Dr Daniel Franklin
- Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences
- Christchurch House C208, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
- Keywords:
- Biology
- Ecology
- Environmental sciences
- Microbiology
- Science
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My undergraduate training was in marine biology and ecology (and microalgal culture). My first experience of hands-on research was in the quantification of diatom growth and carbon and nitrogen content. For my PhD work I then further specialised in aquatic microbes by studying the cell biology of the coral symbiont (zooxanthellae) during the process of coral bleaching. After my PhD I continued in this area with a Royal Society fellowship to work at the U. Queensland. Returning to the UK, I worked on two NERC funded projects at the U. East Anglia on cell death in model phytoplankton species (using flow cytometry and continuous culture) and dimethyl-sulphide production (gas chromatography) in coccolithophores and in oceanic phytoplankton assemblages. At Bournemouth I have developed applied research interests in sustainable marine resource management and have worked extensively in Poole harbour, an important UK aquaculture and conservation site. In a recent project (RaNTrans 2020-2023) we assessed the potential economic exploitation of Ulva (sea lettuce) in the channel region and compared the growth of pacific and native oysters as part of a nutrient remediation strategy... Alongside this marine work I have developed an interest in freshwater cyanobacteria – ecology and risk management – due to the significance of cyanobacteria as indicators of environmental change and their potential public health impacts when forming nuisance (and potentially toxic) blooms. In addition to these two main interests, I have always had a strong interest in public engagement and outreach work. I frequently participate in this type of work where I aim to excite and enthuse the next generation of environmental scientists.
My current research interests are: 1) freshwater cyanobacteria – toxicity, ecology, and risk management, 2) seaweed ecology, seaweed and shellfish aquaculture, and the sustainable use of marine resources, 3) Harmful algal blooms in marine and freshwater systems and, 4) Aquatic environmental monitoring and citizen science/public engagement.
Journal Articles
- Morrall, Z., Franklin, D.J. et al., 2025. Ecological impacts, efficacy and economic feasibility of algal mat removal from temperate intertidal mudflats under blue nitrogen trading schemes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 214.
- Boakes, Z., Suryaputra, I.G.N.A., Hall, A.E., Franklin, D.J. and Stafford, R., 2023. Nutrient dynamics, carbon storage and community composition on artificial and natural reefs in Bali, Indonesia. Marine Biology, 170 (10).
- Newton, A.C. et al., 2021. Operationalising the concept of ecosystem collapse for conservation practice. Biological Conservation, 264.
- Examining the Evidence for Regulated and Programmed Cell Death in Cyanobacteria. How Significant Are Different Forms of Cell Death in Cyanobacteria Population Dynamics? Frontiers in Microbiology, 12.
Foo, S.C., Chapman, I.J., Hartnell, D.M., Turner, A.D. and Franklin, D.J., 2020. Effects of H
2 O2 on growth, metabolic activity and membrane integrity in three strains of Microcystis aeruginosa. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 (31), 38916-38927. - Hartnell, D.M., Chapman, I.J., Taylor, N.G.H., Esteban, G.F., Turner, A.D. and Franklin, D.J., 2020. Cyanobacterial abundance and microcystin profiles in two Southern British Lakes: The importance of abiotic and biotic interactions. Toxins, 12 (8).
- Elovaara, S., Degerlund, M., Franklin, D.J., Kaartokallio, H. and Tamelander, T., 2020. Seasonal variation in estuarine phytoplankton viability and its relationship with carbon dynamics in the Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia, 847 (11), 2485-2501.
- Vanharanta, M., Elovaara, S., Franklin, D.J., Spilling, K. and Tamelander, T., 2020. Viability of pico- and nanophytoplankton in the Baltic Sea during spring. Aquatic Ecology, 54 (1), 119-135.
- Chapman, I.J., Franklin, D.J., Turner, A.D., McCarthy, E.J.A. and Esteban, G.F., 2019. Predator−prey interactions between the ciliate Blepharisma americanum and toxic (Microcystis spp.) and non-toxic (Chlorella vulgaris, Microcystis sp.) photosynthetic microbes. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 83 (3), 211-224.
- Steele, D.J., Kimmance, S.A., Franklin, D.J. and Airs, R.L., 2018. Occurrence of chlorophyll allomers during virus-induced mortality and population decline in the ubiquitous picoeukaryote Ostreococcus tauri. Environmental Microbiology, 20 (2), 588-601.
- Le Quéré, C., Franklin, D.J. et al., 2016. Role of zooplankton dynamics for Southern Ocean phytoplankton biomass and global biogeochemical cycles. Biogeosciences, 13 (14), 4111-4133.
- Hartnell, D.M., Chapman, I.J., Esteban, G.F. and Franklin, D.J., 2016. Exploiting eco-physiological niche to facilitate the separation of the freshwater cyanobacteria Microcystis sp. and Synechococcus sp. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 122, 13-15.
- Chapman, I.J., Esteban, G.F. and Franklin, D.J., 2016. Molecular probe optimization to determine cell mortality in a photosynthetic organism (Microcystis aeruginosa) using flow cytometry. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016 (107).
- Chapman, I.J., Esteban, G.F. and Franklin, D.J., 2016. Molecular Probe Optimization to Determine Cell Mortality in a Photosynthetic Organism (Microcystis aeruginosa) Using Flow Cytometry. JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS.
- Steele, D.J., Tarran, G.A., Widdicombe, C.E., Woodward, E.M.S., Kimmance, S.A., Franklin, D.J. and Airs, R.L., 2015. Abundance of a chlorophyll a precursor and the oxidation product hydroxychlorophyll a during seasonal phytoplankton community progression in the Western English Channel. Progress in Oceanography, 137, 434-445.
- Steele, D.J., Tarran, G.A., Widdicombe, C.E., Woodward, E.M.S., Kimmance, S.A., Franklin, D.J. and Airs, R.L., 2015. Abundance of a chlorophyll a precursor and the oxidation product hydroxychlorophyll a during seasonal phytoplankton community progression in the Western English Channel. Progress in Oceanography.
- Steele, D.J., Franklin, D.J. and Underwood, G.J.C., 2014. Protection of cells from salinity stress by extracellular polymeric substances in diatom biofilms. Biofouling, 30 (8), 987-998.
- Franklin, D.J., 2014. Explaining the causes of cell death in cyanobacteria: What role for asymmetric division. Journal of Plankton Research, 36 (1), 11-17.
- Franklin, D., 2012. Coral bleaching. Synthia, 1 (1), 14-15.
- Franklin, D.J., Airs, R.L., Fernandes, D.J., Bell, T.G., Bongaerts, R.J., Berges, J.A. and Malin, G., 2012. Identification of senescence and death in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira pseudonana: Cell staining, chlorophyll alterations, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography, 57, 305-317.
- Franklin, D., Airs, R.L., Fernandes, M., Bell, T.G., Bongaerts, R.J., Berges, J.A. and Malin, G., 2012. Identification of senescence and death in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira pseudonana: Cell staining, chlorophyll alterations, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography, 57 (1), 305-317.
- Hughes, C., Franklin, D.J. and Malin, G., 2011. Iodomethane production by two important marine cyanobacteria: Prochlorococcus marinus (CCMP 2389) and Synechococcus sp (CCMP 2370). Marine Chemistry, 125, 19-25.
- Franklin, D.J., Stanke, M., Young, J., Probert, I. and Malin, G., 2010. Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), DMSPlyase activity (DLA) and dimethylsulphide (DMS) in 10 species of coccolithophore. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
- Fitt, W.K., Franklin, D.J. et al., 2009. Response of two species of Indo-Pacific corals, Porites cylindrica and Stylophora pistillata, to short-term thermal stress: The host does matter in determining the tolerance of corals to bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 373, 102-110.
- Franklin, D.J., Choi, C.J., Hughes, C., Malin, G. and Berges, J.A., 2009. Effect of dead phytoplankton cells on the apparent efficiency of photosystem II. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 382, 35-40.
- Franklin, D.J., Poulton, A.J., Steinke, M., Young, J., Peeken, I. and Malin, G., 2009. Dimethylsulphide, DMSP-lyase activity and microplankton community structure inside and outside of the Mauritanian upwelling. Progress in Oceanography, 83, 134-142.
- Buitenhuis, E.T., Pangerc, T., Franklin, D.J., Le Quere, C. and Malin, G., 2008. Growth rates of six coccolithophorid strains as a function of temperature. Limnology and Oceanography, 53, 1181-1185.
- Oliver, J.Y., Franklin, D., Chong, F.T. and Akella, V., 2007. Using Application Bisection Bandwidth to Guide Tile Size Selection for the Synchroscalar Tile-Based Architecture. Trans. High Perform. Embed. Archit. Compil., 1, 259-278.
- Franklin, D.J., BrussAard, C.P.D. and Berges, J.A., 2006. What is the role and nature of programmed cell death in phytoplankton ecology? European Journal of Phycology, 41, 1-14.
- Franklin, D.J., Molina Cedres, C.M. and Hoegh-Guldberg, O., 2006. Increased mortality and photoinhibition in the symbiotic dinoflagellates of the Indo–Pacific coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) after summer bleaching. Marine Biology, 149, 633-642.
- Oliver, J.Y., Rao, R., Franklin, D., Chong, F.T. and Akella, V., 2006. Synchroscalar: Evaluation of an embedded, multi-core architecture for media applications. J. Embed. Comput., 2, 157-166.
- Kaján, L., Kertész-Farkas, A., Franklin, D., Ivanova, N., Kocsor, A. and Pongor, S., 2006. Application of a simple likelihood ratio approximant to protein sequence classification. Bioinform., 22, 2865-2869.
- Franklin, D.J. and Berges, J.A., 2004. Mortality in cultures of the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae during culture senescence and darkness. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B: Biological Sciences, 271, 2099-2107.
- Franklin, D.J., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Jones, R.J. and Berges, J.A., 2004. Cell death and degeneration in the symbiotic dinoflagellates of the coral Stylophora pistillata during bleaching. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 272, 117-130.
- Montagnes, D.J.S. and Franklin, D.J., 2001. Effect of temperature on diatom volume, growth rate, and carbon and nitrogen content: Reconsidering some paradigms. Limnology and Oceanography, 46, 2008-2018.
- Berges, J.A., Franklin, D.J. and Harrison, P.J., 2001. Evolution of an artificial seawater medium: improvements in enriched seawater, artificial water over the last two decades. Journal of Phycology, 37, 1138-1145.
- Firby, R.J., Prokopowicz, P.N., Swain, M.J., Kahn, R.E. and Franklin, D., 1996. Programming CHIP for the IJCAI-95 Robot Competition. AI Mag., 17, 71-81.
- Thornton, A., Herbert, R.J.H., Stillman, R. and Franklin, D., 2019. Macroalgal mats in a eutrophic estuarine marine protected area: implications for benthic invertebrates and wading birds. Marine Protected Areas: Science, Policy , Management. Elsevier, 703-727.
- Thornton, A., Herbert, R.J.H., Stillman, R.A. and Franklin, D.J., 2019. Macroalgal mats in a eutrophic estuarine marine protected area. Marine Protected Areas: Science, Policy and Management. 703-727.
- Franklin, D.J., Herbert, R.J.H., Chapman, I., Willcocks, A., Humphreys, J. and Purdie, D.A., 2019. Consequences of nitrate enrichment in a temperate estuarine marine protected area; response of the microbial primary producers and consequences for management. Marine Protected Areas: Science, Policy and Management. 685-702.
- Franklin, D., Harris, M.R.C., Humphreys, J., Chapman, I.J., Herbert, R., Jensen, A. and Purdie, D., 2017. Investigating the sustainability of the Poole Harbour Manila clam fishery; phytoplankton seasonality and its relationship with clam condition index. In: Marine Protected Areas. Science, Policy & Management 15-17 May 2017 Poole.
- Thornton, A., Herbert, R.J.H., Stillman, R.A.S. and Franklin, D., 2015. Does nutrient pollution transform upper trophic levels of estuarine food webs? In: ECSA 55: 55th Conference of Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association 6 September 2015-9 September 2016 ExCel Exhibition Centre Royal Victoria Dock London.
- Franklin, D., Pinder, A., Harrison, A., Herbert, R., O'Brien, W. and Pegg, J., 2016. Poole Park Lakes: Research and monitoring. BUG.
- Harrison, A., Pinder, A., Herbert, R., Pegg, J., O'Brien, W. and Franklin, D., 2016. Poole Park Lakes: Research and monitoring. BUG.
- Franklin, D., Humphreys, J., Harris, M., Jensen, A.C., Herbert, R.J.H. and Purdie, D.A., 2012. An investigation into the annual cycle of phytoplankton abundance in Poole Harbour and its relationship with Manila clam nutrition.. Marine Management Organisation.
- Thornton, A., Herbert, R., Stillman, R.A. and Franklin, D., 2017. The impact of green macroalgal mats on overwintering wading birds: a top predator within an estuarine SPA ecosystem. In: Marine Protected Areas. Science, Policy & Management, Poole 15-17 May 2017.
PhD Students
- David Hartnell, 2017. Ecology of Microcystis cyanotoxins
- Deborah Steele. Chlorophyll allomers and cell viability in nanoeukaryotes
- Anne Thornton. Ecological effects of green tides
- Ian Chapman. Microcystis ecology and physiology
Profile of Teaching UG
- Environmental Pollution
- Freshwater Resource Management
- Practical Skills
- Field Research Environment
- Marine Geography
- Biological Oceanography
- Applications of Environmental Science
- RANTRANS (EU INTERREG, 01 Jan 2020). Awarded
- Detection of harmful algae in Poole harbour (HEIF, 01 Jan 2016). Completed
- Phytoplankton abundance and shellfish success in Poole Harbour (Marine Management Organisation, 31 Aug 2011). Completed
External Responsibilities
- British Phycological Society, Member of council (2019-2022)
- Plymouth University, External examiner (2019-2022)
- Committee Heads of Environmental Science, Member of National Executive (2013-)
- Natural Environment Research Council, Member of Peer Review College (2011-2016)
Conference Presentations
- European Phycological Congress, Using knowledge of ecological niche requirements to separate the freshwater cyanobacteria Microcystis sp. and Synechococcus sp. and create fresh culture lines, 23 Aug 2016, London
- British Phycological Society meeting, Effects of light intensity on cell growth and microcystin production in Microcystis PCC 7806: A toxic cyanobacterium, 23 Jun 2016, Bournemouth
- British Phycological conference, Grazing of the ciliate Blepharisma americanum on one strain of Chlorella and three strains of Microcystis: grazing differences between strains linked to microcystin content, 22 Jun 2016, BU
- International Society for Protistology, Grazing of Blepharisma americanum on toxic and non-toxic Microcystis aeruginosa cells, 05 Sep 2015, Seville
- Fellow in Teaching and learning (HEA, 2013)
- PhD in Microalgal ecology (Queen's University of Belfast, 2002)
- BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology (University of Liverpool, 1998)
- Association for the sciences of Limnology & Oceanography, Member (2011-),
- British Phycological Society, Member (2010-),
- Challenger Society for Marine Science, Member,