Lizzie Gauntlett

Lizzie Gauntlett

  • i7642194 at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Lizzie Gauntlett is a postgraduate researcher in the Faculty of Health and Social Science at Bournemouth University. She is an experienced textbook author, examiner and teacher of post-compulsory education. In 2012, she moved into the field of Widening Participation in a higher education practitioner role. Lizzie’s PhD studentship is funded by the Bournemouth University Fair Access project and intends to offer insight into processes that enhance student success.


Her work is concerned with exploring the phenomenon of resilience through the lived experience of low-income HE students. Whilst there is much focus on students from widening participation backgrounds who drop-out or underachieve, much less is known about those who persist and succeed. Thus, resilience as part of a positive psychology model can be used to listen to those ‘quiet voices’ which tell us about the everyday experience for these students.

Journal Articles

  • Collins, B., Hunt, C., Wardrop, A., Gauntlett, E., Heaslip, V., Hutchings, M. and Pritchard, C., 2018. Asking the right questions: Opportunities and challenges of survey methods in widening participation research. International Studies in Widening Participation, 5 (2).
  • Gauntlett, L., Collins, B. and Thomas, G., 2017. Academic Resilience in Non-traditional University Students: a Critical Review of the Literature. Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture: Cultural Determinants and Education.
  • Gauntlett, L., Bickle, E., Collins, B., Heaslip, V., Thomas, G. and Eccles, S., 2017. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: A means of exploring aspiration and resilience amongst Widening Participation students. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 19 (2).
  • Jarvis, M., Gauntlett, L. and Collins, H., 2011. Are Mash-Ups the Future for Online Learning Platforms? Psychology A-Level Students' Judgements about VLE and MUPPLE Interfaces. Psychology Teaching Review, 17 (2), 83-90.



  • Gauntlett, L., 2017. Academic Resilience in Non-traditional University Students: a Critical Review of the Literature. In: Beliefs, Behaviours in Education and Culture 25-27 June 2015 University of West Timisoara.
  • Gauntlett, L. and Bickle, E., 2016. A novel approach to researching the student experience across the higher education lifecycle: Using interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore ‘widening participation’ students’ aspiration and academic resilience. In: HE: Transforming lives through life-wide learning? 27-28 April 2016 Open University Milton Keynes.


  • Gauntlett, E., 2018. The lived experience of university students from low-income backgrounds: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of academic resilience. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.



  • Supporting the Degree Attainment of Black and Minority Ethnic Students within Creative Disciplines (Higher Education Academy, 01 Sep 2012). Completed

External Responsibilities


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (GBC) (Open University, 2010)
  • PGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and Training (University of Greenwich, 2009)
  • BA (Hons) in Philosophy (University of Southampton, 2005)