Emma Collins

Emma Collins

  • Lecturer in Child and Young People Nursing
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BG401, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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Emma Collins is a Children and Young People’s Lecturer within the Department of Nursing Science. A Registered nurse (child) with clinical experience in acute and community environments holding posts in West Sussex, London, Poole, Bournemouth, Brighton and Dorset, since qualifying in 2005.

Emma obtained Children’s Community Nurse Specialist Practitioner Qualification (CCN SPQ) and V100 Nurse Prescriber in 2018, going on to complete Practice Teacher MSc to supervise and assess future students studying CCN SPQ in West Dorset. Passionate about learning, development and nurse education Emma joined BU in 2021 and is committed to fusion of teaching, practice and research. Emma continues to network regionally and nationally within paediatrics and CCN specialist practitioner forums and was part of a working team with the QNi to propose NMC standards for CCN SPQ (published July 2022).

Emma’s research has focused on student-centred pedagogy, in particular compassionate pedagogy and how this translates to practice and service-user experience...
