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Sheila Hamilton-Dyer

  • Visiting Research Associate
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Journal Articles

  • Yu, H., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2022. Palaeogenomic analysis of black rat (Rattus rattus) reveals multiple European introductions associated with human economic history. Nature Communications, 13 (1).
  • Best, J., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2022. Redefining the timing and circumstances of the chicken's introduction to Europe and north-west Africa. Antiquity, 96 (388), 868-882.
  • Doherty, S.P., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2021. Estimating the age of domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus L. 1758) cockerels through spur development. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 31 (5), 770-781.
  • Martínez-García, L., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2021. Historical Demographic Processes Dominate Genetic Variation in Ancient Atlantic Cod Mitogenomes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9.
  • Schoenebeck, J.J., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Baxter, I.L., Schwarz, T. and Nussbaumer, M., 2021. From head to hind: Elucidating function through contrasting morphometrics of ancient and modern pedigree dogs. Anatomical Record, 304 (1), 63-77.
  • O'Connell, T.C., Ballantyne, R.M., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Margaritis, E., Oxford, S., Pantano, W., Millett, M. and Keay, S.J., 2019. Living and dying at the Portus Romae. Antiquity, 93 (369), 719-734.
  • Perri, A.R., Power, R.C., Stuijts, I., Heinrich, S., Talamo, S., Hamilton-Dyer, S. and Roberts, C., 2018. Detecting hidden diets and disease: Zoonotic parasites and fish consumption in Mesolithic Ireland. Journal of Archaeological Science, 97, 137-146.
  • Hamilton-Dyer, S., Brisbane, M. and Maltby, M., 2017. Fish, feather, fur and forest: Exploitation of wild animals in medieval Novgorod and its territory. Quaternary International, 460, 97-107.
  • Banerjea, R.Y., Badura, M., Kalejs, U., Cerina, A., Gos, K., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Maltby, M., Seetah, K. and Pluskowski, A., 2017. A multi-proxy, diachronic and spatial perspective on the urban activities within an indigenous community in medieval Riga, Latvia. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL, 460, 3-21.
  • Hutchinson, W.F., Culling, M., Orton, D.C., Hänfling, B., Handley, L.L., Hamilton-Dyer, S., O'Connell, T.C., Richards, M.P. and Barrett, J.H., 2015. The globalization of naval provisioning: Ancient DNA and stable isotope analyses of stored cod fromthe wreck of the Mary Rose, AD 1545. Royal Society Open Science, 2 (9).
  • Hamilton-Dyer, S., 2013. The Reference Collection-Is it Dead? The Role of the Physical Reference Collection in the Digital Age. ARCHAEOFAUNA, 22, 75-82.
  • Maltby, M. and Hamilton-Dyer, S., 2012. Big fish and great auks: exploitation of birds and fish on the Isle of Portland, Dorset, during the Romano-British period. Environmental Archaeology, 17 (2), 168-176.
  • Orton, D.C., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2011. Stable isotope evidence for late medieval (14th-15th C) origins of the eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery. PLoS One, 6 (11), e27568.
  • Barrett, J.H., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2011. Interpreting the expansion of sea fishing in medieval Europe using stable isotope analysis of archaeological cod bones. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38 (7), 1516-1524.
  • Hamilton-Dyer, S., 2011. Birds in Archaeology: Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the ICAZ Bird Working Group in Groningen. ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY, 16 (2), 174-175.
  • Barrett, J., Hamilton-Dyer, S. et al., 2008. Detecting the medieval cod trade: a new method and first results. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35 (4), 850-861.
  • Baxter, I.L. and Hamilton-Dyer, S., 2003. Foxy in furs? A note on evidence for the probable commercial exploitation of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) and other fur bearing mammals in Saxo-Norman (10th-12th century AD) Hertford, Hertfordshire, U.K. Archaeofauna, 12, 87-94.
  • Hull, G., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Blinkhorn, P. and Cannon, P., 2003. The excavation and analysis of an 18th century deposit of anatomical remains and chemical apparatus from the rear of the first Ashmolean Museum (now The Museum of the History of Science), Broad Street, Oxford. Post Medieval Archaeology, 37, 1-28.
  • Gardiner, J., Allen, M.J., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Laidlaw, M. and Scaife, R.G., 2002. Making the Most of It: Late Prehistoric Pastoralism in the Avon Levels, Severn Estuary. Proceedings of Prehistoric Society, 68, 1-40.
  • Gardiner, M., Cross, R., Macpherson-Grant, N., Riddler, I., Blackmore, L., Chick, D., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Murray, E. and Weir, D., 2001. Continental Trade and Non-Urban Ports in Mid-Anglo-Saxon England: Excavations at Sandtun, West Hythe, Kent. Archaeological journal, 158 (1), 161-290.
  • Hamilton-Dyer, S., 1997. The Domestic Fowl and Other Birds from the Roman Site of Mons Claudianus, Egypt. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 7 (4), 326-329.


  • Maltby, M., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Hambleton, E. and Sablin, M., 2020. The exploitation of domestic mammals at the 9th- and 10th-century sites in the hinterland of Novgorod. Animals and Archaeology in Northern Medieval Russia Zooarchaeological Studies in Novgorod and Its Region. Oxbow Books Limited.
  • Maltby, M., Hamilton-Dyer, S., Zinoviev, A.V. and Hambleton, E., 2020. The exploitation of domestic mammals in Novgorod: The evidence from Troitsky IX, X and XI and other sites in Novgorod. Animals and Archaeology in Northern Medieval Russia Zooarchaeological Studies in Novgorod and Its Region. Oxbow Books Limited.
  • Maltby, M., Brisbane, M., Hambleton, E. and Hamilton-Dyer, S., 2020. Использование природной среды: дикие животные в средневековом Новгороде и на Новгородской земле (Using the Natural Environment: The exploitation of wild animals in medieval Novgorod and its territory). Археологические вести 28 (Archaeological News 28). St Petersburg: Russian Academy of Sciences: Institute for the History of Material Culture, 203-221.
  • Brisbane, M., Hambleton, E., Hamilton-Dyer, S. and Maltby, M., 2015. Reflections on the Ecological Setting and Environmental Impact of Medieval Settlement Expansion in Northern Russia. In: Gaidukov, P., ed. Towns and Villages of Medieval Russia. Moscow: Russian Academy of Science, 36-44.