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Professor Carol Clark

  • Professor in Physiotherapy
  • Bournemouth Gateway Building BG504, St Pauls Lane, Bournemouth, BH8 8GP
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Carol is a Physiotherapist and is affiliated to the Department for Rehabilitation and Sport Sciences, in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bournemouth University. Her research is aimed at improving the lives of those who experience pain in a variety of situations and conditions. With reference to understanding pain and the nonpharmacological management of pain. Her research interests are broadly aimed at empowering people to lead healthier lives and by informing the design of strategies that better support self-management. One theme is the translation of this knowledge to better support women to self-manage pain in labour and reduce obstetric interventions. Another strand is to use digital tools and behavioural theories to enhance rehabilitation, balance and exercise adherence aimed at improving the holistic health of populations to ensure healthy levels of physical activity are maintained through life. She represents the BU Allied Health Professionals (AHP) on the Dorset Integrated Care Services AHP Council...


Journal Articles


  • Clark, C.J., Worswick, L. and Langworthy, J.M., 2011. Abstract: Learning to improve the management of back pain in general practice: collaboration between service users and service providers. WPT 2011: 16th International WCPT Congress 20-23 June 2011. WPT.


  • Harper, R., Sheppard, S., Stewart, C. and Clark, C., 2023. Exploring adherence to pelvic floor muscle training in women using mobile apps: a systematic review. In: the CSP Annual Conference 2023 26 October 2023 Cardiff.
  • Almeida, D., Williams, J., Clark, C. and Jones, M., 2020. Is there a difference between dominant and non-dominant hand performance during simulated infant CPR? In: Congress of the European Resuscitation Council 22-24 October 2020 Manchester (virtual due to CoVID-19).
  • Williams, J., Clark, C. and Gara, M., 2018. The quantification of hop landing balance using trunk mounted accelerometry. In: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 2-3 November 2018 Birmingham.
  • Gara, M., Clark, C. and Williams, J., 2018. Is there a difference in balance between the dominant and non-dominant lower limb during wobbleboard, balance and hopping tasks. In: World Congress of Biomechanics 8-12 July 2018 Dublin.
  • Clark, C., Bellamy, R. and Tait, D., 2018. Development of an interprofessional questionnaire to identify attitudes and beliefs relating to pain management in students on multiple health programmes. In: Obbard, K., ed. Annual Scientific Meeting British Pain Society 1-2 May 2018 Brighton, UK. British Journal of Pain, 12 (2), 21 SAGE Publications.
  • Tait, D., Bellamy, R. and Clark, C., 2018. Attitudes and beliefs relating to pain management among undergraduate students in six health care programmes. In: Obbard, K., ed. Annual Scientific Meeting British Pain Society 1-2 May 2018 Brighton, UK. British Journal of Pain, 12 (2), 20-21 SAGE Publications.
  • Glithro, S., clark, C., Osborne,, N., Newell,, D. and Docherty, S., 2017. Tactile acuity, body schema and motor control and clinical outcome measures – A comparison study of adults with chronic low back pain and matched controls. In: British Pain Society - 50th Aniversary Annual Scientific Meeting 3-5 May 2017 Birmingham. The British Journal of Pain.
  • Glithro, S., Clark, C., Osborne,, N., Newell,, D. and Docherty,, S., 2017. Chronic low back pain: The source of pain or a symptom? In: Bournemouth University 9th Post-Graduate Researchers Conference 8 March 2017 Bournemouth.
  • Glithro, S., clark, C., Osborne,, N., Newell,, D. and Docherty, S., 2017. Tactile acuity, body schema and motor control impairment in adults with chronic low back pain – A systematic review and comparison of chronic low back pain and pain free subjects. In: Royal College of Chiropractors Winter conference 1 February 2017 London. Conference Proceedings.
  • Chapman, J. and Clark, C.M., 2016. Flexibility: The key to applying evidence based practice (EBP) in health or social care environments. In: UPLA (University Practice Placement Learning Advisors) Conference 5 October 2016 Executive Business Centre, Bournemouth University.
  • Glithro, S., Clark, C., Osborne,, N., Newell,, D. and Docherty, S., 2016. Tactile acuity, body schema and motor control impairment in adults with chronic low back pain – A systematic review and comparison of chronic low back pain and pain free subjects. In: International Association for the Study of Pain – 16th World Congress on Pain 26-30 September 2016 Yokohama, Japan. International Association for the Study of Pain.
  • Glithro, S., Clark, C., Newell, D., Osborne, N. and Docherty, S., 2016. Tactile acuity, laterality discrimination and motor control impairment in adults with chronic low back pain - A review. In: British Pain Society 10-12 May 2016 Harrogate.
  • Lumley, R., Tsofliou, F., Lara, J., Sheppard, Z. and Clark, C., 2016. Attending lunch clubs is associated with greater compliance for Dietary Reference Values (DRVs) among older people in South-West England. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E153.
  • Lumley, R., Tsofliou, F., Lara, J., Sheppard, Z. and Clark, C., 2016. A survey exploring characteristics of older people attending lunch cubs in South-West of England. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY, 75 (OCE3), E154.
  • Williams, J. and Clark, C., 2015. Is there a correlation between wobble board performance and static balance performance? In: Physiotherapy Research Society Conference 24 April 2015 Leicester. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22 (8) Mark Allen Healthcare.
  • Williams, J., Clark, C. and Clark, S., 2015. The clinical measurement of balance using accelerometry: Within- and between-day reliability. In: Physiotherapy Research Society 24 April 2015 Leicester. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22 (8) Mark Allen Healthcare.
  • Clark, C., Khattab, A. and Carr, E.C.J., 2015. Pain poses a significant health burden in those with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. In: British Pain Society Annual Congress 21-23 April 2015 Glasgow, UK. British Journal of Pain 9 (2) suppl 1 10, 2 suppl 1 (9), 10 British Journal of Pain.
  • Clark, C.J., Clark, S. and Williams, J., 2015. Assessing construct validity of the functional difficulties questionnaire (FDQ-9) for assessing developmental coordination disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia in adults. In: World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 1 May 2015 Singapore.
  • Clark, C., Docherty, S., Osborne, N. and Khattab, A., 2014. A PILOT STUDY COMPARING PASSIVE LUMBAR SPINE REPOSITIONING ERROR IN THOSE WITH CHRONIC NON SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN WITH HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS. In: International Association for the Study of Pain 15th World Conference 6-10 October 2014 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2013. Managing children and adolescents with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. In: . National Interprofessional Hypermobility Symposium, University of Herfordshire 23 March 2013 Hertfordshire.
  • Clark, C., Khattab, A., Carr, E., Breen, A. and Grahame, R., 2012. An Exploration of Neurophysiological Symptoms in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and their Impact on Quality of Life. In: Physiotherapy UK 12-13 October 2012 Liverpool, UK.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2012. Recognising, understanding and managing Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. In: Somerset PCT Interprofessional Rheumatology Study Day, Wellington Hospital 13 June 2012 Wellington uk.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2012. Physiotherapy management of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. In: Interprofessional Ehlers-Danlos Master Class, Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust Hospital 10 February 2012 Exeter.
  • Clark, C., Khattab, A., Carr, E., Breen, A. and Grahame, R., 2012. An Exploration of Neurophysiological Symptoms in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and their Impact on Quality of Life. In: Physiotherapy UK 2012 2012 Liverpool Convention Centre, Liverpool,UK.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2011. Multisystemic features of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome. In: London and the South East Hypermobility Club 23 November 2011 london.
  • Clark, C.J., Carr, E.C.J. and Breen, A.C., 2011. Hypermobility, coordination and spinal pain: an inherent association. In: 16th International WCPT Congress 20-23 June 2011 Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 16th International WCPT Congress 20-23 June 2011 (WPT 2011) · Abstract: A-210-0069-01350.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2011. Exercise prescription considerations for patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). In: ) National Study Day for the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Exercise Therapy (ACPET), 11 March 2011 Poole.
  • Clark, C.J., Carr, E.C.J. and Breen, A.C., 2011. Exploring joint hypermobility syndrome, developmental coordination disorder and pain. In: 2nd European Sensory Integration Conference 27-29 May 2011 Algarve, Portugal. 2nd European Sensory integration Conference.
  • Clark, C. and clark, C., 2008. Prevalence of hypermobility and Joint Hypermobility Syndrome in female Omanis. In: Master Class, University of Hertfordshire 8 December 2008 Hertfordshire.
  • Clark, C.J. and Simmonds, J.V., 2007. High Prevalence of Hypermobility and Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (BJHS) in Oman. In: World Physical Therapy 2007 2-6 June 2007 Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver, Canada: Elsevier and the Physiotherapy Journal.

Internet Publications



  • Glithro, S., Clark, C., Osborne, N., Newell, D. and Docherty, S., 2016. Tactile acuity, laterality discrimination and motor control impairment in adults with chronic low back pain - A review. In: British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • Farrance, Tsofliou, F. and Clark, C., 2015. Evaluating the Views of Participants and Adherence Rates of Community Based Group Exercise Interventions: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review. In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore.
  • Farrance, Tsofliou, F. and Clark, C., 2015. Understanding the Views of Older People in Adhering to Community Based Group Exercise Interventions: A Qualitative Systematic Review. In: World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Singapore.


PhD Students

  • Fred McClintock. Quantification of the assessment and treatment of mechanical evoked low back pain, (In progress)
  • Jim Odell, 2019. Identification of migraine subgroups and development of clinical prediction rules for manual therapy
  • Bronwyn Sherriff, 2021. Communication: Can language as a contextual factor influence treatment efficacy of low back pain?
  • Sara Glithro. Pain, perception and function in patients with chronic low back pain
  • Vanessa Bartholomew. Pain in early labour; developing support for women in the latent phase of labour
  • Adam Eason. Measuring the efficacy of self-hypnosis upon cardiorespiratory endurance performance of marathon runners.
  • Clare Farrance. Tackling the invisible burden of physical inactivity in the elderly
  • Dominique Mylod. Can pelvic positioning help women cope with pain in early labour?
  • Emma Frampton

Profile of Teaching UG

  • In the Faculty of HSS the professional curriculums are validated every 5 years and include professional bodies, professional colleges, commissioning bodies, external stakeholders in practice and service users. The curriculums are also reviewed by the professional bodies every 2 years
  • Integrating Knowledge, Research and Practice UG 40 credits


  • Heading for Trouble (IMIV, 01 Jun 2021). In Progress
  • Exploring digital technologies for hand rehabilitation (NIHR ARC Wessex, 01 Jun 2021). In Progress
  • Exploring the role of attentional focus on learning for physical recovery in acute stroke, (NIHR ARC Wessex, 01 Jun 2021). In Progress
  • Clinical PhD Studentship: Nudging Post-Partum Adherence to Exercise (National Institute of Health and Medical Research with NHS ARC Wessex, 26 Apr 2021). In Progress
  • Reliability and Development of Normative Data of the Total Faulty Breathing Scale (TFBS) (ACORN, 01 May 2020). Completed
  • Can pelvic positioning help women cope with pain in early labour? (Bourenmouth University and NHS, 02 Feb 2015). Awarded
  • Pain, perception and function in patients with chronic low back pain (Match funded Bournemouth University and Anglo European Chiropractic College, 15 Sep 2014). Awarded
  • Factors that influence initial attendance and on-going adherence of older persons in community based physical activity programmes (Bourenmouth University Fully Funded VC's PhD studentship, 16 Sep 2013). Awarded
  • Pain Perception (School of Health and Social Care, Bournemouth University, 07 May 2012). Awarded

External Responsibilities

  • Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists, Executive committee and Research Officer (2018-2022),
  • University College London, External Examiner (2017-2021)

Conference Presentations

  • Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress 2022, A Reliability Study to explore the assessment of Breathing Function Using the Total Faulty Breathing Scale in a Female Populations, 12 May 2022, Canada (Virtual)
  • Recent Advances in Chronic Pain Management Personal Empowerment, Professional Excellence, Understanding chronic pain in those with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, 06 May 2015, Bournemouth University
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapists, Managing joint hypermobility syndrome with physiotherapy - patient and therapist perspectives., 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Are Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia and/or Joint Hypermobility Syndrome inherent determinants of physical inactivity, 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Assessing construct validity of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire (FDQ-9) for assessing Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/dyspraxia in adults., 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy Singapore, Evaluating the views of participants and adherence rates of community based group exercise interventions: A mixed methods systematic review., 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Adherence to community based group exercise interventions in older people: A systematic review., 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Understanding the views of older people in adhering to community based group exercise interventions: A qualitative systematic review, 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • 17th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Living with joint hypermobility syndrome. Patient experiences of diagnosis, referral and self-care, 01 May 2015, Singapore
  • British Pain Society Annual Conference, 'Pain poses a significant health burden in those with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome', 21 Apr 2015, Glasgow, UK
  • 15th World Congress on Pain. International Association for the Study of Pain Conference,, A pilot study comparing passive lumbar spine repositioning error in those with chronic non specific low back pain with healthy volunteers., 06 Oct 2014, Buenos Aries, Argentina
  • 37th Annual Conference British College of Occupational Therapists, Undergraduate peer education: a means to promote interprofessional understanding?, 18 Jun 2013, Glasgow, UK
  • International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists,, Functional Impairments in Patients with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and Developmental Coordination Disorder, 30 Sep 2012, Quebec, Canada
  • International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists, Development and Validation of the Functional Difficulties Questionnaire for Assessing Developmental Coordination Disorder in Adults., 30 Sep 2012, Quebec, Canada
  • Sharing Education Excellence, Student and Staff perceptions of peer education as a means to enhance education, 06 Jun 2012, Bournemouth, UK
  • 16th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Learning to Improve the Management of Back Pain in General Practice: Collaboration Between Service Users and Service Providers, 20 Jun 2011, Amsterdam
  • 16th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, Hypermobility, Coordination and Spinal Pain: An Inherent Association, 20 Jun 2011, Amsterdam, Holland
  • 2nd European Sensory Integration Congress, Exploring Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Developmental Coordination Disorder and Pain., 27 May 2011, Algarve, Portugal
  • Annual Conference Manipulative Association of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Hypermobility, coordination and spinal pain: an inherent association, 25 Sep 2010, London, UK
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Annual conference, Joint hypermobility a common musculoskeletal disorder?, 16 Oct 2009, Liverpool, UK
  • 15th International Congress of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, High Prevalence of Hypermobility and Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome in Oman, 02 Jun 2007, Vancover, Canada

Consultancy Activities

  • Providing consultancy for those woith Joint Hypermobility syndrome, Telemediciene consultancy - expert advice. Joint hypermobility syndrome, Hypermobility Syndrome Association, 02 Jan 2012


  • PhD in Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (Bournemouth University, 2012)
  • PG Cert in Post graduate certificate in higher education (Bournemouth University, 2007)
  • MMACP in MMACP (Manipulative Association of Physiotherapists, 2004)
  • MSc in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy (UCL, 2004)
  • Grad Dip Phys in Physiotherapy (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 1983)
  • MCSP in Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 1983)


  • Vice Chancellors' award - individual academic Dr Carol Clark was nominated for her infectious enthusiasm and inspirational ‘fused’ approach either to leading, or to working together with staff and students, while maintaining her own research and scholarship. (Bourenmouth University, 2014)
  • Doctoral Scholarship (Bournemouth University, 2007)


  • British Pain Society, Member (2013-),
  • Allied Health Professionals Research Network (South West), Facilitator (2011-),
  • International Association for the Study of Pain, Member (2011-),
  • Manipulative Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MMACP), Member (2004-),
  • Helath Care Professions council, Member (1983-2019),
  • Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Exercise Therapy (MACPET), Member,
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (MCSP), Member,