- Adapting communication satisfaction and relationship scales to a third world country more
- Adaptive Diagnostics on Machining Processes Enabled by Transfer Learning more
- Adaptive future internet applications: Opportunities and challenges for adaptive web services technology more
- Adaptive physics-inspired facial animation more
- Adaptive Web Services for Modular and Reusable Software Development more
- Addiction in World of Warcraft: A Virtual Ethnography Study more
- Addiction in world of warcraft: A virtual ethnography study more
- Admission and Discharge Criteria for Intensive Care Units more
- Adolescents' future career preparation and socioemotional competencies: A self-determination theory perspective more
- Adult Advanced Life Support more
- Adult Advanced Life Support more
- Adult bullying: Working with the victims more
- Adults at risk of abuse more
- Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Climate at Ecologically Relevant Scales more
- Aesthetic preferences for interfaces: The effects of reading habits and icon characteristics on appeal. more
- Affect and emotion more
- Affect and Emotion more
- Affect and Emotion more
- African Genesis: an evolving paradigm more
- After Investors: Interpretation, Expectation and the Implicit Dimension of the ‘New Contextualism’ more
- Afterword: Clinton, trump, and artificial intelligence more
- Afterword: Collaboration, community building and ‘brokering’ more
- Afterword: Dances beneath a diamond sky more
- Ageing and the respiratory system more
- Ageing in a multicultural society more