Gloria Khamkar

Dr Gloria Khamkar

  • Principal Academic in Journalism
  • W420 - Desk 55 (Weymouth House)
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Gloria, a Principal Academic in Journalism and an accomplished media researcher, specializes in diverse fields such as Community and Participatory Media, Media and Migrants, Ethnicity, Gender, Citizen Journalism, and Media History. Her academic journey includes earning a Ph.D. on 'The Evolution of British Asian Radio in England: 1960 - 2004' from Bournemouth University. In this groundbreaking research, she explores the inception and impact of British Asian radio broadcasting, unraveling its significance in meeting the needs of immigrant communities.

Beyond academia, Gloria is an active community radio practitioner. Hosting the weekly two-hour live radio show "Suhaana Safar" on Southampton’s Asian and Ethnic Community Radio Station, Unity 101.1FM, she not only connects with the audience but has also served as a 'Deputy Station Manager.' With a wealth of experience in print and broadcast journalism, she has contributed to international media outlets, including Zee News India and renowned American Public radio programs FSRN, AARP Radio’s Prime Time Postscript, Sound Medicine, KCRW's UnFictional...



  • Hilgert, C., Just, A.L. and Khamkar, G., 2020. Airtime for Newcomers: Radio for Migrants in the United Kingdom and West Germany, 1960s–1980s. Media History, 26 (1), 62-74.
  • Khamkar, G., 2018. The Greater London Council’s Initiatives: A Precursor of British Asian Radio Broadcasting. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 25 (2), 337-347.
  • Khamkar, G., 2017. The evolution of British Asian radio in England: 1960-2004. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication.
  • Khamkar, G., 2015. A Post-War History of Radio for the Asian Community in Leicester. In: Franklin, I., Chignell, H. and Skoog, K., eds. Regional Aesthetics Mapping UK Media Cultures. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 157-168.
  • Khamkar, G., 2014. The Asian Radio Broadcasting: an alternative media platform for Britain’s Asian Community. Rundfunk und Geschichte, 1 (2), 86-87.

Journal Articles

  • Hilgert, C., Just, A.L. and Khamkar, G., 2020. Airtime for Newcomers: Radio for Migrants in the United Kingdom and West Germany, 1960s–1980s. Media History, 26 (1), 62-74.
  • Khamkar, G., 2018. The Greater London Council’s Initiatives: A Precursor of British Asian Radio Broadcasting. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 25 (2), 337-347.
  • Khamkar, G., 2014. The Asian Radio Broadcasting: an alternative media platform for Britain’s Asian Community. Rundfunk und Geschichte, 1 (2), 86-87.
  • Khamkar, G., 2012. Muktapeeth – A story of Citizen Journalism in Indian Context. Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies, 6 (2), 13-20.



  • Khamkar, G., 2023. Daring to be different! Ethnic Community Radio as the Space of Inclusion. In: Chignell, H. and McDonald, K., eds. Handbook of Radio. Bloomsbury Academic Press.
  • Khamkar, G., 2022. From Restricted Service Licence Radio Services to Access Radio: ‘Testing the waters’ for British Asian community radio broadcasting. In: Mollgaard, M., ed. Radio at the Edges Perspectives on Alternative, Community and Pirate Radio. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Khamkar, G., 2015. A Post-War History of Radio for the Asian Community in Leicester. In: Franklin, I., Chignell, H. and Skoog, K., eds. Regional Aesthetics Mapping UK Media Cultures. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 157-168.
  • Khamkar, 2012. 'Namma Dhwani', Ideal Demonstration of Community Media Usage. In: Seneviratne, K., ed. Peoples' Voices, Peoples' Empowerment Community Radio in Asian and Beyond. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre & NTU, 191-200.




Profile of Teaching UG

  • Race, Media and Inequality
  • Writing for the Media
  • Media and Marketing Research
  • Dissertation Supervision

Invited Lectures

  • Erasmus+ Staff Mobility visit, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 01 Jan 2023 more
  • Mobile Journalism and Storytelling, Online, 01 Jan 2021 more
  • Culture, Media, Place, Solent University, Southampton, UK, 01 Jan 2018 more


  • Global Ambassador Programme Award (University of Saskatchewan, Canada, 31 Jan 2024). Awarded
  • Once upon a time in Ukraine: Mobile Storytelling with Ukrainian Migrants (Bournemouth University QR Funding, 01 Jan 2023). Completed
  • Migrants and Mobile storytelling: A case study of Afghan re-settlers in Dorset (Bournemouth University, 07 Mar 2022). Awarded
  • Citizen Journalism Workshop (Bournemouth University Charity Impact Funding, 01 Jul 2019). Awarded
  • Research networking and collaboration (Acorn Fund, Bournemouth University, UK, 22 Oct 2018). Awarded

External Responsibilities

  • MeCCSA Radio Studies Network, UK, MeCCSA Radio Studies Network Committee Member (2023-)
  • European Communication Research and Education Association - Radio and Sound Section, Elected YECREA Representative (2022-)
  • University of Chester, UK, External Examiner (2019-2022)
  • Community Media Association, UK, Member, Board of Council (2018-2020),

Internal Responsibilities

  • Faculty of Media and Communication Co-Lead, BU Inclusive Curriculum in Education Project
  • Group Member, Faculty of Media and Communication: Task & Finish Group: Equality and Inclusivity
  • Academic Tutor Level 5, BA (Hons) Communication and Media, Bournemouth University
  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Lead (Department of Communication and Journalism), Department of Communication and Journalism, Bournemouth University
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Promotional Communications.

Journal Reviewing/Refereeing

  • Global Media and China, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2020
  • Citizenship Studies, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2020
  • Media Asia, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2018
  • Journal of Alternative and Community Media, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2018
  • Journal of Radio and Audio Media, Anonymous peer review, 01 Jan 2017

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Podcast (01 Jan 2023)
  • Podcast (01 Jan 2022)
  • Citizen Journalism Workshop (27 Jul 2019)
  • Citizen Journalism Workshop (27 Jul 2019)
  • Board Member (01 Jan 2018-01 Jan 2020)
  • Unity101 Community Radio Practitioner (02 Aug 2010)

Conference Presentations

  • MeCCSA Radio Studies Network Conference 2023: Radio Studies @25 – celebrating Radio, Audio and Podcasting in the real/reel world, Constructing Transnational Identities through Mobile Storytelling: A Case Study of Ukrainian Migrants in the UK, 27 Oct 2023, University of Sunderland, UK
  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Radio and Sound Section Conference., Community Radio: A Global Perspective, 06 Sep 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Attended Training

  • National Heritage funding: Helping You A, 01 Jan 2023
  • Funders Café – Leverhulme Trust, Wellcome Trust and AHRC, 01 Jan 2022
  • Data Driven Community Journalism, 01 Apr 2018, Organised by the Centre for Investigative Journalism, Goldsmiths, University of London


  • Certificate of Appreciation for completing 10+ years volunteering at Southampton's community radio Unity101FM (Unity101 Community Radio, Southampton, UK, 2022)


  • Bournemouth University, UK, Member (2022-),
  • British Academy ECR Network, Member (2022-),

Social Media Links