Ieuan Franklin

Dr Ieuan Franklin

  • ifranklin at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Senior Lecturer in History and Politics
  • Weymouth House W204, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Ieuan Franklin is Lecturer in History and Politics. He holds a PhD in media history (awarded by Bournemouth University in 2010) and his research centres on the intersections between media history, public history youth culture, and social movements.

Between 2010 and 2014 Ieuan was Post-Doctoral Research Assistant on the AHRC-funded Channel 4 and British Film Culture Project at the University of Portsmouth. Between 2020 and 2021 he was Co-Investigator on a British Academy funded project at Bournemouth University on LBGTQ+ Refugees.

He has published widely in the area of British media history, in innovative edited collections and in key journals such as the Historical Journal for Film, Radio and Television and the Journal of British Cinema and Television. He was lead editor of the edited collection Regional Aesthetics: Mapping UK Media Cultures (Palgrave 2015).

Ieuan is a trained film archivist and between 2012 and 2020 was 0.5 Lecturer in Film Theory at Wiltshire College (on the BU-validated Film Production and Cinematography programme)...


Journal Articles



  • Franklin, I. and Tuckman, A., 2025. Shot by Both Sides? The Foundation of the Institute for Workers’ Control and its critics on the Left and Right. In: Smith, E. and Frost, D.J., eds. In Solidarity, Under Suspicion: The British Far Left from 1956. Manchester University Press.
  • Franklin, I., 2024. The Critic-turned-Filmmaker and the Time Out Film Section. In: Shail, R. and Hall, S., eds. Film Critics and British Film Culture: New Shots in the Dark. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Franklin, I., 2020. TV interventions: Artists, activists and alternative media. In: Newsinger, J., Wayne, M. and Presence, S., eds. Contemporary Radical Film Culture: Networks, Organisations and Activists. Oxford: Routledge.
  • Franklin, I., 2018. oUtside mUte? Ut, No Wave and Blast First. In: Beaven, Z., O'Dair, M. and Osborne, R., eds. Mute Records: Artists, Business, History. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Franklin, I., 2015. A Region in Microcosm: Brandon Acton-Bond’s Post-War BBC Radio Features. In: Chignell, H. and Skoog, B., eds. Regional Aesthetics: Mapping UK Media Cultures. Palgrave.
  • Franklin, I., 2014. Talking liberties: Framed Youth, community video and channel 4‘s remit in action. Queer Youth and Media Cultures. 115-130.
  • Franklin, 2013. Think-Tape: The Aesthetics of Montage in the Post-War Television Documentary. In: Jacobs, J. and Peacock, S., eds. Television Aesthetics and Style. London: Bloosmbury.
  • Franklin, 2011. Earwitness Accounts : Secondary Orality and Street Radio. In: Smits, R., Smite, R. and Medosch, A., eds. Networks and Sustainability. Riga, Latvia: RIXC, MPLab, 75-91.



  • Understanding LGBTQ Refugees' and Asylum Seekers' Support Needs through Listening to Autobiographical Storytelling (British Academy, 01 May 2020). Awarded


  • PGCE in Postgraduate Certificate in Education Practice (Bournemouth University, 2017)