Dr Juliette Truman
- 68256 / 07980189042
- jtruman at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2147-5975
- Senior Lecturer In Occupational Therapy And Health Psychology
- Bournemouth Gateway Building BG504, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
Juliette qualified as an occupational therapist (OT) in 1990. She has undertaken a range of clinical roles and began specialising in neurological rehabilitation in 1993. She has redesigned out patient neurological services in Southampton to facilitate the development of a work rehabilitation service.
In 2003 Juliette joined the OT lecturing team at the University of Southampton, she combined this role with her Clinical Specialist role in OT / vocational rehabilitation. Between 2007-2014 she undertook a PhD which explored how people with traumatic brain injury perform in the workplace and how they might be better supported. In 2018 Juliette joined the lecturing team at Bournemouth University.
Juliette delivers teaching and postgraduate doctoral supervision in her areas of expertise: neurological rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation.
She has extensive experience in practice learning and expertise in the development of emerging areas of practice. Within this she supports the development of new areas of practice where OT students are encouraged to work with non-statutory services to identify the added value that OT might offer... More recently Juliette has supported the development of placements within primary care. Juliette is passionate about the role that OTs might play in supporting people to maintain their health and well-being through occupation.
Juliette is interested in developing intercultural competencies. She was part of an international team which was awarded EU monies to look at how the OT curricula in the UK , Sweden and Ireland might develop intercultural competencies to support practice within the home countries and share knowledge to offer new occupational perspectives on how global health and social issues might be addressed.
Juliette is delighted to be joining the team at Bournemouth University.
- Truman, J., 2014. Truman JL (2014) Performances in the workplace following traumatic brain injury; a dramaturgical metaphor to explain how return to work is supported. PhD Thesis. University of Southampton, Faculty of Health Sciences.
Journal Articles
- Hensman-Crook, A., Farquharson, L., Truman, J. and Angell, C., 2024. What matters to you? Public and patient involvement in the design stage of research. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10 (1).
- Clark, B., Burridge, J., Whitall, J., Turk, R., Hughes, A.M. and Truman, J., 2023. Why do some people with stroke not receive the recommended 45 min of occupational therapy and physiotherapy after stroke? A qualitative study using focus groups. BMJ Open, 13 (11).
- Clark, B., Truman, J., Whitall, J., Hughes, A.M., Turk, R. and Burridge, J., 2023. Why do some people who had a stroke not receive the recommended 45 min of occupational therapy and physiotherapy? A Delphi study. BMJ Open, 13 (11).
- Truman, J.L., Fox, J., Hynes, S.M., Hills, C., McGinley, S.L., Ekstam, L., Shiel, A. and Orban, K., 2021. Developing understandings of occupational (in)justice with occupational therapy students in a transnational project. Journal of Occupational Science, 28 (4), 588-598.
- Chamberlain, E., Scallan, S., Truman, J., Pike, A. and Lyon-Maris, J., 2019. Occupational therapy in primary care: Exploring the role of occupational therapy from a primary care perspective. British Journal of General Practice, 69 (688), 575-576.
- Graham, N., Truman, J. and Holgate, H., 2015. An exploratory study: Expanding the concept of play for children with severe cerebral palsy. Briish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (7).
- Graham, N., Truman, J. and Holgate, H., 2015. Parents’ understanding of play for children with cerebral palsy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69 (3).
- Scott-Dempster, C., Toye, F., Truman, J. and Baker, K., 2014. Physiotherapists’ experiences of activity pacing with people with Chronic musculoskeletal pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 30 (5).
- Scott-Dempster, C., Toye, F., Truman, J. and Barker, K., 2011. Physiotherapists experiences of activity pacing with people with chronic pain. European Journal of Pain Supplements (Elsevier), 5 (S1).
- Collier, L. and Truman, J., 2008. Exploring multi-sensory environment as a leisure resource for people with complex neurological disabilities. Neurorehabilitation 23(4). Neurorehabilitation, 23 (4).
- Frankum, J., Bray, J., Ell, M., Philp, I. and Truman, J., 1995. Predicting post-discharge outcome. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58 (9).
- Vijayakumaran, R.K., Gayathri, G., Lakshmi, R., Shiney, J., Truman, J. and Clark, C., 2024. Exploring food insecurity and sustainable food in rural India: collaborative learning through student mobility programme. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Truman, J., Chamberlain, E. and Pike, A., 2019. PRIMARY CARE HAS RICH SOIL: GROWING A FUTURE WORKFORCE THROUGH ROLE EMERGING PLACEMENTS. In: Royal College of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference 2019 17-18 June 2019 Birmingham. BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, 82, 47.
- Truman, J., Shiel, A., Collier, L., Orban, K., Fox, J., Hynes, S., Mcginley, S., Hills, C. and Ekstam, L., 2018. Professional Identity the key to professional survival? Designing a tool to measure the development of professional identity. In: Royal College of Occupational Therapists 2018 11-13 June 2018 Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Truman, J., Chamberlain, E. and Mills, P., 2018. Using role emerging practice learning opportunities to consider the role of OT in primary care settings. In: Community Education Provider Network National Conference 2018; London 21 February 2018 London.
- Fox, J., Hynes, S., Ekstam, L., Collier, L., Mcginley, S., Orban, K., Shiel, A. and Truman, J., 2017. Fox J, Hynes S, Ekstam L, Collier L, Mcginley S, Orban K, Shiel A, Truman J (2017) Making internationalisation a reality for occupational therapy students (MIROTS) - a community engagement project. 7th International Symposium on Service-Learning, At NUI Galway, Ireland (Paper). In: 7th International Symposium on Service-Learning, At NUI Galway, Ireland 14-16 June 2017 NUI Galway, Ireland.
- Truman, J., Ekstam, L. and Patomella, A., 2016. Making participation a reality. Enhancing the occupational perspective through an international collaboration between University of Southampton and Lund University. In: COTEC ENOTHE 15-19 June 2016 Galway, Ireland.
- Brizio, Z., Furnea, E., Truman, J. and Wintrup, J., 2016. Circles of partnership: working with students and academics to promote global health citizenship through educational collaborations (workshop). In: Higher Education Academy Health and Social Care Conference; Glasgow 24-25 February 2016 Glasgow.
- Wintrup, J., Nascimento, J., D’Aeth, A., Phillips, L., Wheeler, L., Laesobikan, P., Adams, J. and Truman, J., 2015. Purposeful partnerships and practices: an international education collaboration in global health.. York: Higher Education Academy.
- Truman, J., 2014. Truman JL (2014) Performances in the workplace following traumatic brain injury; a dramaturgical metaphor to explain how return to work is supported. PhD Thesis. University of Southampton, Faculty of Health Sciences.
- Chamberlain, E., Truman, J., Scallan, S., Lyon-Maris, J. and Pike, A., 2019. Occupational therapy: an emerging role in primary care.
- Mcginley, S., Job, T. and Truman, J., 2014. Beyond Erasmus: Making International collaborative education a reality. In: College of Occupational Therapists Conference 2014.
- Truman, J., Demain, S., Wiles, R. and Hill, E.C., 2013. Return to work after traumatic brain injury (TBI): how is it supported?
Invited Lectures
External Responsibilities
- Brunel University, External Examiner (2020-2023)
- Oxford Centre for Enablement and Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; Oxford Brookes University, Programme Approvals Panel Member (2015)
- National University of Ireland Galway, External Examiner (2010-2013), http://www.nuigalway.ie/
- PhD in Traumatic Brain Injury, Vocational Rehabilitation, (University of Southampton, 2014)
- PGCE in Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (University of Southampton, 2005)
- MSc in Rehabilitation and Research (University of Southampton, 2002)
- DipCOT in Diploma of College of Occupational Therapists (College of Occupational Therapists, 1990)
- Vice -Chancellor's Staff Award - Enriching Society Award (Bournemouth University, 2023)
- Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching - awarded for activities related to Internationalising curriculum for occupational therapy students. (University of Southampton, 2014)
- HCPC, Member (1990-),
- Royal College of Occupational Therapists, Member (1990-), http://www.rcot.co.uk/