Jon Milward
- 01202 965437
- jmilward at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Bournemouth Archaeology Project Officer
- Christchurch House C113A, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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- Hewitt, I., Putnam, M., Milward, J. and Monteith, J., 2020. Dewlish Roman Villa, Dorset: Bill Putnam's excavations, 1969-1979. Dorchester: Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society.
- Hewitt, I., Putnam, M., Milward, J. and Monteith, J., 2021. Dewlish Roman Villa, Dorset. Bill Putnam's Excavations 1969-1979. Dorchester: Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. Published.