Professor Katherine Appleton
- 01202 965985
- k dot appleton at bournemouth dot ac dot uk
- Professor In Psychology
- Poole House P257b, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB
Biographical Details: I graduated from the University of Southampton in 1993 with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and from the University of Leeds in 1998 with a PhD in Biological Psychology / Nutrition. Since, I have worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds (1999), University of Surrey (2000-2002), University of Bristol (2002-2005) and as a lecturer at Queen’s Unviersity Belfast (2005-2012). I joined Bournemouth Unviersity in Sept. 2012, following a year long sabbatical at the University of Iowa, US. I am a Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society, 2001) and a Registered Nutritionist (Nutrition Society, 2001).
My research interests are based in human eating behaviour, with particular focus on the optimisation of human health and well-being in the normal population. My research aims to understand healthy sustainable eating and then use this understanding to develop and test different strategies for dietary change. All enquires are based around public health and planetary concerns. I have current research programmes investigating sugar consumption and sweet taste; encouraging fruit, vegetable and legume consumption; and investigating nutrition and under-nutrition in older adults.
Please see grants for current projects.
- Appleton, K.M., Rajska, J., Warwick, S.M. and Rogers, P.J., 2022. No effects of sweet taste exposure at breakfast for 3 weeks on pleasantness, desire for, sweetness or intake of other sweet foods: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 127 (9), 1428-1438.
- Appleton, K.M., Voyias, P.D., Sallis, H.M., Dawson, S., Ness, A.R., Churchill, R. and Perry, R., 2021. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021 (11).
- Thomas, A., Boobyer, C., Borgonha, Z., van den Heuvel, E. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. Adding flavours: Use of and attitudes towards sauces and seasonings in a sample of community-dwelling uk older adults. Foods, 10 (11).
- Appleton, K.M., Newbury, A., Almiron-Roig, E., Yeomans, M.R., Brunstrom, J.M., de Graaf, K., Geurts, L., Kildegaard, H. and Vinoy, S., 2021. Sensory and physical characteristics of foods that impact food intake without affecting acceptability: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Obesity Reviews, 22 (8).
- Van Den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. The provision of recipes and single-use herb/spice packets to increase egg and protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition, 24 (8), 2109-2122.
- Rogers, P.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. The effects of low-calorie sweeteners on energy intake and body weight: a systematic review and meta-analyses of sustained intervention studies. International Journal of Obesity, 45 (3), 464-478.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person's work contributes towards the following SDGs:
Zero hunger
"End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture"
Good health and well-being
"Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"
Responsible consumption and production
"Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns"
Journal Articles
- Clegg, M.E. and Appleton, K.M., 2025. The Wisdom of Old Age: Placing the older adult at the heart of healthy eating. Appetite, 205.
- Franzon, C., Dougkas, A., Memery, J., Prigent, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. A qualitative study to explore and identify reasons for dairy consumption and non-consumption among young adults (18-30 years old) in the UK and France. Journal of Nutritional Science, 13.
- Greville-Harris, M., Vuillier, L., Goodall, S., Talbot, C.V., Walker, C. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Striving for the perfect diet? The mediating role of perfectionism in the relationship between obsessive compulsive symptoms and traits of Orthorexia Nervosa. Journal of Eating Disorders, 12 (1).
- Appleton, K.M., 2024. Liking for Sweet Taste, Sweet Food Intakes, and Sugar Intakes. Nutrients, 16 (21).
- Boxall, L.R., Arden-Close, E., James, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Protocol: The effects of nutrient- vs food- vs food-substitution-based dietary recommendations for reducing free sugar intakes, on free sugar intakes, dietary profiles and sweet taste outcomes: A randomised controlled trial. Nutrition and Health, 30 (2), 269-278.
- Appleton, K.M., 2024. The importance of enjoyment, sensory properties and perceived cooking abilities in legume and pulse consumption: A questionnaire study. Public Health Nutrition, 27 (1).
- Guy, D.J., Bray, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Select dietary changes towards sustainability: Impacts on dietary profiles, environmental footprint, and cost. Appetite, 194.
- Tang, C.S., Mars, M., James, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Associations between attitudes towards and reported intakes of sugars, low/no-calorie sweeteners, and sweet-tasting foods in a UK sample. Appetite, 194.
- Whittall, B., Warwick, S.M., Jackson, M. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Barriers and facilitators to consuming pulses: A qualitative exploration including effects of trying recipes at home. Journal of Nutritional Science, 13.
- Appleton, K.M., Boxall, L.R., Adenuga-Ajayi, O. and Seyar, D.F., 2024. Does fruit and vegetable consumption impact mental health? Systematic review and meta-analyses of published controlled intervention studies. British Journal of Nutrition, 131 (1), 163-173.
- Bielat, A.D., Rogers, P.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Effects of a Six-Day, Whole-Diet Sweet Taste Intervention on Pleasantness, Desire for, and Intakes of Sweet Foods: A Randomised Controlled Trial. British Journal of Nutrition.
- van den Heuvel, E., Guy, D.J., Taylor, Z. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Food consumption norms based on age and income in the UK. British Food Journal.
- Čad, E.M., Tang, C.S., de Jong, H.B.T., Mars, M., Appleton, K.M. and de Graaf, K., 2023. Study protocol of the sweet tooth study, randomized controlled trial with partial food provision on the effect of low, regular and high dietary sweetness exposure on sweetness preferences in Dutch adults. BMC Public Health, 23 (1).
- Appleton, K.M., 2023. Appearance-based health promotion messages for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption: gender, age and adverse effects. Journal of Public Health (Germany), 31 (11), 1931-1943.
- Čad, E.M., Tang, C.S., Mars, M., Appleton, K.M. and de Graaf, K., 2023. How sweet is too sweet? Measuring sweet taste preferences and liking in familiar and unfamiliar foods amongst Dutch consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 111.
- Appleton, K.M. and Adams, C., 2023. A role for enjoyment for encouraging fruit consumption. Appetite, 187.
- Denison-Day, J.L., Muir, S., Newell, C. and Appleton, K.M., 2023. The Role of Aesthetics in Intentions to Use Digital Health Interventions. PLOS Digital Health, 2 (6).
- Whittall, B., Warwick, S.M., Guy, D.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2023. Public understanding of sustainable diets and changes towards sustainability: A qualitative study in a UK population sample. Appetite, 181.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2023. A peer support dietary change intervention for encouraging adoption and maintenance of the Mediterranean diet in a non-Mediterranean population (TEAM-MED): lessons learned and suggested improvements. Journal of Nutritional Science, 12.
- Appleton, K.M., 2023. Barriers to and Facilitators of the Consumption of Animal-Based Protein-Rich Foods in Older Adults: Re-Analysis with a Focus on Sustainability. Nutrients, 15 (2).
- Higgins, K.A., Rawal, R., Baer, D.J., O'Connor, L.E. and Appleton, K.M., 2022. Scoping Review and Evidence Map of the Relation between Exposure to Dietary Sweetness and Body Weight-Related Outcomes in Adults. Advances in Nutrition, 13 (6), 2341-2356.
- Higgins, K.A., Rawal, R., Baer, D.J., O'Connor, L.E. and Appleton, K.M., 2022. Scoping Review and Evidence Map of the Relation between Exposure to Dietary Sweetness and Body Weight-Related Outcomes in Adults. Adv Nutr, 13 (6), 2341-2356.
- McEvoy, C.T., Appleton, K.M. et al., 2022. Trial to Encourage Adoption and Maintenance of a MEditerranean Diet (TEAM-MED): A randomised pilot trial of a peer support intervention for dietary behaviour change in adults from a Northern European population at high CVD risk. British Journal of Nutrition, 128 (7), 1322-1334.
- Tsofliou, F., Vlachos, D., Hughes, C. and Appleton, K.M., 2022. Barriers and Facilitators Associated with the Adoption of and Adherence to a Mediterranean Style Diet in Adults: A Systematic Review of Published Observational and Qualitative Studies. Nutrients, 14 (20).
- Casperson, S.L., Jahns, L., Duke, S.E., Nelson, A.M., Appleton, K.M., Larson, K.J. and Roemmich, J.N., 2022. Incorporating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Vegetable Recommendations into the Diet Alters Dietary Intake Patterns of Other Foods and Improves Diet Quality in Adults with Overweight and Obesity. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 122 (7), 1345-1354.e1.
- Appleton, K.M., Rajska, J., Warwick, S.M. and Rogers, P.J., 2022. No effects of sweet taste exposure at breakfast for 3 weeks on pleasantness, desire for, sweetness or intake of other sweet foods: a randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition, 127 (9), 1428-1438.
- Robinson, K., Muir, S., Newbury, A., Santos-Merx, L. and Appleton, K.M., 2022. Perceptions of body weight that vary by body mass index: Clear associations with perceptions based on personal control and responsibility. Journal of Health Psychology, 27 (1), 147-165.
- Casperson, S.L., Jahns, L., Duke, S.E., Nelson, A.M., Appleton, K.M., Larson, K.J. and Roemmich, J.N., 2022. Incorporating the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Vegetable Recommendations into the Diet Alters Dietary Intake Patterns of Other Foods and Improves Diet Quality in Adults with Overweight and Obesity. JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS, 122 (7), 1345-+.
- Appleton, K.M., Voyias, P.D., Sallis, H.M., Dawson, S., Ness, A.R., Churchill, R. and Perry, R., 2021. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021 (11).
- Thomas, A., Boobyer, C., Borgonha, Z., van den Heuvel, E. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. Adding flavours: Use of and attitudes towards sauces and seasonings in a sample of community-dwelling uk older adults. Foods, 10 (11).
- Rogers, P.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. Correction: The effects of low-calorie sweeteners on energy intake and body weight: a systematic review and meta-analyses of sustained intervention studies (International Journal of Obesity, (2021), 45, 3, (464-478), 10.1038/s41366-020-00704-2). International Journal of Obesity, 45 (9), 2139-2140.
- Appleton, K.M., Newbury, A., Almiron-Roig, E., Yeomans, M.R., Brunstrom, J.M., de Graaf, K., Geurts, L., Kildegaard, H. and Vinoy, S., 2021. Sensory and physical characteristics of foods that impact food intake without affecting acceptability: Systematic review and meta-analyses. Obesity Reviews, 22 (8).
- Van Den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. The provision of recipes and single-use herb/spice packets to increase egg and protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: A randomised controlled trial. Public Health Nutrition, 24 (8), 2109-2122.
- Casperson, S.L., Jahns, L., Temple, J.L., Appleton, K.M., Duke, S.E. and Roemmich, J.N., 2021. Consumption of a Variety of Vegetables to Meet Dietary Guidelines for Americans' Recommendations Does Not Induce Sensitization of Vegetable Reinforcement among Adults with Overweight and Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Nutrition, 151 (6), 1665-1672.
- Tang, C., Marston, M., James, J., de Graaf, K. and Appleton, K., 2021. Sweet Talk: A qualitative study exploring attitudes towards sugar, sweeteners and sweet-tasting foods in the United Kingdom. Foods, 10 (6).
- Rogers, P.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. The effects of low-calorie sweeteners on energy intake and body weight: a systematic review and meta-analyses of sustained intervention studies. International Journal of Obesity, 45 (3), 464-478.
- Trumbo, P.R. et al., 2021. Perspective: Measuring Sweetness in Foods, Beverages, and Diets: Toward Understanding the Role of Sweetness in Health. Advances in Nutrition, 12 (2), 343-354.
- Appleton, K.M., 2021. Repeated exposure to and subsequent consumption of sweet taste: Reanalysis of test meal intake data following the repeated consumption of sweet vs non-sweet beverages. Physiology and Behavior, 229.
- Bray, J., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K. and Price, S., 2021. Consumer communication when eating out of home: the role of technology. British Food Journal, 123 (1), 373-386.
- Appleton, K.M., Voyias, P.D., Sallis, H.M., Dawson, S., Ness, A.R., Churchill, R. and Perry, R., 2021. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS.
- Hartwell, H., Bray, J., Lavrushkina, N., Rodrigues, V., Saulais, L., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L. and Appleton, K.M., 2020. Increasing vegetable consumption out-of-home: VeggiEAT and Veg+projects. Nutrition Bulletin, 45 (4), 424-431.
- Greyling, A., Appleton, K.M., Raben, A. and Mela, D.J., 2020. Acute glycemic and insulinemic effects of low-energy sweeteners: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 112 (4), 1002-1014.
- Kontogianni, M.D., Appleton, K.M. et al., 2020. A high polyphenol diet improves psychological well-being: The polyphenol intervention trial (pphit). Nutrients, 12 (8), 1-16.
- dos Santos, Q., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Rodrigues, V.M., Appleton, K., Giboreau, A., Saulais, L., Monteleone, E., Dinnella, C., Brugarolas, M. and Hartwell, H., 2020. Impact of a nudging intervention and factors associated with vegetable dish choice among European adolescents. European Journal of Nutrition, 59 (1), 231-247.
- Kirsch, I., Ness, A.R. and Appleton, K.M., 2019. Treatments for depression: Side-effects, adverse events and health risks. Journal of Affective Disorders, 259, 38-39.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2019. A mobile phone app for the provision of personalized food-based information in an eating-out situation: Development and initial evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (11).
- Appleton, K.M., Barrie, E. and Samuel, T.J., 2019. Modelling positive consequences: Increased vegetable intakes following modelled enjoyment versus modelled intake. Appetite, 140, 76-81.
- Bray, J., Hartwell, H., Price, S., Viglia, G., Kapuściński, G., Appleton, K., Saulais, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Mavridis, I., 2019. Food information presentation: consumer preferences when eating out. British Food Journal, 121 (8), 1744-1762.
- Zhou, X., Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H. et al., 2019. Promotion of novel plant-based dishes among older consumers using the ‘dish of the day’ as a nudging strategy in 4 EU countries. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 260-272.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2019. Liking and consumption of vegetables with more appealing and less appealing sensory properties: Associations with attitudes, food neophobia and food choice motivations in European adolescents. Food Quality and Preference, 75, 179-186.
- Hartwell, H., Appleton, K.M., Bray, J., Price, S., Mavridis, I., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Ronge, M., 2019. Shaping smarter consumer food choices: The FoodSMART project. Nutrition Bulletin, 44 (2), 138-144.
- Saulais, L., Massey, C., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Hartwell, H. and Giboreau, A., 2019. When are “Dish of the Day” nudges most effective to increase vegetable selection? Food Policy, 85, 15-27.
- Denison-Day, J., Muir, S., Newell, C. and Appleton, K.M., 2019. A web-based intervention (MOtivate) to increase attendance at an eating disorder service assessment appointment: Zelen randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (2).
- van den Heuvel, E., Newbury, A. and Appleton, K.M., 2019. The psychology of nutrition with advancing age: Focus on food neophobia. Nutrients, 11 (1).
- Appleton, K.M., Passmore, D., Burn, I., Pidgeon, H., Nation, P., Boobyer, C. and Jiang, N., 2019. An interactive mobile phone app (SMART 5-A-DAY) for increasing knowledge of and adherence to fruit and vegetable recommendations: Development and pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7 (11).
- McEvoy, C.T., Moore, S.E., Appleton, K.M., Cupples, M.E., Erwin, C., Kee, F., Prior, L., Young, I.S., McKinley, M.C. and Woodside, J.V., 2018. Development of a peer support intervention to encourage dietary behaviour change towards a Mediterranean diet in adults at high cardiovascular risk. BMC Public Health, 18 (1).
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Could Eggs Help Increase Dietary Protein Intake in Older Adults?–Exploring Reasons for the Consumption and Non-Consumption of Eggs in People over 55 years old. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 37 (3-4), 292-309.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Towards a food-based intervention to increase protein intakes in older adults: Challenges to and facilitators of egg consumption. Nutrients, 10 (10).
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Rajska, J. and Hartwell, H., 2018. Repeated exposure and conditioning strategies for increasing vegetable liking and intake: systematic review and meta-analyses of the published literature. Am J Clin Nutr, 108 (4), 842-856.
- Denison-Day, J., Appleton, K.M., Newell, C. and Muir, S., 2018. Improving motivation to change amongst individuals with eating disorders: A systematic review. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51 (9), 1033-1050.
- Moore, S.E., Appleton, K. et al., 2018. Barriers to adopting a Mediterranean diet in Northern European adults at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 31 (4), 451-462.
- Appleton, K.M., 2018. Limited compensation at the following meal for protein and energy intake at a lunch meal in healthy free-living older adults. Clinical Nutrition, 37 (3), 970-977.
- McEvoy, C.T., Appleton, K.M. et al., 2018. Trial to encourage adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean diet (TEAM-MED): Protocol for a randomised feasibility trial of a peer support intervention for dietary behaviour change in adults at high cardiovascular disease risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (6).
- Appleton, K.M. and Pidgeon, H.J., 2018. 5-a-day fruit and vegetable food product labels: Reduced fruit and vegetable consumption following an exaggerated compared to a modest label. BMC Public Health, 18 (1).
- Appleton, K., Tuorila, H., Bertenshaw, E., De Graaf, C. and Mela, D., 2018. Sweet taste exposure and the subsequent acceptance and preference for sweet taste in the diet: Systematic review of the published literature. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 107 (3), 405-419.
- Appleton, K.M., McGrath, A.J., McKinley, M.C., Draffin, C.R., Hamill, L.L., Young, I.S. and Woodside, J.V., 2018. The value of facial attractiveness for encouraging fruit and vegetable consumption: Analyses from a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 18 (1).
- Erwin, C.M., Appleton, K. et al., 2018. A qualitative analysis exploring preferred methods of peer support to encourage adherence to a Mediterranean diet in a Northern European population at high risk of cardiovascular disease. BMC Public Health, 18 (1).
- Appleton, K.M., Krumplevska, K., Smith, E., Rooney, C., McKinley, M.C. and Woodside, J.V., 2018. Low fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with low knowledge of the details of the 5-a-day fruit and vegetable message in the UK: findings from two cross-sectional questionnaire studies. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 31 (1), 121-130.
- Zhou, X., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Dos Santos, Q., Monteleone, E., Giboreau, A., Appleton, K.M., Bjørner, T., Bredie, W.L.P. and Hartwell, H., 2018. A systematic review of behavioural interventions promoting healthy eating among older people. Nutrients, 10 (2).
- Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Dos Santos, Q., Nielsen, B., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Giboreau, A., Saulais, L., Depezay, L., Hartwell, H. and Appleton, K., 2017. Danish adolescents like their vegetables fresh rather than frozen or canned. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 9, 29-33.
- Cliceri, D., Dinnella, C., Depezay, L., Morizet, D., Giboreau, A., Appleton, K.M., Hartwell, H. and Monteleone, E., 2017. Exploring salient dimensions in a free sorting task: A cross-country study within the elderly population. Food Quality and Preference, 60, 19-30.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Consumption of a high quantity and a wide variety of vegetables are predicted by different food choice motives in older adults from France, Italy and the UK. Nutrients, 9 (9).
- Muir, S., Newell, C., Griffiths, J., Walker, K., Hooper, H., Thomas, S., Thomas, P.W., Arcelus, J., Day, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2017. MotivATE: A Pretreatment web-based program to improve attendance at UK outpatient services among adults with eating disorders. JMIR Research Protocols, 6 (7).
- Friis, R., Appleton, K.M., Hartwell, H. et al., 2017. Comparison of three nudge interventions (priming, default option, and perceived variety) to promote vegetable consumption in a self-service buffet setting. PLoS ONE, 12 (5).
- Rooney, C., McKinley, M.C., Appleton, K.M., Young, I.S., McGrath, A.J., Draffin, C.R., Hamill, L.L. and Woodside, J.V., 2017. How much is ‘5-a-day’? A qualitative investigation into consumer understanding of fruit and vegetable intake guidelines. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30 (1), 105-113.
- McNeal, N., Appleton, K.M., Johnson, A.K., Scotti, M.A.L., Wardwell, J., Murphy, R., Bishop, C., Knecht, A. and Grippo, A.J., 2017. The protective effects of social bonding on behavioral and pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity to chronic mild stress in prairie voles. Stress, 20 (2), 175-182.
- Bastiaansen, J.A., Munafò, M.R., Appleton, K.M. and Oldehinkel, A.J., 2016. The efficacy of fish oil supplements in the treatment of depression: Food for thought. Translational Psychiatry, 6 (12).
- Dinnella, C., Morizet, D., Masi, C., Cliceri, D., Depezay, L., Appleton, K.M., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Hartwell, H. and Monteleone, E., 2016. Sensory determinants of stated liking for vegetable names and actual liking for canned vegetables: A cross-country study among European adolescents. Appetite, 107, 339-347.
- Price, S., Viglia, G., Hartwell, H., Hemingway, A., Chapleo, C., Appleton, K., Saulais, L., Mavridis, I. and Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., 2016. What are we eating? Consumer information requirement within a workplace canteen. Food Quality and Preference, 53, 39-46.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2016. A Role for Behavior in the Relationships Between Depression and Hostility and Cardiovascular Disease Incidence, Mortality, and All-Cause Mortality: the Prime Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50 (4), 582-591.
- McGrath, A.J., Hamill, L.L., Cardwell, C.R., Draffin, C.R., Neville, C.E., Appleton, K.M., McEneny, J., McKinley, M.C., Young, I.S. and Woodside, J.V., 2016. Combining vitamin C and carotenoid biomarkers better predicts fruit and vegetable intake than individual biomarkers in dietary intervention studies. European Journal of Nutrition, 55 (4), 1377-1388.
- Bevan, A., Hemingway, A., Appleton, K.M., Hartwell, H., Magnante, O., Perez-Cueto, A., Monteleone, E., Giboreau, A. and Depezay, L., 2016. Familiarity and liking of vegetables: Is it important for vegetable consumption? British Journal of School Nursing, 11 (3), 125-130.
- Hughes, M.F., Patterson, C.C., Appleton, K.M., Blankenberg, S., Woodside, J.V., Donnelly, M., Linden, G., Zeller, T., Esquirol, Y. and Kee, F., 2016. The Predictive Value of Depressive Symptoms for All-Cause Mortality: Findings from the PRIME Belfast Study Examining the Role of Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk Markers. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78 (4), 401-411.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Morizet, D., Armando Perez-Cueto, F.J., Bevan, A. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Increasing vegetable intakes: rationale and systematic review of published interventions. European Journal of Nutrition, 55 (3), 869-896.
- Appleton, K.M., 2016. Barriers to and facilitators of the consumption of animal-based protein-rich foods in older adults. Nutrients, 8 (4).
- Appleton, K.M., 2016. Greater fruit selection following an appearance-based compared with a health-based health promotion poster. Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 38 (4), 731-738.
- Appleton, K.M., Sallis, H.M., Perry, R., Ness, A.R. and Churchill, R., 2016. ω-3 fatty acids for major depressive disorder in adults: An abridged Cochrane review. BMJ Open, 6 (3).
- Neville, C.E., McKinley, M.C., Draffin, C.R., Gallagher, N.E., Appleton, K.M., Young, I.S., Edgar, J.D. and Woodside, J.V., 2015. Participating in a fruit and vegetable intervention trial improves longer term fruit and vegetable consumption and barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption: A follow-up of the ADIT study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12 (1).
- Appleton, K., Sallis, H.M., Perry, R., Ness, A.R. and Churchill, R., 2015. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Adams, C., Rennie, L., Uskul, A.K. and Appleton, K.M., 2015. Visualising future behaviour: Effects for snacking on biscuit bars, but no effects for snacking on fruit. Journal of Health Psychology, 20 (8), 1037-1048.
- Watson, S., Woodside, J.V., McKinley, M.C., Ware, L.J., Hunter, S.J., McGrath, A., Cardwell, C.R., Appleton, K.M. and Young, I.S., 2015. Effect of a unique web-based behaviour change program on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors in overweight and obese adults at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17 (7), e177.
- Appleton, K.M. and Smith, E., 2015. A Role for Identification in the Gradual Decline in the Pleasantness of Flavors With Age. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences.
- Appleton, K.M., Grippo, A.J., Beltz, T.G. and Johnson, A.K., 2015. Consumption of a high n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid diet during gradual mild physiological stress in rats. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 95, 11-18.
- Appleton, K.M., McKeown, P.P. and Woodside, J.V., 2015. Energy compensation in the real world: Good compensation for small portions of chocolate and biscuits over short time periods in complicit consumers using commercially available foods. Appetite, 85, 104-110.
- Appleton, K.M. and Baker, S., 2015. Distraction, not hunger, is associated with lower mood and lower perceived work performance on fast compared to non-fast days during intermittent fasting. Journal of Health Psychology, 20 (6), 702-711.
- Appleton, K.M., Perry, R., Sallis HM, Ness, A.R. and Churchill, R., 2014. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014 (5).
- Appleton, K.M., Perry, R., Sallis, H.M., Ness, A.R. and Churchill, R., 2014. Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014 (5).
- Rennie, L., Uskul, A.K., Adams, C. and Appleton, K., 2014. Visualisation for increasing health intentions: Enhanced effects following a health message and when using a first-person perspective. Psychology and Health, 29 (2), 237-252.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2013. Depression and mortality: Artifact of measurement and analysis? Journal of Affective Disorders, 151 (2), 632-638.
- Best, R.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2013. The consumption of protein-rich foods in older adults: An exploratory focus group study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 45 (6), 751-755.
- Appleton, K.M., McGill, R., Neville, C. and Woodside, J.V., 2013. Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity in Older People in Northern Ireland: Levels, Demographic Patterns and Types of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity Undertaken. Ageing International, 38 (3), 207-217.
- Appleton, K.M., 2013. Increases in fruit intakes in older low consumers of fruit following two community-based repeated exposure interventions. British Journal of Nutrition, 109 (5), 795-801.
- Appleton, K.M., 2013. 6 × 40 mins exercise improves body image, even though body weight and shape do not change. Journal of Health Psychology, 18 (1), 110-120.
- Majed, B., Appleton, K. et al., 2012. Depressive symptoms, a time dependent risk factor for coronary heart disease and stroke in middle-aged men. The PRIME Study. Stroke, 43, 1761-1767.
- Appleton, K.M., Smit, H.J. and Rogers, P.J., 2011. Review and meta-analysis of the short-term effects of a vegetable oil emulsion on food intake. Obesity Reviews, 12 (7).
- Appleton, K.M., Martins, C. and Morgan, L.M., 2011. Age and experience predict accurate short-term energy compensation in adults. Appetite, 56 (3), 602-606.
- Appleton, K.M., Fraser, W.D., Rogers, P.J., Ness, A.R. and Tobias, J.H., 2011. Supplementation with a low-moderate dose of n-3 long-chain PUFA has no short-term effect on bone resorption in human adults. British Journal of Nutrition, 105 (8), 1145-1149.
- Best, R.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2011. Comparable increases in energy, protein and fat intakes following the addition of seasonings and sauces to an older person's meal. Appetite, 56 (1), 179-182.
- Appleton, K.M., Rogers, P.J. and Ness, A.R., 2010. Reply to D Laurin and P-H Carmichael. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92 (3), 670-671.
- Appleton, K.M., McGill, R., Neville, C. and Woodside, J.V., 2010. Barriers to increasing fruit and vegetable intakes in the older population of Northern Ireland: low levels of liking and low awareness of current recommendations. Public Health Nutr, 13 (4), 514-521.
- Appleton, K.M., Rogers, P.J. and Ness, A.R., 2010. Updated systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on depressed mood. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 91 (3), 757-770.
- Appleton, K.M., McGill, R. and Woodside, J.V., 2009. Fruit and vegetable consumption in older individuals in Northern Ireland: levels and patterns. Br J Nutr, 102 (7), 949-953.
- Appleton, K.M., 2009. Increases in energy, protein and fat intake following the addition of sauce to an older person's meal. Appetite, 52 (1), 161-165.
- Rogers, P.J., Appleton, K.M., Kessler, D., Peters, T.J., Gunnell, D., Hayward, R.C., Heatherley, S.V., Christian, L.M., McNaughton, S.A. and Ness, A.R., 2008. No effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (EPA and DHA) supplementation on depressed mood and cognitive function: A randomised controlled trial - Reply by Rogers et al. British Journal of Nutrition, 100 (6), 1349-1351.
- Appleton, K.M., Gunnell, D., Peters, T.J., Ness, A.R., Kessler, D. and Rogers, P.J., 2008. No clear evidence of an association between plasma concentrations of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and depressed mood in a non-clinical population. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 78 (6), 337-342.
- Appleton, K.M., Rogers, P.J. and Ness, A.R., 2008. Is there a role for n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the regulation of mood and behaviour? A review of the evidence to date from epidemiological studies, clinical studies and intervention trials. Nutrition Research Reviews, 21 (1), 13-41.
- Rogers, P.J., Appleton, K.M., Kessler, D., Peters, T.J., Gunnell, D., Hayward, R.C., Heatherley, S.V., Christian, L.M., McNaughton, S.A. and Ness, A.R., 2008. No effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (EPA and DHA) supplementation on depressed mood and cognitive function: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Nutr, 99 (2), 421-431.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2007. Depressed mood and dietary fish intake: direct relationship or indirect relationship as a result of diet and lifestyle? J Affect Disord, 104 (1-3), 217-223.
- Appleton, K.M. et al., 2007. Type A behaviour and consumption of an atherogenic diet: No association in the PRIME study. Appetite, 49 (3), 554-560.
- Appleton, K.M. and Blundell, J.E., 2007. Habitual high and low consumers of artificially-sweetened beverages: Effects of sweet taste and energy on short-term appetite. Physiology and Behavior, 92 (3), 479-486.
- Appleton, K.M., Hayward, R.C., Rogers, P.J., Gunnell, D., Peters, T.J., Kessler, D. and Ness, A.R., 2007. Reply to UN Das [4]. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 85 (6), 1666.
- Appleton, K.M., 2007. The development and treatment of depressed mood: Is there a role for omega-3 fatty acids? Nutrition & the M.D., 33 (5), 1-4.
- Appleton, K.M., Peters, T.J., Hayward, R.C., Heatherley, S.V., McNaughton, S.A., Rogers, P.J., Gunnell, D., Ness, A.R. and Kessler, D., 2007. Depressed mood and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake from fish: Non-linear or confounded association? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42 (2), 100-104.
- Gatersleben, B. and Appleton, K.M., 2007. Contemplating cycling to work: Attitudes and perceptions in different stages of change. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41 (4), 302-312.
- Appleton, K.M., Hayward, R.C., Gunnell, D., Peters, T.J., Rogers, P.J., Kessler, D. and Ness, A.R., 2006. Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on depressed mood: systematic review of published trials. Am J Clin Nutr, 84 (6), 1308-1316.
- Appleton, K.M. and McGowan, L., 2006. The relationship between restrained eating and poor psychological health is moderated by pleasure normally associated with eating. Eating Behaviors, 7 (4), 342-347.
- Appleton, K.M., 2006. Behavioural determinants of daily energy intake during a 28 day outdoor expedition in Arctic Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Food and Nutrition, 50 (3), 139-146.
- Appleton, K.M., Gentry, R.C. and Shepherd, R., 2006. Evidence of a role for conditioning in the development of liking for flavours in humans in everyday life. Physiology and Behavior, 87 (3), 478-486.
- Appleton, K.M., 2005. Changes in the perceived pleasantness of fluids before and after fluid loss through exercise: a demonstration of the association between perceived pleasantness and physiological usefulness in everyday life. Physiol Behav, 83 (5), 813-819.
- Appleton, K.M. and Rogers, P.J., 2004. Food and mood. Women's Health Medicine, 1 (1), 4-6.
- Appleton, K.M., Rogers, P.J. and Blundell, J.E., 2004. Effects of a sweet and a nonsweet lunch on short-term appetite: differences in female high and low consumers of sweet/low-energy beverages. J Hum Nutr Diet, 17 (5), 425-434.
- Appleton, K.M. and Conner, M.T., 2001. Body weight, body-weight concerns and eating styles in habitual heavy users and non-users of artificially sweetened beverages. Appetite, 37 (3), 225-230.
- King, N.A., Appleton, K., Rogers, P.J. and Blundell, J.E., 1999. Effects of sweetness and energy in drinks on food intake following exercise. Physiol Behav, 66 (2), 375-379.
- Appleton, K.M. and van den Heuvel, E., 2022. How to Create Nutritional Behavior Change. Nutrition and Health (United Kingdom). 391-398.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Castagna, E., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Beavn, A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Increasing vegetable intakes: An updated systematic review of published interventions. Advances in Vegetable Consumption and Health Research. 85-154.
- Appleton, K.M., Bielat, A.D., Guy, D.J., Karami, N. and Boxall, L.R., 2024. Dietary recommendations for reducing free sugar intakes: A pilot study investigating effects following advice to substitute sweet high-sugar foods with different alternatives. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Bielat, A.D., Rogers, P.J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Reducing free sugar intakes: the effects of dietary sweet taste modification on sweet taste perceptions and sweet food intake. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Boxall, L.R., Dalby, H., Arden-Close, E., James, J. and Appleton, K.M., 2024. Identifying barriers and facilitators to reducing free sugar intakes in consumers exceeding UK recommendations: A framework analysis. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 83 (OCE4).
- Thompson, A., Luce, A., Appleton, K., Partridge, H. and James, J., 2023. UK adults with type 1 diabetes utilise mainstream social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, alongside specialist healthcare professionals and charities, for information about their condition and for peer support. DIABETIC MEDICINE, 40.
- Bray, J., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K. and Lacey, J., 2022. Food insecurities during the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK and consumption adaptation. In: International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences 2-3 June 2022 Lyon, France.
- Cad, E.M., Tang, C.S., Mars, M., Appleton, K.M. and De Graaf, K., 2022. Psychophysical and psychohedonic sweetness functions have a similar shape across familiar and unfamiliar foods in Dutch consumers. In: 44th Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Chemoreception-Sciences 20-23 April 2022 Bonita Springs, FL. CHEMICAL SENSES, 47.
- Tsofliou, F., Vlachos, D. and Appleton, K.M., 2021. Barriers and facilitators to adoption of and adherence to a Mediterranean style diet in adults: a systematic review of observational and qualitative studies. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 80 (OCE5).
- Appleton, K., Passmore, D., Burn, I., Pidgeon, H., Nation, P., Boobyer, C. and Jiang, N., 2020. A smart phone application for increasing fruit and vegetable knowledge and intakes: Development and inital testing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 79 (OCE2), E524.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2020. Food Frequency Questionnaires: Are they appropriate for foods that are consumed irregularly, such as eggs? PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 79 (OCE2), E515.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2020. Evaluating individual differences in a food based approach to increase egg and protein intake in older adults. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 79 (OCE2), E225.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2018. Exposure to recipes in a food-based approach to increase egg and protein intake in community-dwelling older adults: a randomised controlled trial. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE3), E101.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2018. Liking for and consumption of vegetables in European adolescents: Healthy eating, liking, food neophobia and food choice motives. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE3), E88.
- Appleton, K.M., Bray, J., Mavridis, I., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Ronge, M. and Hartwell, H., 2018. FoodSMART: A mobile phone application to provide personalised information on the foods available in an eating out situation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 77 (OCE3), E115.
- Appleton, K.M., Dinnella, C., Spinelli, S., Morizet, D., Saulais, L., Hemingway, A., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A. and Hartwell, H., 2017. Different food choice motives predict the consumption of a high quantity and a high variety of vegetables in European older adults. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE4), E222.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2017. Increasing dietary protein intake in community dwelling older adults: protocol for a randomised controlled trial and baseline data. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE4), E221.
- Appleton, K.M., 2017. Individual differences in protein intakes following the addition of sauce to an older persons' lunch meal, and effects at lunch are sustained over the following meal. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE4), E200.
- Erwin, C.M., Appleton, K. et al., 2017. Process Evaluation of a complex Intervention: Trial to Encourage Adoption and Maintenance of a MEditerranean Diet (TEAM-MED). PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 76 (OCE3), E112.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2016. Exploring the reasons for consuming and not consuming eggs: A focus group study. In: British Feeding and Drinking Group 7-8 April 2016 London, UK.
- Price, S., Appleton, K., Bray, J., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Mavridis, I., Ronge, M. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Important information for the selection of workplace canteen meals: A consumer segmentation. In: Nutrition Society 11-14 July 2016 Dublin.
- Appleton, K.M., Hemingway, A., Saulais, L., Dinnella, C., Monteleone, E., Depezay, L., Morizet, D., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Bevan, A. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Systematic review of published interventions aiming to increase vegetable intakes. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E205.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2016. Exploring the Consumption of Eggs in Older Adults: a Questionnaire Study. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E196.
- Price, S., Appleton, K.M., Bray, J., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Mavridis, I., Ronge, M. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Reasons for consuming in a workplace canteen, factors affecting meal choice, and the perceived value of additional information on workplace canteen meals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E225.
- Muir, S., Newell, C., Appleton, K., Hooper, H. and Griffiths, J., 2016. The Problem of Service Non-attendance at Adult Eating Disorder Services in the UK: A Preliminary Study. EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW, 24 (4), E22-E23.
- Price, S., Appleton, K.M., Bray, J., Giboreau, A., Perez-Cueto, F.J.A., Mavridis, I., Ronge, M. and Hartwell, H., 2016. Important information for the selection of workplace canteen meals: A consumer segmentation study. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E134.
- Appleton, K.M., 2015. Increased protein intakes following the addition of sauce to an older persons' lunch meal are not sustained. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 74 (OCE2), E169.
- van den Heuvel, E., Murphy, J.L. and Appleton, K.M., 2015. Exploring the barriers and facilitators to the consumption of eggs and other protein rich foods using focus groups. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 74 (OCE5), E314.
- Appleton, K.M., Sallis, H.M., Perry, R., Ness, A.R. and Churchill, R., 2015. Systematic review and meta-analysis investigating a role for n3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in major depressive disorder. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 74 (OCE5), E350.
- Appleton, K.M., 2015. Predictors of high intakes of protein-rich foods by older adults: Liking, perceived convenience and perceived value for money. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 74 (OCE5), E319.
- Appleton, K., 2015. Eating Behaviour - Intelligence from the latest science. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 67, 37.
- Appleton, K., 2015. Increasing protein intakes in older adults: Predictors of high meat, fish, egg and dairy consumption. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 67, 453-454.
- McEvoy, C., Moore, S., Patterson, C., Kee, F., Cupples, M., Young, I., Hunter, S., Appleton, K., McKinley, M. and Woodside, J., 2015. Peer support to encourage dietary change toward a Mediterranean diet: the TEAM-MED study protocol. ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 67, 317.
- Hemingway, A., Hartwell, H., Appleton, K. and Bevan, A., 2014. Increasing vegetable consumption through food service. In: EuroCHRIE conference 7-17 October 2014 Dubai.
- McEvoy, C.T., Appleton, K. et al., 2014. Peer support to encourage adoption of a Mediterranean diet: development of pilot randomised controlled intervention study protocol. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 73 (OCE2), E67.
- Appleton, K.M., 2014. Increased fruit selection and consumption following an appearance-based vs a health-based health promotion poster. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 73 (OCE2), E58.
- Moore, S.E., Appleton, K. et al., 2014. Barriers to a Mediterranean diet in a Northern European population. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 73 (OCE2), E105.
- Rooney, C., Appleton, K.M. et al., 2014. An investigation into whether participation in a four week dietary intervention can modify reported barriers towards fruit and vegetable consumption. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 73 (OCE2), E54.
- Neville, C.E., McKinley, M.C., Draffin, C., Gallagher, N.E., Appleton, K.M., Young, I.S., Edgar, J.D. and Woodside, J.V., 2014. Does participating in a fruit and vegetable intervention trial alter longer term fruit and vegetable consumption and barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption? A follow-up of the ADIT study. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 73 (OCE2), E60.
- Appleton, K.M., 2013. The use of sauce for increasing protein and energy intakes: Possible carry over effects to the next meal? PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 72 (OCE4), E243.
Internet Publications
- Appleton, K. and Guy, D., 2024. Four ways to eat less meat that are better for the planet, your health and your bank balance. The Conversation. Available from:
PhD Students
- Danielle Guy. Healthy Sustainable Eating: What is it and how do we encourage it?, (In progress)
- Type 1 diabetes and disordered eating: Effective communcation (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole NHS Hospitals Trust, 11 Jan 2021). In Progress
- Dietary Sweet Taste Patterns (Wageningen University and Research Centre, 16 Sep 2019). In Progress
- Reducing Free Sugar Intakes (International Sweeteners Association, 16 Sep 2019). In Progress
- Sweet Tooth: Nature or Nurture? (TIFN, Netherlands, plus 8 Food Industry partners, 01 Sep 2019). In Progress
- What are the sensorial and physical food characteristics associated with increased satiation and satiety, while not impacting acceptability (ILSI Europe, 07 May 2018). In Progress
- Sweet taste exposures (Industry, 01 Sep 2016). In Progress
- Increasing protein intakes in older adults, by increasing egg intakes (British Egg Industry Council, 15 Sep 2014). Completed
- FoodSmart (European Union, 01 Jan 2014). In Progress
- VeggiEat (European Union, 01 Oct 2013). Completed
- PhD in Psychology (University of Leeds, 1999)
- BSc (Hons) in Psychology (University of Southampton, 1993)
- British Psychological Society, Chartered Psychologist (2001-),
- UK Association for Nutrition, Registered Nutritionist (2001-),