Ursula Rolfe

Dr Ursula Rolfe

  • Associate Professor in Paramedic Science
  • BG-506,
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Ursula is Associate Professor in Paramedic Science, Deputy Head of Department of Midwifery and Health Sciences and the Academic Lead for Practice Simulation for Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. She has previous clinical and teaching experience within the NHS and the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom and South Africa. She has specialised in urgent and emergency care work across the lifespan and continues to practice clinically within the NHS as an advanced paramedic prescriber.

Ursula has a PhD from the University of Southampton and started her academic career with a BA (Hons) in Psychology and English as well as an MPhil degree in South Africa at Stellenbosch University before moving to the UK in 2009 to take up the position of Clinical Tutor and Training Officer in South West Ambulance Service Foundation Trust. Ursula was seconded as a lecturer practitioner to the FdSc Paramedic Science degree from 2009 to 2012. She then went on to complete her BSc (Hons) in Urgent and Emergency Care in 2012 at Bournemouth University, joined Bournemouth University in 2012 full time as a lecturer and programme lead of the Paramedic Science degree...



PhD dissertation on How paramedics manage and respond to patients experiencing mental health issues

Journal Articles



  • Rolfe, U., 2021. Assessment Skills for Paramedics. In: Blaber, A. and Harris, G., eds. Assessment Skills for Paramedics. MHE Education.


  • Johnson, S., Thomas, E., Fisher, M., Virk, K., Markerson, J. and Rolfe, U., 2024. Ambulance mental health placements via virtual simulation: a novel hybrid approach. In: ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare) conference 3-5 November 2024 Edinburgh.
  • Rolfe, U., 2023. Mental health education for paramedics in the UK - challenges and achievements. In: Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care (CICE) 19-20 October 2023 Vaxjo.
  • Holley, D. and Rolfe, U., 2023. Towards a taxonomy of scale: a sustainable approach. In: 2023 ASPiH Annual Conference, 6-8 November 2023 Brighton.
  • Hefferman, C. and Rolfe, U., 2023. Pilot study looking at the benefits of Virtual Reality (VR) simulation for Physician Associates (PA). In: 2023 ASPiH Annual Conference 6-8 November 2023 Brighton.
  • Singleton, H., Holley, D., Moran, J., Rolfe, U. and Collins, E., 2023. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Simulations filmed in 360. In: AHSN Virtual Reality Seminar 17 March 2023 online.
  • Singleton, H., Holley, D., Moran, J., Bancroft, A., Collins, E. and Rolfe, U., 2023. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Simulations filmed in 360 presented at the AHSN Virtual Reality Seminar. In: AHSN Virtual Reality Seminar 17 March 2023 online.
  • Rolfe, U. and Basiel, A., 2022. Using experiential-based simulation learning to develop adult nursing students’ communication skills to support practice. In: All things being equitable: ASPiH conference 2022 6-8 November 2022 Birmingham.
  • Rolfe, U. and Basiel, A., 2022. Using online simulation to prepare mental health nursing students for practice. In: All things being equitable: ASPiH conference 2022 6-8 November 2022 Birmingham.
  • Rolfe, U. and Partlow, D., 2022. Paramedics managing mental health patients - where are we now? In: Mental Health Education for the UK ambulance sector 2022 26-27 October 2022 Milton Keynes.
  • Pask, S., Staples, J., Singleton, H., Moran, J., Collins, E., Bancroft, A., Holley, D., Rolfe, U. and Snowden, J., 2022. Child and Adolescent Mass Casualty Simulations Filmed in 360- Healthcare Practitioners Working Together. In: Pier Wessex 17-18 October 2022 Winchester.
  • Bancroft, A., Rolfe, U., Singleton, H., Holley, D. and Moran, J., 2022. Simulation: Creating and sharing reusable learning resources with our students. In: Fusion learning, Innovation and Excellence Colloquium (FLIE), Bournemouth University 28 June 2022 Bournemouth University.
  • Rolfe, U. and Holley, D., 2022. Simulation for healthcare students: lessons learned from C19. In: iLRN 2022: 8th Annual Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network 30 May-3 June 2022 Vienna.
  • Bancroft, A., Holley, D., Moran, J. and Rolfe, U., 2021. Exercise Martian Attack!: Using VR feedback as a reflective tool for paramedic science students. In: Moneypenny, M., Weldon, S., Hamilton, C., Buttery, A. and Aliner, G., eds. ASPiH 2021 Conference - Moving Upstream: Using simulation to improve systems 8-10 November 2021 Paper 61. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, Volume 1 (Supplement 1), A66 online: Adi Health + Wellness.
  • Rolfe, U., 2020. How paramedics manage patients experiencing mental health issues in a local UK ambulance service. In: Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care (CICE) 21-24 October 2020 Linnaeus University Växjö.
  • Rolfe, U., 2020. How paramedics manage mental health patients in a local UK ambulance trust - lessons learned. In: SWAST Research Symposium 18 March 2020 Exeter, Devon.
  • Rolfe, U., 2019. How paramedics manage patients experiencing mental health issues - an study using ethnographic methods. In: Symposium on blue light mental health emergencies 6 February 2019 University of Brighton.
  • Rolfe, U., 2018. The world's a stage. In: 3rd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care 4-6 October 2018 Netherlands.
  • Rolfe, U., 2018. Mental health calls in a 999 service, how do paramedics manage patients with mental health issues. In: BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 8 September 2016 Birmingham.
  • Rolfe, U., 2018. It’s not easy being green - an ethnographic study on how paramedics manage patients with mental health issues. In: 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care 24 September 2016 Spain.


  • Radford, M. and Grout, G., 2020. AP_MH Curriculum and Capabilities Framework HEE. Health Education England.
  • Paramedics, C.O., 2017. Post-graduate Curriculum Guidance Document. College of Paramedics.
  • Paramedics, C.O., 2015. Curriculum Guidance Document, 3rd edition revised. College of Paramedics.
  • Paramedics, C.O., 2014. Curriculum Guidance Document, 3rd edition. College of Paramedics.
  • Paramedics, C.O., 2013. Paramedic Career and Competency Framework 3rd Edition. College of Paramedics.

Internet Publications


  • Rolfe, U., 2018. How paramedics manage and respond to patients experiencing mental health issues. PhD Thesis. Southampton University.



Profile of Teaching PG

  • Child Minor Illness and Injury
  • Developing Minor Injury Care
  • Independent and supplementary non-medical prescribing
  • MSc Advanced Practice
  • MSc ACP

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Paramedic Practice Portfolio 2
  • Managing long term conditions level 5


  • What are the barriers to health promotion advice delivered by staff working in urgent care and emergency departments? – promotED study (NIHR, 01 Feb 2023). Awarded
  • VSXR: Research on the Development of Collaborative Virtual Spaces for XR Nursing Training (Internal Pump Prime, 01 Feb 2023). Awarded
  • Paramedics managing mental health (College of Paramedics, 13 Sep 2019). Awarded

External Responsibilities

  • Plymouth University, External Examiner (2021-2023)
  • Robert Gordon University, Scotland, External Examiner (2021-2024)
  • International Journal of Emergency Services, Editorial Review Board Member (2020-)
  • British Paramedic Journal, Reviewer (2018-)
  • Elsevier, Reviewer (2018-)
  • College of Paramedics, member of Paremdic Mental Health Group (2017-)
  • College of Paramedics, Mental Health Lead (2015-)
  • Hertfordshire University, External Examiner (2013-)
  • College of Paramedics, Paramedic Post-graduate Curriculum Development (2013-)
  • College of Paramedics, Education Committe (2012-)

Conference Presentations

  • Emergency Responders Research Symposium, Paramedic Mental Health Education, 30 Jan 2020, London
  • Symposium on blue light mental health emergencies, “How paramedics manage patients experiencing mental health issues - an study using ethnographic methods”, 06 Feb 2019, Brighton
  • Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, The world's a stage, 04 Oct 2018, Netherlands
  • 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing and Trauma Care, It’s not easy being green - an ethnographic study on how paramedics manage patients with mental health issues, 23 Sep 2016, Spain
  • BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference, Mental health calls in a 999 service, how do paramedics manage patients with mental health issues, 08 Sep 2016, Birmingham

Consultancy Activities

  • HEE New Roles AHP Task and Finish group, consultancy. HEE
  • Project A: Mental Health Collaborative Accelerated Design Event, consultancy. NHS England
  • Ambulance and Mental Health working group, Consultancy. NHS England
  • Advanced Clinical Practice for Mental Health Expert Advisory Group, Consultancy. Health Education Engalnd
  • Allied Health Professions Strategic Group Dorset, Consultancy. Dorset ICS


  • PhD in Paramedic Practice (University of Southampton, 2018)
  • BSc (Hons) in Urgent and Emergency Care (Bournemouth University, 2012)
  • PGCE in Education (Open University, 2010)
  • MPhil in Media Management (Stellenbosch University, 2001)
  • BA (Hons) in Psychology and English (Stellenbosch University, 1998)


  • Fellow of the College of Paramedics (College of Paramedics, 2023)
  • Nominated for Bournemouth University VC Staff Awards (2014)
  • Nominated for Bournemouth University VC Staff Awards (2013)
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy
