Dr Kath Ryan
- kryan at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
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Journal Articles
- Ryan, K., Brown, S., Wilkins, C., Taylor, A.M., Arnold, R., Angell, C. and van Teijlingen, E., 2011. Which hat am I wearing today? Practising midwives doing research. Evidence Based Midwifery, 9, 4-8.
- van Teijlingen, E., Ryan, K., Alexander, J. and Marchant, S., 2011. The Research Excellence Framework (REF): new developments to assess research in higher education institutions and its impact on society. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 21, 298-301.
- Ryan, K., Bissell, P. and Alexander, J., 2010. Moral work in women's narratives of breastfeeding. Social Science & Medicine, 70, 951-958.
- Ryan, K., Field, K. and Anderson, C., 2008. Patients' experiences as a resource for health professional training. Pharmacy Education.
- Crawford, C., Ryan, K. and Shipton, E., 2007. Exploring general practitioner identification and management of psychosocial Yellow Flags in acute low back pain. New Zealand Medical Journal, 120.
- Thomson, W.M., Poulton, R., Hancox, R.J., Ryan, K. and Al-Kubaisy, S., 2007. Changes in medication use from age 26 to 32 in a representative birth cohort. Internal Medicine Journal, 37, 543-549.
- Ryan, K., Anderson, C., Bissell, P. and Morgall Traulsen, J., 2007. Teaching social sciences to undergraduate pharmacy students: An international survey. Pharmacy Education, 7, 1-9.
- Hay-Smith, E.J.C., Ryan, K. and Dean, S., 2007. The silent, private exercise: experiences of pelvic floor muscle training in a sample of women with stress urinary incontinence. Physiotherapy, 93, 53-61.
- Ryan, K., Bissell, P. and Morecroft, C., 2007. Narratives about illness and medication: a neglected theme/new methodology within pharmacy practice research. Part II: medication narratives in practice. Pharmacy World & Science, 29, 353-360.
- Ryan, K. and Herxheimer, A., 2007. Personal experiences of health and illness on the web: A resource for patients, carers and health professionals. Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice, 13, 27-30.
- Bissell, P., Ryan, K. and Morecroft, C., 2006. Narratives about illness and medication: a neglected theme/new methodology within pharmacy practice research. Part 1: Conceptual framework. Pharmacy World and Science, 28, 10.
- Ryan, K., 2006. Fear of the unknown: New Zealand community pharmacists’ knowledge of and attitudes towards genetic testing: a quantitative survey and interviews. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 14, A5-A6.
- Ryan, K., Norris, P. and Becket, G., 2005. Capturing data on medicines usage: the potential of community pharmacy databases. New Zealand Medical Journal, 118.
- Ryan, K., Bissell, P. and Morgall Traulsen, J., 2004. The work of Michel Foucault: relevance to pharmacy practice. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 12, 43-52.
- Ryan, K. and Boustead, A.J., 2004. Universal electronic health records: A qualitative study of lay perspectives. New Zealand Family Physician, 31, 149-154.
- Ryan, K., 2004. Pharmacogenetics: Are we ready for it? NZ Pharmacy, 24, 23-25.
- Ryan, K., 2004. Counselling the Breastfeeding Mother. Australian Pharmacist, 23, 126-128.
- de Silva, S., Ryan, K., Becket, G. and Vaillancourt, R., 2003. Pre-testing of pictograms used in medicines dispensed in missions of humanitarian relief. New Zealand Medical Journal, 116, 2-3.
- Becket, G., Ecke, D., Ryan, K. and Norris, P., 2003. Exploring antibiotic use using geographical information systems technology. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 11, R94.
- Ryan, K., Becket, G. and Norris, P., 2002. Who goes where and why? The patronage of community pharmacies in New Zealand. Australian Pharmacist, 21, 46-51.
- Ryan, K. and Grace, V.M., 2001. Medicalization and Women's Knowledge: the Construction of Understandings of Infant Feeding Experiences in Post-WW II New Zealand. Health Care For Women International, 22, 483-500.
- Rowsell, B., Norris, P., Ryan, K. and Weenink, M., 2000. Assessing and managing risk and uncertainty: women living with breast implants. Health, Risk & Society, 2, 205-218.
- Ryan, K. and Carryer, J., 2000. The Discursive Construction of Obesity. Women's Studies Journal, 16, 32-48.
- Ryan, K. and Bissell, P., 2005. The work of Michel Foucault: Relevance to pharmacy practice. In: Bissell, P. and Morgall Traulsen, J., eds. Sociology and pharmacy practice. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 147-169.
- van Teijlingen, E., Pitchforth, E., Tucker, J.S., Farmer, J., Bryers, H., Kiger, A., Ryan, K. and Thompson, L., 2004. Reconfiguring and Evaluating Maternity Service Provision in Remote and Rural Scotland. In: International Conference 2004 St. Andrews.
- Rowsell, B., Norris, P., Ryan, K. and Weenink, M., 2000. How people think about risk: Breast implants as a case study. Wellington, New Zealand: Health Services Research Centre.
- Ryan, K. and Alexander, J., 2007. Breastfeeding. Oxford: DIPEx Charity, University of Oxford. Available from: http://www.dipex.org/breastfeeding.