Internet Publications
- CREST Guide: Finding Hidden Targets more
- CREST Guide: How Training And Professional Experience Affect The Ability To Spot Targets more
- CREST Guide: Individual Differences In Ability To Search more
- CREST Guide: What Makes Spotting Faces Difficult? more
- CTRL-ALT-DLT: Reboot, Retcon or Relaunch? more
- Cut here: reshaping the ABC more
- Decisions made while we are waist-deep in floodwater won’t keep us dry in the future more
- Declining sport viewership shows why we should keep it on free TV more
- Deja-View: Channelling the TV Reboot more
- Democratic practice could be institutionalised in private and public spheres to help develop political debate and deliberation more
- Der Hirschkäfer reist zum Marianengraben. Ein Streifzug durch die Geschichte des Naturfilms. more
- Designing the digital tale more
- Developing the academic radiographer of the future more
- Diabetes prevalence: Prevention strategies more
- Digital Abject more
- Digital learning: pivoting to creativity more
- Digital Marketing in 2019 – The Importance of Trust. more
- Digital Storytelling and Indigenous Language Rights. Films by the Quijos Nation more
- Digital technologies are transforming African businesses, but obstacles remain more
- Disentangling Intellectual Property Law Post-Brexit-- Brexit will have a profound effect on trademark and design law in the United Kingdom more
- Disney's Star Wars: Episode I — The Fantom Menace more
- Disney's Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Groans more
- Disney's Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Crit more
- DIY SUP Performance Analysis more
- Do we need a new approach to the creative economy in the digital era? more