Dr Christopher Pullen
- Associate Professor in Media and Inclusivity
- Weymouth House W202, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Gender
- Media and Communication
- PhD Supervisor
- Sexuality
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Christopher Pullen is the author of a number of books focusing on sexuality and the media. His publications include the monographs 'Heroism, Celebrity and Therapy in Nurse Jackie' (Routledge, 2018), 'Pedro Zamora, Sexuality and AIDS Education: The Autobiographical Activism and The Real World' (Cambria, 2016), 'Straight Girls and Queer Guys: The Hetero Media Gaze in Film and Television' (Edinburgh University Press, 2016), 'Gay Identity, New Storytelling and The Media' (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012) and 'Documenting Gay Men: Identity and Performance in Reality Television and Documentary Film' (McFarland, 2007), plus the edited collections: 'Queer Youth and Media Cultures (Palgrave, 2014), 'LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media' (Palgrave 2012), 'LGBT Identity and Online New Media' (Routledge, 2010) and 'Queer Love in Television and Film' (Palgrave, 2013).
Chris is has just completed research that was funded by the British Academy, that considered the needs of LGBT+ asylum claimants here in the UK, and help services provided by regional NGOs. He is currently working with a network of NGOs, theorizing the use of online technology to support LGBT+ asylum claimants. whilst researching the impact of Covid-19, and changes to asylum policy.
Journal Articles
- Pullen, C., 2025. “It Started with a Kiss” EastEnders and Subversion from within: Domestic ‘Queer’ Star Persona and British Social Realism. Critical Studies in Television.
- Pullen, C. and Franklin, I., 2024. “We're in this together” - NGO advocacy and LGBTQ+ asylum claimants: Intimate/care citizenship as co-presence and imagined equality. Sexualities: studies in culture and society, 27 (5).
- Pullen, C. and Franklin, I., 2024. “Were in this together” - NGO advocacy and LGBTQ+ asylum claimants: Intimate/care citizenship as co-presence and imagined equality. Sexualities.
- Pullen, C. and Franklin, I., 2020. The ‘Undocuqueer’ movement and DREAMers: activist online space and the affective queer body. Interactions: Studies in Communication &Culture.
- Pullen, C., 2020. The Pedagogy of Queer TV. CRITICAL STUDIES IN TELEVISION, 15 (1), 100-102.
- Pullen, C., 2019. Queer Gender Performance And Media In School: Dissident Reading, Bullying, And The Word ‘Gay’. Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture.
- Pullen, C., 2018. Queer Male Bodies and the Cinematic Liminal Beach. Film International, 16 (3).
- Pullen, C., 2017. Transpeople in Performative Documentary: Self-Representation, Citizenship, and Transparency. Journal of Popular Culture, 50 (6), 1376-1399.
- Pullen, C., 2013. Queer Youth Suicide, Culture and Identity: Unliveable Lives? SEXUALITIES, 16 (3-4), 492-494.
- Pullen, C., 2011. Heroic Gay Characters in Popular Film; Tragic Determination, and the Everyday. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 25, 397-413.
- Pullen, C., 2008. AIDS Orphans, Parents and Children in Documentary: Disclosure, Performance and Sacrifice. Media, Culture and Society, 30, 663-676.
- Pullen, C., 2018. Heroism, Celebrity and Therapy in Nurse Jackie.
- Pullen, C., 2016. Pedro Zamora, Sexuality, and AIDS Education: The Autobiographical Self, Activism, and The Real World. Cambria Press.
- Pullen, C., 2016. Straight girls and queer guys: The hetero media gaze in film and television.
- Bradley, P., 2016. Food, Media and Contemporary Culture: The Edible Image.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Queer Youth and Media Cultures. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Pullen, C. and demory, P., 2013. Queer Love in Film and Television. Palgrave MacMillan.
- Pullen, C., 2012. Gay Identity, New Storytelling and The Media. Palgrave Macmillan.
- LGBT Identity and Online New Media. New York: Routledge.
- Pullen, C., 2010. Preface.
- pullen, C. and Cooper, M., 2010. Lgbt Identity and Online New Media. Taylor & Francis.
- Pullen, C., 2009. Gay Identity, New Storytelling and The Media. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pullen, C., 2007. Documenting gay men: identity and performance in reality television and documentary film. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
- Pullen, C.. LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pullen, C., 2018. Queer youth refugees and the pursuit of the happy object: Documentary, technology and vulnerability. Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship. 184-200.
- Pullen, C., 2016. Benidorm and the 'All You Can Eat' Buffet: Food, Bodily Functions and the Carnivalesque. Food, Media and Contemporary Culture: The Edible Image. 44-64.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Introduction. Queer Youth and Media Cultures. Springer, 1-15.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Media Responses to Queer Youth Suicide: Trauma, Therapeutic Discourse and Co-Presence. Queer Youth and Media Cultures. Springer, 63-85.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Self-Reflexive Screenwriting and LGBT Identity: Framing and Indirectly Reading the Self. In: Batty, C., ed. Screenwriters and Screenwriting: Putting Practice into Context.. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 271-287.
- Pullen, 2013. Documentary Identity. In: Winston, B., ed. The Documentray Film Book. BFI.
- Pullen, C., 2013. Ford’s A Single Man and Bachardy’s Chris and Don: The Aesthetic and Domestic Body of Isherwood. In: Demory, P. and Pullen, C., eds. Queer Love in Film and Television. Palgrave MacMillan, 233-243.
- Pullen, C., 2012. LGBT transnational documentary "Becoming". LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media. 23-40.
- Pullen, C., 2012. Introduction. 1-20.
- Pullen, C., 2010. The Murder of Lawrence King and LGBT Online Stimulations of Narrative Copresence. In: Pullen, C. and Cooper, M., eds. LGBT Identity and Online New Media. New York: Routledge, 17-36.
- Berger, R., 2010. Out and about: Slash fic, re-imagined texts, and queer commentaries. LGBT Identity and Online New Media. 173-184.
- Pullen, C., 2010. “Love the coat”: Bisexuality, the Female Gaze and the Romance of Sexual Politics. In: Ireland, A., Palumbo, D.E. and Sullivan, C.W., eds. Illuminating Torchwood: Essays on Narrative, Character and Sexuality in the BBC Series. Jefferson NC,USA: McFarland, 135-152.
- Berger, R., 2010. Out and About: Slash Fic, Re-imagined Texts, and Queer Commentaries. In: Pullen, C. and Cooper, M., eds. LGBT Identity & Online New Media. London: Routledge, 159-170.
- Pullen, C., 2010. Introduction. In: Pullen, C. and Cooper, M., eds. LGBT Identity and Online New Media. New York: Routledge, 1-13.
- Pullen, C., 2009. Contemporary music video culture in television and film drama: narrative, performance and (post)modernity. In: Harper, G., Eisentraut, J. and Doughty, R., eds. Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media: A Critical Overview. London: Continuum.
- Pullen, C., 2008. Brokeback Mountain as Progressive Narrative and Cinematic Vision: Landscape, Emotion and the Denial of Domesticity. In: Hunt, A., ed. The Geographical Imagination of Annie Proulx: Rethinking Regionalism. USA: Lexington Books.
- Pullen, C., 2007. The films of Ducastel and Martineau: gay identity, the family and the autobiographical self. In: Griffiths, R., ed. Queer Cinema in Europe. Bristol: Intellect Publishers.
- Pullen, C., 2007. Non-heterosexual characters in post war television drama: from covert identity and stereotyping, towards reflexivity and social change. In: Godiwala, D., ed. Alternatives within the Mainstream II: Queer Theatres in post-war Britain. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 272-297.
- Pullen, C., 2006. Gay performativity and reality television: alliances, competition and discourse. In: Keller, J.R. and Stratyner, L., eds. The New Queer Aesthetic on Television: Essays on Recent Programming. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 160-176.
- Pullen, C., 2004. The household, the basement and the real world: gay identity in the constructed reality environment. In: Holmes, S. and Jermyn, D., eds. Understanding Reality Television. London: Routledge, 211-232.
- Pullen, C., 2024. LGBTQ+ Asylum Claimants and New Homelands Online: Alliance, Precarity and Socialisation. In: Console-ing Passions: Forging Social Justice 20-22 June 2024 Indiana University, Bloomington , USA.
- Pullen, C., 2024. HIV/AIDS Memorial as Frictions of Transnational Resistance: The Global/Local co-presence of Tactile Folk Art alongside Virtual Digital Creativity. In: Media Frictions International Symposium 2-3 May 2024 Jönköping, Sweden.
- Pullen, C., 2024. LGBTQ+ Asylum Claimants as Intimate Citizens and the Rise of Homonationalism: Transnational Intersections of Memory, Place and Media. In: ASEN Conference 2024: Nationalism and Memory 9-11 April 2024 University of Edinburgh.
- Pullen, C., 2023. Transnational TV Drama and the Cinematic Imaginary: The White Lotus (season two) as pastiche of L’Avventura. In: 32nd International Screen Studies Conference 30 June-1 July 2023 Glasgow University.
- Pullen, C., 2022. Allies of LGBTQ+ Refugees in the UK: Advocacy of NGO Regional Networks of care. In: 6th EGSC 14-16 September 2022 University of Cadiz.
- Pullen, C., 2021. ‘Picture it: London in the 1980s: a hopeful and yet naive young man arrives in the city’: Situating the queer self within the nostalgic media frame. In: Queer Representation: Pasts, Presents, Futures 11-14 May 2021 Online.
- Pullen, C., 2021. Queer Asylum Seekers Online and the UK Lockdown: Media Literacy, Authenticity and Co-presence. In: Migrant Belongings Conference 21-23 April 2021 Utrecht University.
- Pullen, C., 2019. Queer Youth Refugees and Europe, the Happy Object. In: Console-ing Passions 11-13 July 2018 Bournemouth University.
- Pullen, C., 2019. Feud, ‘hagsploitation’ and female work in Hollywood film. In: Screen Studies Conference 29 June-1 July 2018 University of Glasgow.
- Pullen, C., 2019. Queer Social Realism and Architecture in British Cinema: Tenement Housing, Unions and the Affective Body. In: Waset - International Conference on Communication and Media Studies 28-29 September 2017 San Francisco.
- Pullen, C., 2019. Angels in America and ‘Queer’ Event Cinema: Immediacy, Simulation and Liminal Space. In: Straight to the Front Row 15-16 February 2019 University of Northampton.
- Pullen, 2017. UK Identifications of Queer Europe: Referendum, Song Contest and Abject Citizenship. In: Popular Culture Conference 12-15 April 2017 San Diego, California, USA.
- pullen, C., 2016. Nurse Jackie, Heroism and the Experiential. In: Console-ing Passions 16-18 June 2016 Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2016. Book Launch - Pedro Zamora, Sexuality and AIDS Education. In: GLBT History Centre 14 June 2016 GLBT History Centre, Castro, San Francisco, USA..
- Pullen, C., 2016. Event Cinema and Liminal Spaces of Dress: Popular Music, Venues and Performativity. In: Society of Media and Cultural Studies 30 March-3 April 2016 Atlanta, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2016. Queer Consciousness and the Singularity in Science Fiction Film. In: Queer Cultures Research Seminar. 24 February-24 October 2016 Faculty of English, Cambridge University, UK.
- pullen, C., 2016. Recycling Mobile Phones in the African Continent: Neoliberal Repurposing, Social Networking and HIV Education. In: Twelfth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society 18-19 February 2016 Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Kimber, S., 2016. ‘Meat’s meat, and a man’s gotta eat.’ (Motel Hell, 1980): Food and eating within contemporary horror cultures. , 125-143.
- Pullen, C., 2015. Queering the Mother Board: Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity. In: Screen Studies Conference 26-28 June 2015 University of Glasgow.
- Pullen, C., 2015. Sexual Diversity and the use of Irony within School Classrooms: Discouraging Bullying through Media Representations. In: SCMS Conference 25-29 March 2015 Montreal, Canada.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Queer bodies and transformative natural seascapes. In: Screen Studies Conference 27-29 June 2014 University of Glasgow.
- Pullen, C., 2014. Sexual Diversity and Bullying in School: Improving Educational Practice through the use of Media. In: Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association Conference 16-19 April 2014 USA, Chicago.
- Pullen, C. and pullen, 2014. Sexual Diversity and Bullying in School: Improving Educational Practice through the use of Media. In: Popular Culture Association Conference 16 April-19 June 2014 Chicago.
- Pullen, C., 2014. AIDS Education Online: Institutional Practice and Touch Screen Therapeutic Reflections. In: 11th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society and the Technology, Knowledge and Society knowledge community 23-24 February 2015 Berkeley, California, USA.
- Pullen, C. and pullen, 2014. Sensing the Place of British Queer Social Realism: Tower Blocks, Architectural Space and the Affective Body. In: MECCSA 8-10 January 2014 Bournemouth.
- Pullen, C., 2013. Teaching Gender Diversity Through Contemporary Media: Role Models, Irony and Non-Conformity. In: Gender and Education Association Conference:Compelling diversities, educational intersections: Policy, Practice and Parity 23-26 April 2013 London South Bank University.
- Pullen, C., 2013. Queer Youth at School and Online New Media: Identity, Community and Care of the Self. In: Popular Culture Conference 27-30 March 2013 Washington DC, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2013. Queer Youth Space and the safe haven of the closet: Homosocial Masculinities and Teen Drama. In: MECCSA conference: Spaces and Places of Culture 9-11 January 2013 Derry, Northern Ireland.
- Pullen, C., 2012. Bulling and Name Calling in School for Connections to Sexual Diversity: Improving Educational Practice’. In: Inter-Disciplinary.Net - Bullying and The Abuse of Power conference 4-6 November 2012 Salzburg.
- Pullen, C., 2012. Educational Documentary and School Bullying: Animation, Carnival and Politics. In: Screen Conference 29 June-1 July 2012 Glasgow.
- Pullen, C., 2012. LGBT Youth Identity and Online New Media: Agency, Vulnerability, and Physical Space. In: SCMS Annual conference 21-25 March 2012 Boston, MA, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2011. Sexuality and the Media: Looking for our reflection. In: OUT & About Revealed! The findings of Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual research in Havant & East Hampshire March 2011 Portsmouth, England.
- Pullen, C., 2011. Online stimulations of LGBT Political Reflection: Responses to Hate Crimes, and Self Reflective Performativity. In: Screen Studies Conference 1-3 July 2011 Glasgow, Scotland.
- Pullen, C., 2011. New Storytelling for Elder Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals and Transgender People in Contemporary Media: Autobiography, Citizenship and Becoming. In: Aging and Society: An Interdisciplinary Conference 8-9 November 2011 University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2010. ‘Recognising LGBTs as Everyday People: Shifting from ‘use’ to ‘us’’. In: Reflecting diversity – the LGBT community and the media 30 September 2010 London, England. London: Westminster Media Forum.
- Pullen, C., 2010. Heroic Gay Characters in Popular Film: Documentary, Domesticity and Sacrifice. In: 41st Anniversary Convention Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) 7-11 April 2010 Montreal, Canada.
- Pullen, C., 2010. The Transgendered Narrative Body. In: Keeping it Real: Narratives of Ordinary and Extraordinary People Across Media 3 September 2010 Bournemouth University, England.
- Pullen, C., 2010. Recognising LGBTs as Everyday People: Shifting from ‘use’ to ‘us'. In: Reflecting diversity - the LGBT community and the media 30 September 2010 London. London: Westminster Forum Projects.
- Pullen, C., 2010. ‘Tom Ford’s A Single Man: Reconstructing Isherwood though Aesthetics and Domesticity’. In: Film and History Conference 11-14 November 2010 Milwaukee, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2009. The Transgendered Body and Documentary Narratives: Resistance, Partnership and Domestic Screen Memories. In: Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association Conference 7-10 April 2009 New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2008. Youths in Educational Documentary: Coming Out, Partnerships and Race. In: Society for Cinema & Media Studies Conference 6-9 March 2008 Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2008. Gay Teen Identity and Factual Media: Public Service and New Media Performance. In: Centre for Research in Sex Gender and Sexuality 12 March 2008 Roehampton University, London.
- Pullen, C., 2008. Gay Subjects and Young Learners: Public Service Possibilities and Early Coming Out in Documentary Form. In: Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association Conference 19-22 March 2008 San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2008. Documentary Performances of LGBT and Queer Identity in the Developing and Non Western World. In: Visual Evidence XV 2008: The International Documentary Studies Conference 4-8 August 2008 University of Lincoln, England.
- Pullen, C., 2007. Gay Identity, Documentary Performance and the Move to the Domestic: Couples, Families and New Community. In: Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association Conference 4-7 April 2007 Boston, MA, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2007. French Queer Cinema: Gay Teen Identity, the Sad Young Man and the Reflexive Self. In: Screen Studies Conference 1-3 July 2007 University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- Pullen, C., 2006. Narrative Agency in Queer Television Drama: Shame, Reflection and (American) Community. In: Subversive Re/Viewing : Readings, Communities, Practices 2 December 2006 Faculty of Media, Art & Communications, University of Gloucestershire, England.
- Pullen, C., 2006. Gay identity, documentary and reality TV: the move to the domestic. In: Northeastern Modern Language Association (NEMLA), 37th Annual Convention. Panel Session: Queer Eyes: Reading The ‘Must See’ Queer Television 2-5 March 2006 Philadelphia, PA.
- Pullen, C., 2006. Television’s ‘Necessary Fictions’: Queer as Folk, The L Word and the Imagined Gay Community. In: Screen Studies Conference 30 June-2 July 2006 University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- Pullen, C., 2006. Lance Loud, An American Family, and the reconfiguration of the American Son. In: 4th Film and History Biennial Conference 8-12 November 2006 Dallas, TX, USA.
- Pullen, C., 2005. Echoes of the sad young man and the mirror of the reflexive self: French queer cinema, social performance and gay teen identity. In: Transversalities: Crossing Disciplines, Cultures and Identities 16-18 September 2005 University of Reading.
- Pullen, C., 2004. Children of the Third World and AIDS representation in documentary: agency, performance and ethics. In: Screen Studies Conference 2-4 July 2004 University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- Pullen, C., 2004. Gay performances and contemporary factual television: Bakhtinian carnival, hybridity and agency. In: Queory Seminar Series 14 January 2004 University of Sussex, Department of English, Brighton.
- Pullen, C.. Educational Documentary and School Bullying: Animation, Carnival and Politics. In: Screen Studies Conference 29 June-1 July 2012 University of Glasgow.
- Pullen, C. and Tschalaer, M., 2021. Written evidence from Bournemouth University [EAP0007]. Women and Equalities Select Committee.
Internet Publications
- Pullen, C., 2024. “FINDING YOUR FIT” WITHIN THE CONFERENCE CONTINUUM by Christopher Pullen. CST Online. Available from: https://cstonline.net/finding-your-fit-within-the-conference-continuum-by-christopher-pullen/.
- Pullen, C.. ‘KEEP ON DRIVING’ – ON BEING AN OLDER ACADEMIC IN TV (AND FILM) STUDIES. Available from: https://cstonline.net/keep-on-driving-on-being-an-older-academic-in-tv-and-film-studies-by-christopher-pullen/.
- Pullen, C., 2004. Gay male performances in American confessional documentary and reality television. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University; Media School.
- Pullen, C. and Hong Tschalaer, M., 2021. Written evidence from Bournemouth University [EAP0007]. Women and Equalities Select Committee. Published online.
- Pullen, C. and Pullen, 2014. Documentaries can tell us more about AIDS than Hollywood. The Conversation. Published.
PhD Students
- Alexander McAulay, 2016. The Western Screenwriter in Japan: Screenwriting Considerations in Transnational Cinema.
- Bing Yang. Negotiated Masculinities in Chinese Reality TV
- Frances Hawkhead. An Examination of Female Same-sex Desire in the Fiction of Sarah Waters
- Maria Abdel Karim. Empowering Arab Women: Female voices in Lebanese Cinema
- Maria Abdel Karim. Empowering Arab Women: Female voices in Lebanese Cinema
- Resh Somauroo. Overprotective Storytelling: An Exploration into the Ethics and Creative Challenges behind Writing War-Based Television Drama for a Child Audience
- Understanding LGBTQ Refugees' and Asylum Seekers' Support Needs through Listening to Autobiographical Storytelling (British Academy, 01 May 2020). Awarded
- PGCE in Research Degree Supervision (Bournemouth University, 2010)
- PGCE in Higher Education (Bournemouth University, 2006)
- DPhil in Media and Social Identity (Bournemouth University, 2005)
- BA (Hons) in Humanities with Music (Open University, 2000)
- Dip HE in European Humanities (Open University, 2000)
- Dip HE in Music (Open University, 1999)
- Higher Education Academy, Fellow (2016-),
- Media, Communications and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA), Member,
- Nahemi, Member, http://nahemi.org/
- Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). (USA), Member,
- Popular Culture Association (PCA) (USA), Member,
- Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) (USA), Member,
- The Film and History League (USA), Member,