Daniel Franklin

Dr Daniel Franklin

  • Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences
  • Christchurch House C208, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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My undergraduate training was in marine biology and ecology (and microalgal culture). My first experience of hands-on research was in the quantification of diatom growth and carbon and nitrogen content. For my PhD work I then further specialised in aquatic microbes by studying the cell biology of the coral symbiont (zooxanthellae) during the process of coral bleaching. After my PhD I continued in this area with a Royal Society fellowship to work at the U. Queensland. Returning to the UK, I worked on two NERC funded projects at the U. East Anglia on cell death in model phytoplankton species (using flow cytometry and continuous culture) and dimethyl-sulphide production (gas chromatography) in coccolithophores and in oceanic phytoplankton assemblages. At Bournemouth I have developed applied research interests in sustainable marine resource management and have worked extensively in Poole harbour, an important UK aquaculture and conservation site. In a recent project (RaNTrans 2020-2023) we assessed the potential economic exploitation of Ulva (sea lettuce) in the channel region and compared the growth of pacific and native oysters as part of a nutrient remediation strategy...



My current research interests are: 1) freshwater cyanobacteria – toxicity, ecology, and risk management, 2) seaweed ecology, seaweed and shellfish aquaculture, and the sustainable use of marine resources, 3) Harmful algal blooms in marine and freshwater systems and, 4) Aquatic environmental monitoring and citizen science/public engagement.