Andrew Morris

Andrew Morris

  • morrisad at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
  • Lecturer In Social Science & Social Work
  • BGB
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My Practice Experience: I am a qualified counsellor and social worker. When I first qualified in 2007, from Bournemouth University, I worked in an Older Person’s Mental Health Team. I was part of a project that specialised in supporting people living with dementia. During my time with the team, I completed my safeguarding training and undertook regular inquiries. I later joined the Learning Disability Team and qualified as a practice educator and best interest assessor (BIA). After a few years, I was invited to help set up the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Team. I was the only full-time BIA for a few years before the team expanded. During this time I qualified as an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) and undertook Mental Health Act assessments with people. I managed the team at this point and ran regular workshops throughout the year which focused on various aspects of DoLS and the Mental Capacity Act. I also continued to support students in my role as a practice educator.


I am currently undertaking my PhD on the topic of social workers' experiences of shame in relation to work-based stress.


Internet Publications


Profile of Teaching PG

  • Psychosocial Perspectives Across the Life Course
  • Developing Specialist & Professional Practice (DPSP) Unit
  • Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE)

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Psychosocial Perspectives Across the Life Course

Conference Presentations

  • Fusion Learning Conference 2023, Rolling Dice - creative ways of engaging students with problem-based learning, 05 Jul 2023, Bournemouth University


  • Fellow of the Higher Education Teaching Academy in Higher Education Teaching (Advance HE, 2023)


  • Social Work England, Member,