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Journal Articles
- Yovcheva, Z., van Elzakker, C.P.J.M. and Köbben, B., 2013. User requirements for geo-collaborative work with spatio-temporal data in a web-based virtual globe environment. Appl Ergon, 44 (6), 929-939.
- Yovcheva, Z., van Elzakker, C.P.J.M. and Köbben, B., 2013. User requirements for geo-collaborative work with spatio-temporal data in a web-based virtual globe environment. Applied Ergonomics, 44 (6), 929-939.
- Yovcheva, Z., Buhalis, D. and Gatzidis, C., 2012. Overview of smartphone augmented reality applications for tourism. e-Review of Tourism Research, 10 (2), 63-66.
- Yovcheva, Z., 2015. User-centred design of smartphone augmented reality in urban tourism context. PhD Thesis. Bournemouth University, School of Tourism.