Dr Stacy Wall
- 01202 965445
- swall@bournemouth.ac.uk
- Senior Lecturer In Digital Advertising and Marketing Communications
- Weymouth House W420, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Journal Articles
- Wall, S., Hemingway, A. and Curtin, S., 2017. Engaging with a healthy tourism “offer”: strategies to improve place perceptions. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 9 (5), 525-533.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V. and Wall, S., 2012. Tourism engaging with the public health agenda: can we promote 'wellville' as a destination of choice? Public Health, 126 (12), 1072-1074.
- Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Fyall, A., Filimonau, V. and Wall, S., 2012. Tourism engaging with the public health agenda: Can we promote ‘wellville’ as a destination of choice? Public Health, 126 (12), 1072-1074.
- Wall, S., 2017. Finding ways to engage with a healthy tourism "offer": evaluating potential synergies between wellbeing, public health, and tourism at a local destination. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Management.