, 223-232.
- Anderson, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Application of HALT and HASS techniques for quality improvement. IMC-14: Sustainable technology in manufacturing industries : proceedings of the fourteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, 3-5 September 1997. Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, 223-228.
- Anderson, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Application of HALT and HASS techniques in an advanced factory environment. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 223-228.
- Beak, A., Cooper, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Investigations into the implementation of value analysis/value engineering to a specialist SME. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- Burrows, R.J., Polkinghorne, M., Biss, T. and Smith, D., 1997. Implementation of QMS by employing a soft systems approach. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge, 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 376-380.
- Burrows, R.J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. An appraisal of the new technological solutions applied to scheduling and scheduling systems for SMEs. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge, 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 229-234.
- Charlton, D., Robinson, P. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Development of an enhanced video location and tracking system for an XY servo table. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge, 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 69-75.
- Marshall, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. The operational advantages for manufacture of employing a generic design methodology. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge, 1997. IET, 235-239.
- Marshall, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Implementation of a generic design methodology for cost effective quality. Proceedings of the Teaching Company Directorate Seminar on Effective Quality, London 1997. Teaching Company Directorate.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, R.S., 1997. Consideration of performance assessment criteria required for a self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot. 11th Ship Control Systems Symposium: Transport and Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere Vol 1. WIT Press, 151-159.
- Richter, R., Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M. and Nurse, P., 1997. Predictive ship control using a novel fuzzy-neural approach. In: Wilson, P.A., ed. 11th Ship Conference: Transport and Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere Vol 1. WIT Press, 161-172.
- Wilson, A. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Implications of electromagnetic compatibility for product manufacture in the factory environment. International Conference on Factory 2000: Technology Exploitation Process, Cambridge, 1997. Institution of Engineering and Technology, 240-246.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, R.S., 1996. Practical results from full scale sea trials for a self-organising design of fuzzy autopilot. IEE Colloquium on Artificial Intelligence in Consumer and Domestic Products, 22 October 1996, London. IEEE, 7/1-7/5.
- Burrows, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Using a soft approach to QMS implementation within a manufacturing SME. In: Bramley, A.N., Mileham, A.R. and Owen, G.W., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology X: Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Bath, England: University of Bath, 236-240.
- Evans, M., Cooper, B., Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M., Culverhouse, P. and Qurashi, Z.A., 1996. Automated test data analysis for a manufacturing application. In: Bramley, A.N., Mileham, A.R. and Owen, G.W., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology X: Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Bath, England: University of Bath, 526-530.
- Lyall, D., Bennett, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Lead time reduction through design automation. In: Bramley, A.N., Mileham, A.R. and Owen, G.W., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology X: Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Bath, England: University of Bath.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S., Baldwin, M. and Qurashi, Z.A., 1996. A novel approach to risk assessment using a safety FMEA. In: Bramley, A.N., Mileham, A.R. and Owen, G.W., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology X: Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Bath, England: University of Bath, 306-310.
- Qurashi, Z.A., Polkinghorne, M. and Pearce, J., 1996. Contingency planning for a small manufacturing company. In: Bramley, A.N., Mileham, A.R. and Owen, G.W., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology X: Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Bath, England: University of Bath, 469-500.
- Evans, M., Cooper, B., Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Culverhouse, P., 1996. Automation test data analysis and charting for a manufacturing application. Proceedings of the Teaching Company Directorate seminar on manufacturing, 1996, Brighton. Teaching Company Directorate, 37-47.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Baldwin, M., 1996. An FMEA approach to risk assessment to conform with the EC machinery directive. Proceedings of the Institute of Measurement and Control Symposium on Risk Management in a Regulated Environment, London 1996. Institute of Measurement and Control Symposium.
- Richter, R., Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M. and Nurse, P., 1996. Modelling and control of surface ships by employing a fuzzy-neural solution. Proceedings of Eleventh International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE 1996, Las Vegas, NV, USA.. ICSE.
- Qurashi, Z., Burns, R.S., Chaston, I. and Polkinghorne, M., 1996. The assessment and development of a decision support tool for SME factory automation. Proceedings of TTI '96: Technology Transfer and Innovation Conference, Teaching Company Directorate, Faringdon, Oxfordshire, UK.. TTI.
- Qurashi, Z., Polkinghorne, M., Bennett, J. and Pearce, J., 1996. The economic impact of the teaching company scheme on the local manufacturing base. Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Systems and Technologies (AMPST '96). Wiley, 431-438.
- Qurashi, Z., Polkinghorne, M. and Pearce, J., 1996. Risk management by contingency planning in a competitive manufacturing environment. Proceedings of the Institute of Measurement and Control Symposium on Risk Management in a Regulated Environment, London, 1996. Institute of Measurement and Control.
- Qurashi, Z., Polkinghorne, M., Pearce, J.F. and Bennett, J., 1996. Development of a factory automation model for SMEs. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 55-61.
- Qurashi, Z., Polkinghorne, M., Pearce, J.F. and Bennett, J., 1996. Tangible benefits from the technology transfer of soft technologies to the local manufacturing base. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 55-61.
- Qurashi, Z.A., Polkinghorne, M., Pearce, J.F. and Bennett, J., 1996. Development of a factory automation model for SMEs. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England, UK: Plymouth Teaching Company Centre, University of Plymouth, 55-61.
- Qurashi, Z., Polkinghorne, M. and Biss, T., 1996. Design considerations for a manufacturing based management information system. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 38-44.
- Senior, S., Polkinghorne, M., Biss, T. and Bennett, J., 1996. Systems thinking applied to small company management. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 14-19.
- Senior, S., Polkinghorne, M., Biss, T. and Bennett, J., 1996. Specification and effective implementation of IT systems in a small manufacturing company. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 32-37.
- Burrows, R.J., Polkinghorne, M., Biss, T. and Smith, D., 1996. Application of soft systems methodology for implementation of a QMS within a manufacturing SME. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 27-31.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1996. Full-scale sea trial results of a self-organising Fuzzy logic autopilot for small vessels. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of advanced marine control. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 18-27.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1996. A Novel design of self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of artificial intelligence for technological and business processes. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 89-97.
- Evans, M., Cooper, B., Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M. and Culverhouse, P., 1996. Design and development of an automated test procedure for bulk component manufacturing. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 45-54.
- Richter, R., Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1996. A Review of the historical development of ship motion control and simulation. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of advanced marine control. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 1-8.
- Heard, J., Polkinghorne, M. and Grieve, D., 1996. A review of the potential application of Taguchi to the optimisation of machine tool settings. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Applications of soft technologies for enhanced manufacture and management. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth, 7-13.
- Burns, R.S., Richter, R. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. A Multivariable neural network ship mathematical model. In: Graczyk, T., Jastrzebski, T., Brebbia, C.A. and Burns, R.S., eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Technology: Marine Technology and Transportation. WIT Press, 747-756.
- Heard, J., Grieve, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. An investigation into the design/manufacture of micro-rollers for cold roll forming. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 97-101.
- Heard, J., Grieve, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Application of Taguchi for the optimisation of machine tool settngs. In: Stockton, D. and Wainright, C., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 534-538.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1995. Performance index derivation for a self-organising fuzzy autopilot. In: Graczyk, T., Jastrzebski, T., Brebbia, C.A. and Burns, R.S., eds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Technology: Marine Technology and Transportation. WIT Press, 757-766.
- Senior, S., Biss, T., Polkinghorne, M. and Bennett, J., 1995. The application of systems thinking to small company management. In: Stockton, D. and Wainwright, C., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 666-670.
- Qurashi, Z.A., Biss, T. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Design of a manufacturing based management information system. In: Stockton, D. and Wainwright, C., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 441-445.
- May, S.J., Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1995. Ensuring competitive manufacture by product re-engineering. In: Stockton, D. and Wainwright, C., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 805-809.
- North, A., Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1995. Application of Taguchi for the design of manufacturing machines. In: Stockton, D. and Wainwright, C., eds. Advances in Manufacturing Technology IX: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. London: Taylor and Francis, 509-514.
- Baldwin, M., Polkinghorne, M., North, A. and Burns, R.S., 1995. An FMEA approach to risk assessment to conform with the EC machinery directive. Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, 6-8 September 1995. International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 621-627.
- Heard, J., Grieve, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Problems associated with the cold roll forming of micro form sections. Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, 6-8 September 1995. International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 297-303.
- May, S.J., Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1995. Re-engineering of product design for competitive manufacture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, 6-8 September 1995. International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 667-673.
- North, A., Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1995. Robust design of manufacturing machines using the Taguchi approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, 6-8 September 1995. International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 621-627.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1995. Full-scale sea trial results of a self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot for small vessels. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Advanced Marine Control, Plymouth, 1995. University of Plymouth, England, 18-27.
- Richter, R., Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Application of an artificial neural network to model complex plant behaviour. Proceedings of IFAC Workshop on Motion Control, 9-11 October 1995, Munich,. IFAC.
- Qurashi, Z., Biss, T. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. The design process for management information system applied to a manufacturing company. Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, Cork, 6-8 September 1995. International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing, 887-893.
- Qurashi, Z., Biss, T. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Management information system design for a manufacturing company. Proceedings of the Teaching Company Directorate Seminar on the Introduction and Development of Computer Support Systems Belfast,1995. Teaching Company Directorate.
- Richter, R., Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1995. A Review of the historical development of ship motion control and simulation. In: Polkinghorne, M., ed. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Advanced Marine Control, Plymouth, 1995. University of Plymouth, England, 1-8.
- Bland, R.J., Robinson, M.J., Polkinghorne, M. and Burns, R.S., 1994. The application of computer simulation for cost effective rtm production. In: Case, K. and Newman, S.T., eds. Advances in manufacturing technology VIII: Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Taylor and Francis, 40-410.
- May, S.J., Polkinghorne, M., Bennett, J.P. and Burns, R.S., 1994. The applicability of concurrent engineering to design in a manufacturing company. In: Case, K. and Newman, S.T., eds. Advances in manufacturing technology VIII: Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Manufacturing Research. Taylor and Francis, 457-461.
- Burns, R.S., Polkinghorne, M. and Winwood, D., 1994. Transferring intelligence to a ship's autopilot. Proceedings of Teaching Company Directorate Conference Technology Transfer & Innovation 94. Teaching Company Directorate Conference, 210-215.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, R.S., 1994. The implementation of a fuzzy logic marine autopilot. IEEE International Conference on Control 1994 Proceedings. IEEE, 1572-1577.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1993. A neural network controller for optimal guidance of surface ships. 10th Ship Control Systems Symposium, October 1993, Ottawa, Canada.. WIT Press.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roberts, G.N. and Burns, R.S., 1993. Small marine vessel application of a fuzzy PID autopilot. 12th IFAC World Congress Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, 19-23 July 1993. IFAC, 409-412.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1992. A fuzzy autopilot for small vessels. In: Wilson, P.A., ed. Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft: 2nd International Conference Proceedings. WIT Press, 349-362.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S., Randolph, W. and Roberts, G.N., 1991. A review of autopilots and associated control simulation techniques. Modelling and Simulation, 1991: Proceedings of the 1991 European Simulation Multiconference, June 17-19, 1991 the Panum Institute Copenhagen, Denmark. Society for Computer Simulation.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roushan, G., 2023. Fusion Learning Conference 2023. In: Fusion Learning Conference 5 July 2023 Bournemouth University.
- Shahid, S., Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2022. Exploring Key Factors Underpinning the Successful Delivery of UN-SDG4 Quality Education Projects by Non-Governmental Organisations in Pakistan. In: 41st EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society 12-14 October 2022 Berlin.
- Can Kurtuk, I. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Developing a framework for improving the decision-making of project management practitioners. In: 40th EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society 6-8 July 2022 Istanbul.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2022. Understanding PGR research culture: Helping research degree students to maximise their opportunity for a positive experience. In: 40th EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society 6-8 July 2022 Istanbul.
- Thurston, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Students as Researchers. In: Fusion Learning Conference - Innovation and Excellence in the Pandemic 28 June-29 July 2021 Bournemouth University: UK. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2022. Understanding Student Learning Gain: Using Student-Staff Partnerships within Higher Education to Inform the Continuous Improvement Process. , 3-17.
- Polkinghorne, M., Leidner, S., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2021. Evaluating student learning gain: What is the impact upon student learning resulting from the move to online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic? In: 37th EBES Conference - Eurasian Business and Economics Society 6-8 October 2021 Berlin.
- Clarke, R., Polkinghorne, M., Farquharson, L. and Gilani, P., 2021. Leadership as a Means of Cultivating Innovation: Analogue People in a Digital Future. In: Eurasian Business and Economics Society - 36th EBES Conference 1-3 July 2021 Istanbul, Turkey.
- Ayatakshi Endow, S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2021. Gender Bias in Equity Crowdfunding. In: Eurasian Business and Economics Society - 36th EBES Conference 1-3 July 2021 Istanbul - Turkey.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J. and Roushan, G., 2020. Evaluating Student Learning Gain in Higher Education: A Poetic Consideration Based Upon the Teaching of Business and Management. In: WBM 2020 - Business Teaching & Pedagogy Online International Research Conference 10-24 September 2020 Online. Online USA: Western Business and Management Conference.
- Manville, G., Petford, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. A Knowledge Management Case Study in Partnership and Relationship Impact: Towards a First Class Third Sector. In: 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) 3-4 September 2009 Vicenza, Italy.
- Manville, G., Petford, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Using a Balanced Scorecard Approach to Enhance the Management of Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. In: 9th European Conference on Knowledge Management 4-5 September 2008 Southampton Solent University, Southampton, England.
- Manville, G., Petford, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Supporting innovation with the use of a balance scorecard approach to manage knowledge transfer. In: 3rd European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ECEI) 15-16 September 2008 University of Winchester, England.
- Polkinghorne, M., Burns, R.S. and Roberts, G.N., 1996. Operational performance of an initial design of self-organising fuzzy logic autopilot. In: IEE International Conference on Control Engineering 1996 Exeter. , 1:586-1:591.
- Bellamy, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2014. Solar Power Energy: Useful Facts & Information Regarding the Market for Photovoltaics. Poole, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2014. What We Know & What We Don’t Know: Questions & Answers Applied To Business Markets. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Arnold, A., 2014. A Six Step Guide to Using Recursive Abstraction Applied to the Qualitative Analysis of Interview Data. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., Acharjee, B. and Jewell, P., 2013. Defining Wealth Generation the University Perspective. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and D’Abreu, R., 2013. Factors Influencing the Searching & Purchasing of Goods Online: a Study of the 18-25 Age Demographic. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Buxton, R., 2012. Investigation into the Role of Trust between Managers and Students during Undergraduate Placement Year Activities. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Austin, R., 2012. Analysing Supply Chain Communications within the Context of Export Markets. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Ashford, L., 2012. Considering the impact of Islamic religion when starting a new business in Qatar. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Anderson, J., 2012. A study into the role of corporate social responsibility within the computer games industry. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Agbo, G., 2012. Should UK companies invest more in the training & development of their employees?. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Arnold, A. and Polkinghorne, M., 2012. Consideration of the Potential Drivers & Barriers Faced by Third Party Logistics Providers when Implementing Green Practices. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2011. Review of the Use of the Terms ‘Knowledge Transfer’ and ‘Knowledge Exchange’. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Pearce, J., 2011. Review of the use of partners by KT Offices.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2010. Review of Funding Models for KTP Offices. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hunt, C., Polkinghorne, M. and Tabeshfar, K., 2009. Redmayne Engineering Ltd. UK: TSB.
- Darnton, G., Day, J., Hollocks, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Development of Distinctive Software Solutions - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Day, J., Hollocks, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Enabling Penetration of Vertical Markets - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Knowledge Transfer Monitoring and Measurement Tool. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Goldace Trading Ltd - Greek Sun God Helps KTP with Successful Rebranding. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/sun-cottage-%28goldace-trading%29.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Copyrite Business Solutions Ltd - KTP helps grow software skills and business systems to exploit new markets. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/copyrite.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2009. Strainstall Group Ltd - KTP’s focus on contracts helps business to minimise contractual risk. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp_strainstall_0844.pdf.
- Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., Rowles, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Establishing a developmental strategy - a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Establishing a developmental strategy – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England.: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Ghosh, S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of a knowledge capturing methodology - a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Cownie, F., Milton, P. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of an e-marketing & IT strategy - a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Ghosh, S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of a knowledge capturing methodology – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Cownie, F., Milton, P. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of an integrated e-marketing & IT strategy – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of an Effective Contract Review Mechanism: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of an effective contract review mechanism – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., McIntyre, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Re-branding and Innovative Distribution Networking: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., McIntyre, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Re-branding and innovative distribution networking – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2008. Applications of Knowledge Transfer to Small and Medium Sized Businesses: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships 2008. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Ghosh, S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Laboratory Systems Ltd: KTP Final Report. UK: TSB.
- Cownie, F., Milton, P. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Wheesh Ltd: KTP Final Report. UK: TSB.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. TSG South: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. VES: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Wessex Chemicals: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Darnton, G., Hollocks, B. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. TAH Ltd: KTP Final report. UK: TSB.
- Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., Rowles, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development of a differentiation strategy: a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2008. Dorset Cereals Ltd.: KTP Final Report. UK: TSB.
- Hayman, K., Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Strainstall Group: KTP Final Report. UK: ESF.
- Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., McIntyre, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Sun Cottage (Goldace Trading): KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Jones, M., Milson, F. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. A practical example of system integration - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2008. Developing an export marketing strategy - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study.. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roach, J. and Stock, N., 2008. Developing the technology to improve safety in nursing and care homes - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Kilburn, D., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2008. Developing the tools to enable business growth and development - A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Wessex Chemical Factors - chemical company views KTP as catalyst for growth. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB).
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. VES Andover Ltd - KTP Develops New Hot Products. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp-vesandover-03.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2008. TSG South Ltd - knowledge transfer expands company product range. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp-tsgsouth-04.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2008. Next Control Systems Ltd - customers warm to better refrigeration monitoring. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/next-control-systems.pdf.
- Hemmington, N., Kilburn, D., Rowles, N. and Polkinghorne, M., 2008. Development a differentiation strategy – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Hemmington, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2007. Developing an Export Marketing Strategy: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Kilburn, D., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2007. Developing the tools to enable business growth and development - a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Marketing Case Study: Olives et al. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Marketing Case Study: Fudges Bakery. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Product Development Case Study: Datasym. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Product Development Case Study: VES Andover. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Marketing Case Study: Wessex Chemical Factors. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Marketing Case Study: Grapevine Telecom. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gillison, K. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Computer Animation Case Study: SafeAim. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Kilburn, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Developing the tools to enable business growth and development - a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Ball, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2007. Developing a System to Capture Patient Meal Orders: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Ball, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2007. Developing a system to capture patient meal orders – a knowledge transfer case study. Bournemouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Polkinghorne, M. and Manville, G., 2007. Establishing quality monitoring and management: a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Polkinghorne, M., Velay, X., Tabeshfar, K. and Reynolds, T., 2007. Introducing Design Processes and Techniques: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Darnton, G., Gill, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Developing and Implementing a Strategic Marketing Plan: A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Jones, M., Main, A. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Developing and exploiting new market opportunities: a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Challice, D., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Developing and expanding the product base: a knowledge transfer case study. Poole, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Ball, F., Polkinghorne, M. and Roach, J., 2007. Datasym: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roach, J. and Stock, N., 2007. Courtney Thorne: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Bournemouth Churches Housing Association: KTP Case Study. UK: Department for Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Gabrys, B., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. QGate: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Dorset Village Bakery: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Hemmington, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2007. Trimetals: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / ESF.
- Ball, F., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Copyrite Business Solutions Ltd: KTP Final Report. UK: TSB.
- Jones, M., Milsom, F. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Copyrite Business Solutions: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Olives et al: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry / Momenta.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Datasym: KTP Case Study. UK: Department of Trade and Industry/Momenta.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Bournemouth Churches Housing Association - KTP advances move towards organisational excellence. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp-bcha-04.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Datasym (UK) Ltd - KTP puts innovation on the menu. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp-datasym-03.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Olives et al Ltd - marketing oils wheels for change. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/olives-et-al.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Fudges (Dorset Village) Bakery Limited - KTP bakes up a CRM. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/dorset-village-%28fudges%29-bakery.pdf.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Grapevine Telecom (Bath) Limited - strategic marketing makes the right connections. Swindon, England: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Available from: http://bu.bournemouth.ac.uk/business-services/local-shared-assets/downloads/ktp-pdfs/ktp-grapevine-03.pdf.
- Jones, M., Milson, F. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. A practical example of system integration – A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Kilburn, D., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2007. Developing the tools to enable business growth and development – A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Poole, England: Bournemouth University.
- Gabrys, B., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Commercial application of computational intelligence - a KTP case study. Bourenmouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Anderson, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Fault reporting and corrective action systems (FRACAS). Plymouth, England, UK: University of Plymouth.
- Anderson, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. An adaption of HALT and HASS techniques to medium volume manufacture of switched mode power supplies. Plymouth, England, UK: University of Plymouth.
- Gabrys, B., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2007. Commercial application of computational intelligence – A Knowledge Transfer Case Study. Bourenmouth, England, UK: Bournemouth University.
- Kilburn, D., Polkinghorne, M. and Rowles, N., 2006. Olives et al: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry/ ESF.
- Darnton, G., Manville, G. and Polkinghorne, M., 2006. Bournemouth Churches Housing Association: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Darnton, G., Gill, D. and Polkinghorne, M., 2006. Grapevine: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Challice, D., Jones, M. and Polkinghorne, M., 2006. TSG South: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Jones, M., Main, A. and Polkinghorne, M., 2006. SPOCE: KTP Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., Bennett, J. and Lees, B., 2005. Evaluation of the Inspire South West Funded Profit Project. Exeter, England: Business Link Devon & Cornwall.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2005. Development of the Job Knowledge Start-up Business Software. University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2005. Evaluation of Start-up Support Services. Exeter, England: Business Link Devon & Cornwall.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2005. Evaluation of the “MousTraining" Distance Learning Modules. University of Plymouth.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2004. Evaluation of the Profit Through Procurement Pilot Project. Exeter, England: South West of England Regional Development Agency.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2003. Evaluation of the Health & Safety Pilot Project. Exeter, England: Business Link Devon & Cornwall.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2002. Evaluation of the Business Accelerator Pilot Project: Report for the Small Business Service. University of Plymouth.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2000. Exploration Consultants: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2000. Spinnaker International: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 2000. Spinnaker International. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1999. G & S Smirthwaite. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. Meddings Machine Tools. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. PC Maritime. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. PC Maritime: TCS final report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1998. Meddings machine tools: TCS final report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Understanding fuzzy logic: Distance Learning Tutorial Training Manual. Plymouth, England: University of Plymouth.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Spinnaker Group. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Coutant Lambda. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. G & S Smirthwaite. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. AMP (GB). UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. AMP of GB: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. G & S Smirthwaite: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Coutant Lambda: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1997. Spinnaker Group: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Quasar Microwave Technologies. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Pearce, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 1996. Quasar Microwave Technologies: TCS Final Report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Tecalemit Systems. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1995. Tecalemit Systems: TCS final report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1994. Plastech Thermoset Tectonics. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
- Burns, R.S. and Polkinghorne, M., 1994. Plastech Thermoset Tectonics: TCS final report. UK: Department of Trade and Industry.
Scholarly Editions
- O'Sullivan, H., Polkinghorne, M. and Taylor, J., 2022. Using Learning Gain to Evaluate Undergraduate Business Education.. Scholarly Community Encyclopedia.
- Quest for the best (Bournemouth University), 2010. Video.
- Fuzzy logic autopilot for boats, 1995. TV. London: BBC TV Science Programme Tomorrow's World.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Bobeva, M., 2022. 9 Dimensions of Quality Education. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Hughes, M., 2022. Maximising our use of the UK Professional Standards Framework. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
- Thurston, J. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Understanding Research Methods: a Portal for Students. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
- O'Sullivan, H. and Polkinghorne, M., 2022. Reviewing the Role of the Academic Adviser. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
- Polkinghorne, M., Taylor, J. and Knight, F., 2022. Finding the Key to Successful Doctoral Supervision. In: FLIE Fusion Learning Colloquium 2022.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Thurston, J., 2021. Students as Researchers: Developing an Online Resource for All Students. In: Fusion Learning Conference 2021.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2021. Identifying Factors Influencing Higher Education Research Culture: An Embodied Relational Understanding Approach To PhD Supervision. In: Fusion Learning Conference 2021.
- Stewart, N., Polkinghorne, M. and Devis-Rozental, C., 2020. Promoting a positive and cohesive research culture for postgraduate researchers. In: Bournemouth University 12th Annual Postgraduate Research Conference.
- Clarke, R., Polkinghorne, M., Gilani, P. and Farquharson, L., 2020. Leadership as a Means of Cultivating Innovation: Analogue People in a Digital Future. In: Bournemouth University PGR Conference 2020.
- Williams, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2019. Accreditation of Higher Education in the UK: The Rise of PSRBs & Potential Influences. In: BU PGR Conference 2019.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Kurtuk, I., 2019. The Butterfly Effect of Decisions: Enhancement of Teaching Decision-Making in Project Management within UK Higher Education. In: BU PGR Conference 2019.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Shahid, S., 2019. Measuring Success & Sustainability in Project Management: A Case Study of Quality Education. In: BU PGR Conference 2019.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roushan, G., 2019. Exploring Andragogy: Understanding the Implications for Teaching in Higher Education. In: Bournemouth University Fusion Learning Showcase 2019.
- Williams, C. and Polkinghorne, M., 2018. Defining the Stakeholder Interface: UK Higher Education and the Animation / Visual Effects Industry. In: PGR Live Exhibition 2018.
- Knight, F., Taylor, J., Polkinghorne, M. and Edwards, R., 2017. Non-Academic Research Impact: A Case Study Exploring the Perceived Importance of Non-Academic Impact of Doctoral Students’ Research at Bournemouth University. In: UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) Annual Conference 2017.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Ridolfo, M., 2017. Self and Peer Assessment: Ensuring an Equitable Assessment for Group Work. In: CELebrate 2017 Conference.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roushan, G., 2017. Assessing Student Learning: A Comparison of Existing Methods for Evaluating the Learning Gain of Students. In: CELebrate 2017 Regional Teaching and Learning Conference.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Lamont, M., 2017. Research Informed Teaching: Taking Students on a Personal Journey of Learning and Assessment. In: CELebrate 2017 Regional Teaching and Learning Conference.
- Polkinghorne, M., Roushan, G. and Taylor, J., 2017. Evaluating Student Learning Gain: An Alternative Perspective. In: Higher Education Academy (HEA) Surveys Conference 2017.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roushan, G., 2017. Evaluating the Learning Gain of Undergraduate Students. In: Bournemouth University 9th Annual Postgraduate Conference 2017.
- Polkinghorne, M. and Roushan, G., 2022. Enhancing the Quality of our Learning and Teaching: Utilising the PSF as a Driver for Strategic Change. York: Advance HE. Published.
- Polkinghorne, M., 2002. Filter could stop common cold. Published.
PhD Students
- Sidra Shahid, 2023. Measuring Success and Sustainability in Project Management: A Case Study Supporting the Delivery of Quality Education in Pakistan, (In progress)
- Carly Lamont, (In progress)
- Chinedu Uzochi Okoronkwo, (In progress)
- Ismail Kurtuk. Enhancement of Teaching Decision-Making ın Project Management within UK Higher Education, (In progress)
- Michael O'Sullivan, (In progress)
- Natalie Stewart, (In progress)
- Natalie Stewart. Promoting a Positive and Cohesive Research Culture for Postgraduate Researchers Across Disciplines, (In progress)
- Rachel Clarke. Leadership as a Means of Cultivating Innovation: Analogue People in a Digital Future., (In progress)
- Tariq Alshikh, (In progress)
- Ralph Richter, 2000. A Predictive Fuzzy-Neural Autopilot for the Guidance of Small Motorised Marine Craft, (Completed)
- Zahoor Qurashi, 2000. A Generic Approach Employing Information Systems for Introducing Manufacturing Systems in SMEs, (Completed)
- Melanie Hudson, 2001. Introducing Integrated Performance Measurement into Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, (Completed)
- Chris Leavey, 2002. Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System for Application to Orthofunctional Design, (Completed)
- Serkan Ceylan, 2018. Using Knowledge Transfer Partnership Projects to Reveal Latent Dynamics in the Knowledge-Based View of Strategy., (Completed)
- Ghasan Al Maamari, 2020. Multiple Stakeholders’ Perception of Tourism Resort Project Success: The Case of Oman Projects, (Completed)
- Chris Williams. Higher Education and PSRBs: the Role and Influence of Accreditation, (On hold)
Profile of Teaching PG
- Research Project
- Corporate Governance Research Methods
- Introduction to Education Practice for PGRs
- Researcher Development Programme - Managing My Research Project
Profile of Teaching UG
- Research Project
- Consultancy Project
- Reflective Pracitioner Project
- Business Simulation
- Starting a Business
- Research in Business and Management
- Retail Research and Analysis
- Help to Grow Cohort 10 (Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, 01 Jan 2025). In Progress
External Responsibilities
- UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), Recognised Research Supervisor Assessor (2020-)
- J3M Technologies Ltd, Company Director (2015-)
- Southampton Solent University, External for Research & Innovation Committee (2013-2015)
- Two Blue Hats Ltd, Company Director (2013-)
- Southampton Solent University, Knowledge Transfer Consultant for VCO (2012-2015)
- University of the West of England, Knowledge Broker for Innovation Network (2012-2015)
- ESRC, Co-ordinator South West Knowledge Transfer Network (2008-2010)
- Force 4 (UK) Ltd, Company Director (2002-2006)
- EPSRC, Researcher (1990-1993)
Internal Responsibilities
- Director, .Help to Grow Management Programme
- Committee Member, FLIE Executive Committee
- Academic Representative, Knowledge Exchange Working Group
- Academic Representative, Research Intellectual Property Strategy Evaluation Committee (RIPSEC)
- Faculty of Management Research Degrees Committee Member, Faculty of Management Research Degrees Committee
- Faculty of Management Educational Steering Group Member, Faculty of Management Educational Steering Group
- Chair of TeachBU HEA Assessment Panel, TeachBU HEA Assessment Panel
- TeachBU Faculty Lead for the Faculty of Science & Technology, TeachBU
- TeachBU Faculty Lead for the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences, TeachBU
- Engagement and Outreach Network Member, Engagement and Outreach Network
- TeachBU HEA Fellowship Assessment Panel Member, TeachBU HEA Fellowship Assessment Panel
- Mentoring Steering Group Member, Mentoring Steering Group
- HEA Fellowship Mentor (FHSS), Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
- HEA Fellowship Mentor (FoM), Faculty of Management
- TeachBU Faculty Lead for the Faculty of Management, TeachBU
Journal Reviewing/Refereeing
- Journal of International Education in Business, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2019
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- Journal of Production Planning and Control, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017
- Journal of Knowledge Management, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2015
- Recognised Research Supervisor in PhD Supervision (UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), 2019)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA in Teaching in Higher Education (Advance HE, 2016)
- PRINCE2 Foundation Level in Project Management (APMG / Southampton Solent University, 2014)
- PRINCE2 Practitioner Level in Project Management (APMG / Southampton Solent University, 2014)
- PgCert in Knowledge Transfer (Open University / AURIL, 2009)
- PgCert in Business Administration (University of Plymouth, 2003)
- PhD in Knowledge Management using Artificial Intelligence (University of Plymouth / Royal Navy, 1994)
- BEng (Hons) in Engineering Systems (University of Plymouth, 1990)
- Advance HE, Principal Fellow (2024-),
- Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Member (2020-), http://www.isbe.org.uk/
- Chartered Management Institute, Fellow (2017-),
- Energy Institute, Associate (2008-2009),
- Institute of Knowledge Transfer, Member (2007-),
- Institution of Engineering and Technology, Member (1989-),
Broadcast Interview
- Tomorrow's World, AI Systems, Pakravan, S, 01 Oct 1995