Holly Chinnery
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I am a first year psychology PhD student, studying "Improving the design and fitting procedure of prosthetic eyes in children with retinoblastoma (eye cancer): exploring skill-based and technology-based procedures to achieve psychological and technological recommendations"

My academic background is a BSc(Hons) in Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, a Msc in Foundations of Clinical Psychology and a PG Cert in Evidence Based Psychological Treatment (IAPT Pathway). I have published 4 journal articles and have contributed to the planning, development and running of the Student Member Group Conference of the British Psychological Society .

My work experience is predominately in mental health where I have treated people with low to medium psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety and phobias using self-help Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.


I am undertaking a 3 year PhD project investigating the psychological impact Retinoblastoma has on the child and their families and how we can improve acceptability in terms of improving the design and fitting of prosthetic eyes.