Natalia Lavrushkina

Natalia Lavrushkina

  • Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management
  • Dorset House D157, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
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Natalia is a Lecturer in Strategic Management and former Research Assistant for the Faculty of Management. She is currently writing up her EdD doctorate with the University of Southampton. She holds a Professional Economist degree and an MSc Tourism Management & Marketing, so she is a BU Alumna too. She has also worked on research projects for the University of Winchester and the University of Ulster.

Her research interests are broadly in ‘landscape and wellbeing’ and ‘enterprise and communities’. Within landscape and wellbeing she has looked at green/blue space, rural, peri-urban and urban landscape mapping, utilising GIS, to identify relationships between land type, tranquillity and user wellbeing; and the use of leisure space in migrant/refuge communities. Within enterprise and community she has looked at the role of work experience in prisoner rehabilitation; graduate enterprise motivation; social and community enterprise in rural communities; entrepreneurship in transitional economies...



ResNET BU Research Network Project My research is aiming to 1. provide a semi-quantitative picture of the internal network of researchers and related staff across BU’s research community.

2. explore the concept of ‘institutional collegiality’ as a measure of the degree of cooperativeness and collaborative interaction.

Research Assistant BU Faculty of Management: Migrant and Refugee Leisure Wellbeing project

Research Assistant BU Faculty of Management - FoodSMART

Research Assistant BU Faculty of Management - Veg+

Research Assistant ACORN funded project title: “Training prisoners as hospitality workers: The Clink charity case”,

Research Assistant BU WAN funded project title: “Walking as a tourism and leisure activity: constraints for women”.

Research Assistant Ulster University - Serviced & Networked Artificial Intelligence Project for Destination Competitiveness, research project SNAIP-DC

Research Assistant to Professor Denise Hewlett (University of Winchester) working on a number of case study projects for public sector partners, applying GIS to statistical/structural modelling research designs researching the use of leisure/green space by diverse community types.

Research Assistant to Associate Prof Lorraine Brown funded by BU WAN – Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:

Decent work and economic growth

"Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all"

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Industry, innovation and infrastructure

"Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation"

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Reduced inequalities

"Reduce inequality within and among countries"

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Responsible consumption and production

"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"

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Journal Articles


  • Hewlett, D., Gunton, R., Gray, D., Terradillos, A., Agarwal, S., Lavrushkina, N. and Byrne, D., 2024. Tourism and Visitor Management in Protected Areas Post-pandemic: The English Context. In: Finneran, N. and Clarke, R., eds. Managing Protected Areas People and Places. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hewlett, D., Lavrushkina, N. et al., 2023. Significant spaces: Exploring the health and wellbeing impacts of natural environments. Managing Protected Areas: People and Places. 167-192.
  • Hewlett, D., Gunton, R., Gray, D., Terradillos, A., Agarwal, S., Lavrushkina, N. and Byrne, D., 2023. Tourism and visitor management in protected areas post-pandemic: The english context. Managing Protected Areas: People and Places. 267-293.

Profile of Teaching PG

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organisations, Strategy and Finance
  • Business, Strategy and Finance
  • Dissertation

Profile of Teaching UG

  • Small Business Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Research Methods
  • Research Design and Analysis
  • Project

Internal Responsibilities

  • member, QAEG Academic Group
  • Panel Member and administrator, Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur visa panel
  • Department Research Ethics Champion, Ethics Committee

Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • A Rainbow of Vegetable and Culinary Literacy (06 Nov 2019)

Conference Presentations

  • 1st interuniversity round table (with international participation) "Women's work in Russia and Europe: history, traditions, features" – Economic Science Week 2022, Trends in Female Employment in UK, 18 Feb 2021, Moscow
  • EARLI ASC 2018 Social Network Analysis in the field of learning and instruction, Institutional Collegiality : SNA Visualisation of an HEI Research Community’s Support Network., 19 Feb 2018, Vienna
  • Bournemouth University International Conference: The Visitor Economy Strategies and Innovations, ‘To be or what to be: The Entrepreneurial Choices of Bournemouth University Students and Alumni in Tourism, Hospitality, Leisure, Events and Sport’, 04 Sep 2017, Bournemouth, UK

Attended Training

  • A work-based programme, 29 May 2024, L4 Data Analyst


  • MSc in MSc Tourism Management and Marketing (Bournemouth University, 2013)


  • Master of Science in Tourism Management and Marketing with Distinction (Bournemouth University, 2013)



  • Women's Academic Network