Tom Cousins

Tom Cousins

  • Diving and Maritime Archaeology Officer
  • CG23,
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Journal Articles

  • Cousins, T., 2024. The Mortar Wreck: A mid-thirteenth-century ship, wrecked off Studland Bay, Dorset, carrying a cargo of Purbeck stone. Antiquity, 98 (400), 991-1005.
  • Knight, K.Y., Cousins, T.A. and Parham, D., 2019. A comparison of biodegradation caused by Teredinidae (Mollusca:Bivalvia), Limnoriidae (Crustacea:Isopoda), and C. terebans (Crustacea:Amphipoda) across 4 shipwreck sites in the English Channel. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 23, 854-867.


  • Parham, D., Needham, S. and Frieman, C.J., 2013. Claimed by the Sea; Salcombe, Langdon Bay and other Marine Finds of the Bronze Age. Council for British Archaeology Research Reports Series.


  • Anderson, E.F. and Cousins, T., 2024. Blending WW2 history with the present in an interactive virtual heritage experience. In: Ilves, K., Walker Vadillo, V. and Velentza, K., eds. Delivering the Deep: Maritime Archaeology for the 21st Century: Selected Papers From IKUWA 7. Oxford, UK: BAR Publishing, 287-297.


  • Anderson, E.F. and Cousins, T., 2022. Blending WW2 History with the Present in an Interactive Virtual Heritage Experience. In: IKUWA7: 7th Congress for Underwater Archaeology 6-9 June 2022 Helsinki, Finland.
  • Cousins, T., Harrison, T. and Parham, D., 2020. The Maritime Archaeology of Duplex Drive Tanks in the United Kingdom. In: Rodrigues, J. and Traviglia, A., eds. IKUWA6 28 November-2 December 2016 Western Australian Maritime Museum Fremantle. Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology Freemantle: Western Austrailia Museum.
  • Anderson, E.F. and Cousins, T., 2019. Interactive Presentation of Archaeology in the Historical Context and the Present - Virtual Heritage Experiences that Blend Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. In: CAA-UK 2019: annual meeting of the UK Chapter of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 4-5 October 2019 Bournemouth, UK.

